The main purpose of the journal is to pioneer the development of audit literature; to share theoretical and practical studies, current developments and accumulated experiences in the field of supreme audit and fiscal jurisdiction, to encourage new pursuits, different perspectives and innovative approaches to the development of public administration and especially the public financial management system in order to contribute to the construction of the intellectual and methodological foundations of an ethical, transparent, accountable and dynamic management that produces more value, functions more effectively.
The journal includes disciplinary and interdisciplinary professional and academic studies related to public finance, financial law, public administration, public law, and public economy, with a particular emphasis on studies related to the audit and judicial functions of TCA.
The journal covers the TCA’s decisions and news on developments in the world of supreme auditing, as well as the professional and academic studies of academics, experts, and practitioners from all over the world, together with the TCA’s members. It aims to contribute to professionals, members of the judiciary, public administrators, academics, and researchers who are interested in auditing and related fields, especially those who carry out the auditing profession.
The studies to be sent to the journal should be prepared in accordance with the following rules:
Format: The manuscripts to be sent to the journal should be in MS Word format and A4 size. There should be 2.5 cm margins at the top, bottom, and both sides of the manuscripts, and they should be justified on both sides. Manuscripts should be written with single line spacing, and 12-point Times New Roman font. The manuscript should not exceed 8000 words. The studies in Turkish should be prepared in accordance with the Turkish Language Institution Authoring Guide in terms of grammar and abbreviation etc.
Cover page: The cover page should include the manuscript’s title, the author(s)’ name, surname and title, corresponding author, the name of the institution with which the author(s) are affiliated, the ORCID ( number, a brief CV and contact information (phone and e-mail).
Abstract and Keywords: The first page of the manuscripts should include the title, abstract, and keywords written in Turkish and English. The abstract should be written in 10-point font, not exceeding 150 words, to best describe the purpose, scope, and conclusions of the manuscript. Keywords should be no more than five and should be written in 10-point font.
Headings: The title of the manuscript should be written in capital letters, 15-point font and bold. All main headings, including the introduction and conclusion of the manuscript, should be written in capital letters, 12-point font and bold. The sub-headings should be written in lowercase, 12-point font and bold. In the manuscript, the main headings and subheadings should be numbered as "1., 1.1., 1.1.1., 1.1.2…".
Tables and Figures: The tables and figures to be used in the text should be given a sequence number and a title. The first words of the titles should begin with capital letters, and the text in their content should be between 8-10-point fonts. If taken from another source, the source(s) should be written in 10-font size and placed under the table or figure in accordance with the citation rules.
Footnotes: The footnotes should only be used for explanations when necessary and should be written in 10-point font. Footnotes should not be used for citations.
Citations: For citations, according to the APA (American Psychological Association) system; the author(s)’ surname, the year of the source and page number should be specified respectively, in parentheses in the text: (Önder, 2022: 200). If the author(s)’ surname is mentioned in the text, only the year and page number should be given in parentheses: According to Önder (2022: 102)…
If more than one work by the author published in the same year is cited, the years should be differentiated by letters (Öner, 2020a: 23; Öner, 2020b: 134). If there is more than one source, they should be separated with semicolons (Önder, 2022: 15; Sözen, 2019: 15; …). If there are three or more authors, the “et al.” abbreviation should be used after the surname of the first author (Aydın et al., 2020: 56).
The footnotes should not be used for citations. Citing secondary sources should be avoided for accessible sources. The conjunctions used in citations in articles written in a foreign language should be compatible with the language of the text.
References: All references cited in the text should be listed in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors under the heading "REFERENCES". The works that are not cited should not be included in the list of references. The use of secondary citation to the accessible resources should be avoided.
The bibliography should be prepared according to the APA (American Psychological Association) rules, as shown in the examples below:
Books: Author(s)’ surname, initials. (Date of publication). Book’s title. Translator or editor’ surname, initials, if any (Trans./Ed.),. Published in: Publisher
Akgündüz, A. (2012). Osmanlı'dan Cumhuriyet'e Sayıştay (Divan-ı Muhasebat). Ankara: Sayıştay Yayınları.
Acemoğlu, D. and Robinson, J. A. (2019). Dar Koridor Devletler, Toplumlar ve Özgürlüğün Geleceği. (Çev.) Yüksel Taşkın. İstanbul: Doğan Kitap.
Erdem, M., Şenyüz, D. and Tatlıoğlu, İ. (2020). Kamu Maliyesi (15. Baskı). Bursa: Ekin Kitabevi.
Book Chapters: Author(s)’ surname, initials. (Date of publication). Chapter title. Book title. (Ed.) Editor’s surname, initials. Published in: Publisher.
Çeliker, E. and Türer, A. (2019). Kongrenin Gözetim Fonksiyonu ve Bütçe Denetimi. ABD Kongresinde Yasama, Denetim ve Bütçe Süreçleri. Ankara: TBMM Araştırma Hizmetleri Başkanlığı Yayınları.
Articles: Author(s)’ surname, initials. (Date of publication). Article title. Journal title, volume number(no), pages.
Akdemir, T. and Yeşilyurt, Ş. (2021). Tanzimat’tan Sonra Modern Bütçe Anlayışı ve Osmanlı Bütçelerinin Güvenilirliği Meselesi: Bütçe Etiği Açısından Bir Değerlendirme. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 54(2), 93-119.
Kutan, A., Laique, U., Qureshi, F., Rehman, I. U. and Shahzad, F. (2020). A Survey on National Culture and Corporate Financial Decisions: Current Status and Future Research. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 16(7), 1234–1258.
Publications by Entities: Abbreviation of the Entity’s name (year). Work title. Published in: Publisher or full name of the entity.
IAASB (2021). Handbook of International Quality Control, Auditing, Review, Other Assurance, and Related Services Pronouncements. New York: International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board.
Internet: Author’s surname, name, if there is no author, the institution (year) to which the website belongs. Work title. Internet address, access date.
INTOSAI (2018). Communicating and Promoting the Value and Benefits of SAIs: An INTOSAI Guideline., Accessed on: 07.04.2021.
• The authors should disclose any financial relations, conflicts of interest, and competition of interest that may affect the results of the research or scientific evaluation. They are responsible for immediately contacting and cooperating with the editor for correction or retraction if they detect a significant error or inaccuracy during the evaluation process.
1) The TCA Journal is an open-access, peer-reviewed, international and scientific journal, which is published quarterly by the TCA Presidency. It publishes disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies that are prepared in the fields of public finance, financial law, public administration, public law, and public economy, with a priority on studies related to the audit and judicial functions of TCA.
2) The publication languages of the journal are Turkish and English.
3) The TCA Journal commits to publishing in accordance with academic and ethical principles and standards determined at the national and universal levels, and to preventing practices contrary to these. In this scope, it adopts the ethical publishing principles determined by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open-access Journals (DOAJ), and the Council of Higher Education. It is essential that all stakeholders of the TCA Journal have the necessary sensitivity about ethical responsibilities and act in line with the TCA Journal’s Ethical Principles.
4) All expenses for the journal are covered by the TCA Presidency. No fee is charged at the stages of acceptance, evaluation, and publication of the articles.
5) The studies submitted to the journal should adhere to the TCA Journal’s Publication Policy, Ethical Principles and Authoring Rules. They should be original and not previously published or sent for publication anywhere.6) Studies should be submitted together with the relevant forms on Dergipark and should include the titles of the authors, the institutions they work for, their communication addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID, number.
7) Submitted studies are subject to plagiarism review (including studies derived from abstracts or fully published papers or dissertations), and the similarity rate should not exceed 20%.
8) Submitted studies are subject to preliminary examination by the editor or the secretariat. In cases where the study is not included in the publication area of the journal, has a high rate of similarity or contains plagiarism, does not comply with ethical principles and authoring rules, and contains excessive authoring errors, the study may be rejected without submitting it to the Editorial Board.
9) Studies that pass the preliminary examination are evaluated by the Editorial Board. Studies that are found suitable in terms of subject, scope, authoring quality, originality, and academic competence are sent to two separate reviewers from different entities. If one of the reviewers expresses a positive opinion and the other a negative opinion, it is sent to a third reviewer or the editor uses discretion.
10) When the reviewers accept to review the articles sent to them, they undertake that they will not use the articles they evaluated for their own benefit, and that they will not share any information or documents related to the article with a third party.
11) The journal is available in print as well as online (open-access). All issues and contents of the journal can be accessed free of charge over the internet in accordance with the policies of the Budapest Open-access Initiative.
12) All texts published in the journal have intellectual property and copyright protection. They may not be reproduced or derived, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes. All contents belonging to the authors are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Non-Derivative 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). According to the Creative Commons Attribution principles, the author acknowledges that the right to publish his/her study for the first time belongs to the TCA Journal. Readers can read, download, save, copy, print, scan, link to the full text, index, export to software, and use the full text of journal articles for non-commercial purposes without obtaining permission from the publisher or author, and for any legal purpose.
13) The fact that it is published in the journal does not mean that the views expressed in the articles are shared by the TCA.
14) The authors whose articles are published are paid royalties in accordance with the "By-Law on Copyright and Processing Fees to be Paid by Public Entities" published in the Official Gazette dated January 23, 2007 and numbered 26412. Five journals are sent free of charge upon request.
15) All kinds of communication with the journal management (including communicating the opinions, suggestions, and criticisms) can be made via the address
All expenses of the journal are covered by the TCA Presidency (Sayıştay Başkanlığı). Processing and publication are free of charge with the journal. There is no article processing charges or submission fees for any submitted or accepted articles.
The authors whose articles have been published are paid in accordance with the Regulation on Copyright and Processing Fees to be Paid by Public Institutions and Organizations published in the Official Gazette dated January 23, 2007 and numbered 26412. Upon request, five copies of printed journal are sent free of charge.
The journal is an open access journal and all issues and contents of the journal can be accessed free of charge over the internet in accordance with the policies of the Budapest Open-access Initiative (BOAI).