The Effects of Weaving Process on the Damage Formation of the E- Glass Yarn
Year 2024,
, 148 - 153, 23.08.2024
Mehmet Korkmaz
Melih Korkmaz
The woven fabric production can be executed in the weaving machine by the using of different mechanisms, which are working simultaneously. Because of the weaving mechanisms, the yarn has under tension and changed between the determined range within the repetitive cycles. The mechanisms and unsteady tension cause to damage on the yarns in the woven fabric production process. The breakable fibers like carbon or glass are more sensitive to degrade in the weaving machine because of their low friction resistance in comparison with the traditional fibers. The several of studies had been carried out to determine the tension of yarns and their damage mechanisms in the weaving process. However, they focused on the damage evolutions of warp yarns in the weaving process. In addition to the warp yarns, the damage evolution of weft yarns was investigated for industrial production in this study. The prevalent weft tensioning systems were evaluated, and the spring yarn tensioning system shown the best performance. Moreover, the yarn- to- machinery part type of friction was determined as the main reason to degrade warp yarns in the industrial production of glass woven fabric.
The authors would like to thanks to the Fibrosan Corporation and Production Manager Rahmi KORKMAZ for their support to carry out the study.
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Dokuma işleminin E- cam iplikler üzerinde hasar oluşumuna etkilerinin incelenmesi
Year 2024,
, 148 - 153, 23.08.2024
Mehmet Korkmaz
Melih Korkmaz
Dokuma makinesinde kumaş oluşumu farklı mekanizmaların eş zamanlı çalışması ile sağlanmaktadır. Dokuma mekanizmalarından dolayı iplik belirli bir gerginlik altındadır ve bu durum bir çevrim halinde devam etmektedir. Kullanılan mekanizmalar ve sabit olmayan gerginlik dokuma işlemi sırasında ipliğe zarar verebilmektedir. Düşük aşınma dayanımı gösteren cam ya da karbon gibi kırılgan lifler geleneksel liflere göre hasar oluşumuna karşı daha yatkındırlar. Dokuma işleminde iplik gerginliğinin ve hasar mekanizmalarının belirlenmesi üzerine birçok çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu duruma karşın çalışmalarda genellikle çözgü iplikleri üzerinde oluşan hasar incelenmiştir. Yapılan bu çalışmada endüstriyel üretim sırasında çözgü ipliklerinin yanı sıra atkı iplikleri üzerinde oluşan hasar araştırılmıştır. Endüstride yaygın olarak kullanılan atkı gerginlik sistemleri incelenmiş, yaylı iplik gerdirici sistem en iyi performansı göstermiştir. Elde edilen bu sonucun yanı sıra endüstriyel cam dokuma kumaş üretiminde iplik- makine aksamı arasında oluşan sürtünmenin çözgü iplikleri üzerinde hasara yol açan başlıca neden olduğu belirlenmiştir.
- [1] Adanur, S. and qi, J. 2008. Property Analysis of Denim Fabrics Made on Air-jet Weaving Machine Part I: Experimental System and Tension Measurements. Textile Research Journal, 78(1), 3–9.
- [2] Kim, H. K., Chun D. H., and Kim, J. H. 2013. A study on correlation between warp tension and weaving condition. Fibers and Polymers, 14(12), 2185–2190.
- [3] Bílkovský, A. 2021. Yarn Tension Control During Weaving Process. Mechanisms and Machine Science, 88, 384–390.
- [4] Rudov-Clark, S., Mouritz, A. P., Lee, L., and Bannister, M. K. 2003. Fibre damage in the manufacture of advanced three-dimensional woven composites. Compos Part A Appl Sci Manuf, 34(10), 963–970.
- [5] Lee, B., Leong, K. H., and Herszberg, I. 2001. Effect of weaving on the tensile properties of carbon fibre tows and woven composites. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 20(8), 652–670.
- [6] Obaid, A.A., Andersen, S. A., and Jr, J. W. G. 2008. Effects of the Weaving Process on S2 Glass Tensile Strength Distribution, Recent Advances in Textiles Composites in TEXCOMP-9 Conference, 13-15 October, Newark.
- [7] Nauman, S., Boussu, F., and Cristian, I. 2009. Impact of 3D woven structures onto the high-performance yarn properties, in 2nd ITMC conference on intelligent textiles and mass customisation, November, Casablanca, p. 46.
- [8] Boussu, F., Trifigny, N., Cochrane, C., and Koncar, V. 2016. Fibrous sensors to help the monitoring of weaving process, in Smart Textiles and Their Applications, Woodhead publishing, pp. 375–400.
- [9] Decrette, M., Osselin, J. F., and Drean, J. Y. 2019. Motorized Jacquard technology for multilayer weaving damages study and reduction: Shed profile and close shed profile. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 14.
- [10] Leng, Z., Ma, W., Huang, Z. et al. 2022. Heald frame motion trajectory based on minimum warp friction in the shedding process of three-dimensional woven fabrics. Textile Research Journal, 92 (13-14): 2424-2432.
- [11] Bessette C. et al. In-situ measurement of tension and contact forces for weaving process monitoring: Application to 3D interlock. 2019. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 126(August), p. 105604.
- [12] Li, S., Shan, Z., Du, D. et al. 2022. Effect of processing parameters on friction and damage of carbon yarn during three- dimensional weaving. The journal of the textile institute, 113 (6): 1123-1132.
- [13] Wu, N., Xie, X., Yang, J. et al. 2022. Effect of normal load on the frictional and wear behaviour of carbon fiber in tow-on-tool contact during three- dimensional weaving process. Journal of industrial textiles, 51(2S): 2753S-2773S.
- [14] Guo, M., Wang, J. and Gao, W. 2023. A novel test method of load bearing performance of sized warp yarn based on weaving load simulation and its effectiveness. Textile research journal, 93(11-12): 2809-2823.
- [15] Azevedo, J., Ribeiro, R., Matos, L. M. et al. 2022. Predicting yarn breaks in textile fabrics: a machine learning approach. Procedia computer science (KES 2022), 207: 2301-2310.
- [16] Xu, Y., Ma, W., Jia, C. et al. 2023. A yarn hanging model for estimating the applied initial warp tension in the multi-layer weaving process. Textile research journal, 93(17-18): 4035-4044.
- [17] Archer, E., Buchanan, S., McIlhagger, A., and Quinn, J. 2010. The effect of 3D weaving and consolidation on carbon fiber tows, fabrics, and composites. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 29(20), pp. 3162–3170.
- [18] Cristian, I., Nauman, S., Boussu, F., and Koncar, V. 2012. A study of strength transfer from tow to textile composite using different reinforcement architectures. Applied Composite Materials, 19(3–4), pp. 427–442.
- [19] Lefebvre, M., Boussu, F., and Daniel, C. 2013. Influence of high-performance yarns degradation inside three-dimensional warp interlock fabric. Journal of Industrial Textiles, 42(4), pp. 475–488.
- [20] Abtew M. A. et al. 2022. Yarn degradation during weaving process and its effect on the mechanical behaviours of 3D warp interlock p-aramid fabric for industrial applications. Journal of Industrial Textiles, 51(5), pp. 9047S-9070S.
- [21] Zhou, G., Sun, Q., Li, D. et al. 2020. Effects of fabric architectures on mechanical and damage behaviors in carbon/epoxy woven composites under multiaxial stress states. Polymer testing, 90, 106657.