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Aflatoksin B1'in Zebra balıgının (Danio rerio (Hamilton)) Embriyo ve Larvaları Üzerine Olan Toksik Etkileri

Year 2007, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 13 - 17, 09.04.2009


Bu çalısmada, toksik bir küf metaboliti olan Aflatoksin B1 (AFB1)'in Danio rerio embriyolarının gelisimi üzerine olan teratojenik etkileri arastırılmıstır. Artan konsantrasyonlarda AFB1 uygulanan balık embriyolarında çesitli anormallikler 96 saat süreyle gözlenmistir (24hpf, 48 hpf, 72 hpf, 96 hpf). Bu anormallikler Rasisis (gelisimde gerileme), Lordoz (vertebra anormalligi), kardiak ödemi, çesitli vücut kısımlarının olusmamasıdır. AFB1'e maruz kalma süresi ve konsantrasyon arttıkça anormalliklerin görülme sıklıgı ve ölümler de artmıstır. Hemen hemen bütün dozlarda anormallikler gözlenmis ancak kontrol gruplarında hiçbir anormallik gözlenmemistir. Kontrol ve deney grupları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunmustur (P<0.05). AFB1'in neden oldugu malformasyonların olası mekanizması tartısılmıstır.


  • Adamson, R.H., Correa, P., Dalgaard, D.W. 1973. Brief communication. Occurence of a primary liver carcinoma in a Rhesus monkey fed aflatoxin B1. Journal of National Cancer Institute, 50, 549-553.
  • Alleroft, R. 1965. Aspects of aflatoxicosis in domestic animals. In: Wogan, G. N. (edit.) Myocotoxins in Foodstuffs: Proceedings of MIT Symposium, March 18-19,1964. Cambridge, MA,153-162.
  • Allison, A.C., Paton, G.R. 1965. Chromosome damage in human diploid cells following activation of lysosomal enzimes. Nature (London), 207, 1170.
  • Benasutti, M., Ejadi, S., Whitlow, M.D., Loechler, E.L. 1988. Mapping the binding site of aflatoxinB1 in DNA: Systematic analysis of reactivity of aflatoxin B1 with guanines in different DNA sequences. Biochemistry, 27, 472-481.
  • Busby, W.R.J., Wogan, G.N. 1984. Aflatoxins. In CE Searle (ed.), Chemical Carcinogen, ed. 2, 945-1136. American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.
  • Campbell, T.C., Stoloff, L. 1974. Implication of mycotoxins for human health. Jornal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 22 , 1006-1015.
  • Cavin, C., Holzhauser, D., Constable, A., Huggett, A.C., Schilter, B. 1998. The coffee spesific diterpens cafestol and kahweol protect against aflatoxin – induced genotoxicity through a dual mechanism. Carcinogenesis, 19, 1396-1375
  • Chinnici, J.P., Booker, M.A., Llewellyn, G.C. 1976. Effect of aflatoxin B1 on viability, growth, fertility and crossing over in D. melanogaster (Dip.). Jornal of Invertebral Pathology, 27, 255-258.
  • Chinnici, J.P., Melone, P.D. 1985. Genetic aspects of aflatoxin B1 resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. Jornal of Heredity, 76, 85- 88.
  • Davis, N.D., Diener, U.L. 1978. Mycotoxins. In Food and Bevarage Mycol, 1, 397-444.
  • Dvorak, R., Jagos, J., Bouda, J., Piskac, A., Zoplatel, O. 1977. Changes in the clinico-biochemical indices in the rumen liquor and urine in caes of experimental aflatoxicosis in dairy cows. Veterinary Medicine (Prague), 22, 161-169.
  • Gradelet, S., Le Bon, A.M., Berges, P., Suschelet, M., Astorg, P. 1998. Dietary carotenoids inhibit aflotoxin B1-induced liver preneoplastic foci and DNA damage in therat: Role of the modulation of aflatoxin B1 metabolism. Carcinogenesis, 19, 403-411
  • Hallare, A.V., Köhler, H-R., Triebskorn, R, 2004. Developmental toxicity and stress protein responses in zebrafish embryos after exposure to diclofenac and its solvent, DMSO. Chemosphere, 56, 659-666.
  • Hartley, R.D., Nesbitt, B.F., O’Kelly, J. 1963. Toxic metabolites of Aspergillus flavus. Nature, 198, 1056- 1058.
  • Hutchinson, T.H., Barrett, S., Buzby, M., Carstable, D., Hartmann, A., Hayes, E., Hugget, D., Laenge, R., Lillicrap, A.D., Straub, J.O., Thompson, R.S. 2003. A strategy to reduce the numbers of fish used in acute ecotoxicity testing of pharmaceuticals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 22, 3031- 3036.
  • Küçükoğlu, M. 1996. Zebra Balığının (Brachydanio rerio) embryolojik gelişimi üzerine kadmiyum klorür ve çinko klorür gibi çevre kirleticilerinin etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ç. Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana, 53s.
  • Lalor, J.H., Chinnici, J.P., Llewellyn, G.C. 1976. Effect of a fungal metabolite, AFB1, on larval viability and gross morphology in D. melanogaster. Developmental Industrial Microbiology, 17, 443- 449.
  • Lancaster, M.C., Jenkins, F.P., Philip, J.M. 1961. Toxicity associated with certain samples of groundnuts. Nature (London), 192, 1095-1096.
  • Lyman, B.A., Erki, L., Biedrzycka, D.W., Devlin, T.M., Chich, J.J. 1988. Modification of protein synthetic components by aflatoxin B1. Biochemical Pharmacology, 37, 1481-1486.
  • McLean, M., Dutton, M.F. 1995. Cellular interactions and metabolism of aflatoxin: an update. Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 65, 163-192.
  • Nagel, R. 2002. Dart: the embryo test with the zebrafish Danio rerio- a general model in ecotoxicology and toxicology. Altex Alternative Tierexperimental, 19, 38-48.
  • Patterson, D.S.P. 1973. Metabolism as a factor in determining the toxic action of the aflatoxins in different animals species. Food and Cosmetics Toxicology, 11, 287-294.
  • Pier, A.C. 1981. Mycotoxin and animal health. Advances in Veterinary Science Comparison Medicine, 25, 185-243.
  • Roex, E.W.M., de Vries, E., van Gestel, C.A.M. 2002. Sensitivity of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) early life stage test for compounds with different modes of action. Environmental Pollution, 120, 355-362.
  • Şişman, T., Uysal, H., Aşkın, H. 2005. The clastogenic
  • effects of Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) on polytene
  • chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster.
  • Drosophila Information Servive, 88, 1-6.
  • Troxel, C.M., Reddy, A.P., O’neal, P.E., Hendricks, J.D., Bailey, G.S. 1997. In vivo aflatoxin B1 metabolism and hepatic DNA adduction in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 143, 213-220.
  • Uysal, H., Şişman, T. 2003. The effects of aflatoxin B1 on some development stages abnormalities in Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila Information Service, 86, 22-26.
Year 2007, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 13 - 17, 09.04.2009



  • Adamson, R.H., Correa, P., Dalgaard, D.W. 1973. Brief communication. Occurence of a primary liver carcinoma in a Rhesus monkey fed aflatoxin B1. Journal of National Cancer Institute, 50, 549-553.
  • Alleroft, R. 1965. Aspects of aflatoxicosis in domestic animals. In: Wogan, G. N. (edit.) Myocotoxins in Foodstuffs: Proceedings of MIT Symposium, March 18-19,1964. Cambridge, MA,153-162.
  • Allison, A.C., Paton, G.R. 1965. Chromosome damage in human diploid cells following activation of lysosomal enzimes. Nature (London), 207, 1170.
  • Benasutti, M., Ejadi, S., Whitlow, M.D., Loechler, E.L. 1988. Mapping the binding site of aflatoxinB1 in DNA: Systematic analysis of reactivity of aflatoxin B1 with guanines in different DNA sequences. Biochemistry, 27, 472-481.
  • Busby, W.R.J., Wogan, G.N. 1984. Aflatoxins. In CE Searle (ed.), Chemical Carcinogen, ed. 2, 945-1136. American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.
  • Campbell, T.C., Stoloff, L. 1974. Implication of mycotoxins for human health. Jornal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 22 , 1006-1015.
  • Cavin, C., Holzhauser, D., Constable, A., Huggett, A.C., Schilter, B. 1998. The coffee spesific diterpens cafestol and kahweol protect against aflatoxin – induced genotoxicity through a dual mechanism. Carcinogenesis, 19, 1396-1375
  • Chinnici, J.P., Booker, M.A., Llewellyn, G.C. 1976. Effect of aflatoxin B1 on viability, growth, fertility and crossing over in D. melanogaster (Dip.). Jornal of Invertebral Pathology, 27, 255-258.
  • Chinnici, J.P., Melone, P.D. 1985. Genetic aspects of aflatoxin B1 resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. Jornal of Heredity, 76, 85- 88.
  • Davis, N.D., Diener, U.L. 1978. Mycotoxins. In Food and Bevarage Mycol, 1, 397-444.
  • Dvorak, R., Jagos, J., Bouda, J., Piskac, A., Zoplatel, O. 1977. Changes in the clinico-biochemical indices in the rumen liquor and urine in caes of experimental aflatoxicosis in dairy cows. Veterinary Medicine (Prague), 22, 161-169.
  • Gradelet, S., Le Bon, A.M., Berges, P., Suschelet, M., Astorg, P. 1998. Dietary carotenoids inhibit aflotoxin B1-induced liver preneoplastic foci and DNA damage in therat: Role of the modulation of aflatoxin B1 metabolism. Carcinogenesis, 19, 403-411
  • Hallare, A.V., Köhler, H-R., Triebskorn, R, 2004. Developmental toxicity and stress protein responses in zebrafish embryos after exposure to diclofenac and its solvent, DMSO. Chemosphere, 56, 659-666.
  • Hartley, R.D., Nesbitt, B.F., O’Kelly, J. 1963. Toxic metabolites of Aspergillus flavus. Nature, 198, 1056- 1058.
  • Hutchinson, T.H., Barrett, S., Buzby, M., Carstable, D., Hartmann, A., Hayes, E., Hugget, D., Laenge, R., Lillicrap, A.D., Straub, J.O., Thompson, R.S. 2003. A strategy to reduce the numbers of fish used in acute ecotoxicity testing of pharmaceuticals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 22, 3031- 3036.
  • Küçükoğlu, M. 1996. Zebra Balığının (Brachydanio rerio) embryolojik gelişimi üzerine kadmiyum klorür ve çinko klorür gibi çevre kirleticilerinin etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ç. Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana, 53s.
  • Lalor, J.H., Chinnici, J.P., Llewellyn, G.C. 1976. Effect of a fungal metabolite, AFB1, on larval viability and gross morphology in D. melanogaster. Developmental Industrial Microbiology, 17, 443- 449.
  • Lancaster, M.C., Jenkins, F.P., Philip, J.M. 1961. Toxicity associated with certain samples of groundnuts. Nature (London), 192, 1095-1096.
  • Lyman, B.A., Erki, L., Biedrzycka, D.W., Devlin, T.M., Chich, J.J. 1988. Modification of protein synthetic components by aflatoxin B1. Biochemical Pharmacology, 37, 1481-1486.
  • McLean, M., Dutton, M.F. 1995. Cellular interactions and metabolism of aflatoxin: an update. Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 65, 163-192.
  • Nagel, R. 2002. Dart: the embryo test with the zebrafish Danio rerio- a general model in ecotoxicology and toxicology. Altex Alternative Tierexperimental, 19, 38-48.
  • Patterson, D.S.P. 1973. Metabolism as a factor in determining the toxic action of the aflatoxins in different animals species. Food and Cosmetics Toxicology, 11, 287-294.
  • Pier, A.C. 1981. Mycotoxin and animal health. Advances in Veterinary Science Comparison Medicine, 25, 185-243.
  • Roex, E.W.M., de Vries, E., van Gestel, C.A.M. 2002. Sensitivity of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) early life stage test for compounds with different modes of action. Environmental Pollution, 120, 355-362.
  • Şişman, T., Uysal, H., Aşkın, H. 2005. The clastogenic
  • effects of Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) on polytene
  • chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster.
  • Drosophila Information Servive, 88, 1-6.
  • Troxel, C.M., Reddy, A.P., O’neal, P.E., Hendricks, J.D., Bailey, G.S. 1997. In vivo aflatoxin B1 metabolism and hepatic DNA adduction in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 143, 213-220.
  • Uysal, H., Şişman, T. 2003. The effects of aflatoxin B1 on some development stages abnormalities in Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila Information Service, 86, 22-26.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section TEMEL BİLİMLER

Turgay Şişman This is me

Yılmaz Yıldırım This is me

Publication Date April 9, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Şişman, T., & Yıldırım, Y. (2009). Aflatoksin B1’in Zebra balıgının (Danio rerio (Hamilton)) Embriyo ve Larvaları Üzerine Olan Toksik Etkileri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(1), 13-17.
AMA Şişman T, Yıldırım Y. Aflatoksin B1’in Zebra balıgının (Danio rerio (Hamilton)) Embriyo ve Larvaları Üzerine Olan Toksik Etkileri. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. April 2009;11(1):13-17. doi:10.19113/sdufbed.64565
Chicago Şişman, Turgay, and Yılmaz Yıldırım. “Aflatoksin B1’in Zebra balıgının (Danio Rerio (Hamilton)) Embriyo Ve Larvaları Üzerine Olan Toksik Etkileri”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11, no. 1 (April 2009): 13-17.
EndNote Şişman T, Yıldırım Y (April 1, 2009) Aflatoksin B1’in Zebra balıgının (Danio rerio (Hamilton) Embriyo ve Larvaları Üzerine Olan Toksik Etkileri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11 1 13–17.
IEEE T. Şişman and Y. Yıldırım, “Aflatoksin B1’in Zebra balıgının (Danio rerio (Hamilton)) Embriyo ve Larvaları Üzerine Olan Toksik Etkileri”, J. Nat. Appl. Sci., vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 13–17, 2009, doi: 10.19113/sdufbed.64565.
ISNAD Şişman, Turgay - Yıldırım, Yılmaz. “Aflatoksin B1’in Zebra balıgının (Danio Rerio (Hamilton)) Embriyo Ve Larvaları Üzerine Olan Toksik Etkileri”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11/1 (April 2009), 13-17.
JAMA Şişman T, Yıldırım Y. Aflatoksin B1’in Zebra balıgının (Danio rerio (Hamilton)) Embriyo ve Larvaları Üzerine Olan Toksik Etkileri. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. 2009;11:13–17.
MLA Şişman, Turgay and Yılmaz Yıldırım. “Aflatoksin B1’in Zebra balıgının (Danio Rerio (Hamilton)) Embriyo Ve Larvaları Üzerine Olan Toksik Etkileri”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 11, no. 1, 2009, pp. 13-17, doi:10.19113/sdufbed.64565.
Vancouver Şişman T, Yıldırım Y. Aflatoksin B1’in Zebra balıgının (Danio rerio (Hamilton)) Embriyo ve Larvaları Üzerine Olan Toksik Etkileri. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. 2009;11(1):13-7.

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