1 from the Hubble Space Telescope: Evidence for Past Deceleration and Constraints on Dark Energy Evolution", The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 607, no. 2, pp. 665-687, 2004." />
Research Article
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GUP-corrected ΛCDM cosmology

Year 2022, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 501 - 509, 30.06.2022


In this study, we investigate the effect of the generalized uncertainty principle on the ΛCDM cosmological model. Using quantum corrected Unruh effect and Verlinde’s entropic gravity idea, we find Planck-scale corrected Friedmann equations with a cosmological constant. These results modify the ΛCDM cosmology.


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Year 2022, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 501 - 509, 30.06.2022



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  • [15] A. Sheykhi and S. K. Rezazadeh, "Einstein Equations and MOND Theory from Debye Entropic Gravity", Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, vol. 10, pp. 012, 2012.
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  • [18] M. Senay and S. Kibaroğlu, "q-deformed Einstein equations from entropic force", International Journal of Modern Physics A, vol. 33, no. 36, pp. 1850218, 2018.
  • [19] S. Kibaroğlu and M. Senay, "Effects of bosonic and fermionic q-deformation on the entropic gravity", Modern Physics Letters A, vol. 34, no. 31, pp. 1950249, 2019.
  • [20] S. Kibaroğlu, "Generalized entropic gravity from modified Unruh temperature", International Journal of Modern Physics A, vol. 34, no. 22, pp. 1950119, 2019.
  • [21] R. G. Cai, L. M. Cao, and N. Ohta, "Friedmann equations from entropic force", Physical Review D, vol. 81, pp. 61501, 2010.
  • [22] Y. F. Cai, J. Liu, and H. Li, "Entropic cosmology: A unified model of inflation and late-time acceleration", Physics Letters B, vol. 690, pp. 213-219, 2010.
  • [23] A. Sheykhi, "Entropic corrections to Friedmann equations", Physical Review D, vol. 81, pp. 104011, 2010.
  • [24] H. Wei, "Cosmological constraints on the modified entropic force model", Physics Letters B, vol. 692, pp. 167-175, 2010.
  • [25] Y. F. Cai and E. N. Saridakis, "Inflation in entropic cosmology: Primordial perturbations and non-Gaussianities", Physics Letters B, vol. 697, pp. 280-287, 2011.
  • [26] N. Komatsu and S. Kimura, "Non-adiabatic-like accelerated expansion of the late universe in entropic cosmology", Physical Review D, vol. 87, pp. 43531, 2013.
  • [27] N. Komatsu and S. Kimura, "Entropic cosmology for a generalized black-hole entropy", Physical Review D, vol. 88, pp. 83534, 2013.
  • [28] A. Awad and A. F. Ali, "Planck-scale corrections to Friedmann equation", Central European Journal of Physics, vol. 12, pp. 245-255, 2014.
  • [29] A. Sheykhi, "Modified Friedmann equations from Tsallis entropy", Physics Letters B, vol. 785, pp. 118-126, 2018.
  • [30] S. Kibaroğlu and M. Senay, "Friedmann equations for deformed entropic gravity", International Journal of Modern Physics D, vol. 29, no. 06, pp. 2050042, 2020.
  • [31] A. Kempf, G. Mangano, and R. B. Mann, "Hilbert space representation of the minimal length uncertainty relation", Physical Review D, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 1108-1118, 1995.
  • [32] L. J. Garay, "Quantum gravity and minimum length", International Journal of Modern Physics A, vol. 10, no. 02, pp. 145-165, 1995.
  • [33] F. Scardigli, "Some heuristic semi-classical derivations of the Planck length, the Hawking effect and the Unruh effect", Nuovo Cimento B, vol. 110, pp. 1029-1034, 1995.
  • [34] F. Scardigli, "Generalized uncertainty principle in quantum gravity from micro-black hole gedanken experiment", Physics Letters B, vol. 452, pp. 39-44, 1999.
  • [35] S. Kalyana Rama, "Some consequences of the generalised uncertainty principle: statistical mechanical, cosmological, and varying speed of light", Physics Letters B, vol. 519, pp. 103-110, 2001.
  • [36] L. N. Chang, D. Minic, N. Okamura, and T. Takeuchi, "Effect of the minimal length uncertainty relation on the density of states and the cosmological constant problem", Physical Review D, vol. 65, pp. 125028, 2002.
  • [37] S. Hossenfelder, "Minimal Length Scale Scenarios for Quantum Gravity", Living Reviews in Relativity., vol. 16, pp. 2, 2013.
  • [38] J. Gine, "Hawking effect and Unruh effect from the uncertainty principle", Europhysics Letters., vol. 121, no. 1, pp. 10001, 2018.
  • [39] F. Scardigli, M. Blasone, G. Luciano, and R. Casadio, "Modified Unruh effect from generalized uncertainty principle", The European Physical Journal C, vol. 78, pp. 728, 2018.
  • [40] B. Bolen and M. Cavaglia, "(anti-)de Sitter black hole thermodynamics and the generalized uncertainty principle", General Relativity and Gravitation, vol. 37, pp. 1255-1262, 2005.
  • [41] C. Bambi and F.R. Urban, "Natural extension of the generalized uncertainty principle", Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 095006, 2008.
  • [42] S. Mignemi, "Extended Uncertainty Principle and The Geometry of (anti)-de Sitter Space", Modern Physics Letters A, vol. 25, no. 20, pp. 1697-1703, 2010.
  • [43] W. S. Chung and H. Hassanabadi, "Quantum mechanics on (anti)-de Sitter background", Modern Physics Letters A, vol. 32, no. 26, pp. 1750138, 2017.
  • [44] L. Bergström and A. Goobar, Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, 2nd ed., Berlin, Springer, 2006.
  • [45] G. Lambiase and F. Scardigli, "Lorentz violation and generalized uncertainty principle", Physical Review D, vol. 97, pp. 075003, 2018.
  • [46] Y. C. Ong, "Generalized uncertainty principle, black holes, and white dwarfs: a tale of two infinities", Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, vol. 2018, pp. 015, 2018.
  • [47] T. Kanazawa, G. Lambiase, G. Vilasi, and A. Yoshioka, "Noncommutative Schwarzschild geometry and generalized uncertainty principle", The European Physical Journal C, vol. 79, pp. 95, 2019.
  • [48] L. Buoninfante, G. G. Luciano, and L. Petruzziello, "Generalized uncertainty principle and corpuscular gravity", The European Physical Journal C, vol. 79, pp. 663, 2019.
  • [49] L. Buoninfante, G. G. Luciano, and L. Petruzziello, F. Scardigli, "Bekenstein bound and uncertainty relations", Physics Letters B, vol. 824, pp. 136818, 2022.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics
Journal Section Research Articles

Salih Kibaroğlu 0000-0002-8691-4959

Publication Date June 30, 2022
Submission Date December 7, 2021
Acceptance Date April 25, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 26 Issue: 3


APA Kibaroğlu, S. (2022). GUP-corrected ΛCDM cosmology. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 26(3), 501-509. https://doi.org/10.16984/saufenbilder.1033550
AMA Kibaroğlu S. GUP-corrected ΛCDM cosmology. SAUJS. June 2022;26(3):501-509. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.1033550
Chicago Kibaroğlu, Salih. “GUP-Corrected ΛCDM Cosmology”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 26, no. 3 (June 2022): 501-9. https://doi.org/10.16984/saufenbilder.1033550.
EndNote Kibaroğlu S (June 1, 2022) GUP-corrected ΛCDM cosmology. Sakarya University Journal of Science 26 3 501–509.
IEEE S. Kibaroğlu, “GUP-corrected ΛCDM cosmology”, SAUJS, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 501–509, 2022, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.1033550.
ISNAD Kibaroğlu, Salih. “GUP-Corrected ΛCDM Cosmology”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 26/3 (June 2022), 501-509. https://doi.org/10.16984/saufenbilder.1033550.
JAMA Kibaroğlu S. GUP-corrected ΛCDM cosmology. SAUJS. 2022;26:501–509.
MLA Kibaroğlu, Salih. “GUP-Corrected ΛCDM Cosmology”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 26, no. 3, 2022, pp. 501-9, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.1033550.
Vancouver Kibaroğlu S. GUP-corrected ΛCDM cosmology. SAUJS. 2022;26(3):501-9.


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