Introduction: Sleep is a physiological process that occurs with the temporary, partial, and periodic loss of the organism's communication with the environment. The need for sleep is affected by factors such as age, gender, illness, physical activity, emotional state, drugs, environment, and alcohol use. The processes in which unexpected events occur (infectious disease, fire, earthquake, etc.) are among the other factors that affect sleep quality by creating anxiety and fear. Such situations, which affect sleep quality, cause individuals to encounter difficulties in their daily lives.
Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic process on sleep quality in adult individuals.
Method: The research was conducted in a cross-sectional and descriptive order. The data was collected with the Google Forms application.
Results: The data were categorized under two headings: problems and solutions. In the title of problems, it was mentioned that psychological and economic problems affect sleep quality, while in the title of solutions, there were statements that no solution could be found to the sleep problem or that traditional methods (hot shower, herbal tea consumption, etc.) were used.
Conclusion: In the study, it was concluded that the sleep quality of the individuals was affected due to the anxiety and economic problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic process, and could not find a solution to the sleep problem or used traditional methods.