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Kolin Halidlerin (F, Cl, Br) Kimyasal Kaymalarının ve Titreşim Frekanslarının Teorik Çalışması

Year 2010, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 220 - 229, 11.11.2010


Taban setleri 6-311++G(d,p) ve 6-31G(d,p) olan yoğunluk fonksiyon kuramı (B3LYP) yöntemi kullanılarak kolin halojenlerinin (F, Cl, Br), Gaussian 03 programında titreşim frekansları ve Paralel Quantum Solutions (PQS) programında ise, 1 H ve 13C çekirdeklerinin kimyasal kaymaları hesaplandı. Hesaplanan optimize geometrik yapı parametreleri, titreşim frekansları ve kimyasal kaymalar, deneysel verilerle çok iyi uyuşmaktadırlar. Kimyasal kaymalara ve titreşim frekanslarına, halojen katkılanmalarının, yani elektronegatifliğin etkileri incelendi. Kimyasal kaymaların, H çekirdeği için özellikle halojen atomuna en yakın çekirdekler olmak üzere azalırken, C çekirdeği için aynı sıralamayla arttığını gözledik. Halojenin elektronegatifliği ile kimyasal kaymanın kabaca çizgisel değişimi, C çekirdeği için ekranlanma ya da H çekirdeği için ekranlanmama ne olursa olsun, halojen atomu yakınındaki yerel elektron yoğunluğunun değişimin olarak yorumlandı.


  • [1] Fischer M.S., Templeton D.H., Zalkin A., 1970. Solid State Structure and Chemistry of the Choline Halides and their Analogues. Redetermination of the Betaine Hydrochloride Structure ( 3 2 )3 CH NCH COOH Cl + − " # $ % , Acta Crystallographica, B26(10): 1392-1397.
  • [2] Köksal F., Bahçeli S., 1983. Effect of methyl-group reorientation and spin diffusion on spin–lattice relaxation in some choline and acetylcholine halides, Journal of Chemical Society Faraday Transaction, 2: 1107-1112.
  • [3] Akin A.C., Harmon K.M., 1994. NMR Study of the Effect of Anesthetics on Hydration of Choline, Acetylcholine and Tetraethylammonium Halides in Aqueous Solution, Journal of Molecular Structure, 319: 47-53.
  • [4] Harmon K.M., Avci G.F., Thiel A.C., 1986. Infrared Spectral Study of the High-Temperature Phases of Choline Bromide and Choline Iodide, Journal of Molecular Structure, 145 (1-2): 83-91.
  • [5] Harmon K.M., Avci G.F., Desantis N.J., Thiel A.C., 1985. IR and NMR Study of the Lower Hydrates of Choline Fluoride and Acetylcholine Chloride, Journal of Molecular Structure, 128 (4): 315- 326.
  • [6] Harmon K.M., Avci G.F., 1984. IR and NMR Study of the Lower Hydrates of Choline Chloride, Journal of Molecular Structure, 118 (3-4): 267-275.
  • [7] Harmon K.M., Akin A.C., Avci G.F., Nowos L.S., Tierney M.B., 1991. NMR Study of the Hydration of Choline and Acetylcholine Halides, Journal of Molecular Structure, 244: 223-236.
  • [8] Hjortas J., Sorum H., 1971. A re-investigation of the crystal structure of choline chloride, Acta Crystallographica, B27 (7): 1320-1323.
  • [9] Senko M.E., Templeton D.H., 1960. Unit Cells of Choline Halides and Structure of Choline Chloride, Acta Crystallographica, 13(4): 281-285.
  • [10]Frisch M.J., Trucks G.W., Schlegel H.B., Scuseria G.E., Robb M.A., Cheeseman J.R., Montgomery Jr., J.A., Vreven T., Kudin K.N., Burant J.C., Millam J.M., Iyengar S.S., Tomasi J., Barone V., Mennucci B., Cossi M., Scalmani G., Rega N., Petersson G.A., Nakatsuji H., Hada M., Ehara M., Toyota K., Fukuda R., Hasegawa J., Ishida M., Nakajima T., Honda Y., Kitao O., Nakai H., Klene M., Li X., Knox J.E., Hratchian H.P., Cross J.B., Adamo C., Jaramillo J., Gomperts R., Stratmann R.E., Yazyev O., Austin A.J., Cammi R., Pomelli C., Ochterski J.W., Ayala P.Y., Morokuma K., Voth G.A., Salvador P., Dannenberg J.J., Zakrzewski V.G., Dapprich S., Daniels A.D., Strain M.C., Farkas O., Malick D.K., Rabuck A.D., Raghavachari K., Foresman J.B., Ortiz J.V., Cui Q., Baboul A.G., Clifford S., Cioslowski J., Stefanov B.B., Liu G., Liashenko A., Piskorz P., Komaromi I., Martin R.L., Fox D.J., Keith T., Al-Laham M.A., Peng C.Y., Nanayakkara A., Challacombe M., Gill P.M.W., Johnson B., Chen W., Wong M.W., Gonzalez C., Pople J.A., 2003. GAUSSIAN 03, Revision C.02, Gaussian Inc., Pittsburgh, PA.
  • [11] Frish A., Nielsen A.B., Holder A.J., 2001. Gauss View User Manual, Gaussian Inc. Pittsburg, PA.
  • [12] Young D.C., 2001. Computional Chemistry: A Pratical Guide for Applying Techniques to RealWorld Problems, (Electronics), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.
  • [13] PQS version 3.3, Parallel Quantum Solutions, 2013 Green Acres Road, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703.
  • [14] Klamt A., Schuurman G., 1993. COSMO: a new approach to dielectric screening in solvents with explicit expressions for the screening energy and its gradient, Journal of Chemical Society Perkin Transaction, 2: 799-805.
  • [15] Klamt A., Jonas V., 1996. Treatment of the outlying charge in continuum solvation models, Journal of Chemical Physics, 105(22): 9972-9981.
  • [16] Chemexper, Electronic Web Page: (2010).
  • [17] Sigma-Aldrich, Electronic Web Page, Sigma-Aldrich Coop., New York 2006.
  • [18] Eakin R.T., Morgan L.O., Matwiyoff N.A., 1975. Carbon-13 nuclear-magnetic-resonance spectroscopy of whole cells and of cytochrome C from Neurospora crass grown with (S-Me13C)methionine, Biochemical Journal, 152: 529-535.
  • [19] Spectral Database for Organic Compounds (SDBS) (2010)

Theoretical Study of Vibrational Frequencies and Chemical Shifts of Choline Halides (F, Cl, Br)

Year 2010, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 220 - 229, 11.11.2010


The vibrational frequencies and 1 H and 13C chemical shifts of choline halides have been calculated using density functional theory (B3LYP) method with 6-311++G(d, p) and 6-31 G(d, p) basis set level in Gaussian 03 and Parallel Quantum Solutions (PQS) ab initio packages programs, respectively. The calculated optimized geometric parameters, vibrational frequencies and chemical shifts were seen to be a very good agreement with the experimental data. The electronegativity influence of the halogen substitutions on the vibrational frequencies and chemical shifts have also been investigated. It was observed that the chemical shifts for H nucleus, especially the most near nucleus to the halogen atom decrease while it increases for C nucleus. The roughly linear variation of the chemical shift with the electronegativity of the halogen, whatever the shielding for C nucleus or deshielding for H nucleus is, has been commented that the local electron density near the halogen atom is affected.


  • [1] Fischer M.S., Templeton D.H., Zalkin A., 1970. Solid State Structure and Chemistry of the Choline Halides and their Analogues. Redetermination of the Betaine Hydrochloride Structure ( 3 2 )3 CH NCH COOH Cl + − " # $ % , Acta Crystallographica, B26(10): 1392-1397.
  • [2] Köksal F., Bahçeli S., 1983. Effect of methyl-group reorientation and spin diffusion on spin–lattice relaxation in some choline and acetylcholine halides, Journal of Chemical Society Faraday Transaction, 2: 1107-1112.
  • [3] Akin A.C., Harmon K.M., 1994. NMR Study of the Effect of Anesthetics on Hydration of Choline, Acetylcholine and Tetraethylammonium Halides in Aqueous Solution, Journal of Molecular Structure, 319: 47-53.
  • [4] Harmon K.M., Avci G.F., Thiel A.C., 1986. Infrared Spectral Study of the High-Temperature Phases of Choline Bromide and Choline Iodide, Journal of Molecular Structure, 145 (1-2): 83-91.
  • [5] Harmon K.M., Avci G.F., Desantis N.J., Thiel A.C., 1985. IR and NMR Study of the Lower Hydrates of Choline Fluoride and Acetylcholine Chloride, Journal of Molecular Structure, 128 (4): 315- 326.
  • [6] Harmon K.M., Avci G.F., 1984. IR and NMR Study of the Lower Hydrates of Choline Chloride, Journal of Molecular Structure, 118 (3-4): 267-275.
  • [7] Harmon K.M., Akin A.C., Avci G.F., Nowos L.S., Tierney M.B., 1991. NMR Study of the Hydration of Choline and Acetylcholine Halides, Journal of Molecular Structure, 244: 223-236.
  • [8] Hjortas J., Sorum H., 1971. A re-investigation of the crystal structure of choline chloride, Acta Crystallographica, B27 (7): 1320-1323.
  • [9] Senko M.E., Templeton D.H., 1960. Unit Cells of Choline Halides and Structure of Choline Chloride, Acta Crystallographica, 13(4): 281-285.
  • [10]Frisch M.J., Trucks G.W., Schlegel H.B., Scuseria G.E., Robb M.A., Cheeseman J.R., Montgomery Jr., J.A., Vreven T., Kudin K.N., Burant J.C., Millam J.M., Iyengar S.S., Tomasi J., Barone V., Mennucci B., Cossi M., Scalmani G., Rega N., Petersson G.A., Nakatsuji H., Hada M., Ehara M., Toyota K., Fukuda R., Hasegawa J., Ishida M., Nakajima T., Honda Y., Kitao O., Nakai H., Klene M., Li X., Knox J.E., Hratchian H.P., Cross J.B., Adamo C., Jaramillo J., Gomperts R., Stratmann R.E., Yazyev O., Austin A.J., Cammi R., Pomelli C., Ochterski J.W., Ayala P.Y., Morokuma K., Voth G.A., Salvador P., Dannenberg J.J., Zakrzewski V.G., Dapprich S., Daniels A.D., Strain M.C., Farkas O., Malick D.K., Rabuck A.D., Raghavachari K., Foresman J.B., Ortiz J.V., Cui Q., Baboul A.G., Clifford S., Cioslowski J., Stefanov B.B., Liu G., Liashenko A., Piskorz P., Komaromi I., Martin R.L., Fox D.J., Keith T., Al-Laham M.A., Peng C.Y., Nanayakkara A., Challacombe M., Gill P.M.W., Johnson B., Chen W., Wong M.W., Gonzalez C., Pople J.A., 2003. GAUSSIAN 03, Revision C.02, Gaussian Inc., Pittsburgh, PA.
  • [11] Frish A., Nielsen A.B., Holder A.J., 2001. Gauss View User Manual, Gaussian Inc. Pittsburg, PA.
  • [12] Young D.C., 2001. Computional Chemistry: A Pratical Guide for Applying Techniques to RealWorld Problems, (Electronics), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.
  • [13] PQS version 3.3, Parallel Quantum Solutions, 2013 Green Acres Road, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703.
  • [14] Klamt A., Schuurman G., 1993. COSMO: a new approach to dielectric screening in solvents with explicit expressions for the screening energy and its gradient, Journal of Chemical Society Perkin Transaction, 2: 799-805.
  • [15] Klamt A., Jonas V., 1996. Treatment of the outlying charge in continuum solvation models, Journal of Chemical Physics, 105(22): 9972-9981.
  • [16] Chemexper, Electronic Web Page: (2010).
  • [17] Sigma-Aldrich, Electronic Web Page, Sigma-Aldrich Coop., New York 2006.
  • [18] Eakin R.T., Morgan L.O., Matwiyoff N.A., 1975. Carbon-13 nuclear-magnetic-resonance spectroscopy of whole cells and of cytochrome C from Neurospora crass grown with (S-Me13C)methionine, Biochemical Journal, 152: 529-535.
  • [19] Spectral Database for Organic Compounds (SDBS) (2010)
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics
Journal Section Makaleler

Mustafa Karakaya

Fatih Ucun This is me

Ahmet Tokatlı This is me

Semiha Bahçeli This is me

Publication Date November 11, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


IEEE M. Karakaya, F. Ucun, A. Tokatlı, and S. Bahçeli, “Theoretical Study of Vibrational Frequencies and Chemical Shifts of Choline Halides (F, Cl, Br)”, Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Science Journal of Science, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 220–229, 2010.