Research Article
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Year 2006, Issue: 4, 120 - 145, 01.12.2006


Günümüzde; “Ulusal İnovasyon Sistemi” yaklaşımı, gerek gelişmiş gerekse gelişmekte olan pek çok ülke tarafından uygulanmakta ya da uygulama çalışmaları yürütülmektedir. Etkili bir inovasyon sistemi için, başarılı örneklerin incelenmesi ve onlardan ders alınması büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu bağlamda; çalışmada, Finlandiya Ulusal İnovasyon Sistemi analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında sistemde yer alan aktörler, bu aktörlerin inovasyon sürecindeki rolleri, devletin bilim-teknoloji-inovasyon politikaları analiz edilmiş ve sistemin güçlü ve zayıf yönleri ortaya konmuştur


  • AHLBACK, Johan (2005), The Finnish National Innovation System, European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN), Helsinki University Press, Helsinki.
  • ARUNDEL, Anthony ve HOLLANDERS, Hugo (2005), Innovation Strengths and Weakness, MERIT, December 5, 2005.
  • BALZAT, Markus ve HANUSCH, Horst (2003), Recent Trends in the Research on National Innovation Systems, Universitaet Augsburg, Institute for Economics Working Paper Series No: 254.
  • BARBER, Tamara (2005), High-Tech Innovation in Emerging Markets, The Case of Mexico, Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy Thesis, Tufts University The Fletcher School.
  • BOZEMAN, Barry, CROW, Michael ve TUCKER, Chris (1999), “Federal Laboratories and Defense Policy in the US National Innovation System”, Paper prepared for the DRUID Summer Conference on National Innovation Systems, 9-12 June 1999, Denmark. Commission of the European Communities (2004), European Innovation Scoreboard 2004, Comparative Analysis of Innovation Performance, Brussels. Department of Industry, Science, Resources (1999), National Innovation Systems of Selected Nations, Australia, October.
  • DPT (2000), Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı Bilim ve Teknoloji Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, DPT, Ankara.
  • DPT (2000), Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı Küreselleşme Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, DPT, Ankara.
  • European Commission (2003), European Innovation Scoreboard 2003, CORDIS Focus Supplement, Issue No: 20.
  • European Commission (2004), Annual Innovation Policy Report for Finland, Covering Period: September 2003 - August 2004, Enterprise Directorate-General, Brussels.
  • European Commission (2006), Key Figures on Europe Statistical Pocketbook 2006, Luxembourg.
  • European Trend Chart on Innovation (2005), Annual Innovation Policy Trends and Appraisal Report, Finland, 2004-2005, European Commission Enterpries Directorate General.
  • European Trend Chart on Innovation (2005), European Innvation Scoreboard 2005, Comparative Analysis of Innovation Performance, Brussels. Finlandiya Akademisi Resmi Web Sitesi, Çevrimiçi: (Erişim: 13.10.2006)
  • Finlandiya Bilim ve Teknoloji Politikası Konseyi Resmi Web Sitesi, Çevrimiçi: (Erişim: 14.10.2006)
  • Finlandiya Eğitim Bakanlığı Resmi Web Sitesi, Çevrimiçi: (Erişim: 14.10.2006)
  • Finlandiya Teknik Araştırma Enstitüsü Resmi Web Sitesi, Çevrimiçi: (Erişim: 18.10.2006)
  • Finlandiya Ticaret ve Sanayi Bakanlığı Resmi Web Sitesi, Çevrimiçi: (Erişim: 18.10.2006)
  • FORFAS (2003), 8th National Innovation Conference: A Foundation For Innovation, Collaboration Between Education, Enterprise and Government, Dublin City University, 20 November 2003, Conference Proceedings.
  • GOLDEN, Willie, HIGGINS, Eoin ve LEE, Soo Hee (2003), “National Innovation Systems and Entrepreneurship”, Centre for Innovation & Structural Change (CISC) Working Paper No: 8.
  • GÖKER, Aykut (2000), “Ulusal İnovasyon Sistemi ve Üniversite-Sanayi İşbirliği”, Ankara Üniversitesi Geleneksel Bahar Paneli: IV, Bilimsel Araştırmada Üniversite-Sanayi İşbirliği, 20 Nisan, Ankara.
  • HALL, Andy, MYTELKA, Lynn ve OYEYINKA, Banji (2005), “Innovation Systems: Implications for Agricultural Policy and Practice”, Institutional Learning & Change (ILAC) Brief, No: 2.
  • HAUKKA, Sandra (2005), Research Training and National Innovation Systems, Finland Compared to Australia and USA, TEKES Technology Review 182.
  • LEHMAN, Bruce ve GARDUNO, Eric (2004), “Technology Transfer and National Innovation”, International Intellectual Property Institute (IIPI), International Conference on Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property Rights and Business Policy, 25-26 March, Sao Paulo – Brazil.
  • LUNDVALL, Bengt-Ake (1992), National Systems of Innovation: Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning, Pinter Publications, New York.
  • MAKAR, Irene, “Nature, Strengths and Weakness of the ‘National Systems of Innovation’ Approach for Policy Making”, The Centre for Innovation Studies (THECIS), Working Paper.
  • METCALFE, S. (1997), “Technology Systems and Technology Policy in an Evolutionary Framework”, içinde ARCHIBUGI, D. ve MICHIE, J. (Editors), Technology, Globalisation and Economic Performance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • NELSON, R.R. (1993), “National Innovation Systems: A Retrospective on a Study” içinde GLAZIEV,S. ve SCHNEIDER, C.M. (Editors), Research & Development Management in the Transition to a Market Economy, Vol: 11, Austria, 1993, pp. 71-101.
  • NELSON, R.R. (1993), National Innovation Systems – A Comparative Analysis, Oxford University Press, New York. OECD (1997), National Innovation Systems, Paris. OECD (1999), Managing National Innovation Systems, Paris.
  • OECD (2006), Country Statistical Profiles 2006 - Finland, Çevrimiçi: (Erişim Tarihi: 24.11.2006)
  • PATEL, Pari ve PAVITT, Keith (1994), “National Systems of Innovation: Why They are Important and How They Might be Measured and Compared?”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Vol: 3.
  • SAATÇİOĞLU, Cem (2005), “Ulusal Yenilik Sistemi Çerçevesinde Uygulanan Bilim ve Teknoloji Politikaları: İsrail, AB ve Türkiye Örneği”, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Sayı: 5.
  • SANDSTRÖM, Anna, PETTERSSON, Ingrid ve NILSSON, Anna (2000), “Knowledge Production and Knowledge Flows in The Swedish Biotechnology Innovation System”, Scientometrics, Vol: 48 No: 2. Science and Technology Policy Council of Finland (2002), Knowledge, Innovation and Internationalisation, Helsinki.
  • TAYMAZ, Erol (2001), Ulusal Yenilik Sistemi, Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Teknolojik Değişim ve Yenilik Süreçleri, TÜBİTAK-TTGVDİE, Ankara.
  • The European Commission Economic Policy Committe (2002), Working Group on Research and Development, Report on Research and Development, 22 January, Brussels.
  • The Institute for Management Development (IMD) (2005), World Competitiveness Yearbook 2005.
  • World Economic Forum (2005), Global Competitiveness Report 2005- 2006: Policies Underpinning Rising Prosperity, (Editors: Michael E. PORTER, Klaus SCHWAB ve Augusto LOPEZ-CLAROS), Palgrave Macmillan.
  • YILMAZ, Ayşegül (2001), Regional Innovation Systems: Literature Review and The Picture for Turkey, ODTÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara.
  • YONGXIANG, Lu (1998), “Striving to Build a National Innovation System for the Era of Knowledge”, Asia Pacific Biotech News (APBN) Vol: 2 No: 10.


Year 2006, Issue: 4, 120 - 145, 01.12.2006


Today, National Innovation System approach has been used or tried to be used both in developed and developing countries. For an effective innovation system, it is very crucial to analyze and to learn lessons from successful cases. In this context, in the study, the Finnish National Innovation System is analyzed. The study analyzes the main actors of the system, and their roles in the innovation process and also the science-technologyinnovation policies of Finnish government, and finally the strengths and the weaknesses of the system are underlined


  • AHLBACK, Johan (2005), The Finnish National Innovation System, European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN), Helsinki University Press, Helsinki.
  • ARUNDEL, Anthony ve HOLLANDERS, Hugo (2005), Innovation Strengths and Weakness, MERIT, December 5, 2005.
  • BALZAT, Markus ve HANUSCH, Horst (2003), Recent Trends in the Research on National Innovation Systems, Universitaet Augsburg, Institute for Economics Working Paper Series No: 254.
  • BARBER, Tamara (2005), High-Tech Innovation in Emerging Markets, The Case of Mexico, Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy Thesis, Tufts University The Fletcher School.
  • BOZEMAN, Barry, CROW, Michael ve TUCKER, Chris (1999), “Federal Laboratories and Defense Policy in the US National Innovation System”, Paper prepared for the DRUID Summer Conference on National Innovation Systems, 9-12 June 1999, Denmark. Commission of the European Communities (2004), European Innovation Scoreboard 2004, Comparative Analysis of Innovation Performance, Brussels. Department of Industry, Science, Resources (1999), National Innovation Systems of Selected Nations, Australia, October.
  • DPT (2000), Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı Bilim ve Teknoloji Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, DPT, Ankara.
  • DPT (2000), Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı Küreselleşme Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, DPT, Ankara.
  • European Commission (2003), European Innovation Scoreboard 2003, CORDIS Focus Supplement, Issue No: 20.
  • European Commission (2004), Annual Innovation Policy Report for Finland, Covering Period: September 2003 - August 2004, Enterprise Directorate-General, Brussels.
  • European Commission (2006), Key Figures on Europe Statistical Pocketbook 2006, Luxembourg.
  • European Trend Chart on Innovation (2005), Annual Innovation Policy Trends and Appraisal Report, Finland, 2004-2005, European Commission Enterpries Directorate General.
  • European Trend Chart on Innovation (2005), European Innvation Scoreboard 2005, Comparative Analysis of Innovation Performance, Brussels. Finlandiya Akademisi Resmi Web Sitesi, Çevrimiçi: (Erişim: 13.10.2006)
  • Finlandiya Bilim ve Teknoloji Politikası Konseyi Resmi Web Sitesi, Çevrimiçi: (Erişim: 14.10.2006)
  • Finlandiya Eğitim Bakanlığı Resmi Web Sitesi, Çevrimiçi: (Erişim: 14.10.2006)
  • Finlandiya Teknik Araştırma Enstitüsü Resmi Web Sitesi, Çevrimiçi: (Erişim: 18.10.2006)
  • Finlandiya Ticaret ve Sanayi Bakanlığı Resmi Web Sitesi, Çevrimiçi: (Erişim: 18.10.2006)
  • FORFAS (2003), 8th National Innovation Conference: A Foundation For Innovation, Collaboration Between Education, Enterprise and Government, Dublin City University, 20 November 2003, Conference Proceedings.
  • GOLDEN, Willie, HIGGINS, Eoin ve LEE, Soo Hee (2003), “National Innovation Systems and Entrepreneurship”, Centre for Innovation & Structural Change (CISC) Working Paper No: 8.
  • GÖKER, Aykut (2000), “Ulusal İnovasyon Sistemi ve Üniversite-Sanayi İşbirliği”, Ankara Üniversitesi Geleneksel Bahar Paneli: IV, Bilimsel Araştırmada Üniversite-Sanayi İşbirliği, 20 Nisan, Ankara.
  • HALL, Andy, MYTELKA, Lynn ve OYEYINKA, Banji (2005), “Innovation Systems: Implications for Agricultural Policy and Practice”, Institutional Learning & Change (ILAC) Brief, No: 2.
  • HAUKKA, Sandra (2005), Research Training and National Innovation Systems, Finland Compared to Australia and USA, TEKES Technology Review 182.
  • LEHMAN, Bruce ve GARDUNO, Eric (2004), “Technology Transfer and National Innovation”, International Intellectual Property Institute (IIPI), International Conference on Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property Rights and Business Policy, 25-26 March, Sao Paulo – Brazil.
  • LUNDVALL, Bengt-Ake (1992), National Systems of Innovation: Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning, Pinter Publications, New York.
  • MAKAR, Irene, “Nature, Strengths and Weakness of the ‘National Systems of Innovation’ Approach for Policy Making”, The Centre for Innovation Studies (THECIS), Working Paper.
  • METCALFE, S. (1997), “Technology Systems and Technology Policy in an Evolutionary Framework”, içinde ARCHIBUGI, D. ve MICHIE, J. (Editors), Technology, Globalisation and Economic Performance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • NELSON, R.R. (1993), “National Innovation Systems: A Retrospective on a Study” içinde GLAZIEV,S. ve SCHNEIDER, C.M. (Editors), Research & Development Management in the Transition to a Market Economy, Vol: 11, Austria, 1993, pp. 71-101.
  • NELSON, R.R. (1993), National Innovation Systems – A Comparative Analysis, Oxford University Press, New York. OECD (1997), National Innovation Systems, Paris. OECD (1999), Managing National Innovation Systems, Paris.
  • OECD (2006), Country Statistical Profiles 2006 - Finland, Çevrimiçi: (Erişim Tarihi: 24.11.2006)
  • PATEL, Pari ve PAVITT, Keith (1994), “National Systems of Innovation: Why They are Important and How They Might be Measured and Compared?”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Vol: 3.
  • SAATÇİOĞLU, Cem (2005), “Ulusal Yenilik Sistemi Çerçevesinde Uygulanan Bilim ve Teknoloji Politikaları: İsrail, AB ve Türkiye Örneği”, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Sayı: 5.
  • SANDSTRÖM, Anna, PETTERSSON, Ingrid ve NILSSON, Anna (2000), “Knowledge Production and Knowledge Flows in The Swedish Biotechnology Innovation System”, Scientometrics, Vol: 48 No: 2. Science and Technology Policy Council of Finland (2002), Knowledge, Innovation and Internationalisation, Helsinki.
  • TAYMAZ, Erol (2001), Ulusal Yenilik Sistemi, Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Teknolojik Değişim ve Yenilik Süreçleri, TÜBİTAK-TTGVDİE, Ankara.
  • The European Commission Economic Policy Committe (2002), Working Group on Research and Development, Report on Research and Development, 22 January, Brussels.
  • The Institute for Management Development (IMD) (2005), World Competitiveness Yearbook 2005.
  • World Economic Forum (2005), Global Competitiveness Report 2005- 2006: Policies Underpinning Rising Prosperity, (Editors: Michael E. PORTER, Klaus SCHWAB ve Augusto LOPEZ-CLAROS), Palgrave Macmillan.
  • YILMAZ, Ayşegül (2001), Regional Innovation Systems: Literature Review and The Picture for Turkey, ODTÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara.
  • YONGXIANG, Lu (1998), “Striving to Build a National Innovation System for the Era of Knowledge”, Asia Pacific Biotech News (APBN) Vol: 2 No: 10.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Other ID JA28HY83YG
Journal Section Articles

Onur Sungur This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Issue: 4



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