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Dünyada ve Türkiye’de yapay kıyı beslemesi

Year 2016, Volume: 20 Issue: 3, 645 - 657, 11.10.2016


Kıyı beslemesi, diğer isimleriyle “kıyı dolgusu, restorasyonu”, denizden çıkartılan büyük miktarda kaliteli kumun, kumsala veya kıyıdan denize doğru yerleştirilerek, kıyıların korunması ve genişletilmesidir. Kıyı besleme projeleri, doğal malzeme kullanılması açısından erozyona karşı en sürdürülebilir yöntemler arasında sayılmaktadır. Yapay kıyı beslemesi dünyada birçok ülkede yaklaşık yüz yıldan beri uygulanmaktadır. Bu yöntemle sadece erozyonla mücadele değil, aynı zamanda rekreasyon amaçlı kıyıların elde edilmesi de amaçlanmaktadır. Ülkemizde, A.B.D. ve Avrupa ülkelerindeki gibi büyük ölçekli yapay kıyı besleme projeleri bulunmamaktadır. Küçük ölçekli projeler ise ne yazık ki, birkaç tane pilot proje dışında yok denecek kadar azdır. Ülkemiz kıyılarında sahil düzenlemesi denildiğinde, kıyı kesiminde dolgu yapılarak bunun üzerinde rekreasyon amaçlı tesislerin inşa edilmesi akla gelmektedir. Dünyada turizm gelirleriyle ön plana çıkan İspanya ve İtalya gibi ülkelerde turizmin sürdürülebilir olmasına önemli katkılar sağlayan kumsal beslemelerinin, ülkemiz turizm potansiyeli dikkate alındığında turizm gelirlerine önemli katkılar sağlayacağı açıktır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye ve dünyada yapay kıyı beslemesi uygulamalarının detaylıca irdelenmesi ve ayrıca Rize için örnek bir kıyı besleme proje önerisinin özetlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. “Kıyıların çevreye uyumlu, sürdürülebilir yöntemlerle korunması” konusunda dünyadaki birçok ülkede pek çok örneğine rastlanan kumsal beslemelerinin ülkemizde uygulanması için gerekli teknik ve idari yatırımların hazırlanması gerekmektedir. Bunun için çoğunlukla doğayı tahrip eden sonuçlar doğuran sert yapılarla erozyonla mücadeleye alternatif olacak şekilde yaklaşık yüz yıldır kullanılan yapay kıyı beslemesi projelerinin önünü açacak mevzuat değişiklikleri yapılmalıdır.


  • R. Dean, Beach Nourishment:Theory and Practice, Singapore: World Scientific, 2002.
  • Work, PA; Otay, E, «Influence of nearshore berm on beach nourishment,» Coastal Engineering Proceedings, Orlando, Florida, 1996.
  • US Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Manual (CEM), USA: US Army Corps of Engineers, 2002.
  • R. Dornhelm, «The Coney Island public beach and boardwalk improvement of 1923,» Shore and Beach, cilt 63, no. 1, pp. 7-11, 1995.
  • T. Campbell ve L. Benedet, «Beach nourishment magnitudes and trends in the US,» Journal of Coastal Research, cilt 39, pp. 57-64, 2006.
  • N. Beumel ve T. Campell, «Restoring The New Jersey Shoreline,» Proceedings of the First Beach Preservation Technology Conference, Gainessville, Florida, 1988.
  • R. Wiegel, «Ocean Beach Nourishment on the USA Pacific Coast,» Shore and Beach, pp. 11-36, 1994.
  • T. Clayton, «Beach replenishment activities on the U.S. continental Pacific coast,» Journal of Coastal Research, cilt 7, pp. 1195-1210, 1991.
  • H. Valverde, A. Trembanis ve O. Pilkey, «Summary of beach nourishment episodes on the US east coast barrier islands,» Journal of Coastal Research, pp. 1100-1118, 1999.
  • T. Clayton, «Beach replenishment activities on the U.S. continental Pacific coast,» Journal of Coastal Research , cilt 7, pp. 1195-1210, 1991.
  • A. Trembanis ve O. Pilkey, «Summary of beach nourishment along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico shoreline,» Journal of Coastal Research, cilt 14, pp. 407-417, 1998.
  • M. O'Brien, H. Valverde, A. Trembanis ve T. Haddad, «Summary of beach nourishment activity along the Great Lakes’ shoreline 1955–1996,» Journal of Coastal Research, cilt 15, pp. 206-219, 1999.
  • T. Haddad ve O. Pilkey, «Summary of the New England beach nourishment experience (1935-1996),» Journal of Coastal Research, cilt 14, no. 4, pp. 1395-1404, 1998.
  • A. Trembanis, O. Pilkey ve H. Valverde, «Comparison of Beach Nourishment along the U.S. Atlantic, Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, and New England Shorelines,» Coastal Management, cilt 27, no. 4, pp. 329-340, 1999.
  • S. Douglas, A. Bobe ve Q. J. Chen, «The amount of sand removed from America's beaches by engineering works,» Coastal Sediments'03, Florida, 2003.
  • H. Hanson, A. Brampton, M. Capobianco, H. Dette, L. Hamme, C. Laustrup, A. Lechuga ve R. Spanhoff, «Beach nourishment projects, practices, and objectives—a European overview,» Coastal Engineering, cilt 47, pp. 81-111, 2002.
  • R. Zaggia, «Analisi critica degli interventi di ripascimento in Italia,» Universita` di Padova, Italia, 1998.
  • E. Benassai, M. Gentilomo, A. Ragone, F. Setaro ve U. Tomassichio, «Littoral restoration by means of protected beach nourishment—recent Italian works,» PIANC, 1997.
  • L. Hamm, N. Billard, J. Viguier ve J. l’Her, «Les rechargements de plage en France,» Internal report Sogreah Inge´nierie, Grenoble, France, 1998.
  • D. Posford, «Review of Lincshore nourishment strategy study,» Report Prepared for the Environment Agency, Anglian Region, 1998.
  • P. Roelse, «Evaluation of sand nourishments at the Dutch coast 1975–1994,» National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management, Netherlands, 1996.
  • M. Stive, M. Schipper, A. Luijendijk, S. Aarninkhof ve e. all, «A New Alternative to Saving Our Beaches from Sea-Level Rise: The Sand Engine,» Journal of Coastal Research,, cilt 29, no. 5, pp. 1001-1008, 2013.
  • C. Coman, «Eurosion Case Study: Mamaia, Romania,» National Institute for Marine Research and Development, Constanta, Romania.
  • V. Zenkovich ve M. Schwartz, «Protecting the Black Sea Georgian S.S.R. Gravel Coast,» Journal of Coastal Research, pp. 201-209, 1987.
  • Y. N. Goryachkin, «Ukraine,» Coastal Erosion and Protection in Europe, Routledge, 2013, pp. 413-425.
  • L. Shilong, «Coastal Erosion and Management in the People’s Republic of China,» Journal of Coastal Development, cilt 16, no. 3, 2013.
  • C. Kuang, Y. Pan, Y. Zhang, S. Liu, Y. Yang, J. Zang ve P. Dong, «Performance Evaluation of a Beach Nourishment Project at West Beach in Beidaihe, China,» Journal of Coastal Research, cilt 27, no. 4, pp. 769-783, 2011.
  • B. C. Cooke, A. R. Jones, I. D. Goodwin ve M. J. Bishop, «Nourishment practices on Australian sandy beaches: A review,» Journal of Environmental Management, cilt 113, pp. 319-327, 2012.
  • E. N. Otay ve U. B. Şensoy, «Dünyada ve Türkiye'de Deniz Kumculuğunun Potansiyeli ve Geleceği,» Deniz Ticareti, pp. 3-6, 2015.
  • M. Esen, C. Baykal, I. Güler, A. Ergin ve A. Yalçıner, «Yapay Besleme ile Kıyı Dengelenmesi, Örnek Uygulama: Bir Kıyı Aşınımı Sorunu, Side, Türkiye,» 6. Ulusal Kıyı Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, İzmir, 2007.
  • S. Karasu, P. Work, E. Uzlu, M. Kankal ve Ö. Yüksek, «Beach Nourishment Alternative Assessment to Constrain Cross-Shore and Longshore Sediment Transport,» Applied Ocean Research, cilt 59, pp. 459-471, 2016.
  • A. Mert ve E. Otay, «Derince Sahili Özelinde Tahrip Edilmiş İzmit Körfezi Kıyılarının Doğal Yapıya Dönüştürülmesi,» 7. Kıyı Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Trabzon, 2011.

Artificial beach nourishment in the World and Turkey

Year 2016, Volume: 20 Issue: 3, 645 - 657, 11.10.2016


Beach nourishment, which is also called as “beach fill, beach replenishment”, protects and widens beaches with high quality and huge amount of sand mining from sea. These sands are placed to shore or from shore to seaward. It is accepted that beach nourishment projects are among the most sustainable methods against the coastal erosion in terms of using natural material. This method not only controls erosion, but also aims at obtaining recreational coasts. Our country does not have a beach nourishment project in big scale like in USA and European countries. Unfortunately, the number of small scale projects is also negligible except a couple of pilot projects. When coastal regulation is discussed in our country, the construction of recreational facilities on the beach fill comes to mind. It is clear that beach nourishment will provide a significant contribution to tourism revenues considering our tourism potential like in Italy and Spain which have leading beach tourism revenues thanks to the sustainable beaches. In this study, beach nourishment applications in the world and Turkey are examined thoroughly and a recommendation for an example of beach nourishment project for Rize province is given.   It is essential to prepare necessary technical and administrative investment for the application of beach nourishment in our country like the other countries in the world which have many examples of “environmental friendly and sustainable methods for the coast protection”. Legislative changes should be made to open the way for beach nourishment projects which have been using for a century and to offer an alternative to hard structures which cause the destruction of nature.  


  • R. Dean, Beach Nourishment:Theory and Practice, Singapore: World Scientific, 2002.
  • Work, PA; Otay, E, «Influence of nearshore berm on beach nourishment,» Coastal Engineering Proceedings, Orlando, Florida, 1996.
  • US Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Manual (CEM), USA: US Army Corps of Engineers, 2002.
  • R. Dornhelm, «The Coney Island public beach and boardwalk improvement of 1923,» Shore and Beach, cilt 63, no. 1, pp. 7-11, 1995.
  • T. Campbell ve L. Benedet, «Beach nourishment magnitudes and trends in the US,» Journal of Coastal Research, cilt 39, pp. 57-64, 2006.
  • N. Beumel ve T. Campell, «Restoring The New Jersey Shoreline,» Proceedings of the First Beach Preservation Technology Conference, Gainessville, Florida, 1988.
  • R. Wiegel, «Ocean Beach Nourishment on the USA Pacific Coast,» Shore and Beach, pp. 11-36, 1994.
  • T. Clayton, «Beach replenishment activities on the U.S. continental Pacific coast,» Journal of Coastal Research, cilt 7, pp. 1195-1210, 1991.
  • H. Valverde, A. Trembanis ve O. Pilkey, «Summary of beach nourishment episodes on the US east coast barrier islands,» Journal of Coastal Research, pp. 1100-1118, 1999.
  • T. Clayton, «Beach replenishment activities on the U.S. continental Pacific coast,» Journal of Coastal Research , cilt 7, pp. 1195-1210, 1991.
  • A. Trembanis ve O. Pilkey, «Summary of beach nourishment along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico shoreline,» Journal of Coastal Research, cilt 14, pp. 407-417, 1998.
  • M. O'Brien, H. Valverde, A. Trembanis ve T. Haddad, «Summary of beach nourishment activity along the Great Lakes’ shoreline 1955–1996,» Journal of Coastal Research, cilt 15, pp. 206-219, 1999.
  • T. Haddad ve O. Pilkey, «Summary of the New England beach nourishment experience (1935-1996),» Journal of Coastal Research, cilt 14, no. 4, pp. 1395-1404, 1998.
  • A. Trembanis, O. Pilkey ve H. Valverde, «Comparison of Beach Nourishment along the U.S. Atlantic, Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, and New England Shorelines,» Coastal Management, cilt 27, no. 4, pp. 329-340, 1999.
  • S. Douglas, A. Bobe ve Q. J. Chen, «The amount of sand removed from America's beaches by engineering works,» Coastal Sediments'03, Florida, 2003.
  • H. Hanson, A. Brampton, M. Capobianco, H. Dette, L. Hamme, C. Laustrup, A. Lechuga ve R. Spanhoff, «Beach nourishment projects, practices, and objectives—a European overview,» Coastal Engineering, cilt 47, pp. 81-111, 2002.
  • R. Zaggia, «Analisi critica degli interventi di ripascimento in Italia,» Universita` di Padova, Italia, 1998.
  • E. Benassai, M. Gentilomo, A. Ragone, F. Setaro ve U. Tomassichio, «Littoral restoration by means of protected beach nourishment—recent Italian works,» PIANC, 1997.
  • L. Hamm, N. Billard, J. Viguier ve J. l’Her, «Les rechargements de plage en France,» Internal report Sogreah Inge´nierie, Grenoble, France, 1998.
  • D. Posford, «Review of Lincshore nourishment strategy study,» Report Prepared for the Environment Agency, Anglian Region, 1998.
  • P. Roelse, «Evaluation of sand nourishments at the Dutch coast 1975–1994,» National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management, Netherlands, 1996.
  • M. Stive, M. Schipper, A. Luijendijk, S. Aarninkhof ve e. all, «A New Alternative to Saving Our Beaches from Sea-Level Rise: The Sand Engine,» Journal of Coastal Research,, cilt 29, no. 5, pp. 1001-1008, 2013.
  • C. Coman, «Eurosion Case Study: Mamaia, Romania,» National Institute for Marine Research and Development, Constanta, Romania.
  • V. Zenkovich ve M. Schwartz, «Protecting the Black Sea Georgian S.S.R. Gravel Coast,» Journal of Coastal Research, pp. 201-209, 1987.
  • Y. N. Goryachkin, «Ukraine,» Coastal Erosion and Protection in Europe, Routledge, 2013, pp. 413-425.
  • L. Shilong, «Coastal Erosion and Management in the People’s Republic of China,» Journal of Coastal Development, cilt 16, no. 3, 2013.
  • C. Kuang, Y. Pan, Y. Zhang, S. Liu, Y. Yang, J. Zang ve P. Dong, «Performance Evaluation of a Beach Nourishment Project at West Beach in Beidaihe, China,» Journal of Coastal Research, cilt 27, no. 4, pp. 769-783, 2011.
  • B. C. Cooke, A. R. Jones, I. D. Goodwin ve M. J. Bishop, «Nourishment practices on Australian sandy beaches: A review,» Journal of Environmental Management, cilt 113, pp. 319-327, 2012.
  • E. N. Otay ve U. B. Şensoy, «Dünyada ve Türkiye'de Deniz Kumculuğunun Potansiyeli ve Geleceği,» Deniz Ticareti, pp. 3-6, 2015.
  • M. Esen, C. Baykal, I. Güler, A. Ergin ve A. Yalçıner, «Yapay Besleme ile Kıyı Dengelenmesi, Örnek Uygulama: Bir Kıyı Aşınımı Sorunu, Side, Türkiye,» 6. Ulusal Kıyı Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, İzmir, 2007.
  • S. Karasu, P. Work, E. Uzlu, M. Kankal ve Ö. Yüksek, «Beach Nourishment Alternative Assessment to Constrain Cross-Shore and Longshore Sediment Transport,» Applied Ocean Research, cilt 59, pp. 459-471, 2016.
  • A. Mert ve E. Otay, «Derince Sahili Özelinde Tahrip Edilmiş İzmit Körfezi Kıyılarının Doğal Yapıya Dönüştürülmesi,» 7. Kıyı Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Trabzon, 2011.
There are 32 citations in total.


Journal Section Research Articles

Servet Karasu This is me

Publication Date October 11, 2016
Submission Date September 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 20 Issue: 3


APA Karasu, S. (2016). Artificial beach nourishment in the World and Turkey. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 20(3), 645-657.
AMA Karasu S. Artificial beach nourishment in the World and Turkey. SAUJS. November 2016;20(3):645-657. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.02100
Chicago Karasu, Servet. “Artificial Beach Nourishment in the World and Turkey”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 20, no. 3 (November 2016): 645-57.
EndNote Karasu S (November 1, 2016) Artificial beach nourishment in the World and Turkey. Sakarya University Journal of Science 20 3 645–657.
IEEE S. Karasu, “Artificial beach nourishment in the World and Turkey”, SAUJS, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 645–657, 2016, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.02100.
ISNAD Karasu, Servet. “Artificial Beach Nourishment in the World and Turkey”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 20/3 (November 2016), 645-657.
JAMA Karasu S. Artificial beach nourishment in the World and Turkey. SAUJS. 2016;20:645–657.
MLA Karasu, Servet. “Artificial Beach Nourishment in the World and Turkey”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 20, no. 3, 2016, pp. 645-57, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.02100.
Vancouver Karasu S. Artificial beach nourishment in the World and Turkey. SAUJS. 2016;20(3):645-57.