Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 24 Issue: 3, 432 - 445, 01.06.2020



  • [1] O. O. Iroanya, T. F. Egwuatu, A. O. Sonaike, and N. D. “Uwaezuoke, Sex estimation using foot measurements, stature and body mass index (BMI) in a Nigerian population”, Acta Scientifica Naturalis, 5, 2, 32 - 37, 2018. DOI: 10.2478/asn-2018-0018
  • [2] K. Burns, “Forensic anthropology training manual”, Upper Saddle River Publisher, New Jersey, United State of America, 45-53, 2007.
  • [3] N. Jeyaseelan, P. Ravindran, U. Pitadeniya, V. Baskaran, S. Mostofa, and S. Putraperaman, “Estimation of hand index and sex variations among the University students of Malaysia –an Anthropometric study”, IOSR Journal of Human Social Science. 21(1). 17-23, 2016.
  • [4] M. K. Bindurani, A. N. Kavyashree, and L. P. Subhash, “Sexual dimorphism on metric evaluation of hand dimensions”, International Journal of Anatomy and Research, 4, 2, 2212 – 2215, 2016. DOI:
  • [5] M. A. B. Ibrahim, A. M. Khalifa, A. M. Hagras, and N. I. Alwakid, “Sex determination from hand dimensions and index/ring finger length ratio in North Saudi population: Medico-legal view”, Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 6, 4, 435-444, 2016,
  • [6] P. Agarwal, A. Singh, and R. Gupta, “Estimation of human stature by measurements of foot”, National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine,9, 5, 38-43, 2018
  • [7] R. A. Lippa, “Are 2D:4D Finger-Length Ratios Related to Sexual Orientation? Yes for Men, No for Women”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 1, 179–188, 2003, DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.85.1.179.
  • [8] T. Kanchan, K. Krishan, A. Sharma, and R. G. Menezes, “A study of correlation of hand & foot dimensions for personal identification in mass disasters” Forensic Science International, 199,1-3,112, e1-6, 2010. doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2010.03.002
  • [9] C. Mountrakis, C. Eliopoulos, C. G. Koilias, and S. K. Manolis, “Sex determination using metatarsal osteometrics from the Athens collection” Forensic Science International, 200, 1, 178-184, 2010.
  • [10] S.R. Habib, and N.N. Kamal, “Stature estimation from hand and phalanges lengths of Egyptians” Journal of Forensic Legal Medicine, 17, 3, 156–60, 2010.
  • [11] M. Akhlaghi, B. Moradi, and M. Hajibeygi, “Sex determination using anthropometric dimensions of the clavicle in Iranian population” Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 19, 7, 381-385, 2012,
  • [12] S. F. Phang, A. I. Normaizatul, and P. S. Lai, “Stature and sex estimation using foot measurements” Journal of Forensic Science & Criminology, 5, 1, 105-110, 2017.
  • [13] I. P. Singh, and M. K. Bhasin, “A Manual of Biological Anthropology” New Delhi: Kamla Raj Enterprises, 2004.
  • [14] R. Martin, and K. Saller, “Lehrbuch der Anthropologie”, Dritte Auflage, Stuttgart, Gustav Fischer Verlag, II, 1957.
  • [15] S. P. Nagare, R. S. Chaudhari, R. S. Birangane, and P. C. Parkarwar, “Sex determination in forensic identification, a review” Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences, 10, 2, 61–66, 2018. doi: 10.4103/jfo.jfds_55_17
  • [16] S. Dey, and A. K. Kapoor, “Sex determination from hand dimensions for forensic identification” International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 3, 6, 1466-1472, 2015
  • [17] A. Memarian, S. Soltani, and K. Aghakani, “Estimation of Body Height by Measuring Foot Dimensions: A Survey on Iranian Adult People” Journal of Medical Toxicology and Clinical Forensic Medicine, 3, 1-16, 2017
  • [18] P. Rastogi, K. R. Nagesh, and K. Yoganarasimha, “Estimation of stature from hand dimensions of north and south Indians” Legal Medicine, 10, 4, 185–189, 2008.
  • [19] K. E. Aboul-Hagag, S. A. Mohamed, M. A. Hilal, and E. A. Mohamed, “Determination of sex from hand dimensions and index/ring finger length ratio in Upper Egyptians”, Egypt Journal of Forensic Science, 1, 2, 80–86, 2011.
  • [20] S. Gupta, V. Gupta, N. Tyagi, Ettishree, S. Bhagat, M. Dadu, N. Anthwal, and T. Ashraf. “Index/Ring Finger Ratio, Hand and Foot Index: Gender Estimation Tools”, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 11, 6, ZC73-ZC77, 2017 doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2017/25807.10084
  • [21] A. K. Agnihotri, B. Purwar, N. Jeebun, and S. Agnihotri, “Determination of sex by hand dimensions”, Internet Journal of Forensic Science, 1, 2, 12–24, 2006.
  • [22] D. McFadden, E. Shubel, “Relative lengths of fingers and toes in human males and females”, Hormonal Behaviors, 42, 4, 492–500, 2002.
  • [23] T. Kanchan, R. G. Menezes, R. Moudgil, R. Kaur, M. S. Kotian, and R. K. Garg, “Stature estimation from foot dimensions”, Forensic Science International, 179, 241, e1-e5, 2008.
  • [24] M. Voracek, and L. M. Loibl, “Scientometric analysis and bibliography of digit ratio (2D: 4D) research, 1998–2008 1, 2”, Psychological Report, 104, 3, 922–956, 2009.
  • [25] V. V. Pillay, “Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology”, Paras Publishing, Hyderabad, India, 2004.
  • [26] T. A. Philip, “Formulae for establishing stature from foot size by regression method”, Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 12, 57-62, 1990.
  • [27] M. K. Bindurani, A. N. Kavyashree, K. R. Asha, and L. Subhash, “Determination of sex from foot dimensions”, International Journal of Anatomy and Research, 5, 4.3, 4702-4706, 2017. DOI:
  • [28] A. K. Agnihotri, S. Shukla, and B. Purwar, “Determination of sex from the foot measurements”, International Journal of Forensic Science, 2, 1, 1-4, 2007.
  • [29] A. K. Tyagi, M. Rani, and A. Kohli, “Sexing by foot index (2000 – 2001)”, Forensic Medical Toxicology, 21, 10-11, 2004.
  • [30] B. Danborno, and A. Elukpo, “Sexual dimorphism in hand and foot length, indices, stature-ratio and relationship to height in Nigerians”, International Journal of Forensic Science, 3, 1, 379–383, 2008.

Sex Prediction Using Finger, Hand and Foot Measurements for Forensic Identification in a Nigerian Population

Year 2020, Volume: 24 Issue: 3, 432 - 445, 01.06.2020


forensics, the identification of recovered human remains
is important and of great significance. Sex determination is the most important primary
parameter in human identification.
We investigated the predictive
role of the anthropometric measurements of hand, finger and foot dimensions in
sex determination. The main objective was to correlate sexual dimorphism with
hand, finger and foot dimensions and determine their sectioning point(s) and
also ascertain the variables which can better predict sex.  
cross sectional study was carried out
using 200 students from Faculty
of Science, University of Lagos, Nigeria aged 16-30 years.
collected data was analyzed using IBM SPSS version 23. The average hand length,
breadth and index were found to be 17.44mm, 8.09mm and 0.3781mm greater in male
compared to the female subjects respectively, with no significant (p<0.05) difference
between the right and left hand in the same sex.

The resultant hand index suggests the females have higher dolichocheir
to males
and no hyperbrachycheir morphology. The cutoff point index for the right (≤43.41mm) and left
(≤42.90mm) hand is suggestive of female, but is suggestive of male if the right
hand is >43.41mm and left hand is >42.90mm. A foot index section points for
the right (347.9mm) and left (349.4mm) foot was taken for
and female
foot identification. A cut
of point of 348.7mm was obtained to define sexual dimorphism of the foot index.
There was strong correlation between foot dimensions of both feet for the same
sex (p<0.01) while the foot dimensions of the male and the female were
significantly (p<0.05) different.
The hand (length and breadth),
index/ring fingers ratio, foot (length and breadth) and ankle breadth are therefore
important indices and forensic identification
predicting sexual dimorphism and identifying human remains for medicolegal


  • [1] O. O. Iroanya, T. F. Egwuatu, A. O. Sonaike, and N. D. “Uwaezuoke, Sex estimation using foot measurements, stature and body mass index (BMI) in a Nigerian population”, Acta Scientifica Naturalis, 5, 2, 32 - 37, 2018. DOI: 10.2478/asn-2018-0018
  • [2] K. Burns, “Forensic anthropology training manual”, Upper Saddle River Publisher, New Jersey, United State of America, 45-53, 2007.
  • [3] N. Jeyaseelan, P. Ravindran, U. Pitadeniya, V. Baskaran, S. Mostofa, and S. Putraperaman, “Estimation of hand index and sex variations among the University students of Malaysia –an Anthropometric study”, IOSR Journal of Human Social Science. 21(1). 17-23, 2016.
  • [4] M. K. Bindurani, A. N. Kavyashree, and L. P. Subhash, “Sexual dimorphism on metric evaluation of hand dimensions”, International Journal of Anatomy and Research, 4, 2, 2212 – 2215, 2016. DOI:
  • [5] M. A. B. Ibrahim, A. M. Khalifa, A. M. Hagras, and N. I. Alwakid, “Sex determination from hand dimensions and index/ring finger length ratio in North Saudi population: Medico-legal view”, Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 6, 4, 435-444, 2016,
  • [6] P. Agarwal, A. Singh, and R. Gupta, “Estimation of human stature by measurements of foot”, National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine,9, 5, 38-43, 2018
  • [7] R. A. Lippa, “Are 2D:4D Finger-Length Ratios Related to Sexual Orientation? Yes for Men, No for Women”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 1, 179–188, 2003, DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.85.1.179.
  • [8] T. Kanchan, K. Krishan, A. Sharma, and R. G. Menezes, “A study of correlation of hand & foot dimensions for personal identification in mass disasters” Forensic Science International, 199,1-3,112, e1-6, 2010. doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2010.03.002
  • [9] C. Mountrakis, C. Eliopoulos, C. G. Koilias, and S. K. Manolis, “Sex determination using metatarsal osteometrics from the Athens collection” Forensic Science International, 200, 1, 178-184, 2010.
  • [10] S.R. Habib, and N.N. Kamal, “Stature estimation from hand and phalanges lengths of Egyptians” Journal of Forensic Legal Medicine, 17, 3, 156–60, 2010.
  • [11] M. Akhlaghi, B. Moradi, and M. Hajibeygi, “Sex determination using anthropometric dimensions of the clavicle in Iranian population” Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 19, 7, 381-385, 2012,
  • [12] S. F. Phang, A. I. Normaizatul, and P. S. Lai, “Stature and sex estimation using foot measurements” Journal of Forensic Science & Criminology, 5, 1, 105-110, 2017.
  • [13] I. P. Singh, and M. K. Bhasin, “A Manual of Biological Anthropology” New Delhi: Kamla Raj Enterprises, 2004.
  • [14] R. Martin, and K. Saller, “Lehrbuch der Anthropologie”, Dritte Auflage, Stuttgart, Gustav Fischer Verlag, II, 1957.
  • [15] S. P. Nagare, R. S. Chaudhari, R. S. Birangane, and P. C. Parkarwar, “Sex determination in forensic identification, a review” Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences, 10, 2, 61–66, 2018. doi: 10.4103/jfo.jfds_55_17
  • [16] S. Dey, and A. K. Kapoor, “Sex determination from hand dimensions for forensic identification” International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 3, 6, 1466-1472, 2015
  • [17] A. Memarian, S. Soltani, and K. Aghakani, “Estimation of Body Height by Measuring Foot Dimensions: A Survey on Iranian Adult People” Journal of Medical Toxicology and Clinical Forensic Medicine, 3, 1-16, 2017
  • [18] P. Rastogi, K. R. Nagesh, and K. Yoganarasimha, “Estimation of stature from hand dimensions of north and south Indians” Legal Medicine, 10, 4, 185–189, 2008.
  • [19] K. E. Aboul-Hagag, S. A. Mohamed, M. A. Hilal, and E. A. Mohamed, “Determination of sex from hand dimensions and index/ring finger length ratio in Upper Egyptians”, Egypt Journal of Forensic Science, 1, 2, 80–86, 2011.
  • [20] S. Gupta, V. Gupta, N. Tyagi, Ettishree, S. Bhagat, M. Dadu, N. Anthwal, and T. Ashraf. “Index/Ring Finger Ratio, Hand and Foot Index: Gender Estimation Tools”, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 11, 6, ZC73-ZC77, 2017 doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2017/25807.10084
  • [21] A. K. Agnihotri, B. Purwar, N. Jeebun, and S. Agnihotri, “Determination of sex by hand dimensions”, Internet Journal of Forensic Science, 1, 2, 12–24, 2006.
  • [22] D. McFadden, E. Shubel, “Relative lengths of fingers and toes in human males and females”, Hormonal Behaviors, 42, 4, 492–500, 2002.
  • [23] T. Kanchan, R. G. Menezes, R. Moudgil, R. Kaur, M. S. Kotian, and R. K. Garg, “Stature estimation from foot dimensions”, Forensic Science International, 179, 241, e1-e5, 2008.
  • [24] M. Voracek, and L. M. Loibl, “Scientometric analysis and bibliography of digit ratio (2D: 4D) research, 1998–2008 1, 2”, Psychological Report, 104, 3, 922–956, 2009.
  • [25] V. V. Pillay, “Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology”, Paras Publishing, Hyderabad, India, 2004.
  • [26] T. A. Philip, “Formulae for establishing stature from foot size by regression method”, Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 12, 57-62, 1990.
  • [27] M. K. Bindurani, A. N. Kavyashree, K. R. Asha, and L. Subhash, “Determination of sex from foot dimensions”, International Journal of Anatomy and Research, 5, 4.3, 4702-4706, 2017. DOI:
  • [28] A. K. Agnihotri, S. Shukla, and B. Purwar, “Determination of sex from the foot measurements”, International Journal of Forensic Science, 2, 1, 1-4, 2007.
  • [29] A. K. Tyagi, M. Rani, and A. Kohli, “Sexing by foot index (2000 – 2001)”, Forensic Medical Toxicology, 21, 10-11, 2004.
  • [30] B. Danborno, and A. Elukpo, “Sexual dimorphism in hand and foot length, indices, stature-ratio and relationship to height in Nigerians”, International Journal of Forensic Science, 3, 1, 379–383, 2008.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Research Articles

Onyekachi Ogbonnaya Iroanya 0000-0002-5122-1466

Tochukwu Frank Egwuatu This is me 0000-0002-6083-4133

Oluwabusayo Temitope Talabı This is me 0000-0003-2667-1251

İfeoluwa Stella Ogunleye This is me 0000-0001-8464-0336

Publication Date June 1, 2020
Submission Date May 16, 2019
Acceptance Date December 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 24 Issue: 3


APA Iroanya, O. O., Egwuatu, T. F., Talabı, O. T., Ogunleye, İ. S. (2020). Sex Prediction Using Finger, Hand and Foot Measurements for Forensic Identification in a Nigerian Population. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 24(3), 432-445.
AMA Iroanya OO, Egwuatu TF, Talabı OT, Ogunleye İS. Sex Prediction Using Finger, Hand and Foot Measurements for Forensic Identification in a Nigerian Population. SAUJS. June 2020;24(3):432-445. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.566377
Chicago Iroanya, Onyekachi Ogbonnaya, Tochukwu Frank Egwuatu, Oluwabusayo Temitope Talabı, and İfeoluwa Stella Ogunleye. “Sex Prediction Using Finger, Hand and Foot Measurements for Forensic Identification in a Nigerian Population”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24, no. 3 (June 2020): 432-45.
EndNote Iroanya OO, Egwuatu TF, Talabı OT, Ogunleye İS (June 1, 2020) Sex Prediction Using Finger, Hand and Foot Measurements for Forensic Identification in a Nigerian Population. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24 3 432–445.
IEEE O. O. Iroanya, T. F. Egwuatu, O. T. Talabı, and İ. S. Ogunleye, “Sex Prediction Using Finger, Hand and Foot Measurements for Forensic Identification in a Nigerian Population”, SAUJS, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 432–445, 2020, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.566377.
ISNAD Iroanya, Onyekachi Ogbonnaya et al. “Sex Prediction Using Finger, Hand and Foot Measurements for Forensic Identification in a Nigerian Population”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24/3 (June 2020), 432-445.
JAMA Iroanya OO, Egwuatu TF, Talabı OT, Ogunleye İS. Sex Prediction Using Finger, Hand and Foot Measurements for Forensic Identification in a Nigerian Population. SAUJS. 2020;24:432–445.
MLA Iroanya, Onyekachi Ogbonnaya et al. “Sex Prediction Using Finger, Hand and Foot Measurements for Forensic Identification in a Nigerian Population”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 24, no. 3, 2020, pp. 432-45, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.566377.
Vancouver Iroanya OO, Egwuatu TF, Talabı OT, Ogunleye İS. Sex Prediction Using Finger, Hand and Foot Measurements for Forensic Identification in a Nigerian Population. SAUJS. 2020;24(3):432-45.

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