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Six degrees of freedom electro-mechanical motion simulator in 6x9 matrix method of iteration

Year 2016, , 399 - 407, 01.08.2016


Six degrees of freedom Stewart Platform Mechanism is one of the simulators used to test the turret systems of military vehicles. In this article, data iteration with six axis Stewart Platform Mechanism with 6x9 transfer matrix is described. Before iteration; road identification, implementation of instrumentation, data collection from the road and data analysis progresses is carried out. The implemente processes during the iteration are adjusment of simulator according to the turret, model creation with 6x9 transfer matrix and iteration with 6x9 transfer matrix.


  • D. Stewart, ‘‘A platform with six degrees of freedom’’, Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, cilt 180, pp. 371-386, 1965.
  • E. Dafaoui, Y. Amirat, J. Pontnau ve C. Francois, ‘‘Analysis and design of a six- DOF parallel manipulator, modeling, singular configurations, and workspace’’, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, cilt 14, pp. 78-92, 1998.
  • K. H. Hunt, ‘‘Structural kinematics of ın-parallelactuated robot-arms’’, Journal of Mechanical Design, cilt 105, p. 705–712, 1983.
  • G. Pritschow, C. Eppler ve W. Lehner, ‘‘Highly dynamic drives for parallel kinematic machines with constant arm length’’, Proc. 1st Int. Colloq., Collaborative Res. Center, Braunschweig, 2002.
  • F. Li, J. Kuiper, S. Khan, C. Hutchinson ve C. Evans, ‘‘Oc30 a new method to measure the ınterfracture site movements (IFMS) Dynamically By Means Of Stewart Platform Algorithm’’, J. Bone Joint Surg. Br., 2008.
  • E. Fichter ve E. McDowell, ‘‘A novel design for a robot arm’’, Proceedings of the ASME International Computer Technology Conference, San Francisco, 1980.
  • C. T. Chen, ‘‘Reconfiguration of a parallel kinematic manipulator for the maximum dynamic load-carrying capacity’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory, cilt 54, pp. 62-75, 2012.
  • B. Dasgupta ve Mruthyunjava, ‘‘The Stewart platform manipulator: a review’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory , cilt 35, pp. 15-40, 2000.
  • B. İnner, S. Küçük ve Z. Bingül, ‘‘Farklı yapıdaki stewart platformunlarının tek bir çatı üzerinden tasarımı ve benzetimi’’, Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sivas, 2010.
  • H. Pendar, M. Mahnama ve H. Zohoor, ‘‘Singularity analysis of parallel manipulators using constraint plane method’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory , cilt 46, pp. 33-43, 2011.
  • Y. Cao, H. Zhou, L. Shen ve B. Li, ‘‘Singularity kinematics principle and position-singularity analyses of the 6-3 Stewart-Gough parallel manipulators’’, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, cilt 25, no. 2, pp. 513-522, 2011.
  • J. Chin, Y. Sun ve Y. Cheng, ‘‘Force computation and continuous path tracking for electro-hydraulic parallel manipulators’’, Control Engineering Practice , cilt 16, pp. 697-709, 2008.
  • C. ShiLi, W. Tao, W. Qun, Y. Yu ve Z. Ying, ‘‘A novel method for singularity analysis of the 6-SPS parallel mechanisms’’, Science China Technological Series, cilt 54, pp. 1220-1227, 2011.
  • J. Lin ve C. Chen, ‘‘Computer-aided-symbolic dynamic modeling for Stewart-platform manipulator’’, Robotica, cilt 27, pp. 331-341,2009.
  • S. Kızır, Z. Bingül, C. Oysu ve S. Küçük, ‘‘Development and control of a high precision stewart platform’’, SDU International Journal of Technologic Sciences, cilt 3, pp. 51-59, 2011.
  • H. Guo, Y. Liu, G. Liu ve H. Li, ‘‘Cascade control of a hydraulically driven 6-DOF parallel robot manipulator based on a sliding mode’’, Control Engineering Practice, cilt 16, pp. 1055-1068, 2008.
  • A. Lopes, ‘‘Dynamic modeling of a Stewart platform using the generalized momentum approach’’, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat, cilt 14, pp. 3389-3401, 2009.
  • J. Wang, J. Wu, L. Wang ve T. Li, ‘‘Simplified strategy of the control’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory, cilt 42, pp. 1119-1140, 2007.
  • H. Guo ve H. Li, ‘‘Dynamic analysis and simulation of a six degree of freedom Stewart platform manipulator’’, Mechanical Engineering Science, cilt 220, pp. 61-72, 2006.
  • K. Harib ve K. Srinivasan, ‘‘Kinematic and dynamic analysis of Stewart platform-based machine tool structures’’, Robotica, cilt 21, pp. 541-554, 2003.
  • W. Khalil ve D. Murareci, ‘‘Kinematic analysis and singular configurations of a class of parallel robots’’, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, cilt 41, pp. 377-390, 1996.
  • D. Zhang ve Z. Gao, ‘‘Forward kinematics, performance analysis, and multi-objective optimization of a bio-inspired parallel manipulator’’, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, cilt 28, pp. 484-492, 2012.
  • H. Gonzales, M. Dutra ve O. Lengerke, ‘‘Direct and inverse kinematics of Stewart platform applied to offshore cargo transfer simulation’’, 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, 2011.
  • M. Husty, ‘‘An algorithm for solving the direct kinematics of general Stewart-Gough platforms’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory, cilt 31, pp. 365380, 1996.
  • C. Brisan ve A. Csiszar, ‘‘Computation and analysis of the workspace of a reconfigurable parallel robotic system’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory, cilt 46, pp. 1647-1668, 2011.
  • Z. Kuzeci, H. Alp, V. Omurlu ve İ. Ozkol, ‘‘Workspace analysis of parallel mechanisms through neural networks and genetic algorithms’’, The 12th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, Sarajevo, 2012.
  • A. Dash, I. Chen, S. Yeo ve G. Yang, ‘‘Workspace generation and planning singularity-free path for parallel manipulators’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory, cilt 40, pp. 776-805, 2005.
  • E. Macho, O. Altuzarra, E. Amezua ve A. Hernandez, ‘‘Obtaining configuration space and singularity maps for parallel manipulators’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory, cilt 44, pp. 21102125, 2009.
  • B. Inner ve S. Küçük, ‘‘a novel kinematic design, analysis and simulation tool for general Stewart platforms’’, Transactions of the society for modeling and simulation international, cilt 89, pp. 876-897, 2013.
  • MOOG, ‘‘System Design Report’’, System design report MB-EP-6DOF/20/28000, Nieuw-Vennep,2011.
  • H. Bayram, İ. Çokal ve E. Usta, ‘‘Yeni nesil zırhlı aracın hızlandırılmış ömür testi ve iyileştirme faaliyetleri’’, 7. Savunma Teknolojileri Kongresi, Ankara, 2014.

Altı serbestlik dereceli elektromekanik hareket simülatöründe 6x9 matris yöntemine göre iterasyon

Year 2016, , 399 - 407, 01.08.2016


Altı serbestlik derecesine sahip Stewart Platform Mekanizması, askeri araçların kule sistemi testlerinin gerçekleştirilmesinde kullanılan simülatörlerden birisidir. Bu makalede, altı eksenli Stewart Platform Mekanizması ile 6x9 transfer matrisi kullanılarak, data iterasyonu yapılması incelenmiştir. İterasyon öncesinde; data toplanacak parkurun belirlenmesi, enstrümantasyon, parkurdan data toplanması ve data analiz süreci gerçekleştirilmektedir. İterasyon esnasında yapılan işlemler, simülatörün kuleye göre ayarlanması, 6x9 transfer matrisi ile model oluşturma ve 6x9 matris ile iterasyon yapılmasıdır.  


  • D. Stewart, ‘‘A platform with six degrees of freedom’’, Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, cilt 180, pp. 371-386, 1965.
  • E. Dafaoui, Y. Amirat, J. Pontnau ve C. Francois, ‘‘Analysis and design of a six- DOF parallel manipulator, modeling, singular configurations, and workspace’’, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, cilt 14, pp. 78-92, 1998.
  • K. H. Hunt, ‘‘Structural kinematics of ın-parallelactuated robot-arms’’, Journal of Mechanical Design, cilt 105, p. 705–712, 1983.
  • G. Pritschow, C. Eppler ve W. Lehner, ‘‘Highly dynamic drives for parallel kinematic machines with constant arm length’’, Proc. 1st Int. Colloq., Collaborative Res. Center, Braunschweig, 2002.
  • F. Li, J. Kuiper, S. Khan, C. Hutchinson ve C. Evans, ‘‘Oc30 a new method to measure the ınterfracture site movements (IFMS) Dynamically By Means Of Stewart Platform Algorithm’’, J. Bone Joint Surg. Br., 2008.
  • E. Fichter ve E. McDowell, ‘‘A novel design for a robot arm’’, Proceedings of the ASME International Computer Technology Conference, San Francisco, 1980.
  • C. T. Chen, ‘‘Reconfiguration of a parallel kinematic manipulator for the maximum dynamic load-carrying capacity’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory, cilt 54, pp. 62-75, 2012.
  • B. Dasgupta ve Mruthyunjava, ‘‘The Stewart platform manipulator: a review’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory , cilt 35, pp. 15-40, 2000.
  • B. İnner, S. Küçük ve Z. Bingül, ‘‘Farklı yapıdaki stewart platformunlarının tek bir çatı üzerinden tasarımı ve benzetimi’’, Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, Sivas, 2010.
  • H. Pendar, M. Mahnama ve H. Zohoor, ‘‘Singularity analysis of parallel manipulators using constraint plane method’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory , cilt 46, pp. 33-43, 2011.
  • Y. Cao, H. Zhou, L. Shen ve B. Li, ‘‘Singularity kinematics principle and position-singularity analyses of the 6-3 Stewart-Gough parallel manipulators’’, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, cilt 25, no. 2, pp. 513-522, 2011.
  • J. Chin, Y. Sun ve Y. Cheng, ‘‘Force computation and continuous path tracking for electro-hydraulic parallel manipulators’’, Control Engineering Practice , cilt 16, pp. 697-709, 2008.
  • C. ShiLi, W. Tao, W. Qun, Y. Yu ve Z. Ying, ‘‘A novel method for singularity analysis of the 6-SPS parallel mechanisms’’, Science China Technological Series, cilt 54, pp. 1220-1227, 2011.
  • J. Lin ve C. Chen, ‘‘Computer-aided-symbolic dynamic modeling for Stewart-platform manipulator’’, Robotica, cilt 27, pp. 331-341,2009.
  • S. Kızır, Z. Bingül, C. Oysu ve S. Küçük, ‘‘Development and control of a high precision stewart platform’’, SDU International Journal of Technologic Sciences, cilt 3, pp. 51-59, 2011.
  • H. Guo, Y. Liu, G. Liu ve H. Li, ‘‘Cascade control of a hydraulically driven 6-DOF parallel robot manipulator based on a sliding mode’’, Control Engineering Practice, cilt 16, pp. 1055-1068, 2008.
  • A. Lopes, ‘‘Dynamic modeling of a Stewart platform using the generalized momentum approach’’, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat, cilt 14, pp. 3389-3401, 2009.
  • J. Wang, J. Wu, L. Wang ve T. Li, ‘‘Simplified strategy of the control’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory, cilt 42, pp. 1119-1140, 2007.
  • H. Guo ve H. Li, ‘‘Dynamic analysis and simulation of a six degree of freedom Stewart platform manipulator’’, Mechanical Engineering Science, cilt 220, pp. 61-72, 2006.
  • K. Harib ve K. Srinivasan, ‘‘Kinematic and dynamic analysis of Stewart platform-based machine tool structures’’, Robotica, cilt 21, pp. 541-554, 2003.
  • W. Khalil ve D. Murareci, ‘‘Kinematic analysis and singular configurations of a class of parallel robots’’, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, cilt 41, pp. 377-390, 1996.
  • D. Zhang ve Z. Gao, ‘‘Forward kinematics, performance analysis, and multi-objective optimization of a bio-inspired parallel manipulator’’, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, cilt 28, pp. 484-492, 2012.
  • H. Gonzales, M. Dutra ve O. Lengerke, ‘‘Direct and inverse kinematics of Stewart platform applied to offshore cargo transfer simulation’’, 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, 2011.
  • M. Husty, ‘‘An algorithm for solving the direct kinematics of general Stewart-Gough platforms’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory, cilt 31, pp. 365380, 1996.
  • C. Brisan ve A. Csiszar, ‘‘Computation and analysis of the workspace of a reconfigurable parallel robotic system’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory, cilt 46, pp. 1647-1668, 2011.
  • Z. Kuzeci, H. Alp, V. Omurlu ve İ. Ozkol, ‘‘Workspace analysis of parallel mechanisms through neural networks and genetic algorithms’’, The 12th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, Sarajevo, 2012.
  • A. Dash, I. Chen, S. Yeo ve G. Yang, ‘‘Workspace generation and planning singularity-free path for parallel manipulators’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory, cilt 40, pp. 776-805, 2005.
  • E. Macho, O. Altuzarra, E. Amezua ve A. Hernandez, ‘‘Obtaining configuration space and singularity maps for parallel manipulators’’, Mechanism and Machine Theory, cilt 44, pp. 21102125, 2009.
  • B. Inner ve S. Küçük, ‘‘a novel kinematic design, analysis and simulation tool for general Stewart platforms’’, Transactions of the society for modeling and simulation international, cilt 89, pp. 876-897, 2013.
  • MOOG, ‘‘System Design Report’’, System design report MB-EP-6DOF/20/28000, Nieuw-Vennep,2011.
  • H. Bayram, İ. Çokal ve E. Usta, ‘‘Yeni nesil zırhlı aracın hızlandırılmış ömür testi ve iyileştirme faaliyetleri’’, 7. Savunma Teknolojileri Kongresi, Ankara, 2014.
There are 31 citations in total.


Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Application Articles

Hüseyin Bayram

Publication Date August 1, 2016
Submission Date October 19, 2015
Acceptance Date June 13, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Bayram, H. (2016). Six degrees of freedom electro-mechanical motion simulator in 6x9 matrix method of iteration. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 20(2), 399-407.
AMA Bayram H. Six degrees of freedom electro-mechanical motion simulator in 6x9 matrix method of iteration. SAUJS. August 2016;20(2):399-407. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.35143
Chicago Bayram, Hüseyin. “Six Degrees of Freedom Electro-Mechanical Motion Simulator in 6x9 Matrix Method of Iteration”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 20, no. 2 (August 2016): 399-407.
EndNote Bayram H (August 1, 2016) Six degrees of freedom electro-mechanical motion simulator in 6x9 matrix method of iteration. Sakarya University Journal of Science 20 2 399–407.
IEEE H. Bayram, “Six degrees of freedom electro-mechanical motion simulator in 6x9 matrix method of iteration”, SAUJS, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 399–407, 2016, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.35143.
ISNAD Bayram, Hüseyin. “Six Degrees of Freedom Electro-Mechanical Motion Simulator in 6x9 Matrix Method of Iteration”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 20/2 (August 2016), 399-407.
JAMA Bayram H. Six degrees of freedom electro-mechanical motion simulator in 6x9 matrix method of iteration. SAUJS. 2016;20:399–407.
MLA Bayram, Hüseyin. “Six Degrees of Freedom Electro-Mechanical Motion Simulator in 6x9 Matrix Method of Iteration”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 20, no. 2, 2016, pp. 399-07, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.35143.
Vancouver Bayram H. Six degrees of freedom electro-mechanical motion simulator in 6x9 matrix method of iteration. SAUJS. 2016;20(2):399-407.


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