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Farklı Omurgalı Türlerinde Bazı Sindirim Kanalı Bölgelerinin Histolojik ve Histokimyasal Yapısı

Year 2014, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 61 - 70, 31.12.2014


In the present observation, histochemical methods were utilized to understand the structural organization and to categorize the diverse classes of glycoproteins eleborated by the epithelium in various regions of digestive tract in different vertebrate species (Mus musculus, Coturnix coturnix and Salmo trutta) In the study, two units adult 4-6 months old quail (Coturnix coturnix) were obtained from Suleyman Demirel University, Department of Animal Science poultry rearing, two trout (Salmo trutta) were provided from breeding pool, two mouse (Mus musculus) were provided from Suleyman Demirel University Experimental Animal Production and Experimental Research Laboratories. In trout, histochemical staining showed a positive reaction in all areas but especially reaction was more powerful in cardia and fundus region. Sulphated mucosubstances were intense in stomach and intestines in quail. In mouse, histochemical apllications were most strong in the lamina epitheliyalis andglands of all region. As a result of histochemical investigations, neutral mucosubstance were more intense than other mucosubstance in trout and mouse, but sulphated mucosubstances were intense in quail


  • Şenol N., Eren Ü., Çınar K., 2011. Sudak (Stizostedion lucioperca L., 1758) balığının gastrointestinal
  • kanalının histokimyasal yapısı, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Dergisi, 6 (1): 1-8
  • Ku S.K., Lee J.H., Lee H.S., 2004. Immunohistochemical study on the endocrine cells in the gut of
  • the stomachless teleost, Zacco platypus (Cyprinidae), Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 33: 212-219.
  • Radelli G., Domeneghini C., Arrighi S., Castaldo L., Lucini C., Mascarello F., 2001. Neurotransmitters, neuromodulators and neurotrophin receptors in the gut of pantex, a hybrid sparid fish (Pagrus major x Dentex dentex). Localizations in the enteric nervous and endocrine systems, Histology and Histopathology, 16(3): 845-53.
  • Peterson B.C., Simpson P.R., Cain K.D., Hardy R.H., Schelling G.T., Ott T.L., 2003. Effects of administration of somatostatin-14 and immunoneutralization of somatostatin on endocrine and growth responses in rainbow trout, Journal of Fish Biology, 63: 506-522.
  • Lee J.H., Ku S.K., Park K.D., Lee H.S., 2004. Immunohistochemical study of the gastrointestinal endocrine cells in the Korean aucha perch, Journal of Fish Biology, 65: 170-181.
  • Hibiya T., 1982. An Atlas of Fish Histology. College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Nihon Üniv., No: 154, 147 pp. Tokyo.
  • Rombout, J.H., Reinecke, M., 1984. Immunohistochemical Localization of (neuro) Peptide Hormones in Endocrine Cells and Nerves of the Gut of a Stomachless Teleost Fish, Barbus conchonius (Cyprinidae), Cell Tissue Research, 237(1): 57–65.
  • Karadağ H., Nur İ.H., 2004. Sindirim Sistemi (Systema Digestorium). In: Dursun N(Ed). Evcil kuşların anatomisi. Medisan yayınevi. Medisan yayın serisi: 49, 2. Baskı, Ankara.
  • Boonzaier J., Van der Merwe E.L., Bennett N.C., Kotze S.H., 2013. A comparative histochemical study of the distribution of mucins in the gastrointestinal tracts of three insectivorous mammals, Acta Histochemica, 8.
  • Lev R., Spicer S.S., 1964. Specific staining of sulphate groups with alcian blue at low pH, Journal of Histochemica Cytochemica, 12: 309.
  • Gomari, 1952. Gomari’s Aldehyde Fuchsin stain. In: Cellular Pathology Technique (C. F. A. Culling, R. T. Allison, and W. T. Barr, eds). Butterworths, London.
  • Spicer and Mayer 1960. Aldehyde Fuchsin/Alcian Blue. In: Cellular Pathology Technique (C.F.A. Culling, R.T. Allison, and W.T. Barr, eds) Butterworths, London.
  • McManus J.F.A., 1948. Histological and histochemical uses of periodic acid, Stain Technology, 23: 99–108.
  • Mowry R.W., 1956. Alcian blue techniques for the histochemical study of acidic carbohydrates, Journal of Histochemica Cytochemica, 4: 407–408.
  • Liquori G.E., Mastrodonato M., Mentino D., Scillitani G., Desantis S., Portincasa P., Ferri D., 2012. In situ characterization of O-linked glycans of Muc2 in mouse colon. Acta Histochemica, 114: 723-732.
  • Eşrefoğlu M., Selimoğlu M.A., 2000. Histochemical characteristics of mucins in the gastrointestinal tract of wistar albino mice, Türkiye Klinikleri J. Gastroenterohepatoloji, 11(1): 25-35.
  • Domeneghini C., Radaelli G., Bosi G., Arrighi S., Giancamillo AD., Pazzaglia M., Mascarello F., 2002. Morphological and histochemical differences in the structure of the alimentary canal in feding and runt (feed deprived) white sturgeons (Acipenser transmontanus), Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 18: 341–346.
  • Diaz A.O., Garcia A.M., Devincenti C.V., Goldemberg A.L., 2003. Morphological and Histochemical Characterization of the mucosa of the digestive tract in Engraulis anchoita, Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 32: 341–346.
  • Diaz A.O., Garcia A.M., Figueroa D.E., Goldemberg A.L., 2008. The mucosa of digestive tract in Micropogonias furnieri: A light and electron microscope approach, Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 37: 251–256.
  • Pedini V., Scocco P., Radaelli G., Fagioli O., Ceccarelli P., 2001. Carbohydrate histochemistry of the alimentary canal of the shi drum, Umbrina cirrosa L., Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 30: 345-349.
  • Park J.Y., Kim I.S., Kim S.Y., 2003. Structure and mucous histochemistry of the intestinal respiratory tract of the mud loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Cantor). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 19: 215–219.
  • Toshkov I., Kirev T., 1990. Mucin histochemistry of virus-induced duodenal adenomas in guinea fowl. Journal of Cancer Research Clinical, 116: 38-44.
  • Suprasert, A., Fujioka, T. 1987. Lectin histochemistry of glycoconjugates in esophageal mucous
  • gland of the chicken. Nippon. Juigaku. Zasshi., 49 (3): 555-7.
  • Şimşek N., Karadeniz A., Özüdoğru Z., Kara A., Can İ., 2011. Yetişkin bıldırcınların gastrointestinal
  • sisteminde gastrin, somatostatin ve serotonin salgılayan hücreler üzerine immunohistokimyasal
  • bir araştırma, Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimler Dergisi, 6(3): 183-193.
  • Diğer yazarların e-postaları:

Farklı Omurgalı Türlerinde Bazı Sindirim Kanalı Bölgelerinin Histolojik ve Histokimyasal Yapısı

Year 2014, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 61 - 70, 31.12.2014


Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı omurgalı türlerinin (Mus musculus, Coturnix coturnix ve Salmo trutta) sindirim kanalının bazı bölgelerinin histolojik yapısı ve mukus hücrelerindeki glikoproteinlerinin histokimyasal tekniklerle belirlemektir. Çalışmada, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Zootekni Bölümü Kanatlı Hayvan Yetiştirme biriminden 2 adet 4-6 aylık yetişkin bıldırcın (Coturnix coturnix), yetiştirme havuzundan 2 adet alabalık (Salmo trutta) ve Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Deney Hayvanı Üretimi ve Deneysel Araştırma Laboratuvarından 2 adet fare (Mus musculus) temin edildi. Alabalıkta uygulanan histokimyasal boyamaların tüm bölgelerde pozitif reaksiyon gösterdiği özelliklede kardiya ve fundus bölgesinde boyanmanın daha güçlü olduğu gözlendi. Bıldırcın mide ve bağırsaklarında sülfatlı mukosubstans içeriğinin fazla olduğu saptandı. Yapılan histokimyasal uygulamalarda farede lamina epitelyalis ve bezlerde boyanmaların çok güçlü olduğu tespit edildi. Sonuç olarak histokimyasal incelemelerde alabalık ve farede nötral mukosubstans içeriğinin, bıldırcında ise sülfatlı mukosubstans içeriğinin diğer mukosubstanslara göre biraz daha yoğun olduğu tespit edildi.

Anahtar kelimeler: Coturnix coturnix, Glikoprotein, Histokimya, Mus musculus, Salmo trutta

Histological and Histochemical Structure of the Some of Digestive Tract Area in Different Vertebrate Species

Summary: In the present observation, histochemical methods were utilized to understand the structural organization and to categorize the diverse classes of glycoproteins eleborated by the epithelium in various regions of digestive tract in different vertebrate species (Mus musculus, Coturnix coturnix and Salmo trutta) In the study, two units adult 4-6 months old quail (Coturnix coturnix) were obtained from Suleyman Demirel University, Department of Animal Science poultry rearing, two trout (Salmo trutta) were provided from breeding pool, two mouse (Mus musculus) were provided from Suleyman Demirel University Experimental Animal Production and Experimental Research Laboratories. In trout, histochemical staining showed a positive reaction in all areas but especially reaction was more powerful in cardia and fundus region. Sulphated mucosubstances were intense in stomach and intestines in quail. In mouse, histochemical apllications were most strong in the lamina epitheliyalis and glands of all region. As a result of histochemical investigations, neutral mucosubstance were more intense than other mucosubstance in trout and mouse, but sulphated mucosubstances were intense in quail.

Key words: Coturnix coturnix, Glycoprotein, Histochemistry, Mus musculus, Salmo trutta.


  • Şenol N., Eren Ü., Çınar K., 2011. Sudak (Stizostedion lucioperca L., 1758) balığının gastrointestinal
  • kanalının histokimyasal yapısı, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Dergisi, 6 (1): 1-8
  • Ku S.K., Lee J.H., Lee H.S., 2004. Immunohistochemical study on the endocrine cells in the gut of
  • the stomachless teleost, Zacco platypus (Cyprinidae), Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 33: 212-219.
  • Radelli G., Domeneghini C., Arrighi S., Castaldo L., Lucini C., Mascarello F., 2001. Neurotransmitters, neuromodulators and neurotrophin receptors in the gut of pantex, a hybrid sparid fish (Pagrus major x Dentex dentex). Localizations in the enteric nervous and endocrine systems, Histology and Histopathology, 16(3): 845-53.
  • Peterson B.C., Simpson P.R., Cain K.D., Hardy R.H., Schelling G.T., Ott T.L., 2003. Effects of administration of somatostatin-14 and immunoneutralization of somatostatin on endocrine and growth responses in rainbow trout, Journal of Fish Biology, 63: 506-522.
  • Lee J.H., Ku S.K., Park K.D., Lee H.S., 2004. Immunohistochemical study of the gastrointestinal endocrine cells in the Korean aucha perch, Journal of Fish Biology, 65: 170-181.
  • Hibiya T., 1982. An Atlas of Fish Histology. College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Nihon Üniv., No: 154, 147 pp. Tokyo.
  • Rombout, J.H., Reinecke, M., 1984. Immunohistochemical Localization of (neuro) Peptide Hormones in Endocrine Cells and Nerves of the Gut of a Stomachless Teleost Fish, Barbus conchonius (Cyprinidae), Cell Tissue Research, 237(1): 57–65.
  • Karadağ H., Nur İ.H., 2004. Sindirim Sistemi (Systema Digestorium). In: Dursun N(Ed). Evcil kuşların anatomisi. Medisan yayınevi. Medisan yayın serisi: 49, 2. Baskı, Ankara.
  • Boonzaier J., Van der Merwe E.L., Bennett N.C., Kotze S.H., 2013. A comparative histochemical study of the distribution of mucins in the gastrointestinal tracts of three insectivorous mammals, Acta Histochemica, 8.
  • Lev R., Spicer S.S., 1964. Specific staining of sulphate groups with alcian blue at low pH, Journal of Histochemica Cytochemica, 12: 309.
  • Gomari, 1952. Gomari’s Aldehyde Fuchsin stain. In: Cellular Pathology Technique (C. F. A. Culling, R. T. Allison, and W. T. Barr, eds). Butterworths, London.
  • Spicer and Mayer 1960. Aldehyde Fuchsin/Alcian Blue. In: Cellular Pathology Technique (C.F.A. Culling, R.T. Allison, and W.T. Barr, eds) Butterworths, London.
  • McManus J.F.A., 1948. Histological and histochemical uses of periodic acid, Stain Technology, 23: 99–108.
  • Mowry R.W., 1956. Alcian blue techniques for the histochemical study of acidic carbohydrates, Journal of Histochemica Cytochemica, 4: 407–408.
  • Liquori G.E., Mastrodonato M., Mentino D., Scillitani G., Desantis S., Portincasa P., Ferri D., 2012. In situ characterization of O-linked glycans of Muc2 in mouse colon. Acta Histochemica, 114: 723-732.
  • Eşrefoğlu M., Selimoğlu M.A., 2000. Histochemical characteristics of mucins in the gastrointestinal tract of wistar albino mice, Türkiye Klinikleri J. Gastroenterohepatoloji, 11(1): 25-35.
  • Domeneghini C., Radaelli G., Bosi G., Arrighi S., Giancamillo AD., Pazzaglia M., Mascarello F., 2002. Morphological and histochemical differences in the structure of the alimentary canal in feding and runt (feed deprived) white sturgeons (Acipenser transmontanus), Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 18: 341–346.
  • Diaz A.O., Garcia A.M., Devincenti C.V., Goldemberg A.L., 2003. Morphological and Histochemical Characterization of the mucosa of the digestive tract in Engraulis anchoita, Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 32: 341–346.
  • Diaz A.O., Garcia A.M., Figueroa D.E., Goldemberg A.L., 2008. The mucosa of digestive tract in Micropogonias furnieri: A light and electron microscope approach, Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 37: 251–256.
  • Pedini V., Scocco P., Radaelli G., Fagioli O., Ceccarelli P., 2001. Carbohydrate histochemistry of the alimentary canal of the shi drum, Umbrina cirrosa L., Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 30: 345-349.
  • Park J.Y., Kim I.S., Kim S.Y., 2003. Structure and mucous histochemistry of the intestinal respiratory tract of the mud loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Cantor). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 19: 215–219.
  • Toshkov I., Kirev T., 1990. Mucin histochemistry of virus-induced duodenal adenomas in guinea fowl. Journal of Cancer Research Clinical, 116: 38-44.
  • Suprasert, A., Fujioka, T. 1987. Lectin histochemistry of glycoconjugates in esophageal mucous
  • gland of the chicken. Nippon. Juigaku. Zasshi., 49 (3): 555-7.
  • Şimşek N., Karadeniz A., Özüdoğru Z., Kara A., Can İ., 2011. Yetişkin bıldırcınların gastrointestinal
  • sisteminde gastrin, somatostatin ve serotonin salgılayan hücreler üzerine immunohistokimyasal
  • bir araştırma, Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimler Dergisi, 6(3): 183-193.
  • Diğer yazarların e-postaları:
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Makaleler

Nurgül Şenol

Dilek Bayram

Özlem Yeşil This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


IEEE N. Şenol, D. Bayram, and Ö. Yeşil, “Farklı Omurgalı Türlerinde Bazı Sindirim Kanalı Bölgelerinin Histolojik ve Histokimyasal Yapısı”, Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Science Journal of Science, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 61–70, 2014.