Verimlilik ve Büyüme: Türkiye Ekonomisi İçin Ülke Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz
Year 2001,
Issue: 43, 23 - 56, 30.10.2001
Cengiz Cihan
Hasan Yurtoğlu
Şeref Saygılı
- Bassanini, A., S. Scarpetta ve P. Hemmings (2001), “Economic growth: the
role of policies and institutions: panel data evidence from OECD countries”,
OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No: 283. Paris.
Bauwer, P.W. (1990), “Recent developments in the econometric estimation of
frontiers”, Journal of Econometrics, 46:. 39-56.
Boskin, M.J. ve L.J. Lau (1992), “Capital, technology and economic growth”,
Technology and the Wealth of Nations, (17-55), Rosenberg, ve diğerleri
(editörler), Stantford: Stanford University Press.
Boyer, R. ve P. Petit (1991), “Kaldor's growth theories: past, present and
prospects for the future”, Mainstream Economics: Confrontation or
Convergence? (485-517), J. Nell and W. Semmler (editörler), Nicholas
Kaldor. Londra: Macmillan Press.
Bulutay, T. (1995), Employment, Ünemployment and Wages in Turkey.
Ankara: DİF.
Denison, E.F. (1985), Trends in American Economic Growth, 1929-1982.
Washinton, D. C.: Brookings Institution.
(1979), Accounting for a Slower Economic Growth: The United
States inthe 1970s, Washington, D. C.: Brookings Institution.
(1967), Why Growth Rates Differ: Post-War Experience in Nine
Western Countries, Washinton, D. C.: Brookings Institution,
(1962), “United States economic growth”, Journal of Business.
DİE (1996), İstatistik Göstergeler: 1923-1995, Yayın No: 183, Ankara.
DPT (2001), “Sektörel sabit sermaye yatırımları”, Yayınlanmamış DPT
Makro Modeli Verileri.
(2001), Bilgi Ekonomisi Özel — İhtisas — Komisyonu — Raporu,
(Yayınlanmamış Rapor).
(2000), VZ. Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı ve Uzun Vadeli Gelişme
Stratejisi: 2001-2023
Dosi, G., K. Pavitt, ve L. Soete (1990), The Economics of Technical Change
and International Trade, New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf,.
Englander, A.S. ve A. Gurney (1994), “Medium-term determinants of OECD
productivity”, OECD Economic Studies 22: 49-109.
Englander, A.S., R. Evenson ve M. Hanazaki (1988). “ R&D, Innovation and
the total factor productivity”, OECD Feconomic Studies 1: 8-41.
Fagerberg, J. (1997), “ Competitiveness, scale and R&D”, Technology and
İnternational Trade (38-55), J. Fagerberg ve diğerleri (editörler), Cheltenham
(UK): Edward Elgar.
(1996), “Technology and competitiveness”, Oxford Review of
Economic Policy 12 8): 39-51.
(1988), “Why growth rates differ”, Technical Change and
Economic Theory (432-4579), Dosi ve diğerleri (editörler), Londra: Pinter
Fecher, F. ve S. Perelman (1992), “Productivity growth and technical
efficienecy and in OECD industrial activities”, Zadustrial Efficieney in Six
Nations (459-488), R. E. Caves (editör), The MIT Press.
Försund, F.R., C.A.K. Lovell ve P. Sehmidt (1980), “A survey of frontier
production functions and of their relationship to efficienecy measurement”,
Journal of Econometrics 13: 5-25.
Greenhalgh, C. (1988), “Innovation and the structure of UK trade: 1951-
1981: An exploration”, Applied Economics Discussion Paper, No. 63,
University of Oxford.
Greene, W.H. (1993), “The econometric approach to efficiency analysis”, 7he
Measurement of Productive Efficieney: Technigues and Applications,
editörler H. O Fried, C. Lovell and S. Sehmidt, Oxford University Press.
Griliches, Z. ve D.W. Jorgenson (1966), “Sources of measured productivity
change: capital input”, American Economic Review 56: 50-61.
Grossman, G.M. ve E. Helpman (1991), /nnovation and Growth in the Global
Economy, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Gustavsson, P., P. Hansson ve L. Lundberg (1997), “Technical progress,
capital Aaccumulation and changing international — competitiveness”,
Technology and International Trade (20-39), J. Fagerberg ve diğerleri
(editörler) Cheltenham (İngiltere): Edward Elgar.
Jorgenson, D.W. ve Z. Griliches (1967), “The explanation of productivity
change”, Review of Economic Studies 34: 249-283.
Kaldor, N. ve J.A. Mirrlees (1962), “A new model of economic growth”,
Review of Economic Studies 29: 174-192.
Kaldor, N. (1957), “A model of economic growth”, Economic Journal 67:
Kendrick, J. (1993), “How much does capital explain”, Explaining Economic
Growth (129-145), A. Szirmai, B. Van Ark ve D. Pilat (editörler.), NorthHolland, Amsterdam.
(1973), Postwar Productivity Trends in the United States, 1948-
1969. New York: Columbia University Press.
(1961), Productivity Trends in the United States, Princeton:
Princeton University Press.
Lovell, C. (1993), “Production frontiers and productive efficieney”, The
Measurement of Productive Efficienecy: Technigues and Applications editörler
H. O. Fried, C. Lovell and S. Sehmidt, Oxford University Press.
Lucas, R.E. (1988), “ On the mechanics of economic growth”, Journal of
Monetary Economics 22: 3-42.
Maddison, A. (1991), Dynamic forces in capitalist development: A Long-Run
Compatarive View, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Maraşlıoğlu, H. ve A. Tıktık (1991), Türkiye Ekonomisinde Sektörel
Gelişmeler: Üretim, Sermaye Birikimi ve İstihdam: 1968-1988, DPT Yayın
No: 2271-İPB:428.
MeCombie, J.S.L. ve A.P. Thirlwall (1994), Economic Growth and the
Balance-of Payments Constraint, Londra: The Macmillan Press.
Metcalfe, S. (1995), “The economics foundations of technology policy:
Eguilibrium and evolutionary perspectives”, Handbook of the Economics of
Innovation and Technological Change (409-512), P. Stoneman (editör),
Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd.
OECD (1996), Competition, Wages and Productivity, Working Party No.1 on
Macroeconomic and Structural Policy Analysis, Paris.
(1998), /SDB User Guüide, Part: 3., Paris.
Nelson, R.R. ve S.G. Winter (1974), “Neoclassical vs. evolutionary theories
of economic growth: eritigue and prospectus”, 7he Economic Journal I: 886-
Nishimizu, M. ve J.M. Page (1982), “Total factor productivity growth,
technological progress and technical efficieney change: dimensions of
productivity change in Yugoslavia, 1967-1978”, Economic Journal 92: 920-
Perelman, S. (1995), “R&D, Technological progress and efficiency change in
ındustrial activities”, Review of Income and Wealth 3: 349-367.
Romer, P.M. (1990), “Endogenous technological change”, Journal of
Political Economy 98 (5): 71-102.
Rosenberg, N. (1982), Inside the Black Box: Technology and Economics,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(1976), Perspectives on technology, Cabridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Saygılı, Ş. (1998), Technical Change, Efficieney, Exports and Growth in
Turkey (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), İngiltere, The University of Kent at
Saviotti, P.P. ve J.S Metcalfe (editörler), (1991), Evolutionary Theories of
Economic and Technological Change, Chur, İsviçre: Harwood Academic
Solow, R.M. (1957), “Technical change and the aggregate production
function”, Review of Economics and Statistics 39:312-320.
(1956), “A contribution to the theory of economic growth”,
Ouarterly Journal of Economics 70: 214-231.
Silverberg, G. ve D. Lehnert (1994), “Growth fluctuations in an evolutionary
model of ereative destruction”, The Economics of Growth and Technical
Change: Technologies, Nations, Agents (74-1038), G. Silverberg ve L. Soete
(editörler), Hants (İngiltere): Edward Elgar.
Taymaz, E. ve G. Saatçi (1996), “Technical change and efficieney in Turkish
manufacturing industries: An exploratory analysis”, Working Papers in
Economics, METU Economic Research Center, No. 96/03, Ankara.
Taymaz, E. ve Ş. Saygılı (1996), “Privatization and technical efficiency in the
Turkish cement industry”, METU Studies in Development 23(3): 405-426.
The World Competitiveness Yearbook (1998).
Temel, A. ve Ş. Saygılı (1995), “An estimation of gross fixed capital
formation in the Turkish economy”, fnvestment and the Labour Market in
Turkey: Proceedings of a Seminer Held in Ankara, T. Bulutay (editör), DİF.
Wolff, E.N. (1997), “Productivity growth and shifting comparative advantage
on the industry level”, Technology and International Trade (1-19), Ed.
Fagerberg ve diğerleri, Cheltenham (İngiltere): Edward Elgar.
Year 2001,
Issue: 43, 23 - 56, 30.10.2001
Cengiz Cihan
Hasan Yurtoğlu
Şeref Saygılı
- Bassanini, A., S. Scarpetta ve P. Hemmings (2001), “Economic growth: the
role of policies and institutions: panel data evidence from OECD countries”,
OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No: 283. Paris.
Bauwer, P.W. (1990), “Recent developments in the econometric estimation of
frontiers”, Journal of Econometrics, 46:. 39-56.
Boskin, M.J. ve L.J. Lau (1992), “Capital, technology and economic growth”,
Technology and the Wealth of Nations, (17-55), Rosenberg, ve diğerleri
(editörler), Stantford: Stanford University Press.
Boyer, R. ve P. Petit (1991), “Kaldor's growth theories: past, present and
prospects for the future”, Mainstream Economics: Confrontation or
Convergence? (485-517), J. Nell and W. Semmler (editörler), Nicholas
Kaldor. Londra: Macmillan Press.
Bulutay, T. (1995), Employment, Ünemployment and Wages in Turkey.
Ankara: DİF.
Denison, E.F. (1985), Trends in American Economic Growth, 1929-1982.
Washinton, D. C.: Brookings Institution.
(1979), Accounting for a Slower Economic Growth: The United
States inthe 1970s, Washington, D. C.: Brookings Institution.
(1967), Why Growth Rates Differ: Post-War Experience in Nine
Western Countries, Washinton, D. C.: Brookings Institution,
(1962), “United States economic growth”, Journal of Business.
DİE (1996), İstatistik Göstergeler: 1923-1995, Yayın No: 183, Ankara.
DPT (2001), “Sektörel sabit sermaye yatırımları”, Yayınlanmamış DPT
Makro Modeli Verileri.
(2001), Bilgi Ekonomisi Özel — İhtisas — Komisyonu — Raporu,
(Yayınlanmamış Rapor).
(2000), VZ. Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı ve Uzun Vadeli Gelişme
Stratejisi: 2001-2023
Dosi, G., K. Pavitt, ve L. Soete (1990), The Economics of Technical Change
and International Trade, New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf,.
Englander, A.S. ve A. Gurney (1994), “Medium-term determinants of OECD
productivity”, OECD Economic Studies 22: 49-109.
Englander, A.S., R. Evenson ve M. Hanazaki (1988). “ R&D, Innovation and
the total factor productivity”, OECD Feconomic Studies 1: 8-41.
Fagerberg, J. (1997), “ Competitiveness, scale and R&D”, Technology and
İnternational Trade (38-55), J. Fagerberg ve diğerleri (editörler), Cheltenham
(UK): Edward Elgar.
(1996), “Technology and competitiveness”, Oxford Review of
Economic Policy 12 8): 39-51.
(1988), “Why growth rates differ”, Technical Change and
Economic Theory (432-4579), Dosi ve diğerleri (editörler), Londra: Pinter
Fecher, F. ve S. Perelman (1992), “Productivity growth and technical
efficienecy and in OECD industrial activities”, Zadustrial Efficieney in Six
Nations (459-488), R. E. Caves (editör), The MIT Press.
Försund, F.R., C.A.K. Lovell ve P. Sehmidt (1980), “A survey of frontier
production functions and of their relationship to efficienecy measurement”,
Journal of Econometrics 13: 5-25.
Greenhalgh, C. (1988), “Innovation and the structure of UK trade: 1951-
1981: An exploration”, Applied Economics Discussion Paper, No. 63,
University of Oxford.
Greene, W.H. (1993), “The econometric approach to efficiency analysis”, 7he
Measurement of Productive Efficieney: Technigues and Applications,
editörler H. O Fried, C. Lovell and S. Sehmidt, Oxford University Press.
Griliches, Z. ve D.W. Jorgenson (1966), “Sources of measured productivity
change: capital input”, American Economic Review 56: 50-61.
Grossman, G.M. ve E. Helpman (1991), /nnovation and Growth in the Global
Economy, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Gustavsson, P., P. Hansson ve L. Lundberg (1997), “Technical progress,
capital Aaccumulation and changing international — competitiveness”,
Technology and International Trade (20-39), J. Fagerberg ve diğerleri
(editörler) Cheltenham (İngiltere): Edward Elgar.
Jorgenson, D.W. ve Z. Griliches (1967), “The explanation of productivity
change”, Review of Economic Studies 34: 249-283.
Kaldor, N. ve J.A. Mirrlees (1962), “A new model of economic growth”,
Review of Economic Studies 29: 174-192.
Kaldor, N. (1957), “A model of economic growth”, Economic Journal 67:
Kendrick, J. (1993), “How much does capital explain”, Explaining Economic
Growth (129-145), A. Szirmai, B. Van Ark ve D. Pilat (editörler.), NorthHolland, Amsterdam.
(1973), Postwar Productivity Trends in the United States, 1948-
1969. New York: Columbia University Press.
(1961), Productivity Trends in the United States, Princeton:
Princeton University Press.
Lovell, C. (1993), “Production frontiers and productive efficieney”, The
Measurement of Productive Efficienecy: Technigues and Applications editörler
H. O. Fried, C. Lovell and S. Sehmidt, Oxford University Press.
Lucas, R.E. (1988), “ On the mechanics of economic growth”, Journal of
Monetary Economics 22: 3-42.
Maddison, A. (1991), Dynamic forces in capitalist development: A Long-Run
Compatarive View, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Maraşlıoğlu, H. ve A. Tıktık (1991), Türkiye Ekonomisinde Sektörel
Gelişmeler: Üretim, Sermaye Birikimi ve İstihdam: 1968-1988, DPT Yayın
No: 2271-İPB:428.
MeCombie, J.S.L. ve A.P. Thirlwall (1994), Economic Growth and the
Balance-of Payments Constraint, Londra: The Macmillan Press.
Metcalfe, S. (1995), “The economics foundations of technology policy:
Eguilibrium and evolutionary perspectives”, Handbook of the Economics of
Innovation and Technological Change (409-512), P. Stoneman (editör),
Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd.
OECD (1996), Competition, Wages and Productivity, Working Party No.1 on
Macroeconomic and Structural Policy Analysis, Paris.
(1998), /SDB User Guüide, Part: 3., Paris.
Nelson, R.R. ve S.G. Winter (1974), “Neoclassical vs. evolutionary theories
of economic growth: eritigue and prospectus”, 7he Economic Journal I: 886-
Nishimizu, M. ve J.M. Page (1982), “Total factor productivity growth,
technological progress and technical efficieney change: dimensions of
productivity change in Yugoslavia, 1967-1978”, Economic Journal 92: 920-
Perelman, S. (1995), “R&D, Technological progress and efficiency change in
ındustrial activities”, Review of Income and Wealth 3: 349-367.
Romer, P.M. (1990), “Endogenous technological change”, Journal of
Political Economy 98 (5): 71-102.
Rosenberg, N. (1982), Inside the Black Box: Technology and Economics,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(1976), Perspectives on technology, Cabridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Saygılı, Ş. (1998), Technical Change, Efficieney, Exports and Growth in
Turkey (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), İngiltere, The University of Kent at
Saviotti, P.P. ve J.S Metcalfe (editörler), (1991), Evolutionary Theories of
Economic and Technological Change, Chur, İsviçre: Harwood Academic
Solow, R.M. (1957), “Technical change and the aggregate production
function”, Review of Economics and Statistics 39:312-320.
(1956), “A contribution to the theory of economic growth”,
Ouarterly Journal of Economics 70: 214-231.
Silverberg, G. ve D. Lehnert (1994), “Growth fluctuations in an evolutionary
model of ereative destruction”, The Economics of Growth and Technical
Change: Technologies, Nations, Agents (74-1038), G. Silverberg ve L. Soete
(editörler), Hants (İngiltere): Edward Elgar.
Taymaz, E. ve G. Saatçi (1996), “Technical change and efficieney in Turkish
manufacturing industries: An exploratory analysis”, Working Papers in
Economics, METU Economic Research Center, No. 96/03, Ankara.
Taymaz, E. ve Ş. Saygılı (1996), “Privatization and technical efficiency in the
Turkish cement industry”, METU Studies in Development 23(3): 405-426.
The World Competitiveness Yearbook (1998).
Temel, A. ve Ş. Saygılı (1995), “An estimation of gross fixed capital
formation in the Turkish economy”, fnvestment and the Labour Market in
Turkey: Proceedings of a Seminer Held in Ankara, T. Bulutay (editör), DİF.
Wolff, E.N. (1997), “Productivity growth and shifting comparative advantage
on the industry level”, Technology and International Trade (1-19), Ed.
Fagerberg ve diğerleri, Cheltenham (İngiltere): Edward Elgar.
There are 1 citations in total.