Year 2003,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 175 - 177, 01.08.2003
Halim Özdemir
Aydın İnci
Murat Sarduvan
P1 ve P2 komutatir ideınpotent matrislerinin lineer kombinasyonunun da biriden1potent matris o l du ğ u tünı durunılan karakterize etme probleminin tanı bir çözümü
ortaya konulmaktadır. Ayrıca, bu çahşm ada ele alınan idempotentlik probleminin bir istatistiksel yorumu da verilmektedir·
- J.K. Baksalary, Algebraic characterizations and
- s t atis t ical impli ca ti ons of t he coımnutativity of
- o r tbogo n a l projectors, in: T. Pukkila, S. Puntanen
- (E ds.), Proceedings of the Second International
- Tanıpere Conference in Statistics, Univer s ity of
- Tampere, Tampere, Finland, 1987, pp. 113�142.
- J. Gro�, G. Trenkl er , On the produc t of oblique
- proj ectors, Linear and Multilİnear Algebra
- (1998) 247-259.
- A.M. Mathai� S.B. P r ov ost , Quadratic Forıns in
- Randoın Variables: Theory and Applications,
- Dekker, New York, 1992.
- C.R. Rao, S.K. M itr a, Generalized lnverse of
- Matrice s and Its Applications, W i l le y , New Yo r k,
- 97 1.
- Y. Takane, H. Y ana i, On oblique projectors, Linear
- Algebra Appl., 289(1999) 297-310.
- J.K. BaksaJary, O.M. Baksalary, Idenıpotency of
- linear combinations of two id e ınpot ent matrices,
- Linear Algebr a Appl., 321(2000) 3-7.
- R.A.Hom, C.R. Johnson, Matrix Analysis,
- Cambridge University P r e ss, Caınbridge, 1991.
- [ 8] F .A. Gr aybi l l , Introduction to Matrices with
- A pplications in Statistics, Wadsworth Publishing
- C o mpa ny, lnc.,California, 1969
Year 2003,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 175 - 177, 01.08.2003
Halim Özdemir
Aydın İnci
Murat Sarduvan
- J.K. Baksalary, Algebraic characterizations and
- s t atis t ical impli ca ti ons of t he coımnutativity of
- o r tbogo n a l projectors, in: T. Pukkila, S. Puntanen
- (E ds.), Proceedings of the Second International
- Tanıpere Conference in Statistics, Univer s ity of
- Tampere, Tampere, Finland, 1987, pp. 113�142.
- J. Gro�, G. Trenkl er , On the produc t of oblique
- proj ectors, Linear and Multilİnear Algebra
- (1998) 247-259.
- A.M. Mathai� S.B. P r ov ost , Quadratic Forıns in
- Randoın Variables: Theory and Applications,
- Dekker, New York, 1992.
- C.R. Rao, S.K. M itr a, Generalized lnverse of
- Matrice s and Its Applications, W i l le y , New Yo r k,
- 97 1.
- Y. Takane, H. Y ana i, On oblique projectors, Linear
- Algebra Appl., 289(1999) 297-310.
- J.K. BaksaJary, O.M. Baksalary, Idenıpotency of
- linear combinations of two id e ınpot ent matrices,
- Linear Algebr a Appl., 321(2000) 3-7.
- R.A.Hom, C.R. Johnson, Matrix Analysis,
- Cambridge University P r e ss, Caınbridge, 1991.
- [ 8] F .A. Gr aybi l l , Introduction to Matrices with
- A pplications in Statistics, Wadsworth Publishing
- C o mpa ny, lnc.,California, 1969