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Ağva ilçe merkezine ait taşkın yayılım haritalarının ve mevcut binaların taşkın su seviyelerinin tespiti

Year 2017, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 105 - 112, 01.04.2017


genel olarak yeryüzünün değişik bölgelerinde yağış dengesinin değişmesi,
küresel ısınmanın getirdiği iklim değişikliği ve doğal bitki örtüsündeki
değişimler sonucunda ani olarak ve belirli periyotlarda meydana gelen, her yıl
milyonlarca insanı etkileyen, çevre tahribinin yanı sıra can ve mal kaybına
sebep olan ve ekonomiyi olumsuz yönde etkileyen doğal afetlerdir. Dünyada,
taşkınların etkilerinden korunmak ve zararlarını azaltmak amacıyla pek çok
çalışma yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, İstanbul’un turistik yerleşimi ve iki
derenin arasında bulunması sebebiyle de taşkın afeti açısından kritik bir
bölgesi olan Ağva için farklı senaryo debileriyle taşkın analizleri
yapılmıştır. Taşkın analizleri sonucunda taşkına maruz kalan her bir konut için
su seviyeleri belirlenmiştir.


  • D. N. Jeb, and P. Aggarwal, “Flood Inundation Hazard Modelling of the River Kaduna Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems”, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, Vol. 4, No.12, pp.1822-1833, 2008.
  • [2] G. Berz, “Flood Disasters: Lessons from the Past – Worries for The Future”, Geosciences Research Group, Munich Reinsurance Company, D-80791, Germany,1999.
  • [3] H. Shamaoma, “Extraction of Flood Risk-related Base-Data from Multi-Source Remote Sensing Imagery”, Master's Thesis, Internatinnal Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, Hollanda,2005.
  • [4] T. Katayama, “International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction: Working Against Time”, UNU University Lectures (Tokyo: The United Nations University), 1994
  • [5] M. Pelling, , et al., “Reducing Disaster Risk, A Challenge for Development”, United Nations Development Programme, New York, USA, 2004.
  • [6] International Disaster Database (EM-DAT), 2016. Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED)., (Last accessed 10/04/2016).
  • [7] I. Akar, , D. Maktav, , K. Kalkan, , Y. Ozdemir, “Determination of Land Use Effects on Flood Risk by Using Integration of GIS and Remote Sensing”,: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Recent Advances In Space Technologies, pp.23-26, RAST 2009.
  • [8] E. Oliveri, and M. Santoro “Estimation of Urban Structural Flood Damages: The Case Study of Palermo”, Urban Water, 2, pp.223-234. , 2000.
  • [9] J. Amini, “A Method for Generating Foodplain Maps Using IKONOS Images and DEMs’’ International Journal Remote Sensing, 31(9), pp. 2441-2456. 2010.
  • [10] C. Kubal, , D. Haase, V. Meyer and S. Scheuer “Integrated urban flood risk assessment-transplanting a multicriteria approach developed for a river basin to a city”, Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 9: pp.1881–1895. 2009
  • A. C. Demirkesen, “Multi-risk interpretation of natural hazards for settlements of the Hatay province in the East Mediterranean region, Turkey using SRTM DEM”, Environmental Earth Sciences, 65, pp.1895-1907. 2012
  • [12] P. Angelidis, M. Kotsikas, N. Kotsovinos, “Management of Upstream Dams and Flood Protection of the Transboundary River Evros/Maritza,”Water Resources Management, 24, pp.2467-2484. 2010.
  • [13] Ç. Coşkun “Ağva Plaji’nin Kiyi Süreçleri Açisindan Jeolojik Evrimi”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi. , 2006.
  • [14] F. Ketenci, “Zeolitization of Volcanics in The Northeastern Istanbul (Sile-Agva Region)”, Master's Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. 2007.
  • [15] J. Zhu, C. Tang, “Urban Flood Damage Estimation Using GIS and Remote Sensing, A Case Study in the Wenshan City China”, 3rd International Conforence on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE). 2010.
  • [16] C. A. Doswell, H. E. Brooks, R. A. Maddox, “Flash Flood Forecasting: An Ingredients-Based Methodology”, Weather and Forecasting, 11, pp.560-581, 1996.
  • [17] B. Hankin, S. Waller, G. Astle, R. Kellagher, “Mapping Space For Water: Screening For Urban Flash Flooding”, J. Flood Risk Manage., 1, pp.13–22, 2008.
  • [18] J. T. Moore, , S.M. Nolan, F.H. Glass, D.L. Ferry and S.M. Rochette, “Flash Flood-Producing High-Precipitation Supercells in Missouri”. Preprints, 14th Conf. Wea. Analysis and Forecasting Amer. Meteor. Soc., (J4)7-12, 1995.
  • [19] S. G. Mclin, , E. P.Springer, L. J. Lane, “Predicting Floodplain Boundary Changes Following the Cerro Grande Wildfire”, Hydrological Processes, Vol.15, pp. 2967–2980, 2001.
  • [20] E. C. Tate, D. R. Maidment, F. Olivera, D. J. Anderson, “Creating a Terrain Model for Floodplain Mapping”, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol.7, pp.100-108, 2002
  • G.R. Aggett, , Wilson, J.P., Creating and Coupling a High-Resolution DTM with a 1-D Hydraulic Model in a GIS for Scenario-Based Assessment of Avulsion Hazard in a Gravel-Bed River, Geomorphology, 113: 21-34, 2009.
  • [22] Baga, İ., Usul, N., Sorman, Ü., Application of MIKE 11 Model on Çayboğazı Basin in Turkey, DHI Third User Conferance, Denmark, 1999.
  • [23] N. Usul ve B. Turan, “Flood Forecasting and Analysis within the Ulus Basin, Turkey, Using Geographic Information Systems”, Natural Hazards, Vol.39, pp.213-229, 2006.
  • [24] I. Akar, D. Maktav, K. Kalkan, Y. Ozdemir, “Determination of Land Use Effects on Flood Risk by Using Integration of GIS and Remote Sensing”, RAST 2009: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Recent Advances In Space Technologies, pp.23-26, 2009.
  • [25] K. Solaımanı, “Flood Forecasting Based on Geographical Information System”, African Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol.4 No.10, pp. 950-956, 2009.
  • [26] P.D. Bates, , A. P. J. De Roo., “A Simple Raster-Based Model For Flood İnundation Simulation”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 236 No. 1-2, pp. 54-77, 2000.
  • [27] J. A. Cunge, , F. M.Holly, A. Verwey, “Practical Aspects of Computational River Hydraulics”, London: Pitman Publishing Limited, 1980.
  • [28] D. L. Fread, “Numerical properties of implicit fourpoint finite difference equations of unsteady flow: Silver Spring, MD, National Weather Service”, NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS HYDRO18, 38, 1974.
  • [29] N. M. Hunter, P. D. Bates, M. S. Horrıtt, M. D. Wilson, “Simple spatially-distrubuted models for predicting flood inundation: A review”, Geomorphology, Vol.90 No.3-4, pp.208-225, 2007.
  • [30] A. Cook, V. Merwade, “Effect of topographic data, geometric configuration and modeling approach on flood inundation mapping”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 377, pp.131-142, 2009.
  • W. J. Syme, , M. G. Pinnell, J. M. Wicks, “Modelling Flood Inundation of Urban Area in the UK Using 2D / 1D Hydraulic Models”, Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, The Institution of Engineers, Australia, 2004.
  • [32] M. S. Horrıtt, , P. D. Bates, “Effects of Spatial Resolution on A Raster Based Model of Flood Flow”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol.253 No.1-4, pp.239-249, 2001.
  • [33] E. A. Frank, , A. Ostan, , M. Coccato, G. S. Stelling, “Use Of An İntegrated One-Dimensional/ Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling Approach For Flood Hazard and Risk Mapping. In River Basin Management”, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol.50, pp.99-108, 2001.
  • [34] S. Patro, , C. Chatterjee, , S. Mohanty, , R. Singh, , N. S. Raghuwanshi, “Flood inundation modeling using MIKE FLOOD and remote sensing data”, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Volume 37, Issue 1, pp.107-118, 2009.

Determination of flood inundation maps and water levels of buildings in Agva town centre

Year 2017, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 105 - 112, 01.04.2017


floods are generally natural disasters that occur at once or at specific
periods due to the change of precipitation balance in various regions of the
world, the climate change brought by the global warming and the changes on
natural vegetation and that affect millions of people every year and lead to
loss of life and property as well as environmental damage and adversely affect
the economy. So many studies have been carried out with the aim of being
protected from effects of the floods and decreasing their damages. In this
paper, different scenarios flood discharges were analyzed for Agva which is the
touristic peripheral settlement of Istanbul and a critical area in terms of
flood disaster due to it’s location between two streams. According to the
results of flood analyses, water levels were determined for every dwelling
under the effect of flood.


  • D. N. Jeb, and P. Aggarwal, “Flood Inundation Hazard Modelling of the River Kaduna Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems”, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, Vol. 4, No.12, pp.1822-1833, 2008.
  • [2] G. Berz, “Flood Disasters: Lessons from the Past – Worries for The Future”, Geosciences Research Group, Munich Reinsurance Company, D-80791, Germany,1999.
  • [3] H. Shamaoma, “Extraction of Flood Risk-related Base-Data from Multi-Source Remote Sensing Imagery”, Master's Thesis, Internatinnal Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, Hollanda,2005.
  • [4] T. Katayama, “International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction: Working Against Time”, UNU University Lectures (Tokyo: The United Nations University), 1994
  • [5] M. Pelling, , et al., “Reducing Disaster Risk, A Challenge for Development”, United Nations Development Programme, New York, USA, 2004.
  • [6] International Disaster Database (EM-DAT), 2016. Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED)., (Last accessed 10/04/2016).
  • [7] I. Akar, , D. Maktav, , K. Kalkan, , Y. Ozdemir, “Determination of Land Use Effects on Flood Risk by Using Integration of GIS and Remote Sensing”,: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Recent Advances In Space Technologies, pp.23-26, RAST 2009.
  • [8] E. Oliveri, and M. Santoro “Estimation of Urban Structural Flood Damages: The Case Study of Palermo”, Urban Water, 2, pp.223-234. , 2000.
  • [9] J. Amini, “A Method for Generating Foodplain Maps Using IKONOS Images and DEMs’’ International Journal Remote Sensing, 31(9), pp. 2441-2456. 2010.
  • [10] C. Kubal, , D. Haase, V. Meyer and S. Scheuer “Integrated urban flood risk assessment-transplanting a multicriteria approach developed for a river basin to a city”, Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 9: pp.1881–1895. 2009
  • A. C. Demirkesen, “Multi-risk interpretation of natural hazards for settlements of the Hatay province in the East Mediterranean region, Turkey using SRTM DEM”, Environmental Earth Sciences, 65, pp.1895-1907. 2012
  • [12] P. Angelidis, M. Kotsikas, N. Kotsovinos, “Management of Upstream Dams and Flood Protection of the Transboundary River Evros/Maritza,”Water Resources Management, 24, pp.2467-2484. 2010.
  • [13] Ç. Coşkun “Ağva Plaji’nin Kiyi Süreçleri Açisindan Jeolojik Evrimi”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi. , 2006.
  • [14] F. Ketenci, “Zeolitization of Volcanics in The Northeastern Istanbul (Sile-Agva Region)”, Master's Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. 2007.
  • [15] J. Zhu, C. Tang, “Urban Flood Damage Estimation Using GIS and Remote Sensing, A Case Study in the Wenshan City China”, 3rd International Conforence on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE). 2010.
  • [16] C. A. Doswell, H. E. Brooks, R. A. Maddox, “Flash Flood Forecasting: An Ingredients-Based Methodology”, Weather and Forecasting, 11, pp.560-581, 1996.
  • [17] B. Hankin, S. Waller, G. Astle, R. Kellagher, “Mapping Space For Water: Screening For Urban Flash Flooding”, J. Flood Risk Manage., 1, pp.13–22, 2008.
  • [18] J. T. Moore, , S.M. Nolan, F.H. Glass, D.L. Ferry and S.M. Rochette, “Flash Flood-Producing High-Precipitation Supercells in Missouri”. Preprints, 14th Conf. Wea. Analysis and Forecasting Amer. Meteor. Soc., (J4)7-12, 1995.
  • [19] S. G. Mclin, , E. P.Springer, L. J. Lane, “Predicting Floodplain Boundary Changes Following the Cerro Grande Wildfire”, Hydrological Processes, Vol.15, pp. 2967–2980, 2001.
  • [20] E. C. Tate, D. R. Maidment, F. Olivera, D. J. Anderson, “Creating a Terrain Model for Floodplain Mapping”, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol.7, pp.100-108, 2002
  • G.R. Aggett, , Wilson, J.P., Creating and Coupling a High-Resolution DTM with a 1-D Hydraulic Model in a GIS for Scenario-Based Assessment of Avulsion Hazard in a Gravel-Bed River, Geomorphology, 113: 21-34, 2009.
  • [22] Baga, İ., Usul, N., Sorman, Ü., Application of MIKE 11 Model on Çayboğazı Basin in Turkey, DHI Third User Conferance, Denmark, 1999.
  • [23] N. Usul ve B. Turan, “Flood Forecasting and Analysis within the Ulus Basin, Turkey, Using Geographic Information Systems”, Natural Hazards, Vol.39, pp.213-229, 2006.
  • [24] I. Akar, D. Maktav, K. Kalkan, Y. Ozdemir, “Determination of Land Use Effects on Flood Risk by Using Integration of GIS and Remote Sensing”, RAST 2009: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Recent Advances In Space Technologies, pp.23-26, 2009.
  • [25] K. Solaımanı, “Flood Forecasting Based on Geographical Information System”, African Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol.4 No.10, pp. 950-956, 2009.
  • [26] P.D. Bates, , A. P. J. De Roo., “A Simple Raster-Based Model For Flood İnundation Simulation”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 236 No. 1-2, pp. 54-77, 2000.
  • [27] J. A. Cunge, , F. M.Holly, A. Verwey, “Practical Aspects of Computational River Hydraulics”, London: Pitman Publishing Limited, 1980.
  • [28] D. L. Fread, “Numerical properties of implicit fourpoint finite difference equations of unsteady flow: Silver Spring, MD, National Weather Service”, NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS HYDRO18, 38, 1974.
  • [29] N. M. Hunter, P. D. Bates, M. S. Horrıtt, M. D. Wilson, “Simple spatially-distrubuted models for predicting flood inundation: A review”, Geomorphology, Vol.90 No.3-4, pp.208-225, 2007.
  • [30] A. Cook, V. Merwade, “Effect of topographic data, geometric configuration and modeling approach on flood inundation mapping”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 377, pp.131-142, 2009.
  • W. J. Syme, , M. G. Pinnell, J. M. Wicks, “Modelling Flood Inundation of Urban Area in the UK Using 2D / 1D Hydraulic Models”, Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, The Institution of Engineers, Australia, 2004.
  • [32] M. S. Horrıtt, , P. D. Bates, “Effects of Spatial Resolution on A Raster Based Model of Flood Flow”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol.253 No.1-4, pp.239-249, 2001.
  • [33] E. A. Frank, , A. Ostan, , M. Coccato, G. S. Stelling, “Use Of An İntegrated One-Dimensional/ Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling Approach For Flood Hazard and Risk Mapping. In River Basin Management”, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol.50, pp.99-108, 2001.
  • [34] S. Patro, , C. Chatterjee, , S. Mohanty, , R. Singh, , N. S. Raghuwanshi, “Flood inundation modeling using MIKE FLOOD and remote sensing data”, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Volume 37, Issue 1, pp.107-118, 2009.
There are 34 citations in total.


Subjects Civil Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Osman Sönmez

Fatma Demir

Publication Date April 1, 2017
Submission Date March 8, 2017
Acceptance Date January 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 21 Issue: 2


APA Sönmez, O., & Demir, F. (2017). Determination of flood inundation maps and water levels of buildings in Agva town centre. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 21(2), 105-112.
AMA Sönmez O, Demir F. Determination of flood inundation maps and water levels of buildings in Agva town centre. SAUJS. April 2017;21(2):105-112. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.296826
Chicago Sönmez, Osman, and Fatma Demir. “Determination of Flood Inundation Maps and Water Levels of Buildings in Agva Town Centre”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21, no. 2 (April 2017): 105-12.
EndNote Sönmez O, Demir F (April 1, 2017) Determination of flood inundation maps and water levels of buildings in Agva town centre. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21 2 105–112.
IEEE O. Sönmez and F. Demir, “Determination of flood inundation maps and water levels of buildings in Agva town centre”, SAUJS, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 105–112, 2017, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.296826.
ISNAD Sönmez, Osman - Demir, Fatma. “Determination of Flood Inundation Maps and Water Levels of Buildings in Agva Town Centre”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21/2 (April 2017), 105-112.
JAMA Sönmez O, Demir F. Determination of flood inundation maps and water levels of buildings in Agva town centre. SAUJS. 2017;21:105–112.
MLA Sönmez, Osman and Fatma Demir. “Determination of Flood Inundation Maps and Water Levels of Buildings in Agva Town Centre”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 21, no. 2, 2017, pp. 105-12, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.296826.
Vancouver Sönmez O, Demir F. Determination of flood inundation maps and water levels of buildings in Agva town centre. SAUJS. 2017;21(2):105-12.


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