Research Article
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Mass Distributions and Neutron-Proton Ratios of Fragments in Peripheral Heavy-Ion Collisions

Year 2022, Volume: 26 Issue: 5, 908 - 914, 20.10.2022


The mass and average neutron-proton ratio (N/Z) distributions of fragments from multifragmentation of excited projectile nuclei formed in heavy-ion collisions were reproduced theoretically. The experimental measurements in peripheral heavy-ion collisions of 124Sn + 124Sn and 112Sn + 112Sn at 1 GeV/nucleon were carried out with the Fragment Separator (FRS) of GSI. The mass distribution and N/Z ratios of the produced nuclear fragments are calculated in the frame of a statistical approach. Comparisons with the experimental data show that the statistical models are successfully reproduce the mass yields and N/Z measured in the both reaction systems. The calculations in the present paper were carried out for the first time and were not published anywhere else.


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  • [14] A. Kaya, N. Buyukcizmeci, R. Ogul, “Isotopic distribution in projectile fragments above the Coulomb barrier,” Turkish Journal of Physics, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 659-667, 2018.
  • [15] R. Ogul, N. Buyukcizmeci, A. Ergun, A. S. Botvina, “Production of neutron-rich exotic nuclei in projectile fragmentation at Fermi energies,” Nuclear Science and Techniques, vol. 28, no. 2, article number 18, 2017.
  • [16] H. Imal, N. Buyukcizmeci, R. Ogul, A. S. Botvina, “Isospin dependence of fragment yields in peripheral heavy ion collisions,” Europen Physical Journal A, vol. 56, no. 4, article number 110, 2020.
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  • [19] N. Buyukcizmeci,, A. S. Botvina, I. N. Mishustin, R. Ogul, M. Hempe, J. Schaffner-Bielich, F.-K. Thielemann, S. Furusawa, K. Sumiyoshi, S. Yamada, H. Suzuki, “A comparative study of statistical models for nuclear equation of state of stellar matter,” Nuclear Physics A, vol. 907, pp. 13–54, 2013.
Year 2022, Volume: 26 Issue: 5, 908 - 914, 20.10.2022



  • [1] N. Bohr, “Neutron capture and nuclear constitution,” Nature (London) vol. 137: pp. 344-348, 1936.
  • [2] V. E. Viola, K. Kwiatkowski, L. Beaulieu, D. S. Bracken, H. Breuer, J. Brzychczyk, R. T. de Souza, D. S. Ginger, W-C. Hsi, R. G. Korteling, T. Lefort, W. G. Lynch, K. B. Morley, R. Legrain, L. Pienkowski, E. C. Pollacco, E. Renshaw, A. Ruangma, M. B. Tsang, C. Volant, G. Wang, S. J. Yennello, N. R. Yoder, “Light-ion-induced multifragmentation; The ISiS project,” Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters, vol. 434, no. 1-2, pp. 1-46, 2006.
  • [3] G. Bertsch, P. J. Siemens, “Nuclear fragmentation,” Physics Letters B, vol. 126, no. 1-2, pp. 9-12, 1983.
  • [4] J. P. Bondorf, A. S. Botvina, A. S. Iljinov, I. N. Mishustin, K. Sneppen, “Statistical multifragmentation of nuclei,” Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters, vol. 257, no 3, pp.133-221, 1995.
  • [5] R. Ogul, A. S. Botvina, U. Atav, N. Buyukcizmeci, I. N. Mishustin, P. Adrich, T. Aumann, C. O. Bacri, T. Barczyk, R. Bassini, S. Bianchin, C. Boiano, A. Boudard, J. Brzychczyk, A. Chbihi, J. Cibor, B. Czech, M. De Napoli, J.-É. Ducret, H. Emling, J. D. Frankland, M. Hellström, D. Henzlova, G. Immè1, I. Iori, H. Johansson, K. Kezzar, A. Lafriakh, A. Le Fèvre, E. Le Gentil, Y. Leifels, J. Lühning, J. Łukasik, W. G. Lynch, U. Lynen, Z. Majka, M. Mocko, W. F. J. Müller, A. Mykulyak, H. Orth, A. N. Otte, R. Palit, P. Pawłowski, A. Pullia, G. Raciti, E. Rapisarda, H. Sann, C. Schwarz, C. Sfienti, H. Simon, K. Sümmerer, W. Trautmann, M. B. Tsang, G. Verde, C. Volant, M. Wallace, H. Weick, J. Wiechula, A. Wieloch, B. Zwiegliński, “Isospin-dependent multifragmentation of relativistic projectile,” Physical Review C, vol. 83, no. 2, article number 024608, 2011.
  • [6] N. Buyukcizmeci, R. Ogul, A. S. Botvina, “Isospin and symmetry energy effects on nuclear fragment production in liquid-gas phase transition region,” European Physical Journal A, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 57-64, 2005.
  • [7] N. Buyukcizmeci, H. Imal, R. Ogul, A. S. Botvina, I. N. Mishustin, “Isotopic yields and symmetry energy in nuclear multifragmentation reactions,” Journal of Physics G- Nuclear Particle Physics, vol. 39, no. 11, article number 115102, 2012.
  • [8] S. P. Avdeyev, V. A. Karnaukhov, L. A. Petrov, V. K. Rodionov, P. A. Rukoyatkin, V. D. Toneev, H. Oeschler, O. V. Bochkarev, L. V. Chulkov, E. A. Kuzmin, A. Budzanowski, W. Karcz, M. Janicki, E. Norbeck, A. S. Botvina, K. K. Gudima, “Comparative study of multifragmentation of gold nuclei induced by relativistic protons, He-4 and C-12,” Nuclear Physics A, vol. 709, pp. 392-414, 2002.
  • [9] V. Föhr, A. Bacquias, E. Casarejos, T. Enqvist, A. R. Junghans, A. Kelić-Heil, T. Kurtukian, S. Lukić, D. Pérez-Loureiro, R. Pleskač, M. V. Ricciardi, K.-H. Schmidt, and J. Taïeb, “Experimental study of fragmentation products in the reactions 112Sn + 112Sn and 124Sn + 124Sn at 1A GeV,” Physical Review C, vol. 84, no. 5, article number 054605, 2011.
  • [10] H. Imal, A. Ergun, N. Buyukcizmeci, R. Ogul, A. S. Botvina, W. Trautmann, “Theoretical study of projectile fragmentation in the 112Sn+112Sn and 124Sn +124Sn reactions at 1 GeV/nucleon,” Physical Review C, vol. 91, no. 3, article number 034605, 2015.
  • [11] D. Henzlova, K.-H. Schmidt, M. V. Ricciardi et al., “Experimental investigation of the residues produced in the 136Xe+Pb and 124Xe+Pb fragmentation reactions at 1 A GeV,” Physical Review C, vol. 78, no. 4, article number 044616, 2008.
  • [12] H. Imal, R. Ogul, “Theoretical study of isotope production in the peripheral heavy-ion collision 136Xe + Pb at 1 GeV/nucleon,” Nuclear Physics A, vol. 1014, article number 122261, 2021.
  • [13] A. S. Botvina, N. Buyukcizmeci, M. Erdogan, J. Łukasik, I. N. Mishustin, R. Ogul, and W. Trautmann, “Modification of surface energy in nuclear multifragmentation,” Physical Review C, vol. 74, no. 4, article number 044609, 2006.
  • [14] A. Kaya, N. Buyukcizmeci, R. Ogul, “Isotopic distribution in projectile fragments above the Coulomb barrier,” Turkish Journal of Physics, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 659-667, 2018.
  • [15] R. Ogul, N. Buyukcizmeci, A. Ergun, A. S. Botvina, “Production of neutron-rich exotic nuclei in projectile fragmentation at Fermi energies,” Nuclear Science and Techniques, vol. 28, no. 2, article number 18, 2017.
  • [16] H. Imal, N. Buyukcizmeci, R. Ogul, A. S. Botvina, “Isospin dependence of fragment yields in peripheral heavy ion collisions,” Europen Physical Journal A, vol. 56, no. 4, article number 110, 2020.
  • [17] M. B. Tsang, T. X. Liu, L. Shi, P. Danielewicz, C. K. Gelbke, X. D. Liu, W. G. Lynch, W. P. Tan, G. Verde, A. Wagner, H. S. Xu, W. A. Friedman, L. Beaulieu, B. Davin, R. T. de Souza, Y. Larochelle, T. Lefort, R. Yanez, V. E. Viola, Jr., R. J. Charity, L. G. Sobotka, “Isospin diffusion and the nuclear symmetry energy in heavy ion reactions,” Physical Review Letters, vol. 92, no. 6, article number 062701, 2004.
  • [18] S. Piantelli, G. Casini, P. R. Maurenzig, A. Olmi, M. Bini, S. Carboni, G. Pasquali, G. Poggi, A. A. Stefanini, R. Bougault, E. Bonnet, B. Borderie, A. Chbihi, J. D. Frankland, D. Gruyer, O. Lopez, N. Le Neindre, M. Parlog, M. F. Rivet, E. Vient, E. Rosato, G. Spadaccini, M. Vigilante, M. Bruno, T. Marchi, L. Morelli, M. Cinausero, M. Degerlier, F. Gramegna, T. Kozik, T. Twarog, R. Alba, C. Maiolino, D. Santonocito, “Isospin transport in Kr-84+Sn-112, Sn-124Sn collisions at fermi energies,” Physical Review C, vol. 87, no. 5, article number 054607, 2013.
  • [19] N. Buyukcizmeci,, A. S. Botvina, I. N. Mishustin, R. Ogul, M. Hempe, J. Schaffner-Bielich, F.-K. Thielemann, S. Furusawa, K. Sumiyoshi, S. Yamada, H. Suzuki, “A comparative study of statistical models for nuclear equation of state of stellar matter,” Nuclear Physics A, vol. 907, pp. 13–54, 2013.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics
Journal Section Research Articles

Hamide Avcı 0000-0003-2097-6054

Publication Date October 20, 2022
Submission Date April 19, 2022
Acceptance Date August 10, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 26 Issue: 5


APA Avcı, H. (2022). Mass Distributions and Neutron-Proton Ratios of Fragments in Peripheral Heavy-Ion Collisions. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 26(5), 908-914.
AMA Avcı H. Mass Distributions and Neutron-Proton Ratios of Fragments in Peripheral Heavy-Ion Collisions. SAUJS. October 2022;26(5):908-914. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.1105788
Chicago Avcı, Hamide. “Mass Distributions and Neutron-Proton Ratios of Fragments in Peripheral Heavy-Ion Collisions”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 26, no. 5 (October 2022): 908-14.
EndNote Avcı H (October 1, 2022) Mass Distributions and Neutron-Proton Ratios of Fragments in Peripheral Heavy-Ion Collisions. Sakarya University Journal of Science 26 5 908–914.
IEEE H. Avcı, “Mass Distributions and Neutron-Proton Ratios of Fragments in Peripheral Heavy-Ion Collisions”, SAUJS, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 908–914, 2022, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.1105788.
ISNAD Avcı, Hamide. “Mass Distributions and Neutron-Proton Ratios of Fragments in Peripheral Heavy-Ion Collisions”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 26/5 (October 2022), 908-914.
JAMA Avcı H. Mass Distributions and Neutron-Proton Ratios of Fragments in Peripheral Heavy-Ion Collisions. SAUJS. 2022;26:908–914.
MLA Avcı, Hamide. “Mass Distributions and Neutron-Proton Ratios of Fragments in Peripheral Heavy-Ion Collisions”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 26, no. 5, 2022, pp. 908-14, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.1105788.
Vancouver Avcı H. Mass Distributions and Neutron-Proton Ratios of Fragments in Peripheral Heavy-Ion Collisions. SAUJS. 2022;26(5):908-14.