
The JOURNAL OF ORIENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (JOSR) is a scientific, peer-reviewed journal published every six months.
The manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor and the editorial board to assess their scientific merit and adherence to spelling conventions. Manuscripts deemed appropriate are then sent to three reviwers, who are recognised for their scientific studies in their field. In accordance with the recommendations of the reviewers, the decision is made to either publish the article or to publish it on the condition that it is revised. Manuscripts that are deemed unsuitable for publication in line with the reviewers' recommendations are rejected.
The identity of the reviewers is kept anonymous for the duration of the review process. The editorial board is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all reviewer and author names. The reports from the reviewers are retained in the journal archive.
If you are considering submitting an article to our journal, we recommend that you review the journal's publication policy and Author Guidelines on the About the Journal page. Prior to submitting an article to the journal, authors are required to complete the registration process. Upon completion of the registration process, authors may proceed with the five-step submission process via the login link. We encourage readers to register for our publication notification service. Please refer to the Registration link, located at the top of the journal homepage, for further details.

Upon registration for this service, subscribers will receive the table of contents via email with the publication of each new issue. As set out in the journal's privacy statement, the identifying information and e-mail addresses of authors will not be used for any other purposes. We would like to suggest that research libraries consider including this journal in their electronic journal collection. It is worth noting that the journal's open-code publishing system may also be suitable for use in other journals in which scholars using the library participate in the publication process. Further information on Open Journal Systems can be found on the Public Knowledge Project page. Authors are permitted to publish their work in this journal, both before and after publication, on their personal websites or in institutional archives, provided that they reference this journal in accordance with the rules of librarianship. This journal provides immediate open access to its content, in line with the principle that making scientific research freely available to the public will increase the global sharing of knowledge. The names and email addresses provided on this website will be used solely for the purposes stated herein and will not be disclosed to any third parties. The copy editing stage is designed to enhance the manuscript's readability, clarity, grammatical structure, word choice and formatting.
As the file in question is in either MS Word or RTF format, it can be readily edited as a word processing document. Two approaches are proposed for making corrections. The first option is to utilise the 'Track Changes' feature of the MS Word programme. Please note that this process requires the author, copy editor and editor to have access to the relevant software. The second proposed system is software-independent and is reproduced here with permission from Harvard Educational Review. The journal editor is at liberty to modify these instructions in a manner that better suits the journal's own operational procedures.
Copy editing systems
1. The "Track Changes" feature of MS Word allows the copy editor to implement the necessary amendments when activated under the Tools menu. The text that has been added is highlighted in a different colour, while the text that has been removed is shown in the margin as a strikethrough, coloured or deleted. The copy editor can include any questions they wish to pose to the author or editor in square brackets. Once the document has been reviewed by the copy editor, it is uploaded to the system and forwarded to the editor. The editor then reviews the text and presents it to the author for approval. Once the editor and author have approved the necessary corrections, the text can be formatted in the normal way. However, they have the option to make changes if they wish, or to add new content in different colours. Should the text contain any queries within square brackets, the author and editor are required to respond to these within the brackets. Once the author and editor have reviewed the text, the copy editor will conduct a final review and approve the changes. The text will then be ready for page editing and typesetting.
2. Instructions for making electronic edits to a draft manuscript using the Harvard Educational Review method. When making electronic edits to a draft manuscript, please follow this procedure: In response to suggested changes, if you approve of them, please change the relevant text from bold font to regular font. If you do not approve of the suggested changes, please re-enter the original text in bold font.
2. The following instructions detail the procedure for making electronic edits to a draft manuscript using the Harvard Educational Review method.
When making electronic edits to a draft manuscript, the following procedure should be followed: In response to suggested changes, if you agree with them, please change the relevant text from bold font to regular font. If you do not approve the suggested changes, please re-enter the original text in bold font. Please indicate any additions or deletions by marking the relevant text in bold font. Please mark the text to be deleted with square brackets as follows: Should you wish to delete a sentence or more, please add a note in the corresponding field. By way of illustration, [Two sentences deleted: text to be deleted]
In response to the author's queries:
Please do not alter or delete any questions directed to the author. These should be left in bold font within the text. Please add your response to the author's questions as [Author's note:]. By way of illustration, the following example may be helpful: As you suggested, the discussion of methodology has been expanded. Please use the Comment section to explain any changes or major revisions to the manuscript organisation. For example, you might want to say something like this: 'The paragraph above has been moved from page 5 to page 7'. Please note that when you give page numbers, these should be the page numbers from the hard copy you received. Please note that page numbers may be subject to change during the electronic processing stage.

Last Update Time: 12/6/24, 2:05:18 PM

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