Hicrî IV (X). asrın Bağdat asıllıönemli muhaddislerinden biri olan İbnü’s-Seken hadis tarihinin geç dönemlerinde ve günümüzde hak ettiği oranda ve layık olduğu şekilde değerlendirilememiş bir âlimdir. Bunun en önemli nedenlerinden biri, kaleme aldığı ve her biri alanında önemli sayılan eserlerinin sonraki dönemlere ulaşmamış olmasıdır. İbnü’s-Seken, genç yaşında başladığı ilmî seyahatlerini tamamladıktan sonra Mısır’a yerleşmiş, okuduğu eserleri ve kendisine has senedlerle derlediği hadisleri burada rivayet etmiş, ayrıca sahih hadislerden oluşan es-Sünenü’s-sıhâh el-me’sûra, sahâbe tabakâtı alanında ilk ve temel kaynaklardan biri olan el-Hurûf fî es-mâi’s-sahâbe ve zayıf râviler konusuna dair ed-Duafâ ve’l-metrûkîn isimli eserlerini kaleme almıştır. İbnü’s-Seken, eserleri hicrî VI (XII). asır sonrasına intikal etmediği için adeta unutulmuş, günümüzde yeterli ilmî araştırma ve çalışmaya konu olmamıştır. Araştırmamız, klasik kaynaklardaki kısa biyografik bilgiler dışında onun hakkında doğuda, batıda ve ülkemizde ilmî anlamda sınırlı birkaç çalışma yapıldığını ortaya koymuştur. Türkçede hakkında kaleme alınan en önemli ilmî yazı Diyanet İslâm Ansiklopedisi’nin yaklaşık 300 kelimeden oluşan “İbnü’s-Seken” maddesidir. İbnü’s-Seken’in ilmî bir şekilde ele alınmamış olması kendisi ve eserleri hakkında bir dizi hataya düşülmesine neden olmuştur. Kütüphanelerde yer alan bazı yazmaların kendisine ait olmadıkları halde ona aitmiş gibi gösterilmesi ve bunun halen tekrar ediliyor olması, eserleri günümüze ulaşmadığı halde bazı kütüphanelerin yazma kaydı verilerek günümüze ulaştığının belirtilmesi, eseri es-Sünenü’s-sıhâh el-me’sûra isnadlı bir eser olduğu halde, senedleri hazfedilmiş ilk eser olarak takdim edilmesi bu hatalardan bir kaçıdır. Bu hatalar Arapça ve Farsça İslâm Ansiklopedisi ile Diyanet İslâm Ansiklopedisi’nin “İbnü’s-Seken” maddesinde aynen tekrar edilmiştir. İbnü’s-Seken ve eseri es-Sünenü’s-sıhâh el-me’sûra’ya dair yeterli araştırma yapılmamış olmasından kaynaklanan bu ve benzeri bir dizi hata, kütüphane kayıtları ve kaynaklar yeniden gözden geçirilerek kaleme aldığımız bu makale ile tashih edilmiş, ayrıca tarihte kalan ve araştırılmayı bekleyen İbnü’s-Seken gün yüzüne çıkarılmış, eserleri de içerikleri ve özellikleri itibariyle bilinir hale gelmiştir.
Ibn al-Sakan, one of the prominent hadīth scholars of the 4th AH (10th AD) century, has not been given the recognition he deserves in the history of hadīth studies. One of the primary reasons for this is that the works he authored, which were considered significant in their fields, have not survived to later periods or the present day. From a young age, Ibn al-Sakan dedicated himself to the study of hadīth. During his time, he traveled through regions between the rivers Jayhun and Nile within the Islamic world, studying under more than forty renowned teachers, some of whom were quite famous. Eventually, he settled in Egypt. During his scholarly travels, he studied Sahīh al-Bukhārī from its famous narrator Muhammad ibn Yusuf al-Firabrī in Khorasan, brought it along with other works to Egypt, and transmitted these works and the hadīths he compiled with his own unique isnads. Sahīh al-Bukhārī was first taught in Egypt by Ibn al-Sakan, and through him, it reached the Maghreb and Andalusia. He also autho-red works in Egypt such as al-Sunan al-sihāh al-ma’thūrah comprised of authentic hadīths; al-Hurūf fī asmā’ al-sahāba a fundamental source in the field of sahāba biographies and al-Du’afā wa al-matrūkīn dealing with weak narrators. Ibn al-Sakan was a hadīth scholar of the same caliber as figures like Ibn al-Jarūd, Ibn Khu-zaymah, Abu Awāna, Qāsim ibn Asbagh and Ibn Hibbān, who also compiled and authored works with the sole purpose of gathering authentic hadīths during the first half of the 4th AH (10th AD) century, following the example of Bukhārī and Muslim from the 3rd AH (9th AD) century. In the sources, when referring to him, he is described with praise as a Hāfız (one who has memorized many hadīths), Imam (a leader in the field of hadīth), Hujjah (a reliable authority in hadīth whose narrations are used as proof), Mutqin (one who is meticulous and precise in hadīth education and teaching), Thiqah (trustworthy), Kathīr al-hadīth (one who has learned many hadīths), Wāsi’ al-rihlah (one who traveled extensively to learn hadīths), Musannif (an author in the field of hadīth), Kabīr al-sha’n (one with great prestige among the hadīth scho-lars) and Ahad al-aimmah (one of the leading hadīth scholars). The work that brought him fame al-Sunan al-sihāh al-ma’thūrah, was written during the first half of the 4th AH (10th AD) century, considered one of the most productive periods in hadīth literature. Many scholars who mentioned the work and cited it said that it was written with the purpose of collecting authentic hadiths and that its narrations were authentic. Ibn al-Sakan himself mentioned this in the introduction he wrote for his work. Ibn Hazm, when listing works composed of authentic hadīths, mentioned al-Sunan al-sihāh al-ma’thūrah immediately after the works of Bukhārī and Muslim. It is estimated that the work contains around 5.000 hadiths. Ibn al-Sakan’s works were especially studied and used as sources by many scholars in the Maghreb and Andalusia during the 5th AH (11th AD) and 6th AH (12th AD) centuries. Ibn Hazm, Ibn Abd al-Barr, Ibn Asākir, Ibn Khayr al-Ishbilī, Ibn Bashkuwāl, Abū Ali al-Ghassānī and Ibn al-Qattān al-Fāsī are just a few of them. His works were more well-known in North Africa and Andalusia, and when we examine the citations of Eastern scholars from him, it becomes clear that nearly all of them were through Maghrebī and Andalusian scholars. This can be seen in some works of scholars like Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, Mughultay ibn Kilij, al-Zayla’ī, Ibn al-Mulaqqin, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalānī and Badr al-Dīn al-Aynī. All three of Ibn al-Sakan’s works survived until around the year 600 AH (1203 AD), but there is no definitive information that they continued to exist after this date. After this period, those who cited these works used those sources written in the 5th AH (11th AD) and 6th AH (12th AD) centuries, that had referenced Ibn al-Sakan. Despite this, some sources and social media platforms today claim that the manuscripts of these works have survived to later centuries, even to the present day, but so far, no one has been able to provide definitive proof of this.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Hadith |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 15, 2024 |
Submission Date | August 18, 2024 |
Acceptance Date | December 1, 2024 |
Published in Issue | Year 2024 Volume: 26 Issue: 50 |
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