Research Article
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Effective Architectural Design Decisions in Double Skin Facades

Year 2013, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 427 - 436, 01.06.2013


In architectural discourse, it is possible to notice a rising interest in building skin configurations which promise to help minimizing the loss of energy while maximizing its gain. In parallel, it is possible to see that the use of doubleskin glass facades globally pervades. All over the world double-skin facade applications multiply day by day. This technology is still quite new in Turkey and it is not possible to find many applications or researches done on this subject. For this reason, architects and engineers should be focused on the designs solutions providing energy savings. The design of DSF depends on various architectural decisions. In this study, effective design decision parameters on energy performance of DSF systems will be discussed in a comprehensive way in architectural perspective by reviewing previous studies.


  • (REFERENCES) Yılmaz, Z. (2006) ‘Akıllı Binalar ve Yenilenebilir Enerji’, Tesisat mühendisliği dergisi, sayi. 91, s. 7-15.
  • Saelens, D., Roels, S. & Hens, H. (2008) ‘Strategies to improve the energy performance of multiple-skin facades’, Building and Environment, vol. 43, no. 4, April, pp. 638-650.
  • Loncour, X., Deneyer, A., Blasco, M., Flament, G. and Wouters, P. (2004) Ventilated Double Skin Façades. Belgian Building Research Institute (BBRI), Contributed Report 03.
  • Jiru, T.E., Tao, Y.X. & Haghighat, F. (2011) ‘Airflow and heat transfer in double skin facades’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 43, no. 10, October, pp. 2760–2766.
  • Compagno, A. (2002) Intelligent Glass Facades: Material, Practice, Design, Basel: Birkhauser.
  • Oesterle, E. and Lieb, R.L. (2001) Double-skin Façades – integrated planning. Munich, London: Prestel Verlag.
  • Hensen, J., Bartak, M. and Drkal, F. (2002) ‘Modeling and simulation of a double-skin facade system/discussion’, Conference Proceedings, ASHRAE Transactions Symposia, pp. 1243-1251.
  • Haase, M., Marques da Silva, F. & Amato, A. (2009) ‘Simulation of ventialated facades in hot and humid climates’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 41, no. 4, April, pp. 361-373.
  • Chan, A.L.S., Chow ,T., Fong, K.F. & Lin, Z. (2009) ‘Investigation on energy performance of double skin facade in Hong Kong’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 41, no. 11, November, pp. 1135– 11
  • Hİseggen, R., Wachenfeldt, B.J. & Hanssen, S.O. (2008) ‘Building simulation as an assisting tool in decision making, case study: with or without a double-skin facade?’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 821–837.
  • Wong, P.C., Prasad, D. & Behnia, M. (2008) ‘A new type of double-skin façade configuration for the hot and humid climate’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 1941-1945.
  • Gratia, E. & Herde, A. (2007) ‘Greenhouse effect in double-skin facade’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 39, no.2, February, pp. 199–211.
  • Hamdan M.A. (1994) ‘Thermal gains through windows’, Energy Convers Manage, vol. 35, no. 6, June, pp. 861-872.
  • Kim, S.Y., and Song, K.D. (2007) ‘Determining photosensor conditions of a daylight dimming control system using different double-skin envelope configurations’, Indoor and Built
  • Environment, vol. 16, no.5, October, pp. 4114
  • Stribling, D. and Stigge, B. A critical review of the energy savings and cost payback issues of double facades [Online], Available: [15 Aug 2013].
  • Perino, M. and Serra, V. (2006) Advanced
  • Integrated Façades:An Overview based on Advanced integrated façades state of the art, Final Report of Subtask A, IEA- ECBCS- 4th ANNEX 44. Gratia, E. & Herde, A. (2007) ‘Guidelines for improving natural daytime ventilatioin an office building with a double-skin facade’, Solar
  • Energy, vol. 81, no. 4, April, pp. 435–448. Asdrubalı, F. and Baldinelli, G. (2007) ‘A new double skin facade with integrated movable shading systems: numerical analysis and evaluation of energy performance Energy, climate and indoor comfort in mediterranean countries’, Conference Proceedings, CLIMAMED 2007, pp. 259- 272.
  • Çetiner, İ. (2002) Çift Kabuklu Cam Cephelerin
  • Enerji ve Ekonomi Etkinliğinin Değerlendirilmesinde Kullanılabilecek Bir Yaklaşım, Doktora Tezi, İ.T.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul. Eşsiz, Ö. (2004) ‘Teknolojinin Cam Cephe
  • Panellerine Getirdiği Yenilikler’, Sempozyum Bildirisi, 1. Ulusal Çatı & Cephe Kaplamalarında Çağdaş Malzeme ve Teknolojiler Sempozyumu, ÇATIDER, s.73.82. Singh, M.C., Garg, S.N. and Jha, R. (2008)
  • ‘Different glazing systems and their impact on human thermal comfort-Indian scenario’, Building and Environment, vol. 43, no. 10, October, pp. 1596-1602.
  • Poirazis, H. (2006) Double Skin Façades, Report of IEA SHC Task 34 ECBCS Annex 43.
  • Zhou, C. & Xue, N. (2012) ‘The study of vent form of double-skin facade based on CFD’, Advanced Materials Research, vols. 374-377, October, pp.440-444.
  • Park, C.S., Augenbroe,G., Messadi, T., Thitisawat, M. & Sadegh, N. (2004) ‘Calibration of a lumped simulation model for double-skin facade systems’, Energy and Building, vol. 36, no.11, November, pp.1117-1130.
  • Özler, M.E. (2003) Akıllı Binalarda Enerji Etkin Tasarım Parametreleri, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, ITU. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü , Istanbul.
  • Saelens, D., Carmeliet, J. & Hens, H. (2003) ‘Energy Performance Assessment of MultipleSkin Facades’, Hvac & Research, vol. 9, no. 2, February, pp. 167-185.
  • Haase, M. (2008) Double-skin facades for Hong Kong, PhD Thesis, University of Hong Kong.
  • Safer, N., Woloszyn, M. & Roux, J.J. (2005) ‘Tree-dimensional simulation with a CFD tool of the airflow phenomena in single floor doubleskin facade equipped with a venetian blind’, Solar Energy, vol.79, no.2, August, pp. 193-203.
  • Gavan, V., Woloszyn, M., Kuznik, F. & Roux, J.J. (2010) ‘Experimenatal study of a mechanically ventilated double-skin facade with venetian sun-shading device: A full-scale investigation in controlled environment’, Solar Energy, vol. 84, no. 2, February, pp. 183-195.
  • Yuan, Y., Zeng, J., Zhu, Y. & Lin, B. (2007) ‘A lumped model of double skin facade with cavity shading’, Conference Proceedings, Building Simulation, pp. 211-216.
  • Infield, D., Mei, L. & Eicker, U. (2004) ‘Thermal performance estimation for ventilated PV façades’, Solar Energy, vol. 76, no. 1-3, January- March, pp. 93-98.
  • Stec, W.J., Van Paassen, A.H.C. & Maziarz, A. (2005) ‘Modelling the double skin facade with plants’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 37, no.5, May, pp. 419-427.
  • Pasquay, T. (2004) ‘Natural ventilation in highrise buildings with double facades, saving or waste of energy’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 36, no.4, April, pp. 381–389.
  • Yılmaz, Z. & Çetintas, F. (2005) ‘Double skin facade’s effects on heat losses of office buildings in Istanbul’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 37, no. 7, July, pp. 691–697.
  • Balocco, C. (2002) ‘A simple model to study ventilated facades energy performance’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 34, no.5, June, pp. 469-475.
  • Zöllner, A., Winter, E.R.F. & Viskanta, R. (2002) ‘Experimental studies of combined heat transfer in turbulent mixed convection fluid flows in double skin facades’, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 45, no. 22, October, pp. 4401-4408.
  • Nikolaus, N. (2007) The need for Multi-Skin Facades in Buildings, Master Thesis, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK.
  • Chow, W.K., & Hung, W.Y. (2006) ‘Effect of cavity depth on smoke spreading of double-skin façade’, Building and Environment, vol. 41, no.7, July, pp. 970-979.
  • Ünal, M. (2006) Çift Kabuk Cephelerin
  • Sistematik Analizi ve Uygulama Örneklerinin İncelenmesi, Yüksek lisans tezi, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, İstanbul. Mingotti, N., Chenvidyakarn, T. & Woods, A.W. (2011) ‘The fluid mechanics of the natural ventilation of a narrow-cavity double-skin facade’, Building and Environment, vol. 46, no.4, April, pp. 807-823.
  • Ding, W., Hasemi, Y. & Yamada, T. (2005) ‘
  • Natural ventilation performance of a double-skin facade with a solar chimney’,. Energy and Buildings, vol. 37, no.4, April, pp. 411-418. İnan, T., ve Başaran, T. (2012) ‘Çift Cidarlı
  • Cephe Sistemlerinin İncelenmesi’, Yapı Dergisi, sayi 370, Eylül, 122-126.

Çift Cidarlı Cephelerdeki Etkin Mimari Tasarım Kararları

Year 2013, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 427 - 436, 01.06.2013


In architectural discourse, it is possible to notice a rising interest in building skin configurations which promise to help minimizing the loss of energy while maximizing its gain. In parallel, it is possible to see that the use of double-skin glass facades globally pervades. All over the world double-skin facade applications multiply day by day. This technology is still quite new in Turkey and it is not possible to find many applications or researches done on this subject. For this reason, architects and engineers should be focused on the designs solutions providing energy savings. The design of DSF depends on various architectural decisions. In this study, effective design decision parameters on energy performance of DSF systems will be discussed in a comprehensive way in architectural perspective by reviewing previous studies.


  • (REFERENCES) Yılmaz, Z. (2006) ‘Akıllı Binalar ve Yenilenebilir Enerji’, Tesisat mühendisliği dergisi, sayi. 91, s. 7-15.
  • Saelens, D., Roels, S. & Hens, H. (2008) ‘Strategies to improve the energy performance of multiple-skin facades’, Building and Environment, vol. 43, no. 4, April, pp. 638-650.
  • Loncour, X., Deneyer, A., Blasco, M., Flament, G. and Wouters, P. (2004) Ventilated Double Skin Façades. Belgian Building Research Institute (BBRI), Contributed Report 03.
  • Jiru, T.E., Tao, Y.X. & Haghighat, F. (2011) ‘Airflow and heat transfer in double skin facades’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 43, no. 10, October, pp. 2760–2766.
  • Compagno, A. (2002) Intelligent Glass Facades: Material, Practice, Design, Basel: Birkhauser.
  • Oesterle, E. and Lieb, R.L. (2001) Double-skin Façades – integrated planning. Munich, London: Prestel Verlag.
  • Hensen, J., Bartak, M. and Drkal, F. (2002) ‘Modeling and simulation of a double-skin facade system/discussion’, Conference Proceedings, ASHRAE Transactions Symposia, pp. 1243-1251.
  • Haase, M., Marques da Silva, F. & Amato, A. (2009) ‘Simulation of ventialated facades in hot and humid climates’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 41, no. 4, April, pp. 361-373.
  • Chan, A.L.S., Chow ,T., Fong, K.F. & Lin, Z. (2009) ‘Investigation on energy performance of double skin facade in Hong Kong’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 41, no. 11, November, pp. 1135– 11
  • Hİseggen, R., Wachenfeldt, B.J. & Hanssen, S.O. (2008) ‘Building simulation as an assisting tool in decision making, case study: with or without a double-skin facade?’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 821–837.
  • Wong, P.C., Prasad, D. & Behnia, M. (2008) ‘A new type of double-skin façade configuration for the hot and humid climate’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 1941-1945.
  • Gratia, E. & Herde, A. (2007) ‘Greenhouse effect in double-skin facade’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 39, no.2, February, pp. 199–211.
  • Hamdan M.A. (1994) ‘Thermal gains through windows’, Energy Convers Manage, vol. 35, no. 6, June, pp. 861-872.
  • Kim, S.Y., and Song, K.D. (2007) ‘Determining photosensor conditions of a daylight dimming control system using different double-skin envelope configurations’, Indoor and Built
  • Environment, vol. 16, no.5, October, pp. 4114
  • Stribling, D. and Stigge, B. A critical review of the energy savings and cost payback issues of double facades [Online], Available: [15 Aug 2013].
  • Perino, M. and Serra, V. (2006) Advanced
  • Integrated Façades:An Overview based on Advanced integrated façades state of the art, Final Report of Subtask A, IEA- ECBCS- 4th ANNEX 44. Gratia, E. & Herde, A. (2007) ‘Guidelines for improving natural daytime ventilatioin an office building with a double-skin facade’, Solar
  • Energy, vol. 81, no. 4, April, pp. 435–448. Asdrubalı, F. and Baldinelli, G. (2007) ‘A new double skin facade with integrated movable shading systems: numerical analysis and evaluation of energy performance Energy, climate and indoor comfort in mediterranean countries’, Conference Proceedings, CLIMAMED 2007, pp. 259- 272.
  • Çetiner, İ. (2002) Çift Kabuklu Cam Cephelerin
  • Enerji ve Ekonomi Etkinliğinin Değerlendirilmesinde Kullanılabilecek Bir Yaklaşım, Doktora Tezi, İ.T.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul. Eşsiz, Ö. (2004) ‘Teknolojinin Cam Cephe
  • Panellerine Getirdiği Yenilikler’, Sempozyum Bildirisi, 1. Ulusal Çatı & Cephe Kaplamalarında Çağdaş Malzeme ve Teknolojiler Sempozyumu, ÇATIDER, s.73.82. Singh, M.C., Garg, S.N. and Jha, R. (2008)
  • ‘Different glazing systems and their impact on human thermal comfort-Indian scenario’, Building and Environment, vol. 43, no. 10, October, pp. 1596-1602.
  • Poirazis, H. (2006) Double Skin Façades, Report of IEA SHC Task 34 ECBCS Annex 43.
  • Zhou, C. & Xue, N. (2012) ‘The study of vent form of double-skin facade based on CFD’, Advanced Materials Research, vols. 374-377, October, pp.440-444.
  • Park, C.S., Augenbroe,G., Messadi, T., Thitisawat, M. & Sadegh, N. (2004) ‘Calibration of a lumped simulation model for double-skin facade systems’, Energy and Building, vol. 36, no.11, November, pp.1117-1130.
  • Özler, M.E. (2003) Akıllı Binalarda Enerji Etkin Tasarım Parametreleri, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, ITU. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü , Istanbul.
  • Saelens, D., Carmeliet, J. & Hens, H. (2003) ‘Energy Performance Assessment of MultipleSkin Facades’, Hvac & Research, vol. 9, no. 2, February, pp. 167-185.
  • Haase, M. (2008) Double-skin facades for Hong Kong, PhD Thesis, University of Hong Kong.
  • Safer, N., Woloszyn, M. & Roux, J.J. (2005) ‘Tree-dimensional simulation with a CFD tool of the airflow phenomena in single floor doubleskin facade equipped with a venetian blind’, Solar Energy, vol.79, no.2, August, pp. 193-203.
  • Gavan, V., Woloszyn, M., Kuznik, F. & Roux, J.J. (2010) ‘Experimenatal study of a mechanically ventilated double-skin facade with venetian sun-shading device: A full-scale investigation in controlled environment’, Solar Energy, vol. 84, no. 2, February, pp. 183-195.
  • Yuan, Y., Zeng, J., Zhu, Y. & Lin, B. (2007) ‘A lumped model of double skin facade with cavity shading’, Conference Proceedings, Building Simulation, pp. 211-216.
  • Infield, D., Mei, L. & Eicker, U. (2004) ‘Thermal performance estimation for ventilated PV façades’, Solar Energy, vol. 76, no. 1-3, January- March, pp. 93-98.
  • Stec, W.J., Van Paassen, A.H.C. & Maziarz, A. (2005) ‘Modelling the double skin facade with plants’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 37, no.5, May, pp. 419-427.
  • Pasquay, T. (2004) ‘Natural ventilation in highrise buildings with double facades, saving or waste of energy’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 36, no.4, April, pp. 381–389.
  • Yılmaz, Z. & Çetintas, F. (2005) ‘Double skin facade’s effects on heat losses of office buildings in Istanbul’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 37, no. 7, July, pp. 691–697.
  • Balocco, C. (2002) ‘A simple model to study ventilated facades energy performance’, Energy and Buildings, vol. 34, no.5, June, pp. 469-475.
  • Zöllner, A., Winter, E.R.F. & Viskanta, R. (2002) ‘Experimental studies of combined heat transfer in turbulent mixed convection fluid flows in double skin facades’, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 45, no. 22, October, pp. 4401-4408.
  • Nikolaus, N. (2007) The need for Multi-Skin Facades in Buildings, Master Thesis, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK.
  • Chow, W.K., & Hung, W.Y. (2006) ‘Effect of cavity depth on smoke spreading of double-skin façade’, Building and Environment, vol. 41, no.7, July, pp. 970-979.
  • Ünal, M. (2006) Çift Kabuk Cephelerin
  • Sistematik Analizi ve Uygulama Örneklerinin İncelenmesi, Yüksek lisans tezi, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, İstanbul. Mingotti, N., Chenvidyakarn, T. & Woods, A.W. (2011) ‘The fluid mechanics of the natural ventilation of a narrow-cavity double-skin facade’, Building and Environment, vol. 46, no.4, April, pp. 807-823.
  • Ding, W., Hasemi, Y. & Yamada, T. (2005) ‘
  • Natural ventilation performance of a double-skin facade with a solar chimney’,. Energy and Buildings, vol. 37, no.4, April, pp. 411-418. İnan, T., ve Başaran, T. (2012) ‘Çift Cidarlı
  • Cephe Sistemlerinin İncelenmesi’, Yapı Dergisi, sayi 370, Eylül, 122-126.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Tuğba İnan This is me

Tahsin Başaran This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Submission Date July 2, 2013
Acceptance Date August 21, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 17 Issue: 3


APA İnan, T., & Başaran, T. (2013). Çift Cidarlı Cephelerdeki Etkin Mimari Tasarım Kararları. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 17(3), 427-436.
AMA İnan T, Başaran T. Çift Cidarlı Cephelerdeki Etkin Mimari Tasarım Kararları. SAUJS. December 2013;17(3):427-436. doi:10.16984/saufbed.47971
Chicago İnan, Tuğba, and Tahsin Başaran. “Çift Cidarlı Cephelerdeki Etkin Mimari Tasarım Kararları”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 17, no. 3 (December 2013): 427-36.
EndNote İnan T, Başaran T (December 1, 2013) Çift Cidarlı Cephelerdeki Etkin Mimari Tasarım Kararları. Sakarya University Journal of Science 17 3 427–436.
IEEE T. İnan and T. Başaran, “Çift Cidarlı Cephelerdeki Etkin Mimari Tasarım Kararları”, SAUJS, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 427–436, 2013, doi: 10.16984/saufbed.47971.
ISNAD İnan, Tuğba - Başaran, Tahsin. “Çift Cidarlı Cephelerdeki Etkin Mimari Tasarım Kararları”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 17/3 (December 2013), 427-436.
JAMA İnan T, Başaran T. Çift Cidarlı Cephelerdeki Etkin Mimari Tasarım Kararları. SAUJS. 2013;17:427–436.
MLA İnan, Tuğba and Tahsin Başaran. “Çift Cidarlı Cephelerdeki Etkin Mimari Tasarım Kararları”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 17, no. 3, 2013, pp. 427-36, doi:10.16984/saufbed.47971.
Vancouver İnan T, Başaran T. Çift Cidarlı Cephelerdeki Etkin Mimari Tasarım Kararları. SAUJS. 2013;17(3):427-36.


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