Design of discrete time controllers for the DC-DC boost converter
Year 2016,
, 75 - 82, 01.04.2016
Mohammed Alkrunz
Irfan Yazıcı
In this paper, a small signal model for the boost converter is obtained. Two digital controllers using pole placement technique and Linear Quadratic Optimal Regulator (LQR) methods are designed and applied to the boost converter. The compensated system’s operations and analysis are discussed and verified through MATLAB/Simulink simulation. Comparison between the two controllers related to the design methodology, implementation issues and transient measured performance is carried out.
- L.İ. Yargıç ve H. Baykan, “Severe mental
- disorders, depression and smoking cessation”,
- Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, cilt 14, no. 1, pp. 77-
- , 2013.
- R. W. Erickson, “Fundamentals of Power
- Electronics”, Norwell, MA:Kluwer, 1999.
- R.Shenbagalakshmir and T.Sree Renga Raja
- “Observer Based Pole Placement and Linear
- Quadratic Optimization For DC-DC
- Converters”, Anna University of Technology,
- Tiruchirapalli.
- Marian K. Kazimierczuk, "Pulse Width
- Modulated DC-DC Power Converters", Wright
- State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA.
- R.D. Middlebrook and S. Cuk, “A general
- unified approach to modeling switching
- converter power stages,” in Proc. IEEE PESC,
- , pp 18-34.
- G. W. Wester and R. D. Middelbrook, "Lowfrequency
- characterization of switched DC-to-
- DC converters", Advances in Switched-Mode
- Conversion. Vol. I y II Teslaco Pasarena 1982,
- pp. 27-38.
- Krein, P.T. Bentsman, J. Bass, R.M., and
- Lesieutre, B.L., ”On the use of Averaging for
- Analysis of Power Electronic Systems”. IEEE
- Trans. Power Electron, vol. 5, no 2, April 1990,
- pp 182 – 190.
- Liping Guo, John Y. Hung, and R. M. Nelms,
- “Evaluation of DSP-Based PID and Fuzzy
- Controllers for DC–DC Converters”, IEEE
- Trans. Industrial Electronics, vol. 56, no 6, June
- , pp 182 – 190.
- A. Prodic and D.Maksimovic, “Design of a
- digital PID regulator based on look-up tables for
- control of high-frequency dc–dc converters,” in
- Proc. IEEE Workshop Comput. Power Electron.,
- Jun. 2002, pp. 18–22.
- Y. Duan and H. Jin, “Digital controller design for
- switch mode power converters,” in Proc. 14th
- Annu. Appl. Power Electron. Conf. Expo.,
- Dallas, TX, Mar. 14–18, 1999, vol. 2, pp. 967–
- -
- Norman S. Nise, “Control Systems
- Engineering”, Sixth Edition, California State
- Polytechnic University, Pomona.
- R. W. Erickson and D. Maksimovic,
- Fundamentals of Power Electronics. Norwell,
- MA: Kluwer, 2001.
- L.Umanand, video course “Switched Mode
- Power Conversion”, Department of Electronics
- Systems Engineering, Indian Institute Of
- Science, Bangalore.
- I. Kar, “ Lecture Note 2 – State Feedback Control
- Design”, Module 9, Digital Control.
- Carles Jaen, Josep Pou, Rafael Pindado, Vicenç
- Sala and Jordi Zaragoza, “A Linear-Quadratic
- Regulator with Integral Action Applied to PWM
- DC-DC Converters”, Department of Electronic
- Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia
- (UPC), Colom 1, 08222 Terrassa, Spain, Campus
- Terrassa.
- Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Ilse Cervantes, Gerardo
- Espinosa-Perez, Paul Maya, and America
- M.Alkrunz, I.Yazıcı Design of discrete time controllers for the dc-dc boost
- converter
- SAÜ Fen Bil Der 20. Cilt, 1. Sayı, s. 75-82, 2016
- Morales, “A Stable Design of PI Control for DC–
- DC Converters with an RHS Zero”, IEEE Trans.
- Circuits and systems-I: Fundamental Theory and
- Applications, vol. 48, no 1, January 2001.
- Frank H. F. Leung, Peter K. S . Tam , and C. K.
- Li, “The Control of Switching dc-dc Converters
- -A General LQR Problem”, IEEE Trans.
- Industrial Electronics, vol. 38, no 1, February
- -
- Joao P. Hespanha, “ Lecture notes on LQR/LQG
- Controller Design”, February 27, 2005.
- A.W.N. Husna, S.F. Siraj, M.Z.Ab Muin,
- “Modeling of DC-DC Converter for Solar
- Energy System Applications”, IEEE Symposium
- on Computer & Informatics, 2012.
- Mahdavi, J. Emaadi, A. Bellar, M.D. Ehsani, M.
- Sharif, “Analysis of power electronic converters
- using the generalized state-space averaging
- approch”, IEEE Trans. On Fundamental Theory
- and Applications, Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 767-770,
- Aug.1997.
- Sattar Jaber Al-Isawi and Ehsan A. Abd Al-Nabi,
- “Design of The Feedback Controller (PID
- Controller) for The Buck Boost Converter”,
- Department of Electromechanical Engineering,
- The High Institute for Industry-Libya-Misrata
- A. Sangswang, C.O. Nwankpa, “Performance
- Evaluation of a Boost Converter under Influence
- of Random Noise”, Department of Electrical and
- Computer Engineering, Drexel University,
- Philadelphia, PA 19 104.
- Sameh Bdran, Prof.Ma Shuyuan, Samo Saifullah
- and Dr.Huang Jie, “Comparison of PID, Pole
- Placement And LQR Controllers For Speed
- Ratio Control Of Continuously Variable
- Transmission (CVT)”, Mechatronic Center,
- Mechanical Engineering , Beijing Institute of
- Technology (BIT) , Beijing, China
- Vinícius F. Montagner and Fabrício H. Dupont,
- “A Robust LQR Applied To A Boost Converter
- With Response Optimized Using A Genetic
- Algorithm”, Power Electronics and Control
- Research Group, Federal University of Santa
- Maria.
- Cahit Gezkin, Bonnie S. Heck, and Richard M.
- Bass, “Control Structure Optimization of a Boost
- Converter: An LQR Approach”, 1997 IEEE.
- Antip Ghosh , Mayank Kandpal, “State-space
- average Modeling of DC-DC Converters with
- parasitic in Discontinuous Conduction Mode
- (DCM)”, Bsc Thesis, Department of Electrical
- Engineering, National Institute of Technology,
- Rourkela.
Yükseltici Tip DC-DC Dönüştücüler İçin Ayrık-Zaman Köntrolör Tasarımı
Year 2016,
, 75 - 82, 01.04.2016
Mohammed Alkrunz
Irfan Yazıcı
Bu çalışmada, Yükseltici tip DC-DC dönüştürücünün ortalama durum-uzay tekniğine dayalı küçük-sinyal modeli elde edilmiştir. İki Ayrık-zaman kontrolör, kutup yerleştirme ve doğrusal optimal kuadratik regülatör yaklaşımları kullanılarak tasarlanmış ve yükseltici dönüştürücüne uygulanmıştır. Kontrolcülü yükseltici dönüştürücünün performansı MATLAB/SIMULINK ortamında yapılan similasyon çalışmaları ile incelenmiş ve doğrulanmıştır. Tasarlanan kontrolör türleri tasarım metodolojisi, uygulama problemleri ve performans açısından karşılaştırılmıştır. Tasarlanan kontrol yöntemlerinin birbirine yakın bir performansa sahip olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Yükseltici tip DCDC dönüştürücüler için sürekli-hal ve dinamik karakteristik açısından uygun bir performansa sahip kontrolör tasarımı amaçlanmıştır.
- L.İ. Yargıç ve H. Baykan, “Severe mental
- disorders, depression and smoking cessation”,
- Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, cilt 14, no. 1, pp. 77-
- , 2013.
- R. W. Erickson, “Fundamentals of Power
- Electronics”, Norwell, MA:Kluwer, 1999.
- R.Shenbagalakshmir and T.Sree Renga Raja
- “Observer Based Pole Placement and Linear
- Quadratic Optimization For DC-DC
- Converters”, Anna University of Technology,
- Tiruchirapalli.
- Marian K. Kazimierczuk, "Pulse Width
- Modulated DC-DC Power Converters", Wright
- State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA.
- R.D. Middlebrook and S. Cuk, “A general
- unified approach to modeling switching
- converter power stages,” in Proc. IEEE PESC,
- , pp 18-34.
- G. W. Wester and R. D. Middelbrook, "Lowfrequency
- characterization of switched DC-to-
- DC converters", Advances in Switched-Mode
- Conversion. Vol. I y II Teslaco Pasarena 1982,
- pp. 27-38.
- Krein, P.T. Bentsman, J. Bass, R.M., and
- Lesieutre, B.L., ”On the use of Averaging for
- Analysis of Power Electronic Systems”. IEEE
- Trans. Power Electron, vol. 5, no 2, April 1990,
- pp 182 – 190.
- Liping Guo, John Y. Hung, and R. M. Nelms,
- “Evaluation of DSP-Based PID and Fuzzy
- Controllers for DC–DC Converters”, IEEE
- Trans. Industrial Electronics, vol. 56, no 6, June
- , pp 182 – 190.
- A. Prodic and D.Maksimovic, “Design of a
- digital PID regulator based on look-up tables for
- control of high-frequency dc–dc converters,” in
- Proc. IEEE Workshop Comput. Power Electron.,
- Jun. 2002, pp. 18–22.
- Y. Duan and H. Jin, “Digital controller design for
- switch mode power converters,” in Proc. 14th
- Annu. Appl. Power Electron. Conf. Expo.,
- Dallas, TX, Mar. 14–18, 1999, vol. 2, pp. 967–
- -
- Norman S. Nise, “Control Systems
- Engineering”, Sixth Edition, California State
- Polytechnic University, Pomona.
- R. W. Erickson and D. Maksimovic,
- Fundamentals of Power Electronics. Norwell,
- MA: Kluwer, 2001.
- L.Umanand, video course “Switched Mode
- Power Conversion”, Department of Electronics
- Systems Engineering, Indian Institute Of
- Science, Bangalore.
- I. Kar, “ Lecture Note 2 – State Feedback Control
- Design”, Module 9, Digital Control.
- Carles Jaen, Josep Pou, Rafael Pindado, Vicenç
- Sala and Jordi Zaragoza, “A Linear-Quadratic
- Regulator with Integral Action Applied to PWM
- DC-DC Converters”, Department of Electronic
- Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia
- (UPC), Colom 1, 08222 Terrassa, Spain, Campus
- Terrassa.
- Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Ilse Cervantes, Gerardo
- Espinosa-Perez, Paul Maya, and America
- M.Alkrunz, I.Yazıcı Design of discrete time controllers for the dc-dc boost
- converter
- SAÜ Fen Bil Der 20. Cilt, 1. Sayı, s. 75-82, 2016
- Morales, “A Stable Design of PI Control for DC–
- DC Converters with an RHS Zero”, IEEE Trans.
- Circuits and systems-I: Fundamental Theory and
- Applications, vol. 48, no 1, January 2001.
- Frank H. F. Leung, Peter K. S . Tam , and C. K.
- Li, “The Control of Switching dc-dc Converters
- -A General LQR Problem”, IEEE Trans.
- Industrial Electronics, vol. 38, no 1, February
- -
- Joao P. Hespanha, “ Lecture notes on LQR/LQG
- Controller Design”, February 27, 2005.
- A.W.N. Husna, S.F. Siraj, M.Z.Ab Muin,
- “Modeling of DC-DC Converter for Solar
- Energy System Applications”, IEEE Symposium
- on Computer & Informatics, 2012.
- Mahdavi, J. Emaadi, A. Bellar, M.D. Ehsani, M.
- Sharif, “Analysis of power electronic converters
- using the generalized state-space averaging
- approch”, IEEE Trans. On Fundamental Theory
- and Applications, Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 767-770,
- Aug.1997.
- Sattar Jaber Al-Isawi and Ehsan A. Abd Al-Nabi,
- “Design of The Feedback Controller (PID
- Controller) for The Buck Boost Converter”,
- Department of Electromechanical Engineering,
- The High Institute for Industry-Libya-Misrata
- A. Sangswang, C.O. Nwankpa, “Performance
- Evaluation of a Boost Converter under Influence
- of Random Noise”, Department of Electrical and
- Computer Engineering, Drexel University,
- Philadelphia, PA 19 104.
- Sameh Bdran, Prof.Ma Shuyuan, Samo Saifullah
- and Dr.Huang Jie, “Comparison of PID, Pole
- Placement And LQR Controllers For Speed
- Ratio Control Of Continuously Variable
- Transmission (CVT)”, Mechatronic Center,
- Mechanical Engineering , Beijing Institute of
- Technology (BIT) , Beijing, China
- Vinícius F. Montagner and Fabrício H. Dupont,
- “A Robust LQR Applied To A Boost Converter
- With Response Optimized Using A Genetic
- Algorithm”, Power Electronics and Control
- Research Group, Federal University of Santa
- Maria.
- Cahit Gezkin, Bonnie S. Heck, and Richard M.
- Bass, “Control Structure Optimization of a Boost
- Converter: An LQR Approach”, 1997 IEEE.
- Antip Ghosh , Mayank Kandpal, “State-space
- average Modeling of DC-DC Converters with
- parasitic in Discontinuous Conduction Mode
- (DCM)”, Bsc Thesis, Department of Electrical
- Engineering, National Institute of Technology,
- Rourkela.