Editorial Principles



1.    SAUIFD aims to contribute to the accumulation of knowledge in the field of theology and social sciences by publishing works with scientific qualities at national and international level.

2.    SAUIFD that uses a double-blind peer-review is published twice a year, as June and December.

3.    The publication language of the Journal is Turkish. Arabic and English scientific studies are also published. As for articles submitted in other languages, the Editorial Board decides on them.

4.    The articles to be published in the Journal should be original and academic works prepared by using research methods suitable for their fields. In addition, book reviews, criticisms and evaluations as contributions to the scientific field are accepted. All submissions sent to the journal have been scanned via a plagiarism software, Ithenticate. Then, if any plagiarism is found, the submission is rejected without sending it to referees.

       5.    Articles submitted to the Journal should be unpublished elsewhere or be unsent for publication.

6.    Articles sent are first examined in terms of shape. Submissions that are found not to comply with the publication and editorial principles are returned to the author for necessary corrections without reviewing the content.

7.    SAUIFD reserves the right to keep in the archive all unpublished articles.

8.    The articles submitted to the Journal for publication will be sent to referees who are experts of the subject determined by the Editorial Board after the preliminary examination. With two positive referee reports, to publish the article is decided and the author is informed about when the article will be published. If the two referees express negative opinion, the article will not be published. When there are positive and negative referee reports for the same article, the final decision about the article is given by the Editorial Board considering the content of the reports.

9.    If the expression "can be published after corrections" is chosen by referees, the article will be returned to the author for necessary corrections. The author makes corrections with a different color. After the corrections, the article is re-evaluated to check whether referees' warnings are taken into consideration.

10.  At the latest within three months it is decided on whether the article will be published or not and the author is  informed about the decision.

11.   To ensure author diversity and provide opportunities for more researchers, the same author’s article will not be published in consecutive years.

12.  The names of the referees are not published in order to guarantee the double-blind refereeing practice.

13.   SAUIFD does not pay to authors for royalties. 

14.   All scientific and legal responsibilities of the published works belong to the author or authors.

15.   All objections to the process or publication should be made by emailing the journal editor. After the editorial board does the necessary review, the journal will respond within a month.

*         The journal conforms the decisions of İlahiyat Alan Dergileri Editörler Çalıştayı II.


Last Update Time: 2/14/25, 1:33:05 AM


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