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Year 2014, Issue: 19, 225 - 236, 01.06.2014


Yirminci yüzyılın başlarında yaşamış olan Saul Bellow ve Vladimir Nabokov Amerikan, Yahudi ve Rus edebiyatında vazgeçilemeyecek bir yere sahiptirler. Otobiyografik unsurlar bulunduran Bellow’un Herzog ve Nabokov’un Lolita adlı önemli romanlarında ayrıca tarih, mitoloji ve gerçeklik unsurları da önemli bir yeri teşkil etmektedir. Ancak tarih kurgusu işlevsel olarak birbirinden ayrılmaktadır. Nabokov tarihi kendi iç dünyasını ve fantezilerini gerçekleştirmek olarak kullanır. Örneğin Humbert su perisiyle beraber olabilmek için eski anayasalardan örnekler verir. Bunun yanı sıra Bellow tarihi toplumu –özellikle Yahudi toplumunubilinçlendirmek için bir araç olarak kullanır. Gerçek tarih ve geçmişte felsefe dünyasının en önemli şahsiyetlerden örnekler alarak bu olay ve kişileri modelleme yapar. Bunu yaparken okura karşı bazen dolaylı bazen direk olarak yazar. İşte bu yönleriyle birbirlerinden ayrılan bu önemli iki yazar okuyucuları tarihsel olarak çok farklı tarihsel mekânlara ve zamana götürecektir. Bu çalışmada adı geçen romanlarda tarih, gerçeklik ve mitoloji ayrıca bunların kullanımı irdelenecek ve birbirlerinden farklı yönleri ele alınacaktır


  • ANDERSON, Douglas. (1996),“Nabokov’s Genocidal and Nuclear Holocausts in Lolita” Mosaic, 29 (2): 73-81
  • BEGLEY, Louise (2007). “Saul Bellow”, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 151 (4); 435-438
  • BELLOW, Saul (1992). Herzog. Sabon; Penguin Readers
  • BERGENHOLTZ, Rita A (1995) “Nabokov’s Lolita”, The Explicator. 53 (4): 231-235 CORNER, Martin (2000). “Moving Outwards: Consciousness, Discourse and Attention in Saul Bellow’s Fiction” Studies in the Novel. 32 (3): 369-385
  • DELANEY, Bill (1998) “Nabokov’s Lolita” The Explicator. 56 (2): 99-100
  • FREEDMAN, William (1993). “Hanging for Pleasure and Profit: Truth as Necessary Illusion in Bellow’s Fiction” Paper on Language and Literature. 35 (1): PM.qst?a=o&d=5001236732 (08.08.2010)
  • GOLDMAN, Anne (2008) “In Praise of Saul Bellow” Michigan Quarterly Review. 47 (1): (08.08.2010)
  • HUSTIS, Harriet, (2007). ”Time Will Tell: (Re) reading the Seductive Simulacra of Nabokov’s Lolita” Studies in American Fiction. 35 (1): 89-111
  • JENKINS, Jennifer L. (2005). “Searching High and Lo: Unholy Quests for Lolita” Twentieth Century Literature 51: 210-243
  • NABOKOV, Vladimir (1995). Lolita London: Penguin Books
  • PIFER, Ellen (1990). Saul Bellow against the Grain Philadelphia; University of Pennsylvania Press
  • REED, Matt, (2000). “Homo Lepidopterist: Nabokov and the Pursuit of Memory” CLIO 29(2): 271-294
  • TWEEDIE, James, (2000). “Lolita’s Loose Ends: Nabokov and the Boundless Novel” Twentieth Century Literature. 46 (2): 150-170
  • WOOD, Michael (1995). “Lolita Revisited” New England Review. 17 (2): 15-49


Year 2014, Issue: 19, 225 - 236, 01.06.2014


Twentieth-century authors Saul Bellow and Vladimir Nabokov have both made indispensable contributions to American, Jewish, and Russian literature. Bellow’s Herzog and Nabokov’s Lolita both feature autobiographical elements, and they draw on history and mythology. However, their historical plots differ from each other on a functional level. Nabokov uses history to realize his fantasies. For instance, Humbert gives examples from the old the US’ constitutions to sleep with his “nymphet”. For Bellow, history is an organ employed to raise society’s—especially Jewish society’s—historical awareness. The writer who uses examples from historical and philosophical figures makes models. In doing so, he addresses his writing either directly or indirectly toward his readers. Yet these two prominent authors differ significantly from each other in how they take readers to historical places and distinct periods. Their use of history, reality, and mythology in their novels will be discussed


  • ANDERSON, Douglas. (1996),“Nabokov’s Genocidal and Nuclear Holocausts in Lolita” Mosaic, 29 (2): 73-81
  • BEGLEY, Louise (2007). “Saul Bellow”, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 151 (4); 435-438
  • BELLOW, Saul (1992). Herzog. Sabon; Penguin Readers
  • BERGENHOLTZ, Rita A (1995) “Nabokov’s Lolita”, The Explicator. 53 (4): 231-235 CORNER, Martin (2000). “Moving Outwards: Consciousness, Discourse and Attention in Saul Bellow’s Fiction” Studies in the Novel. 32 (3): 369-385
  • DELANEY, Bill (1998) “Nabokov’s Lolita” The Explicator. 56 (2): 99-100
  • FREEDMAN, William (1993). “Hanging for Pleasure and Profit: Truth as Necessary Illusion in Bellow’s Fiction” Paper on Language and Literature. 35 (1): PM.qst?a=o&d=5001236732 (08.08.2010)
  • GOLDMAN, Anne (2008) “In Praise of Saul Bellow” Michigan Quarterly Review. 47 (1): (08.08.2010)
  • HUSTIS, Harriet, (2007). ”Time Will Tell: (Re) reading the Seductive Simulacra of Nabokov’s Lolita” Studies in American Fiction. 35 (1): 89-111
  • JENKINS, Jennifer L. (2005). “Searching High and Lo: Unholy Quests for Lolita” Twentieth Century Literature 51: 210-243
  • NABOKOV, Vladimir (1995). Lolita London: Penguin Books
  • PIFER, Ellen (1990). Saul Bellow against the Grain Philadelphia; University of Pennsylvania Press
  • REED, Matt, (2000). “Homo Lepidopterist: Nabokov and the Pursuit of Memory” CLIO 29(2): 271-294
  • TWEEDIE, James, (2000). “Lolita’s Loose Ends: Nabokov and the Boundless Novel” Twentieth Century Literature. 46 (2): 150-170
  • WOOD, Michael (1995). “Lolita Revisited” New England Review. 17 (2): 15-49
There are 14 citations in total.


Other ID JA27PS28VJ
Journal Section Articles

Faruk Kalay This is me

Bülent C. Tanrıtanır This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Issue: 19


APA Kalay, F., & Tanrıtanır, B. C. (2014). NABOKOV’UN LOLİTA VE BELLOW’UN HERZOG ADLI ROMANLARINDA TARİH KULLANIMI: FANTEZİ Mİ YOKSA GERÇEKLİK Mİ?. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(19), 225-236.

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