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Yıl 2010, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 49 - 59, 01.04.2010



  • Adams J, White M. (2002). Are activity promotion
  • interventions based on the Transtheoretical model effective? A critical review. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37, 106-114.
  • Armstrong CA, Sallis CF, Hovell MF, Hofstetter CR. (1993). Stages of change, self-efficacy, and the adoption of vigorous exercise: A prospective analysis, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 15, 390-402.
  • Barnett F, Spinks WL. (2007). Exercise self-efficacy of postmenopausal women resident in the tropics, Maturitas, 58, 1, 1-6.
  • Berry T, Naylor PJ, Wharf-Higgins J. (2005). Stages of change in adolescents: An examination of self-efficacy, decisional balance, and reasons for relapse. Journal of Adolescent Health, 37, 452-459.
  • Bhui K. (2002). Physical activity and stress. (SA Stansfeld and M.G Marmot, Ed.), Stress and the heart: psychosocial pathways to coronary heart disease. (s.158-167). Williston, VT: BMJ Books
  • Buckworth J. (2001) Exercise adherence in college students: Issues and preliminary results, QUEST, 3, 335- 345.
  • Bucksch J, Finne E, Kolip P. (2008). The transtheoretical
  • model in the context of physical activity in a school- based sample of German adolescents. European Journal of Sport Science, 8 (6), 403-412.
  • Buxton K, Wyse J, Mercer T. (1996). How applicable is the stages of change model to exercise behaviour? A review. Health Education Journal, 55, 239–257.
  • Callaghan P, Eves FF, Norman P, Anne CM, Cheung YL.(2002). Applying transtheoretical model of change to exercise in young Chinese people, British Journal of Health Psychology, 7, 267–282.
  • Cardinal BJ, Engels H, Zhu W. (1998). Application of the transtheoretical model of behavior change to preadolescents’ physical activity and exercise behavior, Pediatric Exercise Science, 10, 69-80.
  • Cardinal BJ, Tuominen KJ, Rintala P. (2003). Psychometric assessment of Finnish versions of exercise-related measures of transtheoretical model constructs, Medicine, 10, 31-43.
  • Cengiz C, Miçooğulları BO, Aşçı FH, Kirazcı S. (2008). Egzersiz davranışına karar verme envanteri’nin psikometrik özelliklerinin Türk öğrenciler için test edilmesi, 10. Uluslarası Spor ve Bilim Kongresi, 137-139, Bolu.
  • Cengiz C, İnce ML, Çiçek Ş. (2009). Exercise stages of change in Turkish University students by sex, residence, and department. Perceptual Motor Skills, 108,411-421.
  • Cengiz C, Aşçı FH, İnce ML. (2010). Exercise stages of Change Questionnaire: Its reliability and validity. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences, 2(1), 32-37.
  • Clement D. (2008). The transtheoretical model: An exploratory look at its applicability to injury rehabilitation, Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 17, 269- 282.
  • Dallow CB, Anderson J. (2003). Using self-efficacy and a transtheoretical model to develop a physical activity intervention for obese women. American Journal of Health Promotion, 17, 373- 381.
  • De Long LL. (2006). College students’ motivation for physical activity, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University, USA.
  • Elfving B, Andersson T, Grooten W. (2007). Low levels of physical activity in back pain patients are associated with high levels of fear-avoidance beliefs and pain castrophizing. Physiotherapy Research International, 12 (1), 14-24.
  • Fischer D, Bryant J. (2008). Effect of certified personal trainer services on stage of exercise behavior and exercise mediators in female college students, Journal of American College Health, 56 – 4, 369-376.
  • Flath CS. (2005). Cross-Cultural comparison of college students’ physical activity behaviors in the US and ROC using transtheoretical model constructs, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Oregon State University.
  • Gorely T, Gordon S. (1995). An examination of the transtheoretical model and exercise behaviour in older adults. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 17, 312–324.
  • Hausenblas HA, Nigg CR, Dannecker EA, Downs DS, Gardner RE, Fallon EA. et al. (2001). A missing piece of the transtheoretical model applied to exercise: Development and validation of the temptation to not exercise scale. Psychology and Health, 16, 381-390.
  • Herson J. (2007). The coming osteoporosis epidemic, The Futurist, March-April, 31-35.
  • Jordan PJ, Nigg CR, Norman GJ, Rossi JS, Benisovich SV. (2002). Does the transtheoretical model need an attitude adjustment? Integrating attitude with decisional balance as predictors of stage of change for exercise, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 3, 65–83.
  • Jordan M. (2005) Decisional balance scale: Restructuring a measurement of change for adolescent offenders. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. University of North Texas, USA.
  • Keeler AL. (2006) The transtheoretical model and psychological skills training: Application and implications with elite female athletes, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, West Virginia University, USA.
  • Kholbry WP. (2006). Exercise self efficacy, stages of exercise change, health promotion behaviors, and physical activity in postmenopausal Hispanic women, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, San Diego University, USA.
  • Lankenau B, Solari A, Pratt M. (2004). International physical activity policy development: A commentary. Public Health Reports, 19, 352-355.
  • Levesque DA. (1999). Violence desistance among battering men: Existing interventions and the application of the transtheoretical model of change. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, University of Rhode Island.
  • Lindner KJ. (1998). Sport and activity participation of Hong Kong school children and youth Part 1. Hong Kong Journal of Sports Medicine and Sports Science, 6 May, 16–28.
  • Maddison R, Prapavessis H. (2006) Exercise behavior among New Zealand adolescents: A test of the transtheoretical model, Pediatric Exercise Science, 18, 351-363 Human Kinetics, Inc.
  • Mainous AG, Koopman RJ, Diaz VA, Everett CJ, Wilson PWF, Tilley BC.(2007). A coronary heart disease risk score based on patient-reported information. American Journal of Cardiology, 99 (9), 1236-1241.
  • Marcus BH, Selby VC, Niaura RS, Rossi JS. (1992) Self- efficacy and the stages of exercise behavior change. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 63 (1), 60- 66.
  • Marcus BH, Eaton CA, Rossi JS, Harlow L. (1994). Self-Efficacy, decision-making, and stages of change: An integrative model of physical exercise. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 24, 489–508.
  • Marcus, B. H., & Owen, N. (1992). Motivational readiness, self-efficacy and decision-making. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 22, 3–16.
  • Marcus BH, Rossi JS, Selby VC, Niaura, RS, Abrams DB. (1992). The stages and processes of exercise adoption and maintenance in a worksite sample. Health Psychology, 11, 386–395.
  • Marshall SJ, Biddle SJH. (2001). The Transtheoretical model of behavior change: A meta-analysis of applications to physical activity and exercise. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 23, 229-246.
  • Mauriello LM, Rossi J S. Fava JL, Redding CA, Rohhins M, Prochaska JO, et al. (2006). Assessment of the pros and cons of stress management among adolescents: development and validation of a decisional balance measure, American Journal of Health Promotion, 140 – 143.
  • Mayer DK, Terrin NC, Menon U, Kreps GL, McCance K, Parsons SK, et al. (2007). Health behaviors in cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Forum, 34 (3), 643-651.
  • Naylor PJ, McKenna J. (1994). Stages of change, self- efficacy and behavioral preferences for exercise among British university students. Journal of Sports Sciences, 13, 68.
  • Naylor PJ, McKenna J, Barnes K, Christopher M. (1995). Decisional balance and self-reported physical activity levels: Validating the stages of change for exercise in British university students. Journal of Sports Sciences, 13, 68–69.
  • Neupert SD, Lachman ME, Whitbourne SB. (2009) Exercise self-efficacy and control beliefs: Effects on exercise behavior after an exercise intervention for older adults, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 16, 1-16
  • Nigg CR, Courneya KS. (2001). Transtheoretical model: Examining adolescent exercise behavior. Journal of Adolescent Health, 22, 214–224.
  • O’Connor MJ. (1994) Exercise promotion in physical education: Application of the transtheoretical model, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 14, 1, p: 2-12.
  • O’Hea EL, Boudreaux ED, Jeffries SK, Taylor CL, Scarinci IC, Brantley PJ. (2004) Stage of change movement across three health behaviors: The role of self-efficacy, American Journal of Health Promotion, 19–2, 94 – 102.
  • Omar-fauzee MS, Pringle A, Lavallee D. (1999) Exercise behavior change and the effect of lost resources, Journal of Loss and Trauma, 4, 10, 281 – 291.
  • Plotnikoff RC, Hotz SB, Birkett NJ, Courneya KS. (2001). Exercise and the transtheoretical model: A longitudinal test of a population sample. Preventive Medicine, 33, 441-452.
  • Prochaska JO, DiClemente CC. (1984). Self-change processes, self-efficacy and decisional balance across five stages of smoking cessation. Advances in Cancer Control: Epidemiological Research, 131-140.
  • Sas-Nowosielski K. (2007). Leisure-Time physical activity of adolescents within the framework of the transtheoretical model, Studies In Physical Culture And Tourism, Vol. 14, No. 1, 67 – 75.
  • Spencer L, Adams TB, Malone S, Roy L, Yost E. (2006). Applying the transtheoretical model to exercise: A systematic and comprehensive review of the literature, Health Promotion Practice, 7, 428 – 443.
  • Sung D. (2003). Assessing exercise behavior of south Dakota public university faculty using the transtheoretical model, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, University of South Dakota, USA.
  • Tabachnick, B.G. & Fidell, L.S. (2007). Using multivariate statistics. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Velicer WF, DiClemente CC, Prochaska JO, Brandenburg N. (1985). A decisional balance measure for assessing and predicting smoking status, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48, 1279–1289.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2000). Physical activity and health: A report of the surgeon’s general’s. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Health Promotion, Atlanta, GA.

Genç Yetişkin Bireylerin Egzersiz Öz Yeterlik ve Egzersize Bakış Açılarının Cinsiyet ve Egzersiz Davranışı Değişim Basamaklarına Göre İncelenmesi

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 49 - 59, 01.04.2010


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Prochaska ve DiClemente tarafından 1984 yılında egzersiz davranışının açıklanması ve belirlenmesi amacı ile önerilen Kuramlar Üstü Model (KÜM) göz önünde bulundurularak, 18-29 yaşları arasındaki bireylerin egzersiz özyeterliklerinin ve egzersizin olumlu/olumsuz yönlerini algılama düzeylerinin cinsiyet ve egzersiz davranışı değişim basamaklarına göre karşılaştırılmasıdır. Araştırmaya, 249 erkek Xyaş = 22.59 1.90 ve 257 kadın Xyaş = 21.99 1.77 toplam 506 kişi gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Katılımcılara “Egzersiz Davranışı Değişim Basamakları”, “Egzersiz Öz-yeterlik” ve “Egzersiz Davranışına Karar Verme Dengesi” anketleri uygulanmıştır. İstatistiksel analizler cinsiyet ve egzersiz davranışının 5 basamağı (eğilim öncesi, eğilim, hazırlık, hareket ve devamlılık) temel alınarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan 2 x 5 (Cinsiyet x Egzersiz Davranışı değişim basamakları) çok yönlü varyans analizi (MANOVA) sonuçları, 18-29 yaşları arasındaki bireylerin egzersiz öz-yeterlik düzeylerinin ve egzersize bakış açılarının cinsiyete ve egzersiz davranışı değişim basamaklarına göre farklılaştığını ortaya koymuştur. Cinsiyet x Egzersiz Davranışı Değişim Basamakları etkileşimi ise egzersize bakış açıları ve egzersiz öz-yeterlik düzeyleri için anlamlı değildir. Sonuç olarak; genç yetişkinlerin öz–yeterlik ve egzersize bakış açılarının cinsiyet ve egzersiz basamaklarından etkilendiğini, kadınların erkeklerden, egzersize düzenli olarak katılan bireylerin, egzersiz yapmayan bireylerden egzersize katılımda kendilerini daha yeterli hissettiklerini ve egzersizi bir kazanç süreci olarak algıladığını ortaya koymuştur


  • Adams J, White M. (2002). Are activity promotion
  • interventions based on the Transtheoretical model effective? A critical review. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37, 106-114.
  • Armstrong CA, Sallis CF, Hovell MF, Hofstetter CR. (1993). Stages of change, self-efficacy, and the adoption of vigorous exercise: A prospective analysis, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 15, 390-402.
  • Barnett F, Spinks WL. (2007). Exercise self-efficacy of postmenopausal women resident in the tropics, Maturitas, 58, 1, 1-6.
  • Berry T, Naylor PJ, Wharf-Higgins J. (2005). Stages of change in adolescents: An examination of self-efficacy, decisional balance, and reasons for relapse. Journal of Adolescent Health, 37, 452-459.
  • Bhui K. (2002). Physical activity and stress. (SA Stansfeld and M.G Marmot, Ed.), Stress and the heart: psychosocial pathways to coronary heart disease. (s.158-167). Williston, VT: BMJ Books
  • Buckworth J. (2001) Exercise adherence in college students: Issues and preliminary results, QUEST, 3, 335- 345.
  • Bucksch J, Finne E, Kolip P. (2008). The transtheoretical
  • model in the context of physical activity in a school- based sample of German adolescents. European Journal of Sport Science, 8 (6), 403-412.
  • Buxton K, Wyse J, Mercer T. (1996). How applicable is the stages of change model to exercise behaviour? A review. Health Education Journal, 55, 239–257.
  • Callaghan P, Eves FF, Norman P, Anne CM, Cheung YL.(2002). Applying transtheoretical model of change to exercise in young Chinese people, British Journal of Health Psychology, 7, 267–282.
  • Cardinal BJ, Engels H, Zhu W. (1998). Application of the transtheoretical model of behavior change to preadolescents’ physical activity and exercise behavior, Pediatric Exercise Science, 10, 69-80.
  • Cardinal BJ, Tuominen KJ, Rintala P. (2003). Psychometric assessment of Finnish versions of exercise-related measures of transtheoretical model constructs, Medicine, 10, 31-43.
  • Cengiz C, Miçooğulları BO, Aşçı FH, Kirazcı S. (2008). Egzersiz davranışına karar verme envanteri’nin psikometrik özelliklerinin Türk öğrenciler için test edilmesi, 10. Uluslarası Spor ve Bilim Kongresi, 137-139, Bolu.
  • Cengiz C, İnce ML, Çiçek Ş. (2009). Exercise stages of change in Turkish University students by sex, residence, and department. Perceptual Motor Skills, 108,411-421.
  • Cengiz C, Aşçı FH, İnce ML. (2010). Exercise stages of Change Questionnaire: Its reliability and validity. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences, 2(1), 32-37.
  • Clement D. (2008). The transtheoretical model: An exploratory look at its applicability to injury rehabilitation, Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 17, 269- 282.
  • Dallow CB, Anderson J. (2003). Using self-efficacy and a transtheoretical model to develop a physical activity intervention for obese women. American Journal of Health Promotion, 17, 373- 381.
  • De Long LL. (2006). College students’ motivation for physical activity, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University, USA.
  • Elfving B, Andersson T, Grooten W. (2007). Low levels of physical activity in back pain patients are associated with high levels of fear-avoidance beliefs and pain castrophizing. Physiotherapy Research International, 12 (1), 14-24.
  • Fischer D, Bryant J. (2008). Effect of certified personal trainer services on stage of exercise behavior and exercise mediators in female college students, Journal of American College Health, 56 – 4, 369-376.
  • Flath CS. (2005). Cross-Cultural comparison of college students’ physical activity behaviors in the US and ROC using transtheoretical model constructs, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Oregon State University.
  • Gorely T, Gordon S. (1995). An examination of the transtheoretical model and exercise behaviour in older adults. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 17, 312–324.
  • Hausenblas HA, Nigg CR, Dannecker EA, Downs DS, Gardner RE, Fallon EA. et al. (2001). A missing piece of the transtheoretical model applied to exercise: Development and validation of the temptation to not exercise scale. Psychology and Health, 16, 381-390.
  • Herson J. (2007). The coming osteoporosis epidemic, The Futurist, March-April, 31-35.
  • Jordan PJ, Nigg CR, Norman GJ, Rossi JS, Benisovich SV. (2002). Does the transtheoretical model need an attitude adjustment? Integrating attitude with decisional balance as predictors of stage of change for exercise, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 3, 65–83.
  • Jordan M. (2005) Decisional balance scale: Restructuring a measurement of change for adolescent offenders. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. University of North Texas, USA.
  • Keeler AL. (2006) The transtheoretical model and psychological skills training: Application and implications with elite female athletes, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, West Virginia University, USA.
  • Kholbry WP. (2006). Exercise self efficacy, stages of exercise change, health promotion behaviors, and physical activity in postmenopausal Hispanic women, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, San Diego University, USA.
  • Lankenau B, Solari A, Pratt M. (2004). International physical activity policy development: A commentary. Public Health Reports, 19, 352-355.
  • Levesque DA. (1999). Violence desistance among battering men: Existing interventions and the application of the transtheoretical model of change. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, University of Rhode Island.
  • Lindner KJ. (1998). Sport and activity participation of Hong Kong school children and youth Part 1. Hong Kong Journal of Sports Medicine and Sports Science, 6 May, 16–28.
  • Maddison R, Prapavessis H. (2006) Exercise behavior among New Zealand adolescents: A test of the transtheoretical model, Pediatric Exercise Science, 18, 351-363 Human Kinetics, Inc.
  • Mainous AG, Koopman RJ, Diaz VA, Everett CJ, Wilson PWF, Tilley BC.(2007). A coronary heart disease risk score based on patient-reported information. American Journal of Cardiology, 99 (9), 1236-1241.
  • Marcus BH, Selby VC, Niaura RS, Rossi JS. (1992) Self- efficacy and the stages of exercise behavior change. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 63 (1), 60- 66.
  • Marcus BH, Eaton CA, Rossi JS, Harlow L. (1994). Self-Efficacy, decision-making, and stages of change: An integrative model of physical exercise. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 24, 489–508.
  • Marcus, B. H., & Owen, N. (1992). Motivational readiness, self-efficacy and decision-making. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 22, 3–16.
  • Marcus BH, Rossi JS, Selby VC, Niaura, RS, Abrams DB. (1992). The stages and processes of exercise adoption and maintenance in a worksite sample. Health Psychology, 11, 386–395.
  • Marshall SJ, Biddle SJH. (2001). The Transtheoretical model of behavior change: A meta-analysis of applications to physical activity and exercise. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 23, 229-246.
  • Mauriello LM, Rossi J S. Fava JL, Redding CA, Rohhins M, Prochaska JO, et al. (2006). Assessment of the pros and cons of stress management among adolescents: development and validation of a decisional balance measure, American Journal of Health Promotion, 140 – 143.
  • Mayer DK, Terrin NC, Menon U, Kreps GL, McCance K, Parsons SK, et al. (2007). Health behaviors in cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Forum, 34 (3), 643-651.
  • Naylor PJ, McKenna J. (1994). Stages of change, self- efficacy and behavioral preferences for exercise among British university students. Journal of Sports Sciences, 13, 68.
  • Naylor PJ, McKenna J, Barnes K, Christopher M. (1995). Decisional balance and self-reported physical activity levels: Validating the stages of change for exercise in British university students. Journal of Sports Sciences, 13, 68–69.
  • Neupert SD, Lachman ME, Whitbourne SB. (2009) Exercise self-efficacy and control beliefs: Effects on exercise behavior after an exercise intervention for older adults, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 16, 1-16
  • Nigg CR, Courneya KS. (2001). Transtheoretical model: Examining adolescent exercise behavior. Journal of Adolescent Health, 22, 214–224.
  • O’Connor MJ. (1994) Exercise promotion in physical education: Application of the transtheoretical model, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 14, 1, p: 2-12.
  • O’Hea EL, Boudreaux ED, Jeffries SK, Taylor CL, Scarinci IC, Brantley PJ. (2004) Stage of change movement across three health behaviors: The role of self-efficacy, American Journal of Health Promotion, 19–2, 94 – 102.
  • Omar-fauzee MS, Pringle A, Lavallee D. (1999) Exercise behavior change and the effect of lost resources, Journal of Loss and Trauma, 4, 10, 281 – 291.
  • Plotnikoff RC, Hotz SB, Birkett NJ, Courneya KS. (2001). Exercise and the transtheoretical model: A longitudinal test of a population sample. Preventive Medicine, 33, 441-452.
  • Prochaska JO, DiClemente CC. (1984). Self-change processes, self-efficacy and decisional balance across five stages of smoking cessation. Advances in Cancer Control: Epidemiological Research, 131-140.
  • Sas-Nowosielski K. (2007). Leisure-Time physical activity of adolescents within the framework of the transtheoretical model, Studies In Physical Culture And Tourism, Vol. 14, No. 1, 67 – 75.
  • Spencer L, Adams TB, Malone S, Roy L, Yost E. (2006). Applying the transtheoretical model to exercise: A systematic and comprehensive review of the literature, Health Promotion Practice, 7, 428 – 443.
  • Sung D. (2003). Assessing exercise behavior of south Dakota public university faculty using the transtheoretical model, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, University of South Dakota, USA.
  • Tabachnick, B.G. & Fidell, L.S. (2007). Using multivariate statistics. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Velicer WF, DiClemente CC, Prochaska JO, Brandenburg N. (1985). A decisional balance measure for assessing and predicting smoking status, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48, 1279–1289.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2000). Physical activity and health: A report of the surgeon’s general’s. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Health Promotion, Atlanta, GA.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

B. Okan Miçooğulları Bu kişi benim

Cevdet Cengiz Bu kişi benim

F. Hülya Aşçı Bu kişi benim

Sadettin Kirazcı

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Ocak 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Miçooğulları, B. O., Cengiz, C., Aşçı, F. H., Kirazcı, S. (2010). Genç Yetişkin Bireylerin Egzersiz Öz Yeterlik ve Egzersize Bakış Açılarının Cinsiyet ve Egzersiz Davranışı Değişim Basamaklarına Göre İncelenmesi. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 21(2), 49-59.



Yayın hakkı © Hacettepe Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi