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Askerî Güvenliğin Planlanmasında Ağırlık Merkezinin Tespiti, Analizi, Uygulanmasının İstihbarat ile İlişkisi

Year 2024, Volume: 34 Issue: 1, 109 - 123, 28.06.2024


Küreselleşmenin etkisinin yanında, teknoloji ve iletişim alanında yaşanan gelişmelerin de etkisiyle güvenliğe yönelik tehditlerin çeşitlendiği ve arttığı görülse de güvenlik endişesinin özünde askerî tehdidin yer aldığı görüşü değişmemiştir. Askerî güvenliğin sağlanmasında savaş da kaçınılmaz olarak uygulanabilecek etkenlerden birisidir. Savaşın karakteri; zamana, mekâna ve kuvvete bağlı olarak savaştan savaşa veya zaman içerisinde değişse de, siyasi amacı, ilkeleri, ağırlık merkezi gibi kavramlar geçerliliğini korumaktadır. Savaşın planlaması “Ağırlık Merkezi”nin belirlenmesi ile başlar. Ağırlık merkezinin doğru olarak tanımlanması, askerî harekâtların başarılı olması için kritik öneme sahiptir. İstihbaratın karşılaştığı en önemli görevlerden biri düşman ağırlık merkezinin belirlenmesidir. Nitel araştırma yönteminin kullanıldığı bu çalışmada, bu nedenle düşman ağırlık merkezinin doğru olarak tespiti, analizi ve uygulaması yönünden değişik yöntemler kullanılarak istihbarat ile bağlantısı ortaya konmaktadır. Çalışma; ağırlık merkezini belirleme, analiz edilmesi ve uygulanması ana hatlarını ifade ederken, her aşamasında istihbarat çalışmaları ile ilişkisini ortaya koymakta ve incelemektedir.


  • Agee, A. (1992). Peeling the onion: The Iraqi center of gravity in desert storm. United States Army Command and General Staff College.
  • Bernhardt, D. (2003). Competitive intelligence: How to acquireand use corporate intelligence and counter-intelligence. Financial Times Prentice Hall.
  • Buzan, B. (1983). İnsanlar, devletler & korku (E. Çıtak, Çev. Ed.). Röle Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Buzan, B. (2008). Askerî güvenliğin değişen gündemi. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, Özel Sayı: Güvenlik, 107-123.
  • Clausewitz, C. V. (2007). On war (B. Heuser, Ed.; M. Howard & P. Paret, Çev.). Oxford University Press.
  • Clausewitz, C.V. (2018). Savaş üzerine (H. F. Çeliker, Çev.). Alfa Basım yayım.
  • Davies, P. H. J. (2012). Intelligence and government in Britain and The United States. Praeger.
  • Department of Defense. (2021). Dictionary of military and associated terms.
  • Echevarria II, A. J. (2004). Center of gravity recommendations for joint doctrine. National Defense University.
  • Eikmeier, D. C. (2010). Redefining the center of gravity. Joint Forces Quarterly, 59, 156-158.
  • Ethridge, J. (2004). Center of gravity determination in the global war on terrorism. U.S. Army War College.
  • Franks, T., & McConnell, M. (2004). American soldier. Harper Collins.
  • Giles, P., & Galvin, T. (1996). Center of gravity: Determination, analysis, and application. Center for Strategic Leadership, U.S. Army War College.
  • Goldman, J. (2006). Words of intelligence: A dictionary. The Scarecrow Press.
  • JP 2-0. (2013). Joint intelligence, Chapter I. Joint publication 2-0 (pp. 1-30). US Department of Defense.
  • JP 2-01.3. (2014). An overview of joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment. Joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment. Joint publication 2-01.3 (pp. 1-26). US Department of Defense.
  • JP 5-0. (2020). Joint planning. Joint publication 5-0. US Department of Defense.
  • Karlquist, J. (2009). The center of gravity concept: Informed by the information environment. Command and General Staff College.
  • Kent, S. (1965). Strategic intelligence for American world policy. Archon Books.
  • Lee, S. H. (1999). Center of gravity or center of confusion: Understanding the mystique. The Defense Technical Information Center.
  • Mathams, R. T. (1995). Intelligence analysis (D. H. Deathand & T. R. Goodden, Ed.). Strategic intelligence: Theory and application (pp.77-93). Washington Defence Intelligence Agency. 10.10.2023 tarihinde adresinden erişilmiştir.
  • Mcdowell, D. (2009). Strategic intelligence: A handbook for practitioners, managers, and users. The Scarecrow Press.
  • Nash, C. C. (2018). Center of gravity: A model for the 21st century warfighter. Marine Corps University, USMC Command and Staff College.
  • Özdağ, Ü. (2020). İstihbarat teorisi. Kripto Basım ve Yayım.
  • Özkan, K. M. (2023). Stratejik istihbaratın terörizmle mücadeleye etkisi (F. Erenel & A. Gedik, Ed.). Terörizm üzerine güncel yaklaşımlar (s. 115-137). Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Perry, R. J. (2000). A strategic analysis model for center of gravity determination in full spectrum warfare. U.S. Army War College.
  • Rose, E. (2006). Defending America’s center of gravity. U.S. Army War College.
  • Saxman, J. B. (1992). The concept of center of gravity: Does it have utility in joint doctrine and campaign planning? Army Command and General Staff College.
  • Schneider, J. J., & Izzo, L. L. (1987). Clausewitz's elusive center of gravity. U.S. Army War College.
  • Shulsky, A.N., & Schmitt, G.J. (2002). Silent warfare: Understanding the world of intelligence. Potomac Books.
  • Steury, D. P. (Ed.). (1994). Sherman Kent and the board of national estimates collected essays. Center Intelligence Agency, Center for the Study of Intelligence.
  • Strange, J. (1996). Centers of gravity & Critical vulnerabilities: Building on the Clausewitzian Foundation so that we can all speak the same language. Marine Corps University, Series "Perspectives on warfighting" number four. 10.10.2023 tarihinde adresinden erişilmiştir.
  • Topçu, Y., & Almaç, E. (2014). Hava gücünün yükselişi ve harp prensipleri. Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(2), 1-25.
  • Ülker, H. (2022). Ulusal güvenlik politikalarının oluşturulmasında stratejik istihbaratın önemi. International Journal of Politics and Security, 4(2), 13-38.
  • Yenal, S. (2022). İstihbarat: Temel kavramlar ve genel yaklaşımlar. C. K. Demir & S. Yenal, (Ed.). İstihbarat çalışmaları (s. 1-28). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.

Determination, Analysis and Implementation of the Center of Gravity in Military Security Planning and its Relationship with Intelligence

Year 2024, Volume: 34 Issue: 1, 109 - 123, 28.06.2024


Although it is seen that threats to security have diversified and increased with the influence of globalization as well as developments in technology and communication, the view that the military threat is at the core of security concerns has not changed. War is one of the factors that can inevitably be applied to ensure military security. Even though the character of the war changes from war to war or over time depending on time, place, and force; concepts such as political purpose, principles of war, and the center of gravity remain valid. Planning the war begins with determining the "Center of Gravity". Accurate identification of the center of gravity is critical to the success of military operations. One of the most important tasks facing intelligence is the determination of the enemy's center of gravity. In this study, where qualitative research method is used, the connection with intelligence is revealed by using different methods in terms of accurate detection, analysis and application of the enemy center of gravity. Study; while it expresses the main lines of determining the center of gravity, analyzing it, and implementing it, it reveals and examines its relationship with intelligence studies at every stage.


  • Agee, A. (1992). Peeling the onion: The Iraqi center of gravity in desert storm. United States Army Command and General Staff College.
  • Bernhardt, D. (2003). Competitive intelligence: How to acquireand use corporate intelligence and counter-intelligence. Financial Times Prentice Hall.
  • Buzan, B. (1983). İnsanlar, devletler & korku (E. Çıtak, Çev. Ed.). Röle Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Buzan, B. (2008). Askerî güvenliğin değişen gündemi. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, Özel Sayı: Güvenlik, 107-123.
  • Clausewitz, C. V. (2007). On war (B. Heuser, Ed.; M. Howard & P. Paret, Çev.). Oxford University Press.
  • Clausewitz, C.V. (2018). Savaş üzerine (H. F. Çeliker, Çev.). Alfa Basım yayım.
  • Davies, P. H. J. (2012). Intelligence and government in Britain and The United States. Praeger.
  • Department of Defense. (2021). Dictionary of military and associated terms.
  • Echevarria II, A. J. (2004). Center of gravity recommendations for joint doctrine. National Defense University.
  • Eikmeier, D. C. (2010). Redefining the center of gravity. Joint Forces Quarterly, 59, 156-158.
  • Ethridge, J. (2004). Center of gravity determination in the global war on terrorism. U.S. Army War College.
  • Franks, T., & McConnell, M. (2004). American soldier. Harper Collins.
  • Giles, P., & Galvin, T. (1996). Center of gravity: Determination, analysis, and application. Center for Strategic Leadership, U.S. Army War College.
  • Goldman, J. (2006). Words of intelligence: A dictionary. The Scarecrow Press.
  • JP 2-0. (2013). Joint intelligence, Chapter I. Joint publication 2-0 (pp. 1-30). US Department of Defense.
  • JP 2-01.3. (2014). An overview of joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment. Joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment. Joint publication 2-01.3 (pp. 1-26). US Department of Defense.
  • JP 5-0. (2020). Joint planning. Joint publication 5-0. US Department of Defense.
  • Karlquist, J. (2009). The center of gravity concept: Informed by the information environment. Command and General Staff College.
  • Kent, S. (1965). Strategic intelligence for American world policy. Archon Books.
  • Lee, S. H. (1999). Center of gravity or center of confusion: Understanding the mystique. The Defense Technical Information Center.
  • Mathams, R. T. (1995). Intelligence analysis (D. H. Deathand & T. R. Goodden, Ed.). Strategic intelligence: Theory and application (pp.77-93). Washington Defence Intelligence Agency. 10.10.2023 tarihinde adresinden erişilmiştir.
  • Mcdowell, D. (2009). Strategic intelligence: A handbook for practitioners, managers, and users. The Scarecrow Press.
  • Nash, C. C. (2018). Center of gravity: A model for the 21st century warfighter. Marine Corps University, USMC Command and Staff College.
  • Özdağ, Ü. (2020). İstihbarat teorisi. Kripto Basım ve Yayım.
  • Özkan, K. M. (2023). Stratejik istihbaratın terörizmle mücadeleye etkisi (F. Erenel & A. Gedik, Ed.). Terörizm üzerine güncel yaklaşımlar (s. 115-137). Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Perry, R. J. (2000). A strategic analysis model for center of gravity determination in full spectrum warfare. U.S. Army War College.
  • Rose, E. (2006). Defending America’s center of gravity. U.S. Army War College.
  • Saxman, J. B. (1992). The concept of center of gravity: Does it have utility in joint doctrine and campaign planning? Army Command and General Staff College.
  • Schneider, J. J., & Izzo, L. L. (1987). Clausewitz's elusive center of gravity. U.S. Army War College.
  • Shulsky, A.N., & Schmitt, G.J. (2002). Silent warfare: Understanding the world of intelligence. Potomac Books.
  • Steury, D. P. (Ed.). (1994). Sherman Kent and the board of national estimates collected essays. Center Intelligence Agency, Center for the Study of Intelligence.
  • Strange, J. (1996). Centers of gravity & Critical vulnerabilities: Building on the Clausewitzian Foundation so that we can all speak the same language. Marine Corps University, Series "Perspectives on warfighting" number four. 10.10.2023 tarihinde adresinden erişilmiştir.
  • Topçu, Y., & Almaç, E. (2014). Hava gücünün yükselişi ve harp prensipleri. Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(2), 1-25.
  • Ülker, H. (2022). Ulusal güvenlik politikalarının oluşturulmasında stratejik istihbaratın önemi. International Journal of Politics and Security, 4(2), 13-38.
  • Yenal, S. (2022). İstihbarat: Temel kavramlar ve genel yaklaşımlar. C. K. Demir & S. Yenal, (Ed.). İstihbarat çalışmaları (s. 1-28). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Defence Studies
Journal Section The Journal of Defence and War Studies June 2024

Kazim Murat Özkan 0000-0001-6206-3224

Publication Date June 28, 2024
Submission Date December 7, 2023
Acceptance Date April 1, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 34 Issue: 1


APA Özkan, K. M. (2024). Askerî Güvenliğin Planlanmasında Ağırlık Merkezinin Tespiti, Analizi, Uygulanmasının İstihbarat ile İlişkisi. SAVSAD Savunma Ve Savaş Araştırmaları Dergisi, 34(1), 109-123.