Research Article
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Streamline Modern and Industrial Ceramic Design: From Teatral Modernism to Organic Aerodynamics

Year 2025, Issue: 45, 108 - 117, 21.03.2025


This article explores the intersection of the Streamline Moderne style, which emerged during the Great Depression in the United States and became a symbol of national identity, with the ceramic industry. Popularized in the 1930s, its aerodynamic forms, presenting a masculine vision of the future, were passionately used in the design of everyday objects following its application in vehicles such as airplanes, ships, and automobiles. Traditionally considered an extension or American variant of the French Art Deco style, recent publications have drawn a distinct line between Streamline Moderne and not only Art Deco, but also Bauhaus, the backbone of modernist design. The influence of this style, which speaks a form language that is closer to organic modernism than machine aesthetics, on ceramic design has yet to be adequately addressed in the existing literature. The present study investigates the relationship between this style and ceramic design through an assessment of iconic industrial ceramic products from the 1930s to the 1980s. As Streamline Moderne evolved into organic modernism post-World War II, the artificial, masculine appearance of ceramic objects gave way to curvilinear lines associated with femininity. Methodologically, this article employs an extensive literature review, visual analysis, and historical comparative methods to better understand the place of ceramic design within modern design history, aiming to fill a gap in this field and contribute to modern design history research.


  • Adams, H. (2023). Raymond Loewy (1891-1985). C. C. Eldredge (Ed.), The unforgettables: Expanding the history of American art içinde (s.403-408). University of California Press.
  • Bacon, M. (2018). John McAndrew’s modernist vision: From the Vassar College Art Library to the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Princeton Architectural Press.
  • Bailey, L. W. (2005). The enchantments of technology. University of Illinois Press.
  • Batchelor, B. (2009). American Pop: Popular culture decade by decade. Greenwood.
  • Berney, A. (2001). Streamlining breasts: The exaltation of form and disguise of function in 1930s’ ideals. Journal of Design History, 14(4), 327–342.
  • Bush, D. J. (1974). Streamlining and American industrial design. Leonardo, 7(4), 309.
  • Cogdell, C. (2004). Eugenic design: Streamlining America in the 1930s. University of Pennsylvania Press. Cox, T. (2013). Airstream: The silver RV. Shire.
  • Çelik, A. (2021). Türkiye Türkçesinde bir söz dizimi terimi önerisi: Kısa çizgi öbeği (Kısa çizgi işaretiyle kurulmuş bütünleşiklik bildiren öbek). Çeşm-i Cihan: Tarih - Kültür ve Sanat Araştırmaları E-Dergisi, 8(2), 147–165.
  • Devine, D. (2018, Aralık). Eva Zeisel’s shakers. Maine Home + Design. Erişim adresi (12 Mart 2024):
  • Erlhoff, M. & Marshall, T. (Eds.). (2008). Design dictionary: Perspectives on design terminology. Birkhauser Boston. Gdula, S. (2008). The warmest room in the house: How the kitchen became the heart of the Twentieth-Century American home. Bloomsbury Press.
  • Hanks, D. A. (1985). High styles: Twentieth-century American design. Whitney Museum of American Art.
  • Harris, R. (2003). Necessity of artspeak: The language of arts in the Western tradition. Bloomsbury Publishing. Harwood, J. (2011). The interface: IBM and the transformation of corporate design, 1945-1976. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Johnson, D. T. (1990). American portrait miniatures in the Manney collection. ABRAMS.
  • Kirkham, P. (1995). Charles and Ray Eames: Designers of the twentieth century. MIT Press.
  • Kirkham, P. (2013). Eva Zeisel: Design legend 1906-2011. P. Moore, P. Wolfframm ve P. Kirkham (Ed.), Eva Zeisel: Life, design, and beauty içinde (s.9-45). Chronicle Books.
  • Kirkham, P. (2018). Eva Zeisel: The “merry-souled” designer’s playful search for beauty. M. Obniski ve D. Alfred (Ed.), Serious play: Design in midcentury America içinde (s.103-121). Yale University Press.
  • Knox, P. L. (2020). Better by design?: Architecture, urban planning, and the good city. Virginia Tech Publishing.
  • Koplos, J. & Metcalf, B. (2010). Makers: A history of American studio craft. The University of North Carolina Press.
  • Liebs, C. (1995). Main street to miracle mile: American roadside architecture. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Lupton, E. & Miller, J. A. (1996). Bathroom, the kitchen, and the aesthetics of waste. Princeton Architectural Press.
  • Maffei, N. P. (2018). Norman Bel Geddes: American design visionary. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Marcus, G. H. (2019). Introduction to modern design: Its history from the eighteenth century to the present. Bloomsbury Visual Arts.
  • Marshall, J. J. (2012). Machine Art, 1934. University of Chicago Press.
  • Meikle, J. L. (2005). Design in the USA. Oxford University Press.
  • Mettlach, M. H. (2023, 9 Kasım). A family affair: 275 years of Villeroy & Boch. Architonic. Erişim adresi (11 Şubat 2023):
  • Midal, A. (2019). Design by accident: For a new history of design. Sternberg Press.
  • Morris, R. (2016). The fundamentals of product design (2. bs.). Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Parsons, T. (2019). Thinking objects: Contemporary approaches to product design. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. Pile, J. F. (2004). A history of interior design. Wiley.
  • Polatkan, A. H. & Özer, F. (2006). Art Deco mimarlığının kavramsal içeriği. itüdergisi/a, 5(1), 89-98.
  • Rawson, P. (1984). Ceramics. University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Ross, A. (1991). Strange weather: Culture, science and technology in the age of limits. Verso.
  • Sellers, L. (2021). Women design: Pioneers from the twentieth century to today. Frances Lincoln.
  • Smith, K. (2018). Manly objects? Gendering armorial porcelain wares. M. Finn ve K. Smith (Ed.), The East India Company at home, 1757-1857 içinde (s.113-131). UCL Press.
  • Snyder, M. (2006). Premonitions of the postmodern: Aldous Huxley’s After Many a Summer Dies the Swan and Los Angeles in the thirties. J. Meckier ve B. Nugel (Ed.), Aldous Huxley Annual: A journal of Twentieth-Century thought and Beyond içinde (s.167-193). LIT Verlag Münster.
  • Striner, R. & Blair, M. (2014). Washington and Baltimore Art Deco: A design history of neighboring cities. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Votolato, G. (1998). American design in the twentieth century: Personality and performance. Manchester University Press.
  • Whiteson, L. (1990, 11 Şubat). The graceful lines of Streamline Moderne. Los Angeles Times. Erişim adresi (13 Nisan 2023): https://www.latimes. com/archives/la-xpm-1990-02-11-re-632-story.html
  • Young, W. H. & Young, N. K. (2010). World War II and the postwar years in America: A historical and cultural encyclopedia [2 Cilt]. ABC-CLIO.
  • Zalman, S. (2018). Consuming surrealism in American culture: Dissident modernism. Routledge.
  • Görsel Kaynakça
  • Görsel 1. a) Wikipedia. (2024, 29 Ocak). Pioneer Zephyr. Erişim tarihi: 25 Ekim 2024, b) National Air and Space Museum. (2010, 25 Ekim). The airplane and streamlined design. Erişim tarihi: 23 Ekim 2024,
  • Görsel 2. a) Meikle, J. L. (2005). Design in the USA. Oxford University Press. b) Philadelphia Museum of Art. (2024). “Teapot,” Philadelphia Museum of Art,
  • Görsel 3. a) Replacements. (t.y.). Streamline shape teapot no lid. Erişim tarihi: 23 Ekim 2024, b) Cambi Casa d’Aste. (2024). Arti Decorative del XX secolo - I.
  • Görsel 4. 2024 International Museum of Dinnerware Design. American Modern Dinnerware. Erişim tarihi: 25 Ekim 2024,
  • Görsel 5. a) The Museum of Modern Art. Museum Dinnerware. Erişim tarihi: 25 Ekim 2024, b) Eva Zeisel. Town and Country Dinnerware. Erişim tarihi: 25 Ekim 2024,
  • Görsel 6. a) The Museum of Modern Art. Town and Country Salt and Pepper Shakers. Erişim tarihi: 25 Ekim 2024, b) Al Capp. Shmoo. Erişim tarihi: 25 Ekim 2024,
  • Görsel 7. a) The British Museum. Teapot Set. Erişim tarihi: 25 Ekim 2024, b) Villeroy & Boch. Bathroom Fixtures. Moldenhauer, 2023. Erişim tarihi: 22 Ekim 2024,
  • Görsel 8. a) Güral Porselen, (2024). Güral Porselen resmi web sitesi, b) Kütahya Porselen, (2023). Kütahya Porselen resmi web sitesi,

Akım-çizgisel (Streamline) Modern ve Endüstriyel Seramik Tasarımı: Teatral Modernizmden Organik Aerodinamizme

Year 2025, Issue: 45, 108 - 117, 21.03.2025


Bu makale, ABD'de Büyük Buhran sırasında ortaya çıkan ve ulusal bir kimlik kazanan Akım-Çizgisel Modern (Streamline Moderne) tarzının seramik endüstrisiyle kesişimi hakkındadır. 1930'larda popüler hale gelen bu tarz, eril bir gelecek tasavvuru sunan aerodinamik formlarla karakterize edilmiştir ve uçaklar, gemiler ve otomobiller gibi taşıtların ardından gündelik eşyaların tasarımında da tutkuyla kullanılmıştır. Geleneksel olarak Fransız Art Deco tarzının bir uzantısı ya da Amerikan varyantı olarak değerlendirilen bu tarz, güncel yayınlarda sadece Deco’dan değil, modernist tasarımın bel kemiği olan Bauhaus’tan da tereddütsüz biçimde ayırmaktadır. Makine estetiğinden çok organik modernizme daha yakın bir biçim dili öneren bu tarzın seramik tasarımı üzerindeki etkisi, mevcut literatürde yeterince ele alınmamış bir konudur. Bu çalışma, 1930'lardan 1980'lere kadar öne çıkan endüstriyel seramik ürünler üzerinden bu tarzın seramik tasarımıyla olan ilişkisini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. II. Dünya Savaşı sonrası dönemde Akım-Çizgisel tasarım organik modernizme doğru evrilirken seramik nesnelerdeki yapay, eril görünüm de yerini dişilikle ilişkilendirilegelen eğrisel hatlar bırakmıştır. Metodolojik olarak geniş bir literatür taraması, görsel analiz ve tarihsel karşılaştırmalı yöntemin kullanıldığı bu makale, seramik tasarımının modern tasarım tarihi içindeki yerini daha iyi anlamayı sağlayarak bu alandaki boşluğu doldurmayı ve modern tasarım tarihi araştırmalarına katkıda bulunmayı hedeflemektedir.

Ethical Statement

Bu makale, insan veya hayvan denekleri içermediği için etik onay gerektirmemiştir.


  • Adams, H. (2023). Raymond Loewy (1891-1985). C. C. Eldredge (Ed.), The unforgettables: Expanding the history of American art içinde (s.403-408). University of California Press.
  • Bacon, M. (2018). John McAndrew’s modernist vision: From the Vassar College Art Library to the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Princeton Architectural Press.
  • Bailey, L. W. (2005). The enchantments of technology. University of Illinois Press.
  • Batchelor, B. (2009). American Pop: Popular culture decade by decade. Greenwood.
  • Berney, A. (2001). Streamlining breasts: The exaltation of form and disguise of function in 1930s’ ideals. Journal of Design History, 14(4), 327–342.
  • Bush, D. J. (1974). Streamlining and American industrial design. Leonardo, 7(4), 309.
  • Cogdell, C. (2004). Eugenic design: Streamlining America in the 1930s. University of Pennsylvania Press. Cox, T. (2013). Airstream: The silver RV. Shire.
  • Çelik, A. (2021). Türkiye Türkçesinde bir söz dizimi terimi önerisi: Kısa çizgi öbeği (Kısa çizgi işaretiyle kurulmuş bütünleşiklik bildiren öbek). Çeşm-i Cihan: Tarih - Kültür ve Sanat Araştırmaları E-Dergisi, 8(2), 147–165.
  • Devine, D. (2018, Aralık). Eva Zeisel’s shakers. Maine Home + Design. Erişim adresi (12 Mart 2024):
  • Erlhoff, M. & Marshall, T. (Eds.). (2008). Design dictionary: Perspectives on design terminology. Birkhauser Boston. Gdula, S. (2008). The warmest room in the house: How the kitchen became the heart of the Twentieth-Century American home. Bloomsbury Press.
  • Hanks, D. A. (1985). High styles: Twentieth-century American design. Whitney Museum of American Art.
  • Harris, R. (2003). Necessity of artspeak: The language of arts in the Western tradition. Bloomsbury Publishing. Harwood, J. (2011). The interface: IBM and the transformation of corporate design, 1945-1976. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Johnson, D. T. (1990). American portrait miniatures in the Manney collection. ABRAMS.
  • Kirkham, P. (1995). Charles and Ray Eames: Designers of the twentieth century. MIT Press.
  • Kirkham, P. (2013). Eva Zeisel: Design legend 1906-2011. P. Moore, P. Wolfframm ve P. Kirkham (Ed.), Eva Zeisel: Life, design, and beauty içinde (s.9-45). Chronicle Books.
  • Kirkham, P. (2018). Eva Zeisel: The “merry-souled” designer’s playful search for beauty. M. Obniski ve D. Alfred (Ed.), Serious play: Design in midcentury America içinde (s.103-121). Yale University Press.
  • Knox, P. L. (2020). Better by design?: Architecture, urban planning, and the good city. Virginia Tech Publishing.
  • Koplos, J. & Metcalf, B. (2010). Makers: A history of American studio craft. The University of North Carolina Press.
  • Liebs, C. (1995). Main street to miracle mile: American roadside architecture. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Lupton, E. & Miller, J. A. (1996). Bathroom, the kitchen, and the aesthetics of waste. Princeton Architectural Press.
  • Maffei, N. P. (2018). Norman Bel Geddes: American design visionary. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Marcus, G. H. (2019). Introduction to modern design: Its history from the eighteenth century to the present. Bloomsbury Visual Arts.
  • Marshall, J. J. (2012). Machine Art, 1934. University of Chicago Press.
  • Meikle, J. L. (2005). Design in the USA. Oxford University Press.
  • Mettlach, M. H. (2023, 9 Kasım). A family affair: 275 years of Villeroy & Boch. Architonic. Erişim adresi (11 Şubat 2023):
  • Midal, A. (2019). Design by accident: For a new history of design. Sternberg Press.
  • Morris, R. (2016). The fundamentals of product design (2. bs.). Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Parsons, T. (2019). Thinking objects: Contemporary approaches to product design. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. Pile, J. F. (2004). A history of interior design. Wiley.
  • Polatkan, A. H. & Özer, F. (2006). Art Deco mimarlığının kavramsal içeriği. itüdergisi/a, 5(1), 89-98.
  • Rawson, P. (1984). Ceramics. University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Ross, A. (1991). Strange weather: Culture, science and technology in the age of limits. Verso.
  • Sellers, L. (2021). Women design: Pioneers from the twentieth century to today. Frances Lincoln.
  • Smith, K. (2018). Manly objects? Gendering armorial porcelain wares. M. Finn ve K. Smith (Ed.), The East India Company at home, 1757-1857 içinde (s.113-131). UCL Press.
  • Snyder, M. (2006). Premonitions of the postmodern: Aldous Huxley’s After Many a Summer Dies the Swan and Los Angeles in the thirties. J. Meckier ve B. Nugel (Ed.), Aldous Huxley Annual: A journal of Twentieth-Century thought and Beyond içinde (s.167-193). LIT Verlag Münster.
  • Striner, R. & Blair, M. (2014). Washington and Baltimore Art Deco: A design history of neighboring cities. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Votolato, G. (1998). American design in the twentieth century: Personality and performance. Manchester University Press.
  • Whiteson, L. (1990, 11 Şubat). The graceful lines of Streamline Moderne. Los Angeles Times. Erişim adresi (13 Nisan 2023): https://www.latimes. com/archives/la-xpm-1990-02-11-re-632-story.html
  • Young, W. H. & Young, N. K. (2010). World War II and the postwar years in America: A historical and cultural encyclopedia [2 Cilt]. ABC-CLIO.
  • Zalman, S. (2018). Consuming surrealism in American culture: Dissident modernism. Routledge.
  • Görsel Kaynakça
  • Görsel 1. a) Wikipedia. (2024, 29 Ocak). Pioneer Zephyr. Erişim tarihi: 25 Ekim 2024, b) National Air and Space Museum. (2010, 25 Ekim). The airplane and streamlined design. Erişim tarihi: 23 Ekim 2024,
  • Görsel 2. a) Meikle, J. L. (2005). Design in the USA. Oxford University Press. b) Philadelphia Museum of Art. (2024). “Teapot,” Philadelphia Museum of Art,
  • Görsel 3. a) Replacements. (t.y.). Streamline shape teapot no lid. Erişim tarihi: 23 Ekim 2024, b) Cambi Casa d’Aste. (2024). Arti Decorative del XX secolo - I.
  • Görsel 4. 2024 International Museum of Dinnerware Design. American Modern Dinnerware. Erişim tarihi: 25 Ekim 2024,
  • Görsel 5. a) The Museum of Modern Art. Museum Dinnerware. Erişim tarihi: 25 Ekim 2024, b) Eva Zeisel. Town and Country Dinnerware. Erişim tarihi: 25 Ekim 2024,
  • Görsel 6. a) The Museum of Modern Art. Town and Country Salt and Pepper Shakers. Erişim tarihi: 25 Ekim 2024, b) Al Capp. Shmoo. Erişim tarihi: 25 Ekim 2024,
  • Görsel 7. a) The British Museum. Teapot Set. Erişim tarihi: 25 Ekim 2024, b) Villeroy & Boch. Bathroom Fixtures. Moldenhauer, 2023. Erişim tarihi: 22 Ekim 2024,
  • Görsel 8. a) Güral Porselen, (2024). Güral Porselen resmi web sitesi, b) Kütahya Porselen, (2023). Kütahya Porselen resmi web sitesi,
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Visual Arts (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Ersoy Yılmaz 0000-0002-4185-3101

Early Pub Date March 21, 2025
Publication Date March 21, 2025
Submission Date May 27, 2024
Acceptance Date March 4, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Issue: 45


APA Yılmaz, E. (2025). Akım-çizgisel (Streamline) Modern ve Endüstriyel Seramik Tasarımı: Teatral Modernizmden Organik Aerodinamizme. Sanat Ve Yorum(45), 108-117.

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