Research Article
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Year 2020, , 965 - 972, 01.10.2020


Project Number

Project Number: 2017-50-01-083


  • J. Mens and Jee. De A., “Friction and wear behavior of 18 polymers in contact with steel in environments of air and water,” Wear, vol. 149, pp. 255-268, 1991.
  • S.Yılmaz, A. E. Şahin, T. Yılmaz and T. Sınmazçelik., “Pomza tozu ve karbon elyaf takviyeli polifenilen sülfid (PPS) kompozitlerin adhezif aşınma davranışının incelenmesi,” International Participation III. Ege Composite Materials Symposium, pp.34-36, Turkey, Kuşadası, 2015.
  • M. Sumer, H. Unal and A. Mimaroglu, “Evaluation of tribological behaviour of peek composite under dry sliding and water lubricated conditions,” Wear, vol. 265, pp. 1061-1065, 2008.
  • K. Friedrich and A. Voss, “Sliding and abrasive wear of short glass fibre reinforced PTFE composites,” Journal of materials science letters, vol. 5, pp. 1111-1114, 1986.
  • U.S. Tewari and J. Bijwe, “Tribological Behavior of Polyimides, Polyimides: Fundamentals and Applications,” M.K. Ghosh and K.L. Mittal, Ed., Marcel Dekker Inc., p 533–586, 1996.
  • N.S.M.El-Tayeb, F.Yousif and T.C.Yap, “An investigation on worn surfaces of chopped glass fibre reinforced polyester through SEM observations,” Tribology International, vol. 41, pp. 331-340, 2008.
  • R. Reinicke, K. Friedrich, W. Beier and C. Liebald, “Tribological properties of SiC and G-fiber reinforced glass matrix composites,” Wear, vol. 225-229, pp. 1315-1321, 1999.
  • C. Cai, “Evaluation of the friction and wear properties of PEI composites filled with glass and carbon fiber,” Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 299-300, pp 21-24, 2011
  • H. VOSS and K. FRIEDRICH, “On the Wear Behaviour of Short Fibre Reinforced Peek Composites,” Wear, vol. 116, pp. 1- 18, 1987.
  • Engineering plastics handbook / [edited by] James M. Margolis. McGraw-Hill Education: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Athens, London, Madrid, Mexico City, Milan, New Delhi, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto, 2006 McGraw-Hill Education
  • L. Guo, H.Q. Zhu and Y.B. Sun, “Friction and wear studies on polyphenylene sulfide filled with a complex mixture,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 184-185, pp.1400-1403, 2012.
  • Z. Jiang, A. Schlarb, K. Friedrich and Z. Zhang, “Study on friction and wear behavior of PPS composites reinforced by short carbon fibers,” Article in composites science and technology, vol. 68, pp.124, 2009.
  • C. Lhymn, “Friction and wear of fiber reinforced PPS composites,” Advances in polymer technology, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 451-461, 1987.
  • H. Ünal, U. Şen and A. Mimaroğlu, “Dry sliding wear characteristics of some industrial polymers against steel counterface,” Tribology International, vol. 37, pp. 727-732, 2004.
  • A. Besnea, D. Trufasu, G. Andrei and L. Deleanu, “Wear behavior of polyphenylene sulfide composites during dry sliding tests,” Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis, vol. 2, pp. 15-20, 2012.
  • N.A. Emira, H.T. Mohamad and M. S. Tahat, "Stick-slip detection through measurement of near fieldnoise", Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research Vol. 3(3), pp. 96-102, 2011.
  • D.I. Chukov, A.A. Stepashkin, V.V. Tcherdyntsev, L.K. Olifirov and S.D. Kaloshkin, “Structure and properties of composites based on polyphenylene sulfide reinforced with Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystalline particles”, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Vol. 31(7) pp. 882–895, 2018.
  • M.A. Abdulrehman, I.I. Marhoon and A.K AlKamal, “Studying the Effect of Reinforcement with Random Short Fibers and Temperature on the Impact Strength of an Epoxy/Polyurethane Blend Matrix”, International Conference on Materials Engineering and Science, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 454, pp.1-6, 2018.
  • P. Sarkar, N. Modak and P. Sahoo, “Effect of Normal Load and Velocity on Continuous Sliding Friction and Wear Behavior of Woven Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite,” Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 4, pp. 3082–3092, 2017.
  • W. Wieleba, “The Mechanism of Tribological Wear of Thermoplastic Materials,” Archieves of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Vol: VII, No:4, pp. 185-199, 2007.
  • V. Quaglini and P. Dubini, “Friction of Polymers Sliding on Smooth Surfaces,” Advances in Tribology, Volume 2011, pp. 1-8, 2011.
  • K.V. Shooter and D. Tabor, “The Frictional Properties of Plastics,” Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section B, Volume: 65, Number: 9, Pages: 661–671, 1952.
  • Kishore, P. Sampathkumaran, S. Seetharamu, S. Vynatheya, A. Murali, R.K. Kumar, SEM observations of the effects of velocity and load on the sliding wear characteristics of glass fabric–epoxy composites with different fillers, Wear, vol. 237, pp. 20–27, 2000.
  • A. Mimaroglu, H. Unal and T. Arda, “Friction and Wear Performance of Pure and Glass Fiber Reinforced Poly-Ether-Imide on Polymerand Steel Counter face Materials,” Wear, vol. 262, pp.1407–1413, 2007.
  • B. Suresha, G. Chandramohan, P. Samapthkumaran, S. Seetharamu and S. Vynatheya, “Friction and Wear Characteristics of Carbon Epoxy and Glass-Epoxy Woven Roving Fiber Composites,” J. of Rein. Plast. and Comp. vol. 25, pp. 771-782, 2006.
  • Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics X: Computational Methods and Experiments, WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, Vol 71, 2011 WIT Press, UK, page 223, Edited By: J.T.M. DE HOSSON, C.A. Brebbia, ISSN 1743-3533 (on-line)
  • H. Pıhtılı and N. Tosun, “Effect of load and speed on the wear behaviour of woven glass fabrics and aramid fibre-reinforced composites,” Wear, vol. 252, pp. 979–984, 2002.

Friction and Wear Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide Composites

Year 2020, , 965 - 972, 01.10.2020


The aim of this study is the experimental investigate of wear and friction properties of polyphenylene sulfide polymer (PPS) and 20%, 30% and 40% by weight glass fiber reinforced polyphenylene sulfide composites. Tribological tests were done by pin-on-disc test configuration. The disc material is AISI 1040 steel. 50, 100, 200 N normal loads and 1, 2, 3 m/s speeds were applied to the test specimens. Adding fiber decreased the friction values and specific wear rates. Furthermore, increasing load decreased the friction coefficient but increased the specific wear rate, although increasing sliding speed increased both friction and specific wear rate.

Supporting Institution

Sakarya University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit

Project Number

Project Number: 2017-50-01-083


This study is supported by Sakarya University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit. Project Number: 2017-50-01-083.


  • J. Mens and Jee. De A., “Friction and wear behavior of 18 polymers in contact with steel in environments of air and water,” Wear, vol. 149, pp. 255-268, 1991.
  • S.Yılmaz, A. E. Şahin, T. Yılmaz and T. Sınmazçelik., “Pomza tozu ve karbon elyaf takviyeli polifenilen sülfid (PPS) kompozitlerin adhezif aşınma davranışının incelenmesi,” International Participation III. Ege Composite Materials Symposium, pp.34-36, Turkey, Kuşadası, 2015.
  • M. Sumer, H. Unal and A. Mimaroglu, “Evaluation of tribological behaviour of peek composite under dry sliding and water lubricated conditions,” Wear, vol. 265, pp. 1061-1065, 2008.
  • K. Friedrich and A. Voss, “Sliding and abrasive wear of short glass fibre reinforced PTFE composites,” Journal of materials science letters, vol. 5, pp. 1111-1114, 1986.
  • U.S. Tewari and J. Bijwe, “Tribological Behavior of Polyimides, Polyimides: Fundamentals and Applications,” M.K. Ghosh and K.L. Mittal, Ed., Marcel Dekker Inc., p 533–586, 1996.
  • N.S.M.El-Tayeb, F.Yousif and T.C.Yap, “An investigation on worn surfaces of chopped glass fibre reinforced polyester through SEM observations,” Tribology International, vol. 41, pp. 331-340, 2008.
  • R. Reinicke, K. Friedrich, W. Beier and C. Liebald, “Tribological properties of SiC and G-fiber reinforced glass matrix composites,” Wear, vol. 225-229, pp. 1315-1321, 1999.
  • C. Cai, “Evaluation of the friction and wear properties of PEI composites filled with glass and carbon fiber,” Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 299-300, pp 21-24, 2011
  • H. VOSS and K. FRIEDRICH, “On the Wear Behaviour of Short Fibre Reinforced Peek Composites,” Wear, vol. 116, pp. 1- 18, 1987.
  • Engineering plastics handbook / [edited by] James M. Margolis. McGraw-Hill Education: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Athens, London, Madrid, Mexico City, Milan, New Delhi, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto, 2006 McGraw-Hill Education
  • L. Guo, H.Q. Zhu and Y.B. Sun, “Friction and wear studies on polyphenylene sulfide filled with a complex mixture,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 184-185, pp.1400-1403, 2012.
  • Z. Jiang, A. Schlarb, K. Friedrich and Z. Zhang, “Study on friction and wear behavior of PPS composites reinforced by short carbon fibers,” Article in composites science and technology, vol. 68, pp.124, 2009.
  • C. Lhymn, “Friction and wear of fiber reinforced PPS composites,” Advances in polymer technology, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 451-461, 1987.
  • H. Ünal, U. Şen and A. Mimaroğlu, “Dry sliding wear characteristics of some industrial polymers against steel counterface,” Tribology International, vol. 37, pp. 727-732, 2004.
  • A. Besnea, D. Trufasu, G. Andrei and L. Deleanu, “Wear behavior of polyphenylene sulfide composites during dry sliding tests,” Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis, vol. 2, pp. 15-20, 2012.
  • N.A. Emira, H.T. Mohamad and M. S. Tahat, "Stick-slip detection through measurement of near fieldnoise", Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research Vol. 3(3), pp. 96-102, 2011.
  • D.I. Chukov, A.A. Stepashkin, V.V. Tcherdyntsev, L.K. Olifirov and S.D. Kaloshkin, “Structure and properties of composites based on polyphenylene sulfide reinforced with Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystalline particles”, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Vol. 31(7) pp. 882–895, 2018.
  • M.A. Abdulrehman, I.I. Marhoon and A.K AlKamal, “Studying the Effect of Reinforcement with Random Short Fibers and Temperature on the Impact Strength of an Epoxy/Polyurethane Blend Matrix”, International Conference on Materials Engineering and Science, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 454, pp.1-6, 2018.
  • P. Sarkar, N. Modak and P. Sahoo, “Effect of Normal Load and Velocity on Continuous Sliding Friction and Wear Behavior of Woven Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite,” Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 4, pp. 3082–3092, 2017.
  • W. Wieleba, “The Mechanism of Tribological Wear of Thermoplastic Materials,” Archieves of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Vol: VII, No:4, pp. 185-199, 2007.
  • V. Quaglini and P. Dubini, “Friction of Polymers Sliding on Smooth Surfaces,” Advances in Tribology, Volume 2011, pp. 1-8, 2011.
  • K.V. Shooter and D. Tabor, “The Frictional Properties of Plastics,” Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section B, Volume: 65, Number: 9, Pages: 661–671, 1952.
  • Kishore, P. Sampathkumaran, S. Seetharamu, S. Vynatheya, A. Murali, R.K. Kumar, SEM observations of the effects of velocity and load on the sliding wear characteristics of glass fabric–epoxy composites with different fillers, Wear, vol. 237, pp. 20–27, 2000.
  • A. Mimaroglu, H. Unal and T. Arda, “Friction and Wear Performance of Pure and Glass Fiber Reinforced Poly-Ether-Imide on Polymerand Steel Counter face Materials,” Wear, vol. 262, pp.1407–1413, 2007.
  • B. Suresha, G. Chandramohan, P. Samapthkumaran, S. Seetharamu and S. Vynatheya, “Friction and Wear Characteristics of Carbon Epoxy and Glass-Epoxy Woven Roving Fiber Composites,” J. of Rein. Plast. and Comp. vol. 25, pp. 771-782, 2006.
  • Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics X: Computational Methods and Experiments, WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, Vol 71, 2011 WIT Press, UK, page 223, Edited By: J.T.M. DE HOSSON, C.A. Brebbia, ISSN 1743-3533 (on-line)
  • H. Pıhtılı and N. Tosun, “Effect of load and speed on the wear behaviour of woven glass fabrics and aramid fibre-reinforced composites,” Wear, vol. 252, pp. 979–984, 2002.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet İskender Özsoy 0000-0001-6777-4818

Levent Esatoğlu This is me 0000-0002-4890-8013

Project Number Project Number: 2017-50-01-083
Publication Date October 1, 2020
Submission Date May 4, 2020
Acceptance Date July 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Özsoy, M. İ., & Esatoğlu, L. (2020). Friction and Wear Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide Composites. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 24(5), 965-972.
AMA Özsoy Mİ, Esatoğlu L. Friction and Wear Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide Composites. SAUJS. October 2020;24(5):965-972. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.731914
Chicago Özsoy, Mehmet İskender, and Levent Esatoğlu. “Friction and Wear Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide Composites”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24, no. 5 (October 2020): 965-72.
EndNote Özsoy Mİ, Esatoğlu L (October 1, 2020) Friction and Wear Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide Composites. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24 5 965–972.
IEEE M. İ. Özsoy and L. Esatoğlu, “Friction and Wear Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide Composites”, SAUJS, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 965–972, 2020, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.731914.
ISNAD Özsoy, Mehmet İskender - Esatoğlu, Levent. “Friction and Wear Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide Composites”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24/5 (October 2020), 965-972.
JAMA Özsoy Mİ, Esatoğlu L. Friction and Wear Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide Composites. SAUJS. 2020;24:965–972.
MLA Özsoy, Mehmet İskender and Levent Esatoğlu. “Friction and Wear Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide Composites”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 24, no. 5, 2020, pp. 965-72, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.731914.
Vancouver Özsoy Mİ, Esatoğlu L. Friction and Wear Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide Composites. SAUJS. 2020;24(5):965-72.