Writing Rules

Sakarya University Journal of Women's Studies Author Guidelines

In order for the articles to be accepted, it is required that they have not been published anywhere before. Submitted articles are first reviewed by the editorial board. If the content and format of the articles submitted to the journal are not deemed appropriate, the editorial board of the journal may reject the article.

Articles must comply with the following requirements:

1. Papers to be submitted to Sakarya University Journal of Women's Studies (SAUJWS) should be written by leaving blank 2 cm from the top, 2 cm from the bottom; 2 cm from the left and 2 cm from the right in the A4 page format. The papers sent to the journal should be careful not to exceed 8000 words, including bibliography and tables.

2. Article Title: should be written as Cambria 12 pt, bold and center aligned on the page, before 0 pt, after 0 pt and 1 (one) line spacing. Title should not exceed 4 lines. Before English summary, title of study in English should be written in 12 pt, bold and center aligned on the page

3. Author/s name and surname: should be written in Cambria 10 pt, normal font, and center aligned on the page, before 0 pt, after 0 pt and 1 (one) line spacing. The organization and contact information of authors should be Cambria 7 pt normal font, center aligned on the page, before 0 pt, after 0 pt and 1 (one) line spacing.

4. Abstract and Keywords: English abstract should be designed as up to 250 words and include the purpose, methods, findings and results of the study. At least 3 to 5 key words (in English) should be given under  English abstracts. Abstract text: Cambria should be written in 9 pt (normal), 0 pt first, then 0 pt, with single line spacing and justified.  If the article is written in Turkish other than English, an extended English summary should be added after the short abstracts. The extended abstract should be the same as the spelling rules of the article and should be between 750-1000 words at most.

5. Titles: Article, sub-headings and sub-headings can be used in the article to provide a regular information transfer. Chapter Cambria 11 points (Bold) Left justified, the first letters of each word should be capitalized. Section titles should be numbered. Ex: Chapter 1 Title Layout . Subheadings should be left aligned, bold, numbered if necessary, and the first letters of each word should be capitalized. (Example: 1. Primary Title Layout, 1.1. Secondary Title Layout; 1.1.1. Third Title Layout) The bibliography title should be centered on the page.

6. Texts: It should be written in Cambria, 11 points (normal), justified, 1.15 line spacing, similar to the template. Original research articles and observation type papers should be presented in the form of subtitles as introduction, methods, findings, discussion and conclusion. Tables, graphs and figures thought to be given should be presented in the text where it should be shown and numbered accordingly.

7. The table titles: should be written on the table, Cambria 10 punto in the middle of the page, before 6 pt, after 0 pt, 1 (one) line spacing. If available, resource should be written in Cambria 10 punto under the table.

8. Pictures and figures titles: should be written under the picture and figure, Cambria 10 punto in the middle of the page, before 6 pt, after 0 pt and 1 (one) line spacing. If required, page form can be used horizontally for the tables and figures. If available, resource is written in Cambria 10 punto under figure or picture. 

  • Articles should be edited and prepared by considering the explanations in the SAUJWS template file and using the journal template. 

Article writing templates:
Click here for the single-author article writing template written in English.
Click here for the article writing template with 2 or more authors written in English.
Click for the book review template.

  • Articles to be submitted to SAUJWS should be prepared by taking into account the in-text and end-of-text reference, table, and figure spelling specified in APA7 Turkish and English versions. References should be in the same format as other headings and should not be numbered. Please click here for references in the text and bibliography.

Content Layouts and Key Features by Article Types

Original Article

It should consist of "Abstract", "Keywords", "Introduction", "Method", "Findings," and "Result/Discussion" sections, respectively. The study's results can be expressed in the last paragraph of the discussion section, and there is no need to open an additional title.

Systematic Review

It is included in the research article. It is formed by scanning the studies published in the related field in a systematic and comprehensive manner, determining which studies will be included in the review within the framework of various objective acceptance and rejection criteria, and synthesizing the information in the relevant subject. In order for a review article to be defined systematically, the processes to be included in the review should be determined, selected, and the processes of synthesizing the study data should be followed. Systematic compilation studies; It should consist of "Abstract", "Keywords", "Introduction", "Subtitles" and "Resources" sections.


A type of statistical literature developed by combining the findings of at least two studies to show the effect of a particular situation with a single estimator. By combining the findings of multiple studies, the validity and reliability of the results will be strengthened. Meta-analysis can be done for both experimental and quantitative research. Meta-analysis articles; It consists of "Abstract", "Keywords", "Introduction", "Methods", "Results", "Conclusion/Discussion," and "Resources" sections.

Book Review

Book Reviews is an article in which the contents of the books published are evaluated and introduced. Additional information (drawings, charts, film datasets) may be published at the discretion of the editors and reviewers. The "Sources" section is included if deemed necessary by the author. Please click to access the draft.

Case Report

It should be a maximum of 10 pages (excluding references). Case reports should include an introduction, case report, and discussion sections, respectively.

Letter to Editor

It should be a maximum of 5 pages (excluding abstracts and references). It may not contain essence. It should not contain more than four authors. It can contain at most one drawing or chart. If it is written as a dedication to an article, it should be stated by giving the number and date, and the name, institution, and address of the author should be found at the end of the text.


It should be a maximum of 5 pages (excluding abstract and references). It may not contain essence. It should not contain more than four authors. Conversation articles are articles that contain interviews made by experts who have rich experience and cited studies in their field.

Last Update Time: 6/28/24, 4:18:03 PM
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