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Year 2013, Issue: 90, 19 - 47, 01.09.2013


The global financial crisis 2008 , described as “The Great Recession”, also affected the welfare states such as Norway, Greece and Turkey. The reason why we analyze these three countries in this essay is that there are dialectic relations among them. The first dialectic relation is related to the fact that these three countries have experienced the negative effects of the great recession in different dosages and times: Norway refinanced the global effects of the crisis easily; Turkey experienced the crisis ‘tangentially’; Greece fell into ‘crisis spiral.’ Secondly: Norway is not a member of EU, Greece is a full member, and Turkey is the country whose membership is being discussed. Only Greece has spread the cost of the crisis to Euro region. Thirdly: All of these countries are identified with one of “European Welfare State” models. Turkey and Greece are closer to Mediterranean welfare state while Norway is a Scandinavian welfare state


  • Andersen, Torben M., Bengt Holmström, Seppo Honkapohja, Sixten Korkman, Hans Tson Söderström, Juhana Vartiainen, (2007), “The Nordic Model: Embracing globalization and sharing risks”, ETLA, Helsinki.
  • Andreß, Hans-Jürgen & Thorsten Heien (1999), “Four Worlds of Welfare State Attitudes? A Comparison of Germany, Norway, and the United States”, Conference Large Scale Data Analysis, Universität Bielefeld WME-Arbeitspapier Nr. 8 (May 25-28), Bielefeld.
  • Angell, Olav H. (2011), “Challenges to Equality in the Welfare State: The Norwegian Case of Drammen”, International Beliefs and Values, Volume 3, Number 1, 41-50.
  • Antuofermo, Mélina and Emilio Di Meglio (2012), “23 % of EU citizens were at risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2010”, Eurostat-Statistics in focus, Sept.
  • Arnott, Marie-Claude (2012), “Greece: Perspective on a Financial Crisis”, European Affairs, Jul 26.
  • Avrupa Info (2006), Screening Report Turkey: Chapter 19-Social Policy and Employment,Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, 4 Sept.
  • Batic, Jelena (2011), “Crisis of the Welfare State in the European Union- The Impact of the World Financial Crisis on the Welfare State”, Megatrend Review, 8/2, 141-168.
  • Beardsley, Eleanor (2010), “Can the European Welfare State Survive?”, NPR, July 14.
  • Bawer, Bruce (2001), “New Challenges to the Nordic Welfare Model”, CATO PolicyRepor, May/June.
  • Buğra, Ayşe ve Sinem Adar (2008), “Social Policy Change in Countries without Mature Welfare States: The Case of Turkey”, New Perspectives on Turkey (NPT), Spring/38.
  • Busch, Klaus (2010), “World Economic Crisis and the Welfare State”, FES, International Policy Analysis, Feb.
  • CIA (2013), The World Factbook.
  • Cihangir, Damla (2012), “Yunanistan-AB İlişkileri: Avrupa Birliği’nin ‘Şımarık Çocuğu’”, iç. AB ve Türkiye’de Güncel Konular ve Gelişmelere Dair Değerlendirmeler: 2010-2011, İstanbul: İKV Yayınları (No. 255), 66-71.
  • Craft, Nicholas (2012), “Economic History: On a ‘Real’ Marshall Plan for Greece”, The Economist, July 2.
  • Çapanoğlu, Sema G. (2012), “Yunanistan’da Yaşanan Borç Krizi ve Avro Alanı’na Etkileri”, iç. AB ve Türkiye’de Güncel Konular ve Gelişmelere Dair Değerlendirmeler: 2010-2011, D.Cihangir (Haz.), İstanbul: İKV Yayınları (No.255), 36-42.
  • Denk, Oliver (2012), “Tax Reform in Norway: A Focus on Capital Taxation”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No.950, OECD Pub..
  • Dinç, Neriman (2010), “İSO’ya Göre Kriz Teğet mi Geçti?”, net/turkyapi/gundem-529329/iso-ya-gore-kriz-teget-mi-gecti-31514348 (5/7/2013)
  • Dornbusch, Rudiger and Alejandro Werner (1994). “Mexico: Stabilization, Reform, and No Growth”, Brooking Appers on Economic Activity, No.1, 253-297.
  • Duell, Nicola, Shruti Singh and Peter Tergeist, (2009), “Activation Policies in Norway”, OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No.78, OECD Pub.
  • Economy Watch (2010), Norway Economic Structure, 24 March.
  • Economou, Charalampos and Claude Giorno, (2009), Improving the Performance of the Public Health Care System in Greece Economics, OECD Department Working Paper, No. 722, ECO/WKP(2009)63.
  • Eder, Mine (2010), “Retreating State? Political Economy of Welfare Regime Change in Turkey”, Middle East Law and Governance, 2(2), 152-184(33).
  • Eurostat (2011), “Living Conditions and Social Protection”, European in Figures- Eurostat Yearbook.
  • France 24 (2009), “Norway’s Economic Oasis Sheltered from Crisis”, 5/6.
  • Galluppi, Dan (2012) “Country Case Studies and Links, Greece”, University of Pittsburg.
  • Grütjen, Daniel (2007), “Social Security in Turkey: An Example of the Southern Model? The Role of State, Market, and the Family in Welfare Provision”, Netzwerk Türkei Working Paper 1, Berlin.
  • Grytten, Ola H. and Arngrim Hunnes (2010), “A Chronology of Financial Crises for Norway”, NHH Institutt for SamfunnsØkonomi.
  • Haugan, Siv ve Else Lie E. (2011), “The Best Country in the World to Live in… or not?: Norwegian Welfare System Facing Major Challenges”, The Research Council of Norway, 12/07.
  • FITCH Ratings (2012), “Foreign Currency Rating”, web_ content/ratings/sovereign_ratings_history.xls (5/7/2013)
  • ILO (2010), “Turkey: Emerging After a Severe Recession but Challenges Remain”, G20 Statistical Update, 20- 21 April, Washington.
  • IMF (2012a), “Greece: Financial Position in the Fund as of July 31”.
  • IMF (2012b), “Turkey: Financial Position in the Fund as of July 31”.
  • IMF (2012c), “Norway: Financial Position in the Fund as of July 31”.
  • İKV (İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı) (2012), Türkiye-AB İlişkileri: Katılım Müzakereleri.
  • İzci, İnan (2012), “Social Policy and Local Administration in Turkey”, Reflections Turkey-A Platform of Op-Ed Commentaries on Turkish Affairs, May.
  • Juel, Steinar (2011), “How to Rebuild Confidence in Markets? The Norwegian Experience”, EFTA Conference on Small European Economies: Weathering the Storm of the Financial and Economic Crisis, Brussels, 16 Nov.
  • Katrougalos, George S. (2012), “The South European Welfare Model: the Greek Welfare State”, in Search of an Identity Insurance, Health and Assistance Research Centre, University of Athens.
  • Kibritçioğlu, Aykut (2010), “Küresel Finans Krizinin Türkiye’ye Etkileri”, Konrad Adenauer Vakfı (23-24 Eylül Ankara) “Sosyal Piyasa Ekonomisi ve İslam’daki Algılanışı” Adlı Disiplinler-Arası Çalıştay’daki bildiri.
  • Krugman, Paul (2010), “U.S. Economy Is Facing a Long Siege”, Bloomberg- Businessweek, July 06.
  • Lertchaitawee, Mantana (2010), “Big Fat Greek Spending: Lessons for a Welfare State”, Nation Multimedia, June 21.
  • Matsaganis, Manos (2011), “The Welfare State and the Crisis: The Case of Greece”, Journal of European Social Policy, 21, 501-12.
  • Miyagawa, Shigeyoshi and Yoji Morita (2009), “Financial Crisis of Finland, Sweden, Norway and Japan”, Journal of the Faculty of Economics, KGU, September, 19(1), 45-77.
  • Moschovis, George & Mateo Capo Servera (2009), “External Imbalances of the Greek Economy: The Role of Fiscal and Structural Policies”, Economic Analysis from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, VI(6) , July 10.
  • Nas, Çiğdem (2012), “Türkiye-AB ilişkilerinde Norveç Modeli: Ne Kadar Geçerli?”, iç. AB ve Türkiye’de Güncel Konular ve Gelişmelere Dair Değerlendirmeler: 2010- 2011, D. Cihangir (Haz.), İstanbul: İKV Yayınları (No. 255), ss.132-5.
  • Nelson, Rebecca M. Paul Belkin, Derek E. Mix (2011), “Greece’s Debt Crisis: Overview, Policy, Responses, and Implications”, Congressional Research Service (CRS), Aug.18.
  • Ngowi, Honest (2011), “Lessons from the Greek Economic Crisis”, The Citizen, 7 Oct.
  • OECD (2011a), Society: Safeguard Social Support for Poorest Families, April 27.
  • OECD (2011b), Economic Survey of Greece 2011.
  • OECD (2011c), Doing Better for Families, 27 April, OECD Pub.
  • OECD (2011ç), Society at a Glance–OECD Social Indicators: Key Findings; Turkey.
  • OECD (2011d), Pensions at a Glance 2011: Retirement-Income Systems in OECD Countries (Turkey).
  • OECD (2011e), Pensions at a Glance 2011: Retirement-Income Systems in OECD Countries (Norway).
  • OECD (2011f), Pensions at a Glance 2011: Retirement-Income Systems in OECD Countries (Greece).
  • OECD (2012a), Norway - Economic Forecast Summary (May).
  • OECD (2012b), Economic Survey of Norway 2012..
  • OECD (2012c), Greece - Economic Forecast Summary (May).
  • OECD (2012d), Economic Survey of Turkey 2012.
  • OECD (2012e), Health Data 2012.
  • OECD (2012f), Health: Growth in Health Spending Grinds to a Halt.
  • OECD (2012g), Session 1: Economic Crisis and Beyond: Social Policies for the Recovery.
  • OECD ve Dünya Bankası, (2008), OECD Sağlık Sistemi İncelemeleri: Türkiye, OECD Pub.
  • Papadopoulos, Theodoros N. (1997), Social Insurance and the Crisis of Statism in Greece.
  • Petmesidou, Maria (2011), “Is the EU-IMF ‘Rescue Plan’ Dealing a Blow to the Greek Welfare State?”, CROP Poverty Brief, January.
  • Petmesidou, Maria and Perikles Polyzoidis (2012), “Religion, Values and the Welfare State in Greece”, Draft.
  • Raffaele, Ivan and Silvio Pacifico (2004), “Welfare in the Mediterranean Countries: Republic of Turkey”, Centre for Administrative Innovation in the Euro- Mediterranean Region, Italy.
  • Ritschl, Albrecht (2012), “Economic History: Germany, Greece and the Marshall Plan”, The Economist, Jun 15th.
  • Ross, John (2012), “Europe’s Largest Economic Failure is not in Greece - but in the UK, Italy and Spain”, in Key Trends in the World Economy, Feb. 8.
  • Sakellaropoulos, Theodoros (2012), “Debt Crisis and the Welfare State in Greece”, Global Dialogue.
  • Singh, Kavaljit (2009), “The Global Financial Crisis is a Systemic Crisis of Capitalism”, The Hague, March 25.
  • Sinn, Hans-Werner (2012), “Economic History; Germany, Greece and the Marshall Plan, a Riposte”, The Economist, June 21.
  • TEK (Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu) (2008), “2008 Küresel Krizi ve Türkiye”.
  • The Economist (2011), “The World in Figures: Norway”, Nov.17.
  • The Economist (2012), “The Euro and Greece”, Aug.11.
  • The Economist (2012b), “The Greek Economy: Promises, Promises, The Reform Programme is Badly Behind Schedule”, Aug.4.
  • The Economist (2012c), “Charlemagne: A Greece or a Norway? Cyprus Takes the Helm at a Time of Crisis for the European Union and Itself”, Jul.7.
  • The Liberty Bullhorn (2012), “Budget Panic in Greece: Blame the Welfare State”, Feb.13.
  • UNDP (2012), “International Human Development Indicators”.
  • Unelected (2010), “End the Federal Reserve, Greece: The Welfare State”.
  • Ülker, Kemal (2012), “Illusion and Reality in the Turkish Economy”.
  • Views and News from Norway (2010), “What’s Ahead for Norway in 2010”, Jan.4.
  • Views and News from Norway (2011), “Norway ‘World Champion’ for Credit”, Aug.3.
  • Yazıcı, Berna (2012), “The Return to the Family: Welfare, State, and Politics of the Family in Turkey”, Anthropological Quarterly, 85(1),103-140.
  • Yeldan, Erinç (2012), “Büyük Durgunluktan Büyük Belirsizliğe”, Cumhuriyet, 29/8.

Büyük Durgunluk ve Avrupa Refah Devleti Modeli Açısından Norveç, Yunanistan ve Türkiye: Diyalektik İlişkiler

Year 2013, Issue: 90, 19 - 47, 01.09.2013


“Büyük Durgunluk” denilen küresel mali kriz 2008 Norveç, Yunanistan ve Türkiye gibi refah devletlerini de etkiledi. Bu üç ülkeyi bir arada incelememizin nedeni, aralarında diyalektik ilişkilerin bulunmasıdır. Birinci diyalektik ilişki bu üç ülkenin büyük durgunluğun olumsuz etkilerini farklı dozda ve sürede yaşamış olmalarıyla ilgilidir: Norveç krizin küresel etkilerini kolayca finanse etti; Türkiye krizi “teğet” yaşadı; Yunanistan ise “kriz sarmalı”na girdi. İkincisi; Norveç AB üyesi değildir, Yunanistan tam üyedir, Türkiye ise adaylığı müzakere edilen ülkedir. Sadece Yunanistan, krizin maliyetlerini Euro bölgesine yaymıştır. Üçüncüsü; her üç ülke de “Avrupa refah devleti” modellerinden biriyle özdeşleştirilmektedir: Norveç, İskandinav refah devleti iken Yunanistan ve Türkiye Akdeniz refah devletine daha yakındır


  • Andersen, Torben M., Bengt Holmström, Seppo Honkapohja, Sixten Korkman, Hans Tson Söderström, Juhana Vartiainen, (2007), “The Nordic Model: Embracing globalization and sharing risks”, ETLA, Helsinki.
  • Andreß, Hans-Jürgen & Thorsten Heien (1999), “Four Worlds of Welfare State Attitudes? A Comparison of Germany, Norway, and the United States”, Conference Large Scale Data Analysis, Universität Bielefeld WME-Arbeitspapier Nr. 8 (May 25-28), Bielefeld.
  • Angell, Olav H. (2011), “Challenges to Equality in the Welfare State: The Norwegian Case of Drammen”, International Beliefs and Values, Volume 3, Number 1, 41-50.
  • Antuofermo, Mélina and Emilio Di Meglio (2012), “23 % of EU citizens were at risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2010”, Eurostat-Statistics in focus, Sept.
  • Arnott, Marie-Claude (2012), “Greece: Perspective on a Financial Crisis”, European Affairs, Jul 26.
  • Avrupa Info (2006), Screening Report Turkey: Chapter 19-Social Policy and Employment,Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, 4 Sept.
  • Batic, Jelena (2011), “Crisis of the Welfare State in the European Union- The Impact of the World Financial Crisis on the Welfare State”, Megatrend Review, 8/2, 141-168.
  • Beardsley, Eleanor (2010), “Can the European Welfare State Survive?”, NPR, July 14.
  • Bawer, Bruce (2001), “New Challenges to the Nordic Welfare Model”, CATO PolicyRepor, May/June.
  • Buğra, Ayşe ve Sinem Adar (2008), “Social Policy Change in Countries without Mature Welfare States: The Case of Turkey”, New Perspectives on Turkey (NPT), Spring/38.
  • Busch, Klaus (2010), “World Economic Crisis and the Welfare State”, FES, International Policy Analysis, Feb.
  • CIA (2013), The World Factbook.
  • Cihangir, Damla (2012), “Yunanistan-AB İlişkileri: Avrupa Birliği’nin ‘Şımarık Çocuğu’”, iç. AB ve Türkiye’de Güncel Konular ve Gelişmelere Dair Değerlendirmeler: 2010-2011, İstanbul: İKV Yayınları (No. 255), 66-71.
  • Craft, Nicholas (2012), “Economic History: On a ‘Real’ Marshall Plan for Greece”, The Economist, July 2.
  • Çapanoğlu, Sema G. (2012), “Yunanistan’da Yaşanan Borç Krizi ve Avro Alanı’na Etkileri”, iç. AB ve Türkiye’de Güncel Konular ve Gelişmelere Dair Değerlendirmeler: 2010-2011, D.Cihangir (Haz.), İstanbul: İKV Yayınları (No.255), 36-42.
  • Denk, Oliver (2012), “Tax Reform in Norway: A Focus on Capital Taxation”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No.950, OECD Pub..
  • Dinç, Neriman (2010), “İSO’ya Göre Kriz Teğet mi Geçti?”, net/turkyapi/gundem-529329/iso-ya-gore-kriz-teget-mi-gecti-31514348 (5/7/2013)
  • Dornbusch, Rudiger and Alejandro Werner (1994). “Mexico: Stabilization, Reform, and No Growth”, Brooking Appers on Economic Activity, No.1, 253-297.
  • Duell, Nicola, Shruti Singh and Peter Tergeist, (2009), “Activation Policies in Norway”, OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No.78, OECD Pub.
  • Economy Watch (2010), Norway Economic Structure, 24 March.
  • Economou, Charalampos and Claude Giorno, (2009), Improving the Performance of the Public Health Care System in Greece Economics, OECD Department Working Paper, No. 722, ECO/WKP(2009)63.
  • Eder, Mine (2010), “Retreating State? Political Economy of Welfare Regime Change in Turkey”, Middle East Law and Governance, 2(2), 152-184(33).
  • Eurostat (2011), “Living Conditions and Social Protection”, European in Figures- Eurostat Yearbook.
  • France 24 (2009), “Norway’s Economic Oasis Sheltered from Crisis”, 5/6.
  • Galluppi, Dan (2012) “Country Case Studies and Links, Greece”, University of Pittsburg.
  • Grütjen, Daniel (2007), “Social Security in Turkey: An Example of the Southern Model? The Role of State, Market, and the Family in Welfare Provision”, Netzwerk Türkei Working Paper 1, Berlin.
  • Grytten, Ola H. and Arngrim Hunnes (2010), “A Chronology of Financial Crises for Norway”, NHH Institutt for SamfunnsØkonomi.
  • Haugan, Siv ve Else Lie E. (2011), “The Best Country in the World to Live in… or not?: Norwegian Welfare System Facing Major Challenges”, The Research Council of Norway, 12/07.
  • FITCH Ratings (2012), “Foreign Currency Rating”, web_ content/ratings/sovereign_ratings_history.xls (5/7/2013)
  • ILO (2010), “Turkey: Emerging After a Severe Recession but Challenges Remain”, G20 Statistical Update, 20- 21 April, Washington.
  • IMF (2012a), “Greece: Financial Position in the Fund as of July 31”.
  • IMF (2012b), “Turkey: Financial Position in the Fund as of July 31”.
  • IMF (2012c), “Norway: Financial Position in the Fund as of July 31”.
  • İKV (İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı) (2012), Türkiye-AB İlişkileri: Katılım Müzakereleri.
  • İzci, İnan (2012), “Social Policy and Local Administration in Turkey”, Reflections Turkey-A Platform of Op-Ed Commentaries on Turkish Affairs, May.
  • Juel, Steinar (2011), “How to Rebuild Confidence in Markets? The Norwegian Experience”, EFTA Conference on Small European Economies: Weathering the Storm of the Financial and Economic Crisis, Brussels, 16 Nov.
  • Katrougalos, George S. (2012), “The South European Welfare Model: the Greek Welfare State”, in Search of an Identity Insurance, Health and Assistance Research Centre, University of Athens.
  • Kibritçioğlu, Aykut (2010), “Küresel Finans Krizinin Türkiye’ye Etkileri”, Konrad Adenauer Vakfı (23-24 Eylül Ankara) “Sosyal Piyasa Ekonomisi ve İslam’daki Algılanışı” Adlı Disiplinler-Arası Çalıştay’daki bildiri.
  • Krugman, Paul (2010), “U.S. Economy Is Facing a Long Siege”, Bloomberg- Businessweek, July 06.
  • Lertchaitawee, Mantana (2010), “Big Fat Greek Spending: Lessons for a Welfare State”, Nation Multimedia, June 21.
  • Matsaganis, Manos (2011), “The Welfare State and the Crisis: The Case of Greece”, Journal of European Social Policy, 21, 501-12.
  • Miyagawa, Shigeyoshi and Yoji Morita (2009), “Financial Crisis of Finland, Sweden, Norway and Japan”, Journal of the Faculty of Economics, KGU, September, 19(1), 45-77.
  • Moschovis, George & Mateo Capo Servera (2009), “External Imbalances of the Greek Economy: The Role of Fiscal and Structural Policies”, Economic Analysis from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, VI(6) , July 10.
  • Nas, Çiğdem (2012), “Türkiye-AB ilişkilerinde Norveç Modeli: Ne Kadar Geçerli?”, iç. AB ve Türkiye’de Güncel Konular ve Gelişmelere Dair Değerlendirmeler: 2010- 2011, D. Cihangir (Haz.), İstanbul: İKV Yayınları (No. 255), ss.132-5.
  • Nelson, Rebecca M. Paul Belkin, Derek E. Mix (2011), “Greece’s Debt Crisis: Overview, Policy, Responses, and Implications”, Congressional Research Service (CRS), Aug.18.
  • Ngowi, Honest (2011), “Lessons from the Greek Economic Crisis”, The Citizen, 7 Oct.
  • OECD (2011a), Society: Safeguard Social Support for Poorest Families, April 27.
  • OECD (2011b), Economic Survey of Greece 2011.
  • OECD (2011c), Doing Better for Families, 27 April, OECD Pub.
  • OECD (2011ç), Society at a Glance–OECD Social Indicators: Key Findings; Turkey.
  • OECD (2011d), Pensions at a Glance 2011: Retirement-Income Systems in OECD Countries (Turkey).
  • OECD (2011e), Pensions at a Glance 2011: Retirement-Income Systems in OECD Countries (Norway).
  • OECD (2011f), Pensions at a Glance 2011: Retirement-Income Systems in OECD Countries (Greece).
  • OECD (2012a), Norway - Economic Forecast Summary (May).
  • OECD (2012b), Economic Survey of Norway 2012..
  • OECD (2012c), Greece - Economic Forecast Summary (May).
  • OECD (2012d), Economic Survey of Turkey 2012.
  • OECD (2012e), Health Data 2012.
  • OECD (2012f), Health: Growth in Health Spending Grinds to a Halt.
  • OECD (2012g), Session 1: Economic Crisis and Beyond: Social Policies for the Recovery.
  • OECD ve Dünya Bankası, (2008), OECD Sağlık Sistemi İncelemeleri: Türkiye, OECD Pub.
  • Papadopoulos, Theodoros N. (1997), Social Insurance and the Crisis of Statism in Greece.
  • Petmesidou, Maria (2011), “Is the EU-IMF ‘Rescue Plan’ Dealing a Blow to the Greek Welfare State?”, CROP Poverty Brief, January.
  • Petmesidou, Maria and Perikles Polyzoidis (2012), “Religion, Values and the Welfare State in Greece”, Draft.
  • Raffaele, Ivan and Silvio Pacifico (2004), “Welfare in the Mediterranean Countries: Republic of Turkey”, Centre for Administrative Innovation in the Euro- Mediterranean Region, Italy.
  • Ritschl, Albrecht (2012), “Economic History: Germany, Greece and the Marshall Plan”, The Economist, Jun 15th.
  • Ross, John (2012), “Europe’s Largest Economic Failure is not in Greece - but in the UK, Italy and Spain”, in Key Trends in the World Economy, Feb. 8.
  • Sakellaropoulos, Theodoros (2012), “Debt Crisis and the Welfare State in Greece”, Global Dialogue.
  • Singh, Kavaljit (2009), “The Global Financial Crisis is a Systemic Crisis of Capitalism”, The Hague, March 25.
  • Sinn, Hans-Werner (2012), “Economic History; Germany, Greece and the Marshall Plan, a Riposte”, The Economist, June 21.
  • TEK (Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu) (2008), “2008 Küresel Krizi ve Türkiye”.
  • The Economist (2011), “The World in Figures: Norway”, Nov.17.
  • The Economist (2012), “The Euro and Greece”, Aug.11.
  • The Economist (2012b), “The Greek Economy: Promises, Promises, The Reform Programme is Badly Behind Schedule”, Aug.4.
  • The Economist (2012c), “Charlemagne: A Greece or a Norway? Cyprus Takes the Helm at a Time of Crisis for the European Union and Itself”, Jul.7.
  • The Liberty Bullhorn (2012), “Budget Panic in Greece: Blame the Welfare State”, Feb.13.
  • UNDP (2012), “International Human Development Indicators”.
  • Unelected (2010), “End the Federal Reserve, Greece: The Welfare State”.
  • Ülker, Kemal (2012), “Illusion and Reality in the Turkish Economy”.
  • Views and News from Norway (2010), “What’s Ahead for Norway in 2010”, Jan.4.
  • Views and News from Norway (2011), “Norway ‘World Champion’ for Credit”, Aug.3.
  • Yazıcı, Berna (2012), “The Return to the Family: Welfare, State, and Politics of the Family in Turkey”, Anthropological Quarterly, 85(1),103-140.
  • Yeldan, Erinç (2012), “Büyük Durgunluktan Büyük Belirsizliğe”, Cumhuriyet, 29/8.
There are 83 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

İrfan Kalaycı This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Issue: 90


APA Kalaycı, İ. (2013). Büyük Durgunluk ve Avrupa Refah Devleti Modeli Açısından Norveç, Yunanistan ve Türkiye: Diyalektik İlişkiler. Sayıştay Dergisi(90), 19-47.