Research Article
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Factors influencing fermentative biohydrogen production by anaerobic fermentation

Year 2015, Volume: 19 Issue: 2, 171 - 186, 01.08.2015


In the achieved from biological way with anaerobic fermentation of accepted hydrogen as an energy carrier the most important of the future ambient conditions and operating parameters are considerably important. Type of seed microorganism, pH, temperature, the used substrate, partial pressure of H2 formed in the reactor, last products occurred during fermentation process, nitrogen and phosphorus concentration in the reactor, metal content, HRT of the mixture in the reactor, the used enzymes, and metabolic reactions in the reactor strongly influences to be released H2 efficient. Before from H2 production at the continuous system, the maximum operating conditions for all these parameters should be determined. Because improvement in working conditions will positively affect the efficiency of biohydrogen production. This review article was prepared to investigate the need optimal operating conditions and to provide detailed information about these conditions. 


  • Öztürk, İ. (2007) Anaerobik arıtma ve uygulamaları, 2. Baskı, Su vakfı, İstanbul.
  • Aksöyek, E. (2011) İmmobilize biyoreaktörde hidrojen üretiminin incelenmesi, Yüksek lisans tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyomühendislik Anabilim Dalı, İzmir, 291147.
  • Nath, K. Das, D. (2004) “Improvement of fermentative hydrogen production: Various approaches”, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 65, pp. 520-529.
  • Bartacek, J. Zabranska, J. Lens Piet, N.L. (2007) “Developments and constraints in fermentative hydrogen production”, Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 1, pp. 201–214.
  • Genç, N. (2010) “Fermentatif biyohidrojen üretim proseslerinde hidrojen veriminin geliştirilmesindeki yaklaşımlar”, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(3), pp 225-239.
  • Hafez, H. (2010) “A novel system for biological hydrogen production from wastes”, PhD Thesis, Studises The University of Western, School of Graduate and Postdoctoral, London, Ontario, Canada, ISBN:978-0-494-73366-0.
  • Ni, M. Leung, D.Y.C. Leung, M.K.H. Sumathy, K. (2006) “An overview of hydrogen production from biomass”, Fuel Processing Technology, 87, pp 461-472.
  • Valdez-Vazquez, I.M. Poggi-Varaldo, H. (2009) “Hydrogen production by fermentative consortia”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13, pp 1000–1013.
  • Sinha, P. Pandey, A. (2011) “An evaluative report and challenges for fermentative biohydrogen production”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36, pp 7460-7478.
  • Kotay, S.M. Das, D. (2008) “Biohydrogen as a renewable energy resource- prospects and potentials”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33, pp 258-263.
  • Miyake, J. Matsunaga, T. Pietro, A.S. (2001) “Biohydrogen II An Approach to Environmentally Acceptable Technology, PERGAMON.
  • Chong, M.L. Sabaratnam, V. Shirai, Y. Ali Hassan, M. (2009) “Biohydrogen production from biomass and industrial wastes by dark fermentation”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34, pp 3277-3287.
  • Li, C.L. Fang, H.H.P. (2007) “Fermentative hydrogen production from wastewater and solid wastes by mixed cultures”, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 37, pp 1-39.
  • Wang, J. Wan, W. (2009) “Factors influencing fermentative hydrogen production: A review”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34, pp 799–811.
  • Davila-Vazquez, G. Arriaga, S. Alatriste-Mondragon, F. de Leon-Rodriguez, A. Rosales-Colunga, L. M. Razo-Flores, E. (2008) “Fermentative biohydrogen production: trends and perspectives”, Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology, 7, pp 27-45.
  • Iyer, P. Bruns, M.A. Zhang, H. Ginkel, V.S. Logan, B.E. (2004) “H2 producing bacterial communities from a heat-treated soil inoculum”, Microbial Biotechnology, 66, pp 166–173.
  • Kahveci, M.İ. (2007) “Biohydrogen production via dark fermentation”, MSc. Thesis, İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, İstanbul, 224046.
  • Baghchehsaraee, B. (2009) “Batch and continuous biohydrogen production using mixed microbial culture”, PhD Thesis, The University of Western Ontario, School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, London, Ontario, Canada, ISBN:978-0-494-54265-1.
  • Özkan, L. (2009) “Dark fermentative biohydrogen production from sugar-beet processing wastes”, MSc. Thesis, Middle East Technical University, The Graduate school of natural and aplied sciences, Ankara, 259209.
  • Vijayaraghavan, K. Ahmad, D. Khairil Bin Ibrahim, M. Naemmah Binti Herman, H. (2006) “Isolation of hydrogen generating microflora from cow dung for seeding anaerobic digester”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 31, 6, pp 708–720.
  • Cheng, S.S. Chang, S.M. Chen, S.T. (2002) “Effects of volatile fatty acids on a thermophilic anaerobic hydrogen fermentation process degrading peptone”, Water Science and Technology,46, 4/5, pp 209–214.
  • Hallenbeck, P.C. (2005) “Fundamentals of the fermentative production of hydrogen”, Water Science and Technology, 52(1-2), pp 21-29.
  • Hawkes, F.R. Dinsdale, R. Hawkes, D.L. Hussy, I. (2002) “Sustainable fermentative hydrogen production: challenges for process optimisation”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 27, pp 1339–1347.
  • Kapdan, I.K. Kargı, F. (2006) “Biohydrogen production from waste materials”, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 38(5), pp 569–582.
  • Wu, X. (2009) “Fermentative hydrogen production from liquid swine manure with glucose supplement using an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor”, PhD Thesis, The University of Minnesota, A dissertation submitted to the faculty of the graduate school, United States Code, UMI Number: 3366955.
  • Fang, H.H.P. Li, C.L. Zhang, T. (2006) “Acidophilic biohydrogen production from rice slurry”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 31, pp 683-692.
  • Yang, H. Shen, J. (2006) “Effect of ferrous iron concentration on anaerobic biohydrogen production from soluble starch”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 31(15), pp 2137-2146.
  • Tanisho, S. Kuromoto, M. Kadokura, N. (1998) “Effect of CO2 removal on hydrogen production by fermentation”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 23 (7), pp 559-563.
  • Logan, B.E. Oh, S.E. Kim, I.S. Ginkel, S.V. (2002) “Biological hydrogen production measured in batch anaerobic respirometers”, Environmental Science & Technology, 36, pp 2530-2535.
  • Ren, N. Li, Y. Wang, A. Li, J. Ding, J. Zadsar, M. (2006) “Hydrogen production by fermentation: Review of a new approach to environmentally safe energy production”, Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 9(1), pp 39–42.
  • Malis, A. Melnicki, M.R. (2006) “Integrated biological hydrogen production”, Hydrogen Energy, 31, pp 1563-1573.
  • Mu, Y. Yu, H.Q. Wang, G. (2007) “Evaluation of three methods for enriching H2-producing cultures from anaerobic sludge”, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 40, (4), pp 947-953.
  • Hwang, M.H. Jang, N.J. Hyun, S.H. Kim, I.S. (2004) “Anaerobic biohydrogen from ethanol fermentation: the role of pH”, Biotechnology, 111, pp 297-309.
  • Ren, N. Li, J. Li, B. Wang, Y. Lui, S. (2006a). Biohydrogen production from molasses by anaerobic fermentation with a pilot-scale bioreactor system”, Hydrogen Energy, 31, pp 2147-2157.
  • Levin, D.B. Pitt, L. Love, M. (2004) “Biohydrogen production: prospects and limitations to practical application”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 29, pp 173-185.
  • Wongtanet, J. Sang, B.I. Lee, S.M. Pak, D. (2007) “Biohydrogen production by fermentative process in continuous stirred-tank reactor”, International Journal of Green Energy, 4, pp 385-395.
  • Lin, C.Y. Jo, C.H. (2003) “Hydrogen production from sucrose using an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor process”, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 78, pp 678-684.
  • Ren, N.Q. Wang, B.Z. Huang, J.C. (1997) “Ethanol-type fermentation from carbohydrate in high rate acidogenic reactor”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 54 (5), pp 428-433.

Anaerobik fermentasyonla biyohidrojen üretim verimine etki eden faktörler

Year 2015, Volume: 19 Issue: 2, 171 - 186, 01.08.2015


Geleceğin en önemli enerji taşıyıcısı olarak kabul edilen hidrojenin anaerobik fermantasyonla biyolojik yoldan elde edilmesinde ortam koşulları ve çalışma parametreleri oldukça önemlidir. Aşı mikroorganizma türü, pH, sıcaklık, kullanılan substrat, reaktörde oluşan H2’nin kısmi basıncı, fermantasyon işlemi sırasında oluşan son ürünler, reaktördeki azot ve fosfor konsantrasyonu, metal içeriği, reaktör içerisindeki karışımın HRT’si, kullanılan enzimler ve reaktör içerisindeki metabolik reaksiyonlar açığa çıkacak H2 verimini kuvvetle etkilemektedir. Sürekli sistemde Hüretimine geçilmeden önce tüm bu parametreler için maksimum işletme koşulları belirlenmelidir. Çünkü çalışma koşullarındaki iyileşme biyohidrojen üretim verimini olumlu yönde etkileyecektir. Bu derleme makale gerekli en uygun çalışma koşullarını araştırmak ve bu koşullar hakkında detaylı bilgi vermek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır.


  • Öztürk, İ. (2007) Anaerobik arıtma ve uygulamaları, 2. Baskı, Su vakfı, İstanbul.
  • Aksöyek, E. (2011) İmmobilize biyoreaktörde hidrojen üretiminin incelenmesi, Yüksek lisans tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyomühendislik Anabilim Dalı, İzmir, 291147.
  • Nath, K. Das, D. (2004) “Improvement of fermentative hydrogen production: Various approaches”, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 65, pp. 520-529.
  • Bartacek, J. Zabranska, J. Lens Piet, N.L. (2007) “Developments and constraints in fermentative hydrogen production”, Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 1, pp. 201–214.
  • Genç, N. (2010) “Fermentatif biyohidrojen üretim proseslerinde hidrojen veriminin geliştirilmesindeki yaklaşımlar”, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(3), pp 225-239.
  • Hafez, H. (2010) “A novel system for biological hydrogen production from wastes”, PhD Thesis, Studises The University of Western, School of Graduate and Postdoctoral, London, Ontario, Canada, ISBN:978-0-494-73366-0.
  • Ni, M. Leung, D.Y.C. Leung, M.K.H. Sumathy, K. (2006) “An overview of hydrogen production from biomass”, Fuel Processing Technology, 87, pp 461-472.
  • Valdez-Vazquez, I.M. Poggi-Varaldo, H. (2009) “Hydrogen production by fermentative consortia”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13, pp 1000–1013.
  • Sinha, P. Pandey, A. (2011) “An evaluative report and challenges for fermentative biohydrogen production”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36, pp 7460-7478.
  • Kotay, S.M. Das, D. (2008) “Biohydrogen as a renewable energy resource- prospects and potentials”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33, pp 258-263.
  • Miyake, J. Matsunaga, T. Pietro, A.S. (2001) “Biohydrogen II An Approach to Environmentally Acceptable Technology, PERGAMON.
  • Chong, M.L. Sabaratnam, V. Shirai, Y. Ali Hassan, M. (2009) “Biohydrogen production from biomass and industrial wastes by dark fermentation”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34, pp 3277-3287.
  • Li, C.L. Fang, H.H.P. (2007) “Fermentative hydrogen production from wastewater and solid wastes by mixed cultures”, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 37, pp 1-39.
  • Wang, J. Wan, W. (2009) “Factors influencing fermentative hydrogen production: A review”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34, pp 799–811.
  • Davila-Vazquez, G. Arriaga, S. Alatriste-Mondragon, F. de Leon-Rodriguez, A. Rosales-Colunga, L. M. Razo-Flores, E. (2008) “Fermentative biohydrogen production: trends and perspectives”, Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology, 7, pp 27-45.
  • Iyer, P. Bruns, M.A. Zhang, H. Ginkel, V.S. Logan, B.E. (2004) “H2 producing bacterial communities from a heat-treated soil inoculum”, Microbial Biotechnology, 66, pp 166–173.
  • Kahveci, M.İ. (2007) “Biohydrogen production via dark fermentation”, MSc. Thesis, İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, İstanbul, 224046.
  • Baghchehsaraee, B. (2009) “Batch and continuous biohydrogen production using mixed microbial culture”, PhD Thesis, The University of Western Ontario, School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, London, Ontario, Canada, ISBN:978-0-494-54265-1.
  • Özkan, L. (2009) “Dark fermentative biohydrogen production from sugar-beet processing wastes”, MSc. Thesis, Middle East Technical University, The Graduate school of natural and aplied sciences, Ankara, 259209.
  • Vijayaraghavan, K. Ahmad, D. Khairil Bin Ibrahim, M. Naemmah Binti Herman, H. (2006) “Isolation of hydrogen generating microflora from cow dung for seeding anaerobic digester”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 31, 6, pp 708–720.
  • Cheng, S.S. Chang, S.M. Chen, S.T. (2002) “Effects of volatile fatty acids on a thermophilic anaerobic hydrogen fermentation process degrading peptone”, Water Science and Technology,46, 4/5, pp 209–214.
  • Hallenbeck, P.C. (2005) “Fundamentals of the fermentative production of hydrogen”, Water Science and Technology, 52(1-2), pp 21-29.
  • Hawkes, F.R. Dinsdale, R. Hawkes, D.L. Hussy, I. (2002) “Sustainable fermentative hydrogen production: challenges for process optimisation”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 27, pp 1339–1347.
  • Kapdan, I.K. Kargı, F. (2006) “Biohydrogen production from waste materials”, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 38(5), pp 569–582.
  • Wu, X. (2009) “Fermentative hydrogen production from liquid swine manure with glucose supplement using an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor”, PhD Thesis, The University of Minnesota, A dissertation submitted to the faculty of the graduate school, United States Code, UMI Number: 3366955.
  • Fang, H.H.P. Li, C.L. Zhang, T. (2006) “Acidophilic biohydrogen production from rice slurry”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 31, pp 683-692.
  • Yang, H. Shen, J. (2006) “Effect of ferrous iron concentration on anaerobic biohydrogen production from soluble starch”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 31(15), pp 2137-2146.
  • Tanisho, S. Kuromoto, M. Kadokura, N. (1998) “Effect of CO2 removal on hydrogen production by fermentation”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 23 (7), pp 559-563.
  • Logan, B.E. Oh, S.E. Kim, I.S. Ginkel, S.V. (2002) “Biological hydrogen production measured in batch anaerobic respirometers”, Environmental Science & Technology, 36, pp 2530-2535.
  • Ren, N. Li, Y. Wang, A. Li, J. Ding, J. Zadsar, M. (2006) “Hydrogen production by fermentation: Review of a new approach to environmentally safe energy production”, Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 9(1), pp 39–42.
  • Malis, A. Melnicki, M.R. (2006) “Integrated biological hydrogen production”, Hydrogen Energy, 31, pp 1563-1573.
  • Mu, Y. Yu, H.Q. Wang, G. (2007) “Evaluation of three methods for enriching H2-producing cultures from anaerobic sludge”, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 40, (4), pp 947-953.
  • Hwang, M.H. Jang, N.J. Hyun, S.H. Kim, I.S. (2004) “Anaerobic biohydrogen from ethanol fermentation: the role of pH”, Biotechnology, 111, pp 297-309.
  • Ren, N. Li, J. Li, B. Wang, Y. Lui, S. (2006a). Biohydrogen production from molasses by anaerobic fermentation with a pilot-scale bioreactor system”, Hydrogen Energy, 31, pp 2147-2157.
  • Levin, D.B. Pitt, L. Love, M. (2004) “Biohydrogen production: prospects and limitations to practical application”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 29, pp 173-185.
  • Wongtanet, J. Sang, B.I. Lee, S.M. Pak, D. (2007) “Biohydrogen production by fermentative process in continuous stirred-tank reactor”, International Journal of Green Energy, 4, pp 385-395.
  • Lin, C.Y. Jo, C.H. (2003) “Hydrogen production from sucrose using an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor process”, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 78, pp 678-684.
  • Ren, N.Q. Wang, B.Z. Huang, J.C. (1997) “Ethanol-type fermentation from carbohydrate in high rate acidogenic reactor”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 54 (5), pp 428-433.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

İlknur Şentürk

Hanife Büyükgüngör

Publication Date August 1, 2015
Submission Date July 1, 2014
Acceptance Date September 24, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 19 Issue: 2


APA Şentürk, İ., & Büyükgüngör, H. (2015). Anaerobik fermentasyonla biyohidrojen üretim verimine etki eden faktörler. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 19(2), 171-186.
AMA Şentürk İ, Büyükgüngör H. Anaerobik fermentasyonla biyohidrojen üretim verimine etki eden faktörler. SAUJS. July 2015;19(2):171-186. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.81848
Chicago Şentürk, İlknur, and Hanife Büyükgüngör. “Anaerobik Fermentasyonla Biyohidrojen üretim Verimine Etki Eden faktörler”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 19, no. 2 (July 2015): 171-86.
EndNote Şentürk İ, Büyükgüngör H (July 1, 2015) Anaerobik fermentasyonla biyohidrojen üretim verimine etki eden faktörler. Sakarya University Journal of Science 19 2 171–186.
IEEE İ. Şentürk and H. Büyükgüngör, “Anaerobik fermentasyonla biyohidrojen üretim verimine etki eden faktörler”, SAUJS, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 171–186, 2015, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.81848.
ISNAD Şentürk, İlknur - Büyükgüngör, Hanife. “Anaerobik Fermentasyonla Biyohidrojen üretim Verimine Etki Eden faktörler”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 19/2 (July 2015), 171-186.
JAMA Şentürk İ, Büyükgüngör H. Anaerobik fermentasyonla biyohidrojen üretim verimine etki eden faktörler. SAUJS. 2015;19:171–186.
MLA Şentürk, İlknur and Hanife Büyükgüngör. “Anaerobik Fermentasyonla Biyohidrojen üretim Verimine Etki Eden faktörler”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 19, no. 2, 2015, pp. 171-86, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.81848.
Vancouver Şentürk İ, Büyükgüngör H. Anaerobik fermentasyonla biyohidrojen üretim verimine etki eden faktörler. SAUJS. 2015;19(2):171-86.


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