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Farklı İşletmelerdeki Gökkuşağı Alabalıklarının (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Lizozim Aktivitelerinin Karşılaştırılması

Year 2010, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 134 - 143, 27.02.2014


Lizozim spesifik olmayan bağışıklık sisteminin en önemli humoral faktörlerinden biridir. Bakteriyel enfeksiyonlara karşı balıkların savunma sisteminde önemli rol oynar. Bu çalışmada farklı işletmelerdeki gökkuşağı alabalıklarının serum Lizozim aktivitesi üzerine su kalitesi parametreleri ve balık ağırlığının etkisi incelenmiştir. Mart-Mayıs 2008 tarihleri arasında Isparta'nın Aksu, Aşağıgökdere ve Çukurköy'deki 3 farklı gökkuşağı alabalığı işletmesinde gerçekleştirilen çalışmada 90 adet gökkuşağı alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) kullanılmıştır. Bu işletmelerdeki fiziksel ve kimyasal su kalitesi parametreleri ölçülmüştür. Balıklardan alınan kan örnekleri serumları çıkartıldıktan sonra diffüzyon agar metodu ile lizozim aktiviteleri tespit edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda işletmelerin su kalitelerinin farklı ve balıklardan tespit edilen lizozim aktivitelerinde ki farklılığında önemli olduğu bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Aşağıgökdere ve Çukurköy'deki işletmelerde, balık ağırlığının artmasıyla birlikte lizozim aktivitelerinin de arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışma; su kalitesindeki değişimlerin lizozim aktivitesini etkileyebileceğini göstermiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Lizozim Aktivitesi, Diffüzyon Agar Metodu, Su Kalitesi


  • Ashley, P.J. 2006. Fish Welfare: Current Issues in Aquaculture. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 104, 199–235. School of Biological Sciences, University of Liverpool, the Bioscience Building, Liverpool.
  • Atay, R. 1999. Su Kalitesi ve Su Kirliliği Dersi Laboratuvar Notları. Eğirdir.
  • Balfry, S.K., Iwawa, G.K. 2004. Observations on the Inherent Variability of Measuring Lysozyme Activity in Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B, 138, 207-211.
  • Bitgel, A. 1996. Balık Hastalıklarının Teşhisi İçin Örnek Alınması ve Gönderilmesi. Bornova Veteriner Kontrol Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Dergisi, İzmir, 165-172.
  • Buhan, E. 1995. Çevre ve Balık Sağlığı. T.K.B. Su Ürünleri Araştırma Bodrum/Muğla. Müdürlüğü Yayınları,
  • Caruso, D., Schlumberger, O., Dahm, C., Proteau, J.P. 2002. Plasma Lysozyme Levels in Sheatfish (Silurus glanis, L.) Subjected to Stress and Experimental Infection with Edwarsiella tarda. Aquaculture Research, 33(12): 999-1008.
  • Chipman, D.M., Sharon, N. 1969. Mechanism of Lysozyme Action Science. 165, 454-465.
  • Conte, F.S. 2004. Stress and the Welfare of Cultured Fish. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 86, 205–223.
  • Demers, N.E., Bayne, C.J. 1997. the Immediate Effects of Stress on Hormones and Plasma Lysozyme in Rainbow Trout. Developmental & Comparative Immunlogy, 21(4): 363-373.
  • Ellis, A.E. 1988. Ontogeny of the Immune System in Teleost Fish. In: Fish vaccination (Eds: A.,E.,Ellis). Academic Press, London. 20-31.
  • Ellis, A.E. 1996. Lysozyme Assay. In Techniques in Fish Immunology (Eds: J.S. Stolen, T.C. Fletcher, D.P., Anderson, B.S. Roberson, W.B., Mulswink.). 101- 103.
  • Fletcher, T.C., Grant, P.T. 1968. Glycoproteins in the External Mucous Secretions of the Plaice, Pleuronectes Platessa and Other Fishes. Biochem. Journal, 106-112.
  • Fevolden, S.E., Roed, K.H., Fjalestad, K.T., Stien, J. 1999. Post-stress Levels of Lysozyme and Cortisol in Adult Rainbow Trout: Heritabilities and Genetic Correlations. Journal of Fish Biology, 54, 900-910.
  • Glynn, A.A. 1969. the Complement Lysozyme Sequence in Immune Bacteriolysis. Immunology, 16(4): 463-471.
  • Gratzek, J.B., Reinert, R. 1984. Physiological Responses of Experimental Fish to Stressful Conditions. Natural Cancer Institute Monograph, 65, 187-193.
  • Grinde, B. 1989. Lysozyme from Rainbow Trout, (Salmo gairdneri, Richardson) as an Antibacterial Agent against Fish Pathogens. Journal of Fish Diseases, 12, 95-104.
  • Hjelmeland, K., Christie, M., Raa, J. 1983. Skin Mucus Protease from Rainbow Trout, (Salmo gaidneri, Richardson) and its Biological Significance. Journal of Fish Biology, 23, 13-22.
  • Holloway, Jr.H.L., Shomaker, C. A., Ottinger, C.A. 1993. Serum Lysozyme Levels in Paddlefish and Walleye. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 5, 324-326.
  • Huntingford, F.A., Adams, C., Braithwaite, V.A., Kadri, S., Pottinger, T. G., Sandoe, P. 2006. Current Issues in Fish Welfare. Journal of Fish Biology, 68, 332–372.
  • Iwama, G., Nakanishi, T. 1996. the Fish Immune System Organism, Pathogen and Environment. Academic Press, USA. 378.
  • Karaarslan, G., Kabak,T., Çakır, B., Kubilay, A. 2007. Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss)’nın İç Organ, Kan Serumu ve Döllenmiş Yumurtalarında Lizozim Aktivitesi. IV.Ulusal Su Günleri, Antalya.
  • Kubilay A., Uluköy G. 2002. Effects of Acute Stress on Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 26, 249-254.
  • Mozumder Mohammad, M.H. 2005. Master of Science International Fisheries Management. Antibacteriel Activity in Fish Mucus From Farmed Fish. Thesis (FSK-3910).
  • Möck, A., Peters, G. 1990. Lysozyme Activity in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Stressed by Handling, Transport and Water Pollution. Journal of Fısh Biology, 37, 873-885.
  • Neeman, N., Lahav, M., Ginsburg, I. 1974. the Effect of Leukocyte Hydrolases on Bacteria. II. the Synergistic Action of Lysozyme and Extracts of PMN, Magrophages, Lymphocytes, and Platelets in Bacteriolysis. The Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine Publishes Experimental Biology and Medicine, 146, 1137-1145.
  • Ourth, D.D. 1980. Secretory IgM, Lysozyme and Lymphocytes in the Skin Mucus of the Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Developmental & Comparative Immunlogy, 4(1): 65-74.
  • Özfuçucu, G. 1995. Akuakültürde Su Kalitesinin Önemi. Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği Semineri. Bodrum.
  • Pennell, W., Barton, B.A. 1996. Principles of Salmonid Culture. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science. Vol:26, the Netherlands.
  • Peters, G., Faisal, M., Lang, T, Ahmed, I. 1988. Stress Caused by Social Interaction and Its Effect on Susceptibility to Aeromonas hydrophila Infection in Rainbow Trout (Salmo gaidneri). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms , 4, 83-89.
  • Roed, K.H., Fjalestad, K.T., Stromsheim, A. 1993. Genetic
  • Variation in Lysozyme Activity and Spontaneous
  • Haemoltic Activity in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo
  • salar). Aquaculture, 114, 19-31.
  • Salton, M.R.J., Ghuysen, J.M. 1959. The Structure of Di- and Tetra-saccharides Released from Cell Walls by Lysozyme and Streptomyces F1 Enzyme and the β(1→4) N-acetylhexosaminidase Activity of These Enzymes. International Journal of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 36, 552-554. PMID: 13827779.
  • Schrock, R.M., Smith, S.D., Maule, A.G., Doulos, S.K, Rockowski, J.J., 2001. Mucous Lysozyme Levels in Hatchery Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and Spring Chinook Salmon (Oncorhychuıs tshawytscha) Early in the Parr-smolt Transformation. Aquaculture, 198, 169-177.
  • Standard Methods, 2007. Analysis Specifications for the Available Test Kits. WTW – Wissenschaftlich – Technische Werksätten GmbH, Weilheim, Germany.
  • Subbotkina, T.A., Subbotkin, M.F. 2003. Lysozyme Content and Blood Serum in Various Species in the Volga River. Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology, 39(5): 537-546.
  • Walters, G.R., Plumb, J.A. 1980. Enviromental Stress and Bacterial Infection in Channel Catfish, (Ictalurus punctatus). Journal of Fish Biology, 17(2): 177-185.
  • Wedemeyer, G. 1970. The Role of Stress in the Disease Resistance of Fishes. In A Symposium on Diseases of Fishes and Shellfishes (Snieszko, S. F., ed.), pp.30-35. Washington. D.C., American Fisheries Society Special Publication 5.
  • Yano, T. 1996. The Nonspesific Immune System: Humoral Defense. In:The Fish Immune System Organism, Pathogen and Environment. (Eds: G. Iwama and T. Nakanishi ) Academic Press, USA, 106-110.
Year 2010, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 134 - 143, 27.02.2014



  • Ashley, P.J. 2006. Fish Welfare: Current Issues in Aquaculture. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 104, 199–235. School of Biological Sciences, University of Liverpool, the Bioscience Building, Liverpool.
  • Atay, R. 1999. Su Kalitesi ve Su Kirliliği Dersi Laboratuvar Notları. Eğirdir.
  • Balfry, S.K., Iwawa, G.K. 2004. Observations on the Inherent Variability of Measuring Lysozyme Activity in Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B, 138, 207-211.
  • Bitgel, A. 1996. Balık Hastalıklarının Teşhisi İçin Örnek Alınması ve Gönderilmesi. Bornova Veteriner Kontrol Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Dergisi, İzmir, 165-172.
  • Buhan, E. 1995. Çevre ve Balık Sağlığı. T.K.B. Su Ürünleri Araştırma Bodrum/Muğla. Müdürlüğü Yayınları,
  • Caruso, D., Schlumberger, O., Dahm, C., Proteau, J.P. 2002. Plasma Lysozyme Levels in Sheatfish (Silurus glanis, L.) Subjected to Stress and Experimental Infection with Edwarsiella tarda. Aquaculture Research, 33(12): 999-1008.
  • Chipman, D.M., Sharon, N. 1969. Mechanism of Lysozyme Action Science. 165, 454-465.
  • Conte, F.S. 2004. Stress and the Welfare of Cultured Fish. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 86, 205–223.
  • Demers, N.E., Bayne, C.J. 1997. the Immediate Effects of Stress on Hormones and Plasma Lysozyme in Rainbow Trout. Developmental & Comparative Immunlogy, 21(4): 363-373.
  • Ellis, A.E. 1988. Ontogeny of the Immune System in Teleost Fish. In: Fish vaccination (Eds: A.,E.,Ellis). Academic Press, London. 20-31.
  • Ellis, A.E. 1996. Lysozyme Assay. In Techniques in Fish Immunology (Eds: J.S. Stolen, T.C. Fletcher, D.P., Anderson, B.S. Roberson, W.B., Mulswink.). 101- 103.
  • Fletcher, T.C., Grant, P.T. 1968. Glycoproteins in the External Mucous Secretions of the Plaice, Pleuronectes Platessa and Other Fishes. Biochem. Journal, 106-112.
  • Fevolden, S.E., Roed, K.H., Fjalestad, K.T., Stien, J. 1999. Post-stress Levels of Lysozyme and Cortisol in Adult Rainbow Trout: Heritabilities and Genetic Correlations. Journal of Fish Biology, 54, 900-910.
  • Glynn, A.A. 1969. the Complement Lysozyme Sequence in Immune Bacteriolysis. Immunology, 16(4): 463-471.
  • Gratzek, J.B., Reinert, R. 1984. Physiological Responses of Experimental Fish to Stressful Conditions. Natural Cancer Institute Monograph, 65, 187-193.
  • Grinde, B. 1989. Lysozyme from Rainbow Trout, (Salmo gairdneri, Richardson) as an Antibacterial Agent against Fish Pathogens. Journal of Fish Diseases, 12, 95-104.
  • Hjelmeland, K., Christie, M., Raa, J. 1983. Skin Mucus Protease from Rainbow Trout, (Salmo gaidneri, Richardson) and its Biological Significance. Journal of Fish Biology, 23, 13-22.
  • Holloway, Jr.H.L., Shomaker, C. A., Ottinger, C.A. 1993. Serum Lysozyme Levels in Paddlefish and Walleye. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 5, 324-326.
  • Huntingford, F.A., Adams, C., Braithwaite, V.A., Kadri, S., Pottinger, T. G., Sandoe, P. 2006. Current Issues in Fish Welfare. Journal of Fish Biology, 68, 332–372.
  • Iwama, G., Nakanishi, T. 1996. the Fish Immune System Organism, Pathogen and Environment. Academic Press, USA. 378.
  • Karaarslan, G., Kabak,T., Çakır, B., Kubilay, A. 2007. Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss)’nın İç Organ, Kan Serumu ve Döllenmiş Yumurtalarında Lizozim Aktivitesi. IV.Ulusal Su Günleri, Antalya.
  • Kubilay A., Uluköy G. 2002. Effects of Acute Stress on Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 26, 249-254.
  • Mozumder Mohammad, M.H. 2005. Master of Science International Fisheries Management. Antibacteriel Activity in Fish Mucus From Farmed Fish. Thesis (FSK-3910).
  • Möck, A., Peters, G. 1990. Lysozyme Activity in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Stressed by Handling, Transport and Water Pollution. Journal of Fısh Biology, 37, 873-885.
  • Neeman, N., Lahav, M., Ginsburg, I. 1974. the Effect of Leukocyte Hydrolases on Bacteria. II. the Synergistic Action of Lysozyme and Extracts of PMN, Magrophages, Lymphocytes, and Platelets in Bacteriolysis. The Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine Publishes Experimental Biology and Medicine, 146, 1137-1145.
  • Ourth, D.D. 1980. Secretory IgM, Lysozyme and Lymphocytes in the Skin Mucus of the Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Developmental & Comparative Immunlogy, 4(1): 65-74.
  • Özfuçucu, G. 1995. Akuakültürde Su Kalitesinin Önemi. Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği Semineri. Bodrum.
  • Pennell, W., Barton, B.A. 1996. Principles of Salmonid Culture. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science. Vol:26, the Netherlands.
  • Peters, G., Faisal, M., Lang, T, Ahmed, I. 1988. Stress Caused by Social Interaction and Its Effect on Susceptibility to Aeromonas hydrophila Infection in Rainbow Trout (Salmo gaidneri). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms , 4, 83-89.
  • Roed, K.H., Fjalestad, K.T., Stromsheim, A. 1993. Genetic
  • Variation in Lysozyme Activity and Spontaneous
  • Haemoltic Activity in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo
  • salar). Aquaculture, 114, 19-31.
  • Salton, M.R.J., Ghuysen, J.M. 1959. The Structure of Di- and Tetra-saccharides Released from Cell Walls by Lysozyme and Streptomyces F1 Enzyme and the β(1→4) N-acetylhexosaminidase Activity of These Enzymes. International Journal of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 36, 552-554. PMID: 13827779.
  • Schrock, R.M., Smith, S.D., Maule, A.G., Doulos, S.K, Rockowski, J.J., 2001. Mucous Lysozyme Levels in Hatchery Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and Spring Chinook Salmon (Oncorhychuıs tshawytscha) Early in the Parr-smolt Transformation. Aquaculture, 198, 169-177.
  • Standard Methods, 2007. Analysis Specifications for the Available Test Kits. WTW – Wissenschaftlich – Technische Werksätten GmbH, Weilheim, Germany.
  • Subbotkina, T.A., Subbotkin, M.F. 2003. Lysozyme Content and Blood Serum in Various Species in the Volga River. Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology, 39(5): 537-546.
  • Walters, G.R., Plumb, J.A. 1980. Enviromental Stress and Bacterial Infection in Channel Catfish, (Ictalurus punctatus). Journal of Fish Biology, 17(2): 177-185.
  • Wedemeyer, G. 1970. The Role of Stress in the Disease Resistance of Fishes. In A Symposium on Diseases of Fishes and Shellfishes (Snieszko, S. F., ed.), pp.30-35. Washington. D.C., American Fisheries Society Special Publication 5.
  • Yano, T. 1996. The Nonspesific Immune System: Humoral Defense. In:The Fish Immune System Organism, Pathogen and Environment. (Eds: G. Iwama and T. Nakanishi ) Academic Press, USA, 106-110.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section TEMEL BİLİMLER

Cafer Bulut This is me

Ayşegül Kubilay This is me

Publication Date February 27, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Bulut, C., & Kubilay, A. (2014). Farklı İşletmelerdeki Gökkuşağı Alabalıklarının (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Lizozim Aktivitelerinin Karşılaştırılması. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14(2), 134-143.
AMA Bulut C, Kubilay A. Farklı İşletmelerdeki Gökkuşağı Alabalıklarının (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Lizozim Aktivitelerinin Karşılaştırılması. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. February 2014;14(2):134-143. doi:10.19113/sdufbed.99912
Chicago Bulut, Cafer, and Ayşegül Kubilay. “Farklı İşletmelerdeki Gökkuşağı Alabalıklarının (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Lizozim Aktivitelerinin Karşılaştırılması”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 14, no. 2 (February 2014): 134-43.
EndNote Bulut C, Kubilay A (February 1, 2014) Farklı İşletmelerdeki Gökkuşağı Alabalıklarının (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Lizozim Aktivitelerinin Karşılaştırılması. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 14 2 134–143.
IEEE C. Bulut and A. Kubilay, “Farklı İşletmelerdeki Gökkuşağı Alabalıklarının (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Lizozim Aktivitelerinin Karşılaştırılması”, J. Nat. Appl. Sci., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 134–143, 2014, doi: 10.19113/sdufbed.99912.
ISNAD Bulut, Cafer - Kubilay, Ayşegül. “Farklı İşletmelerdeki Gökkuşağı Alabalıklarının (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Lizozim Aktivitelerinin Karşılaştırılması”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 14/2 (February 2014), 134-143.
JAMA Bulut C, Kubilay A. Farklı İşletmelerdeki Gökkuşağı Alabalıklarının (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Lizozim Aktivitelerinin Karşılaştırılması. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. 2014;14:134–143.
MLA Bulut, Cafer and Ayşegül Kubilay. “Farklı İşletmelerdeki Gökkuşağı Alabalıklarının (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Lizozim Aktivitelerinin Karşılaştırılması”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 2, 2014, pp. 134-43, doi:10.19113/sdufbed.99912.
Vancouver Bulut C, Kubilay A. Farklı İşletmelerdeki Gökkuşağı Alabalıklarının (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Lizozim Aktivitelerinin Karşılaştırılması. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. 2014;14(2):134-43.

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