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Hemşirelerin Örnek Vaka Kapsamında Hemşirelik Sürecinin Tanılama Aşamasında Davranışları, Algıları ve Belirledikleri Tanılar: Karma Tip Çalışma

Yıl 2022, , 121 - 128, 08.12.2022


Giriş: Hemşirelik süreci hemşirelerin uygulamalarını gerçekleştirirken kullandıkları düşünme ve yapma şeklini ifade eden sistemli, dinamik bir problem çözme sürecidir.
Amaç: Hemşirelerin örnek bir vaka kapsamında hemşirelik tanılarına ilişkin algılarını, tanılama aşamasına ilişkin davranışlarını ve ele alınabilecek uygun tanıları belirleyebilme durumlarını incelemektir.
Yöntem: Araştırmaya, Ankara’daki özel bir hastanede çalışmakta olan 103 hemşire katılmıştır. Nitel ve nicel araştırma yöntemleri birlikte kullanılmıştır. Nicel veriler soru formları, Hemşirelik Tanıları Algılama Ölçeği ve hemşireler tarafından oluşturulan raporlardan elde edilmiştir. Nitel veriler ise hemşirelerin tanılamaya ilişkin davranışları gözlenerek tutulan gözlem notlarından elde edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Hemşirelerin yaklaşık olarak yarısının veri toplama, tanılama ve planlama aşamalarında güçlük yaşadıkları belirlenmiştir. Hemşireler vaka analizi sonrasında hastadan sağlık öyküsü alma ve subjektif verileri belirleme konularında daha az güçlük yaşadıklarını belirtmiştir. Tanılama aşamasında yaşanılan sorunlar konusunda vaka analizi öncesi ve sonrası arasında anlamlı bir farklılık olmadığı ancak hemşirelik tanılarına ilişkin algılarının olumlu yönde değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Planlama aşamasında ise uygun girişimlerin seçimi konusunda vaka analizi sonrasında sorun yaşayan bireylerin sıklığında belirgin bir artış olmuştur. İçerik analizi sonucu tanılama sürecine ilişkin davranışlar “veri toplama”, “kaynak kitap” ve “tanılama” olmak üzere üç ana tema altında ele alınmıştır.
Sonuç: Örnek vaka incelemesi hemşirelerin bireylerin sorunlarını tanılama aşamasında nasıl ele alabileceklerini deneyimlemelerine ve bu süreçte yaşadıkları sorunlara ilişkin bir farkındalık kazanmalarına katkı sağlamıştır.


  • Adraro, Z., & Mengistu, D. (2020). Implementation and factors affecting the nursing process among nurses working in selected government hospitals in Southwest Ethiopia. BMC Nursing, 19(1), 1-7. doi:10.1186/s12912-020-00498-8
  • Akansel, N., & Palloş, A. (2020). Difficulties experienced by nursing students in the development of nursing care plans: Root cause analysis. Acıbadem University Health Sciences Journal, (2), 269-275. doi:10.31067/0.2020.265
  • Akın-Korhan, E., Hakverdioğlu Yönt, G., Demiray, A., Akça,A., & Eker, A. (2015). Determination of nursing diagnoses in the intensive care unit and evaluation according to NANDA diagnoses. Journal of Duzce University Health Sciences Institute, 5(1), 16-21.
  • Akın Korhan, E., Hakverdioğlu Yönt, G., Ak, B., & Erdemir, F. (2013). Analysis of Turkish validity and reliability of perception of nursing diagnosis. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 15(3), 13-25.
  • Akman Yılmaz, A., Gençer, E., Seçkin, Ç., Akyüz, H., Güven, K.T., & Gözütok, S. (2019). Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin hemşirelik sürecinin veri toplama aşamasına ilişkin görüşleri ve yaşadıkları güçlükler. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(4), 231-239.
  • Andsoy, I. I., Güngör, T., Dikmen, Y., & Nabel, E. B. (2013). Difficulties that nurses have in using care plan. Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 3(2), 1-7.
  • Basit, G. (2020). Guide to care: Nursing process. Journal of General Health Sciences, 2(2), 77-90.
  • Cachón-Pérez, J. M., Gonzalez-Villanueva, P., Rodriguez-Garcia, M., Oliva-Fernandez, O., Garcia-Garcia, E., & Fernandez-Gonzalo, J. C. (2021). Use and Significance of Nursing Diagnosis in Hospital Emergencies: A Phenomenological Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18), 9786. doi:10.3390/ijerph18189786
  • Carpenito, L.J. (2012). Hemşirelik tanıları el kitabı (F. Erdemir, Çev.). İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri.
  • Erden, S., Deniz, S., Arslan, S., & Yurtseven, Ş. (2018). Examination of nursing diagnoses levels in surgical diseases nursing lesson practices of nursing students. Van Medical Journal, 25(2), 108-112. doi:10.5505/vtd.2018.26213
  • Erer, M.T, Akbaş, M., & Yıldırım, G. (2017). Evolutionary development of nursing process. Mersin University Faculty of Medicine Lokman Hekim Journal of Medical History and Folkloric Medicine, 7(1), 1-5.
  • Halverson, E. L., Beetcher, E. L., Scherb, C. A., Olsen, G., Frost, M., & Orth, K. (2011). Minnesota nurses’ perceptions of nursing diagnoses. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications, 22(3), 123-132. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-618X.2011.01180.x
  • Karahan, A., & Kav, S. (Ed). (2019). Hemşirelik sürecine genel bakış. Sparks ve Taylor’ın hemşirelik tanı referans el kitabı. (pp. 14-24) Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri.
  • Karakurt, P., Ünsal, A., & Yıldırım, S. (2020). Assessing nurses’ perceptions towards nursing diagnosis in some variables: An example of city hospital. Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty, 36(3), 153-161.
  • Lotfi, M., Zamanzadeh, V., Valizadeh, L., Khajehgoodari, M., Ebrahimpour Rezaei, M., & Khalilzad, M. A. (2020). The implementation of the nursing process in lower-income countries: An integrative review. Nursing Open, 7(1), 42-57. doi: 10.1002/nop2.410
  • Miskir, Y., & Emishaw, S. (2018). Determinants of nursing process implementation in north east ethiopia: cross-sectional study hindawi. Nursing Research and Practice, 1-9 doi: 10.1155/2018/7940854.
  • Olmaz, D., & Karakurt, P. (2019). The extent to which nurses knowledge and apply the nursing process when giving care. E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty, 12(1), 3-14.
  • Özdemir, H., Zaybak, A., & İslamoğlu, E. G. Examining the difficulties experienced by nurses in the nursing process applications. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 19(4), 269-277.
  • Paans, W., Nieweg, R. M., Van der Schans, C. P., & Sermeus, W. (2011). What factors influence the prevalence and accuracy of nursing diagnoses documentation in clinical practice? A systematic literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(17-18), 2386-2403. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2010.03573
  • Semachew, A. (2018). Implementation of nursing process in clinical settings: the case of three governmental hospitals in Ethiopia, BMC Research Notes, 11(1), 1-5. doi:10.1186/s13104-018-3275-z
  • Şahin, M., & Khorshid, L. (2021). The effect of nursing process education on perception of nursing diagnosis nursing. Izmir Katip Celebi University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, 6(2), 15-19.
  • Wilkinson J.M., Treas, L.S., & Smith, P. (2016). Fundamentals of nursing: Theory, concepts, and applications. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.
  • Zamanzadeh, V., Valizadeh, L., Tabrizi, F. J., Behshid, M., & Lotfi, M. (2015). Challenges associated with the implementation of the nursing process: A systematic review. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 20(4), 411. doi: 10.4103/1735-9066.161002
  • Zeleke, S., Kefale, D., & Necho, W. (2021). Barriers to implementation of nursing process in South Gondar Zone Governmental hospitals, Ethiopia. Heliyon, 7(3), e06341. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06341

Nurses’ Behaviors, Perceptions and Diagnoses in the Diagnosing Phase of the Nursing Process within the Scope of a Case Study: A Mixed Type Study

Yıl 2022, , 121 - 128, 08.12.2022


Introduction: The nursing process is a systematic, dynamic problem-solving process that expresses the way of thinking and acting that nurses use in performing their practices.
Aim: It aims to examine nurses' perceptions of nursing diagnoses, their behaviors regarding the diagnosis phase, and their ability to identify appropriate diagnoses within the scope of a case study.
Method: 103 nurses working in a private hospital in Ankara participated in the study. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used. Quantitative data were obtained with questionnaires, the Perceptions of Nursing Diagnosis Survey, and reports created by the nurses. Qualitative data were obtained from the observation notes kept by observing the behaviors of the nurses regarding the diagnosis.
Results: Approximately half of the nurses had difficulties in data collection, diagnosis, and planning phases. Nurses had less difficulty obtaining a health history from the patient and determining subjective data after the case analysis. There was no significant difference between pre-test and post-test results regarding the problems experienced during the diagnosis phase, but their perceptions of nursing diagnoses changed positively. In the planning phase, nurses' post-test results increased significantly. As a result of the content analysis, the behaviors related to the diagnosis phase were discussed under three main themes: “data collection”, “using reference book”, and “diagnosing”.
Conclusions: The case study contributed to the nurses' experience of how to deal with the diagnosis of the individuals and raising awareness of the problems they experienced in this phase.


  • Adraro, Z., & Mengistu, D. (2020). Implementation and factors affecting the nursing process among nurses working in selected government hospitals in Southwest Ethiopia. BMC Nursing, 19(1), 1-7. doi:10.1186/s12912-020-00498-8
  • Akansel, N., & Palloş, A. (2020). Difficulties experienced by nursing students in the development of nursing care plans: Root cause analysis. Acıbadem University Health Sciences Journal, (2), 269-275. doi:10.31067/0.2020.265
  • Akın-Korhan, E., Hakverdioğlu Yönt, G., Demiray, A., Akça,A., & Eker, A. (2015). Determination of nursing diagnoses in the intensive care unit and evaluation according to NANDA diagnoses. Journal of Duzce University Health Sciences Institute, 5(1), 16-21.
  • Akın Korhan, E., Hakverdioğlu Yönt, G., Ak, B., & Erdemir, F. (2013). Analysis of Turkish validity and reliability of perception of nursing diagnosis. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 15(3), 13-25.
  • Akman Yılmaz, A., Gençer, E., Seçkin, Ç., Akyüz, H., Güven, K.T., & Gözütok, S. (2019). Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin hemşirelik sürecinin veri toplama aşamasına ilişkin görüşleri ve yaşadıkları güçlükler. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(4), 231-239.
  • Andsoy, I. I., Güngör, T., Dikmen, Y., & Nabel, E. B. (2013). Difficulties that nurses have in using care plan. Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 3(2), 1-7.
  • Basit, G. (2020). Guide to care: Nursing process. Journal of General Health Sciences, 2(2), 77-90.
  • Cachón-Pérez, J. M., Gonzalez-Villanueva, P., Rodriguez-Garcia, M., Oliva-Fernandez, O., Garcia-Garcia, E., & Fernandez-Gonzalo, J. C. (2021). Use and Significance of Nursing Diagnosis in Hospital Emergencies: A Phenomenological Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18), 9786. doi:10.3390/ijerph18189786
  • Carpenito, L.J. (2012). Hemşirelik tanıları el kitabı (F. Erdemir, Çev.). İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri.
  • Erden, S., Deniz, S., Arslan, S., & Yurtseven, Ş. (2018). Examination of nursing diagnoses levels in surgical diseases nursing lesson practices of nursing students. Van Medical Journal, 25(2), 108-112. doi:10.5505/vtd.2018.26213
  • Erer, M.T, Akbaş, M., & Yıldırım, G. (2017). Evolutionary development of nursing process. Mersin University Faculty of Medicine Lokman Hekim Journal of Medical History and Folkloric Medicine, 7(1), 1-5.
  • Halverson, E. L., Beetcher, E. L., Scherb, C. A., Olsen, G., Frost, M., & Orth, K. (2011). Minnesota nurses’ perceptions of nursing diagnoses. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications, 22(3), 123-132. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-618X.2011.01180.x
  • Karahan, A., & Kav, S. (Ed). (2019). Hemşirelik sürecine genel bakış. Sparks ve Taylor’ın hemşirelik tanı referans el kitabı. (pp. 14-24) Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri.
  • Karakurt, P., Ünsal, A., & Yıldırım, S. (2020). Assessing nurses’ perceptions towards nursing diagnosis in some variables: An example of city hospital. Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty, 36(3), 153-161.
  • Lotfi, M., Zamanzadeh, V., Valizadeh, L., Khajehgoodari, M., Ebrahimpour Rezaei, M., & Khalilzad, M. A. (2020). The implementation of the nursing process in lower-income countries: An integrative review. Nursing Open, 7(1), 42-57. doi: 10.1002/nop2.410
  • Miskir, Y., & Emishaw, S. (2018). Determinants of nursing process implementation in north east ethiopia: cross-sectional study hindawi. Nursing Research and Practice, 1-9 doi: 10.1155/2018/7940854.
  • Olmaz, D., & Karakurt, P. (2019). The extent to which nurses knowledge and apply the nursing process when giving care. E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty, 12(1), 3-14.
  • Özdemir, H., Zaybak, A., & İslamoğlu, E. G. Examining the difficulties experienced by nurses in the nursing process applications. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 19(4), 269-277.
  • Paans, W., Nieweg, R. M., Van der Schans, C. P., & Sermeus, W. (2011). What factors influence the prevalence and accuracy of nursing diagnoses documentation in clinical practice? A systematic literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(17-18), 2386-2403. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2010.03573
  • Semachew, A. (2018). Implementation of nursing process in clinical settings: the case of three governmental hospitals in Ethiopia, BMC Research Notes, 11(1), 1-5. doi:10.1186/s13104-018-3275-z
  • Şahin, M., & Khorshid, L. (2021). The effect of nursing process education on perception of nursing diagnosis nursing. Izmir Katip Celebi University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, 6(2), 15-19.
  • Wilkinson J.M., Treas, L.S., & Smith, P. (2016). Fundamentals of nursing: Theory, concepts, and applications. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.
  • Zamanzadeh, V., Valizadeh, L., Tabrizi, F. J., Behshid, M., & Lotfi, M. (2015). Challenges associated with the implementation of the nursing process: A systematic review. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 20(4), 411. doi: 10.4103/1735-9066.161002
  • Zeleke, S., Kefale, D., & Necho, W. (2021). Barriers to implementation of nursing process in South Gondar Zone Governmental hospitals, Ethiopia. Heliyon, 7(3), e06341. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06341
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hemşirelik
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ahu Çırlak 0000-0002-0442-4893

Arzu Akman Yılmaz 0000-0003-0232-5987

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Çırlak, A., & Akman Yılmaz, A. (2022). Nurses’ Behaviors, Perceptions and Diagnoses in the Diagnosing Phase of the Nursing Process within the Scope of a Case Study: A Mixed Type Study. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Dergisi, 4(3), 121-128.
AMA Çırlak A, Akman Yılmaz A. Nurses’ Behaviors, Perceptions and Diagnoses in the Diagnosing Phase of the Nursing Process within the Scope of a Case Study: A Mixed Type Study. SBÜHD. Aralık 2022;4(3):121-128. doi:10.48071/sbuhemsirelik.1179005
Chicago Çırlak, Ahu, ve Arzu Akman Yılmaz. “Nurses’ Behaviors, Perceptions and Diagnoses in the Diagnosing Phase of the Nursing Process Within the Scope of a Case Study: A Mixed Type Study”. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Dergisi 4, sy. 3 (Aralık 2022): 121-28.
EndNote Çırlak A, Akman Yılmaz A (01 Aralık 2022) Nurses’ Behaviors, Perceptions and Diagnoses in the Diagnosing Phase of the Nursing Process within the Scope of a Case Study: A Mixed Type Study. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Dergisi 4 3 121–128.
IEEE A. Çırlak ve A. Akman Yılmaz, “Nurses’ Behaviors, Perceptions and Diagnoses in the Diagnosing Phase of the Nursing Process within the Scope of a Case Study: A Mixed Type Study”, SBÜHD, c. 4, sy. 3, ss. 121–128, 2022, doi: 10.48071/sbuhemsirelik.1179005.
ISNAD Çırlak, Ahu - Akman Yılmaz, Arzu. “Nurses’ Behaviors, Perceptions and Diagnoses in the Diagnosing Phase of the Nursing Process Within the Scope of a Case Study: A Mixed Type Study”. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Dergisi 4/3 (Aralık 2022), 121-128.
JAMA Çırlak A, Akman Yılmaz A. Nurses’ Behaviors, Perceptions and Diagnoses in the Diagnosing Phase of the Nursing Process within the Scope of a Case Study: A Mixed Type Study. SBÜHD. 2022;4:121–128.
MLA Çırlak, Ahu ve Arzu Akman Yılmaz. “Nurses’ Behaviors, Perceptions and Diagnoses in the Diagnosing Phase of the Nursing Process Within the Scope of a Case Study: A Mixed Type Study”. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Dergisi, c. 4, sy. 3, 2022, ss. 121-8, doi:10.48071/sbuhemsirelik.1179005.
Vancouver Çırlak A, Akman Yılmaz A. Nurses’ Behaviors, Perceptions and Diagnoses in the Diagnosing Phase of the Nursing Process within the Scope of a Case Study: A Mixed Type Study. SBÜHD. 2022;4(3):121-8.

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