Genotoxicity and Oxidative Stress of Water Concentrates from Recreation Pools After Various Disinfection Methods
Year 2024,
, 98 - 107, 25.11.2024
Zafer Bektaş
Melda Şahin
Vehbi Atahan Toğay
Uğur Şahin
Mustafa Calapoğlu
In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the pool water quality, bacterial contamination, genotoxicity and oxidative damage parameters according to different disinfection methods in regression swimming pools in tourist facilities in Antalya, Türkiye in March 2019. For this purpose disinfected pool water samples and erythrocyte solutions and lymphocytes were incubated at two hours. At the end of the incubation, erythrocyte lipid peroxidation by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances method and peripheral blood lymphocytes DNA damage by the single cell gel electrophoresis assay were determined. It showed that all recreational pool water samples disinfected with different disinfectants caused more DNA damage and oxidative stress than mains water. Genotoxicity and oxidative stress data showed that the silver-copper ionization method was the best disinfection method compared to other disinfection methods. Our findings support the potential genotoxic and oxidative stress effects of exposure to disinfectant residues due to different disinfectant uses in regression swimming pools. The positive effects of swimming on human health, continuous monitoring of the quality of pool water and the preference of silver-copper ionization for disinfection can reduce potential health risks.
- J. M. Allen, M. J. Plewa, E. D. Wagner, X. Wei, G. E. Bollar, L. E. Quirk and S. D. Richardson, “Making swimming pools safer: Does copper–silver ionization with chlorine lower the toxicity and disinfection byproduct formation? ,” Environmental Science & Technology, 55(5), 2908-2918, 2021.
- X. Zheng, J. Xu, Y. Gao, W. Li, Y. Chen, H. Geng and M. Xu, “Within-day variation and health risk assessment of trihalomethanes (THMs) in a chlorinated indoor swimming pool in China,” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(7), 18354-18363, 2023.
- K. Yedeme, M. H. Legese, A. Gonfa, S. Girma, “Assessment of physicochemical and microbiological quality of public swimming pools in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,” The Open Microbiology Journal, 11, 98, 2017.
- V. T. Omoni, D. N. Torjir, S. E. Okekporo, “Studies on the physicochemical and bacteriological properties of some semi-public Swimming pools in Makurdi, Nigeria,” African Journal of Microbiology Research, 13(14), 264-272, 2019.
- D. Zhang, S. Dong, L. Chen, R. Xiao, W. Chu, “Disinfection byproducts in indoor swimming pool water: Detection and human lifetime health risk assessment,” Journal of Environmental Sciences, 126, 378-386, 2023.
- R. A. Carter, S. Allard, J. P. Croué, CA. Joll, “Occurrence of disinfection by-products in swimming pools and the estimated resulting cytotoxicity,” Science of the Total Environment, 664, 851-864, 2019.
- J. De Laat, W. Feng, D. A. Freyfer, F. Dossier-Berne,” Concentration levels of urea in swimming pool water and reactivity of chlorine with urea,” Water Research, 45(3), 1139-1146, 2011.
- H. Ilyas, I. Masih, J. P. Van der Hoek, “Disinfection methods for swimming pool water: byproduct formation and control,” Water, 10(6), 797, 2018.
- V. R. Sunil, K. Patel-Vayas, J. Shen, J. D. Laskin, D. L. Laskin, “Classical and alternative macrophage activation in the lung following ozone-induced oxidative stress,” Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 263(2), 195-202, 2012.
- E. Procházka, B. I. Escher, M. J. Plewa, F. D. Leusch, “In vitro cytotoxicity and adaptive stress responses to selected haloacetic acid and halobenzoquinone water disinfection byproducts,” Chemical Research in Toxicology, 28(10), 2059-2068, 2015.
- J. Pals, M. S. Attene-Ramos, M. Xia, E. D. Wagner, M. J. Plewa, “Human cell toxicogenomic analysis linking reactive oxygen species to the toxicity of monohaloacetic acid drinking water disinfection byproducts,” Environmental Science & Technology, 47(21), 12514-12523, 2013.
- M. G. Muellner, M. S. Attene‐Ramos, M. E. Hudson, E. D. Wagner, M. J. Plewa, “Human cell toxicogenomic analysis of bromoacetic acid: A regulated drinking water disinfection by‐product,” Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 51(3), 205-214, 2010.
- P. Xue, H. Wang, L. Yang, Z. Jiang, H. Li, Q. Liu, W. Qu, “NRF2-ARE signaling is responsive to haloacetonitrile-induced oxidative stress in human keratinocytes,” Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 450, 116163, 2022.
- E. J. Daiber, D. M. DeMarini, S. A. Ravuri, H. K. Liberatore, A. A. Cuthbertson, A. Thompson-Klemish, S. D. Richardson, “Progressive increase in disinfection byproducts and mutagenicity from source to tap to swimming pool and spa water: impact of human inputs,” Environmental Science & Technology, 50(13), 6652-6662, 2016.
- T. Manasfi, M. De Meo, B. Coulomb, C. Di Giorgio, J. L. Boudenne, “Identification of disinfection by-products in freshwater and seawater swimming pools and evaluation of genotoxicity,” Environment International, 88, 94-102, 2016.
- M. Kianmehr, M. R. M. Shahri, M. Afsharnia, Z. Rohani, M. Ghorbani, “Comparison of DNA damages in blood lymphocytes of indoor swimming pool lifeguards with non-lifeguards athletes,” Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 837, 29-33, 2019.
- H. K. Liberatore, E. J. Daiber, S. A. Ravuri, J. E. Schmid, S. D. Richardson, D. M. DeMarini, “Disinfection byproducts in chlorinated or brominated swimming pools and spas: Role of brominated DBPs and association with mutagenicity,” Journal of Environmental Sciences, 117, 253-263, 2022.
- Water Environmental Federation, and American Public Health Association (APHA), “Standard Methods of Water and Wastewater,” American Public Health Association (APHA): Washington, DC, USA, 2005.
- J. Stocks, T. L. Dormandy, “The autoxidation of human red cell lipids induced by hydrogen peroxide,” British Journal of Haematology, 20(1), 95-111, 1971.
- N. P. Singh, M. T. McCoy, R. R. Tice, E. L. Schneider, “A simple technique for quantitation of low levels of DNA damage in individual cells,” Experimental Cell Research, 175(1), 184-191, 1988.
- B. M. Gyori, G. Venkatachalam, P. S. Thiagarajan, D. Hsu, M. V. Clement, “OpenComet: an automated tool for comet assay image analysis,” Redox Biology, 2, 457-465, 2014.
- World Health Organization (WHO), “Guidelines for safe recreational water environments. Volume 2, Swimming pools and similar environments,” WHO press, Switzerland, 2006, pp. 3-27.
Year 2024,
, 98 - 107, 25.11.2024
Zafer Bektaş
Melda Şahin
Vehbi Atahan Toğay
Uğur Şahin
Mustafa Calapoğlu
- J. M. Allen, M. J. Plewa, E. D. Wagner, X. Wei, G. E. Bollar, L. E. Quirk and S. D. Richardson, “Making swimming pools safer: Does copper–silver ionization with chlorine lower the toxicity and disinfection byproduct formation? ,” Environmental Science & Technology, 55(5), 2908-2918, 2021.
- X. Zheng, J. Xu, Y. Gao, W. Li, Y. Chen, H. Geng and M. Xu, “Within-day variation and health risk assessment of trihalomethanes (THMs) in a chlorinated indoor swimming pool in China,” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(7), 18354-18363, 2023.
- K. Yedeme, M. H. Legese, A. Gonfa, S. Girma, “Assessment of physicochemical and microbiological quality of public swimming pools in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,” The Open Microbiology Journal, 11, 98, 2017.
- V. T. Omoni, D. N. Torjir, S. E. Okekporo, “Studies on the physicochemical and bacteriological properties of some semi-public Swimming pools in Makurdi, Nigeria,” African Journal of Microbiology Research, 13(14), 264-272, 2019.
- D. Zhang, S. Dong, L. Chen, R. Xiao, W. Chu, “Disinfection byproducts in indoor swimming pool water: Detection and human lifetime health risk assessment,” Journal of Environmental Sciences, 126, 378-386, 2023.
- R. A. Carter, S. Allard, J. P. Croué, CA. Joll, “Occurrence of disinfection by-products in swimming pools and the estimated resulting cytotoxicity,” Science of the Total Environment, 664, 851-864, 2019.
- J. De Laat, W. Feng, D. A. Freyfer, F. Dossier-Berne,” Concentration levels of urea in swimming pool water and reactivity of chlorine with urea,” Water Research, 45(3), 1139-1146, 2011.
- H. Ilyas, I. Masih, J. P. Van der Hoek, “Disinfection methods for swimming pool water: byproduct formation and control,” Water, 10(6), 797, 2018.
- V. R. Sunil, K. Patel-Vayas, J. Shen, J. D. Laskin, D. L. Laskin, “Classical and alternative macrophage activation in the lung following ozone-induced oxidative stress,” Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 263(2), 195-202, 2012.
- E. Procházka, B. I. Escher, M. J. Plewa, F. D. Leusch, “In vitro cytotoxicity and adaptive stress responses to selected haloacetic acid and halobenzoquinone water disinfection byproducts,” Chemical Research in Toxicology, 28(10), 2059-2068, 2015.
- J. Pals, M. S. Attene-Ramos, M. Xia, E. D. Wagner, M. J. Plewa, “Human cell toxicogenomic analysis linking reactive oxygen species to the toxicity of monohaloacetic acid drinking water disinfection byproducts,” Environmental Science & Technology, 47(21), 12514-12523, 2013.
- M. G. Muellner, M. S. Attene‐Ramos, M. E. Hudson, E. D. Wagner, M. J. Plewa, “Human cell toxicogenomic analysis of bromoacetic acid: A regulated drinking water disinfection by‐product,” Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 51(3), 205-214, 2010.
- P. Xue, H. Wang, L. Yang, Z. Jiang, H. Li, Q. Liu, W. Qu, “NRF2-ARE signaling is responsive to haloacetonitrile-induced oxidative stress in human keratinocytes,” Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 450, 116163, 2022.
- E. J. Daiber, D. M. DeMarini, S. A. Ravuri, H. K. Liberatore, A. A. Cuthbertson, A. Thompson-Klemish, S. D. Richardson, “Progressive increase in disinfection byproducts and mutagenicity from source to tap to swimming pool and spa water: impact of human inputs,” Environmental Science & Technology, 50(13), 6652-6662, 2016.
- T. Manasfi, M. De Meo, B. Coulomb, C. Di Giorgio, J. L. Boudenne, “Identification of disinfection by-products in freshwater and seawater swimming pools and evaluation of genotoxicity,” Environment International, 88, 94-102, 2016.
- M. Kianmehr, M. R. M. Shahri, M. Afsharnia, Z. Rohani, M. Ghorbani, “Comparison of DNA damages in blood lymphocytes of indoor swimming pool lifeguards with non-lifeguards athletes,” Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 837, 29-33, 2019.
- H. K. Liberatore, E. J. Daiber, S. A. Ravuri, J. E. Schmid, S. D. Richardson, D. M. DeMarini, “Disinfection byproducts in chlorinated or brominated swimming pools and spas: Role of brominated DBPs and association with mutagenicity,” Journal of Environmental Sciences, 117, 253-263, 2022.
- Water Environmental Federation, and American Public Health Association (APHA), “Standard Methods of Water and Wastewater,” American Public Health Association (APHA): Washington, DC, USA, 2005.
- J. Stocks, T. L. Dormandy, “The autoxidation of human red cell lipids induced by hydrogen peroxide,” British Journal of Haematology, 20(1), 95-111, 1971.
- N. P. Singh, M. T. McCoy, R. R. Tice, E. L. Schneider, “A simple technique for quantitation of low levels of DNA damage in individual cells,” Experimental Cell Research, 175(1), 184-191, 1988.
- B. M. Gyori, G. Venkatachalam, P. S. Thiagarajan, D. Hsu, M. V. Clement, “OpenComet: an automated tool for comet assay image analysis,” Redox Biology, 2, 457-465, 2014.
- World Health Organization (WHO), “Guidelines for safe recreational water environments. Volume 2, Swimming pools and similar environments,” WHO press, Switzerland, 2006, pp. 3-27.