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Estimation of CO2 Emissions from Inter-City Freight Transportation in Turkey

Year 2013, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 56 - 64, 05.03.2014


Recently, road freight transportation dominates the freight sector in many countries including Turkey, which is causing a growing concern about environmental and sustainability issues. To develop better policies, road freight emissions have to be determined. Such evaluations are very challenging in the absence of disaggregate commodity flow data, which is the case in Turkey. As a solution, to calculate truck freight transportation emissions a model that combines national level national freight transportation statistics with detailed information collected from roadside axle surveys is proposed. As the roadside axle load surveys are performed on intercity roads, the proposed model can provide emission for intercity truck transportation. Emissions are estimated for the period of 2000 to 2009 using COPERT 4 software. Besides, the level of CO2 emissions is almost same in 2009 and 2000. This amount corresponded to the 25.9% of the national transportation sector emissions in 2009


  • Ağacayak, T., Investigation of an Emission Inventory for Turkey, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 122s. Barlow, T. J. ve Boulter, P. G., 2009. Emission Factors 2009: Report 2 – A review of the average-speed approach for estimating hot exhaust emissions. TRL Report Number PRR355, 66 pp.
  • BTE, 1997. Brueau of Transport Economics. Roads,
  • Vehicle Performance and Greenhouse: Costs and Emission Benefits of Smoother Highways. Working Paper 32. Brueau of Transport Economics, Australia, 130 pp. DEFRA, 2011. Department of the Environment Food and Rural Affairs. Department of Energy and Climate
  • Change’s GHG conversion factors for company reporting. London. Demir, E., Bektas, T. ve Laporte, G., 2011. A
  • Comparative Analysis of Several Vehicle Emission Models Transportation Research Part D, 16, 347-357. Freight Transportation. DMİ, 2011. Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü. Son Erişim: Şubat 2012.
  • EEA, 2000. European Environment Agency. Are We
  • Moving in the Right Direction? TERM 2000:
  • Indicators on Transport and Environment Integration in the EU. Environmental Issues Series No: 12, Copenhagen, 135 pp. EEA, 2007. European Environment Agency. EMEP/
  • CORINAIR Emission Inventory Guidebook, 2007, Copenhagen.
  • EEA, 2010. European Environment Agency. Towards a Resource-Efficient Transport System - Term 2009:
  • Indicators Tracking Transport and Environment in the European Union. Report No: 2/2010,
  • Copenhagen: European Environment Agency, 47 pp. Eibl, P. G., 1996. Computerized Vehicle Routing and Scheduling in Road Transport. Avebury.
  • Esteves-Booth, A., Muneer, T., Kubie, J. ve Kirby, H., 200 A Review of Vehicular Emission Models and Driving Cycles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, 216, 777-797. Facanha, C. ve Horvath, A., 2006. Environmental
  • Assessment of Freight Transportation in the U.S. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 11, 4, 229-2
  • Freight Best Practice, 2008. Companies and Drivers
  • Benefit from SAFED for HGVs: A Selection of Case Studies. London, Department for Transport. Gaines, L., Stodolsky, F., Cuenca, R. ve Eberhardt, J., 19 Life-Cycle Analysis for Heavy Vehicles. Air & Waste Management Association Annual Meeting, Haziran, San Diego, A.B.D.. Gkatzoflias, D., Kouridis C., Ntziachristos L. and Samaras Z., 2007. COPERT 4 Computer Programme to
  • Calculate Emissions from Road Transport. User manual, Version 5.0. IEA, 2010. International Energy Agency. CO2
  • Emissions from Fuel Combustion, Paris, 513 pp. Kahn Ribeiro, S., Kobayashi, S., Beuthe, M., Gasca, J., Greene, D., Lee, D. S., Muromachi, Y., Newton, P. J., Plotkin, S., Sperling, D., Wit, R., Zhou, P. J., 2007.
  • Transport and Its infrastructure, Climate Change 2007: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
  • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, New York, A.B.D., 325-380. Kamakate, F. ve Schipper, L., 2009. Trends in Truck
  • Freight Energy Use and Carbon Emissions in Selected OECD Countries from 1973 to 2005. Energy Policy, 37, 3743-3751. KGM,
  • Karayollarında Ağır Taşıt Trafiğinin ve Yük Taşımacılığının Özellikleri ve Eğilimleri: 2007-2008- 2009 Yılı Etüt Sonuçları. Ankara, Türkiye, 216 s.
  • Léonardi, J., Baumgartner, M., 2004. CO2 efficiency in road freight transportation: status quo, measures and potential. Transportation Research PartD: Transport and Environment, 9, 451-464.
  • Léonardi, J., Kveiborg, O., Baumgartner, M. and Krusch, O., 2006. Decoupling GDP and performance growth from energy use in German road freight traffic. Metorologie, 64 pp. Max-Planck-Institut fur
  • Liimatainen, H. ve Pöllänen M., 2010. Trends of energy efficiency in Finnish road freight transport 1995–2009 and forecast to 2016, Energy Policy, 38, 7676 -7686.
  • McKinnon, A.C., 1999. A logistical perspective on the fuel efficiency of road freight transport. In: IEA (Ed.)
  • Workshop Proceedings: Improving fuel efficiency in Road Freight Transport: The Role of Information Technologies. Paris, IEA. McKinnon,A. C., 2007. CO2 Emissions from Freight
  • Transport in the UK. Report Prepared for the Climate Change Working Group of the Commission for Integrated Transport, London. OECD-ITF, 2008a. Joint Research Center of
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Transport Forum (ITF). Transport Outlook 2008:
  • Focusing on CO2 Emissions from Road Vehicles. Discussion Paper No: 2008-13, Paris, 21 pp.
  • OECD-ITF, 2008b. Organisation for Economic Co- operation
  • International Transport Forum Working Group (ITF). Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies in the Transport Sector: Preliminary Report. Paris, 81 pp. PETDER, 2011. Petrol Sanayi Derneği. Son Erişim: Temmuz 2011.
  • Piecyk, M. I. ve McKinnon, A.C., 2010. Forecasting the Carbon Footprint of Road Freight Transport in 2020.
  • International Journal of Production Economics, 128, 31- Schipper, L. J. ve Fulton, L., 2003. Carbon Dioxide
  • Emissions from Transportation: Trends, Driving Factors and Forces for Change. In. D. A. Hensher ve K. J., Button (Editör). Handbook of Transport and the Environment. Elsevier, New York, A.B.D., 827 pp. Soylu, S., 2007. Estimation of Turkish Road Transport
  • Emissions. Energy Policy, 35, 4088-4094.
  • Spielmann, M. ve Scholz, R. W., 2005. Life Cycle
  • Inventories of Transport Services. Background Data for Freight Transport. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 10, 1, 85-94. Steenhof, P., Woudsma, C. ve Sparling E., 2006.
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Surface Transport of Freight in Canada. Transportation Research Part D, 11, 369-376. Sturm, P. J. ve Hausberger S., 2005. COST 346 – Final
  • Report. Emissions and Fuel Consumption from Heavy Duty Vehicles. Graz University of Technology, 131 pp. TUİK, 2012a, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Ulaştırma İstatistikleri. Erişim: Temmuz 2012. Son
  • TUİK, 2012b. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Ulaştırma İstatistikleri. Erişim: Ağustos 2012. Son
  • TUİK, 2012c. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Çevre İstatistikleri. st_id=3 Son Erişim: Mart 2012.
  • Ünal, L., 2009. Modeling of Freight Transportation on
  • Turkish Highways, Doktora Tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 244s. Vestreng, V., Ntziachristos, L., Semb, A., Reis, S., Isaksen, I. S. A., and Tarrason, L., 2009. Evolution of
  • NOx Emissions in Europe with Focus on Road Transport Control Measures. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9, 1503-1520.
  • Zanni, A. M. ve Bristow, A. L., 2010. Emissions of CO from Road Freight Transport in London: Trends and Policies for Long Run Reductions. Energy Policy, 38, 1774-1786.

Türkiye'de Şehirlerarası Yük Trafiği CO2 Emisyonlarının Tahmini

Year 2013, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 56 - 64, 05.03.2014


Türkiye'nin de içinde bulunduğu birçok ülkede karayolu yük taşımacılığı sektörden çok fazla pay almaktadır; bu durum çevre ve sürdürülebilirlik konuları açısından giderek artan bir kaygı yaratmaktadır. Bu konuda daha iyi stratejilerin geliştirilebilmesi için öncellikle karayolu yük taşımacılığı emisyonlarının hesaplanması gerekmektedir. Türkiye'deki gibi yük akış verisi olmayan yerlerde bu hesapların sağlıklı yapılması çok zordur. Bu çalışmada bu soruna çözüm olarak, karayolu yük taşımacılığından kaynaklı emisyonların hesaplanmasında ulusal karayolu trafiği istatistiklerini yol kenarı dingil ağırlığı etütlerinden toplanan verilerle birleştiren bir yöntem önerilmiştir. Dingil ağırlığı etütleri devlet yollarında gerçekleştirildiği için önerilen yöntem “şehirlerarası” yük trafiği emisyonlarını hesaplamaktadır. Bu yöntem ile 2000-2009 yılları arasındaki emisyonlar COPERT 4 programı kullanılarak hesaplanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar incelenen dönemde şehirlerarası devlet yollarındaki yük taşımacılığından kaynaklı emisyonların nerdeyse sabit kaldığını ve en son 2009 yılında 12.076 kiloton CO2 ürettiğini göstermektedir. Bu değer 2009 yılı ulusal ulaşım sektörü emisyonlarının %25,9'una karşılık gelmektedir.


  • Ağacayak, T., Investigation of an Emission Inventory for Turkey, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 122s. Barlow, T. J. ve Boulter, P. G., 2009. Emission Factors 2009: Report 2 – A review of the average-speed approach for estimating hot exhaust emissions. TRL Report Number PRR355, 66 pp.
  • BTE, 1997. Brueau of Transport Economics. Roads,
  • Vehicle Performance and Greenhouse: Costs and Emission Benefits of Smoother Highways. Working Paper 32. Brueau of Transport Economics, Australia, 130 pp. DEFRA, 2011. Department of the Environment Food and Rural Affairs. Department of Energy and Climate
  • Change’s GHG conversion factors for company reporting. London. Demir, E., Bektas, T. ve Laporte, G., 2011. A
  • Comparative Analysis of Several Vehicle Emission Models Transportation Research Part D, 16, 347-357. Freight Transportation. DMİ, 2011. Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü. Son Erişim: Şubat 2012.
  • EEA, 2000. European Environment Agency. Are We
  • Moving in the Right Direction? TERM 2000:
  • Indicators on Transport and Environment Integration in the EU. Environmental Issues Series No: 12, Copenhagen, 135 pp. EEA, 2007. European Environment Agency. EMEP/
  • CORINAIR Emission Inventory Guidebook, 2007, Copenhagen.
  • EEA, 2010. European Environment Agency. Towards a Resource-Efficient Transport System - Term 2009:
  • Indicators Tracking Transport and Environment in the European Union. Report No: 2/2010,
  • Copenhagen: European Environment Agency, 47 pp. Eibl, P. G., 1996. Computerized Vehicle Routing and Scheduling in Road Transport. Avebury.
  • Esteves-Booth, A., Muneer, T., Kubie, J. ve Kirby, H., 200 A Review of Vehicular Emission Models and Driving Cycles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, 216, 777-797. Facanha, C. ve Horvath, A., 2006. Environmental
  • Assessment of Freight Transportation in the U.S. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 11, 4, 229-2
  • Freight Best Practice, 2008. Companies and Drivers
  • Benefit from SAFED for HGVs: A Selection of Case Studies. London, Department for Transport. Gaines, L., Stodolsky, F., Cuenca, R. ve Eberhardt, J., 19 Life-Cycle Analysis for Heavy Vehicles. Air & Waste Management Association Annual Meeting, Haziran, San Diego, A.B.D.. Gkatzoflias, D., Kouridis C., Ntziachristos L. and Samaras Z., 2007. COPERT 4 Computer Programme to
  • Calculate Emissions from Road Transport. User manual, Version 5.0. IEA, 2010. International Energy Agency. CO2
  • Emissions from Fuel Combustion, Paris, 513 pp. Kahn Ribeiro, S., Kobayashi, S., Beuthe, M., Gasca, J., Greene, D., Lee, D. S., Muromachi, Y., Newton, P. J., Plotkin, S., Sperling, D., Wit, R., Zhou, P. J., 2007.
  • Transport and Its infrastructure, Climate Change 2007: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
  • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, New York, A.B.D., 325-380. Kamakate, F. ve Schipper, L., 2009. Trends in Truck
  • Freight Energy Use and Carbon Emissions in Selected OECD Countries from 1973 to 2005. Energy Policy, 37, 3743-3751. KGM,
  • Karayollarında Ağır Taşıt Trafiğinin ve Yük Taşımacılığının Özellikleri ve Eğilimleri: 2007-2008- 2009 Yılı Etüt Sonuçları. Ankara, Türkiye, 216 s.
  • Léonardi, J., Baumgartner, M., 2004. CO2 efficiency in road freight transportation: status quo, measures and potential. Transportation Research PartD: Transport and Environment, 9, 451-464.
  • Léonardi, J., Kveiborg, O., Baumgartner, M. and Krusch, O., 2006. Decoupling GDP and performance growth from energy use in German road freight traffic. Metorologie, 64 pp. Max-Planck-Institut fur
  • Liimatainen, H. ve Pöllänen M., 2010. Trends of energy efficiency in Finnish road freight transport 1995–2009 and forecast to 2016, Energy Policy, 38, 7676 -7686.
  • McKinnon, A.C., 1999. A logistical perspective on the fuel efficiency of road freight transport. In: IEA (Ed.)
  • Workshop Proceedings: Improving fuel efficiency in Road Freight Transport: The Role of Information Technologies. Paris, IEA. McKinnon,A. C., 2007. CO2 Emissions from Freight
  • Transport in the UK. Report Prepared for the Climate Change Working Group of the Commission for Integrated Transport, London. OECD-ITF, 2008a. Joint Research Center of
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Transport Forum (ITF). Transport Outlook 2008:
  • Focusing on CO2 Emissions from Road Vehicles. Discussion Paper No: 2008-13, Paris, 21 pp.
  • OECD-ITF, 2008b. Organisation for Economic Co- operation
  • International Transport Forum Working Group (ITF). Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies in the Transport Sector: Preliminary Report. Paris, 81 pp. PETDER, 2011. Petrol Sanayi Derneği. Son Erişim: Temmuz 2011.
  • Piecyk, M. I. ve McKinnon, A.C., 2010. Forecasting the Carbon Footprint of Road Freight Transport in 2020.
  • International Journal of Production Economics, 128, 31- Schipper, L. J. ve Fulton, L., 2003. Carbon Dioxide
  • Emissions from Transportation: Trends, Driving Factors and Forces for Change. In. D. A. Hensher ve K. J., Button (Editör). Handbook of Transport and the Environment. Elsevier, New York, A.B.D., 827 pp. Soylu, S., 2007. Estimation of Turkish Road Transport
  • Emissions. Energy Policy, 35, 4088-4094.
  • Spielmann, M. ve Scholz, R. W., 2005. Life Cycle
  • Inventories of Transport Services. Background Data for Freight Transport. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 10, 1, 85-94. Steenhof, P., Woudsma, C. ve Sparling E., 2006.
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Surface Transport of Freight in Canada. Transportation Research Part D, 11, 369-376. Sturm, P. J. ve Hausberger S., 2005. COST 346 – Final
  • Report. Emissions and Fuel Consumption from Heavy Duty Vehicles. Graz University of Technology, 131 pp. TUİK, 2012a, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Ulaştırma İstatistikleri. Erişim: Temmuz 2012. Son
  • TUİK, 2012b. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Ulaştırma İstatistikleri. Erişim: Ağustos 2012. Son
  • TUİK, 2012c. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Çevre İstatistikleri. st_id=3 Son Erişim: Mart 2012.
  • Ünal, L., 2009. Modeling of Freight Transportation on
  • Turkish Highways, Doktora Tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 244s. Vestreng, V., Ntziachristos, L., Semb, A., Reis, S., Isaksen, I. S. A., and Tarrason, L., 2009. Evolution of
  • NOx Emissions in Europe with Focus on Road Transport Control Measures. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9, 1503-1520.
  • Zanni, A. M. ve Bristow, A. L., 2010. Emissions of CO from Road Freight Transport in London: Trends and Policies for Long Run Reductions. Energy Policy, 38, 1774-1786.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Murat Özen This is me

Hediye Tüydeş Yaman This is me

Publication Date March 5, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 17 Issue: 3


APA Özen, M., & Tüydeş Yaman, H. (2014). Türkiye’de Şehirlerarası Yük Trafiği CO2 Emisyonlarının Tahmini. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(3), 56-64.
AMA Özen M, Tüydeş Yaman H. Türkiye’de Şehirlerarası Yük Trafiği CO2 Emisyonlarının Tahmini. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. March 2014;17(3):56-64.
Chicago Özen, Murat, and Hediye Tüydeş Yaman. “Türkiye’de Şehirlerarası Yük Trafiği CO2 Emisyonlarının Tahmini”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 17, no. 3 (March 2014): 56-64.
EndNote Özen M, Tüydeş Yaman H (March 1, 2014) Türkiye’de Şehirlerarası Yük Trafiği CO2 Emisyonlarının Tahmini. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 17 3 56–64.
IEEE M. Özen and H. Tüydeş Yaman, “Türkiye’de Şehirlerarası Yük Trafiği CO2 Emisyonlarının Tahmini”, J. Nat. Appl. Sci., vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 56–64, 2014.
ISNAD Özen, Murat - Tüydeş Yaman, Hediye. “Türkiye’de Şehirlerarası Yük Trafiği CO2 Emisyonlarının Tahmini”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 17/3 (March 2014), 56-64.
JAMA Özen M, Tüydeş Yaman H. Türkiye’de Şehirlerarası Yük Trafiği CO2 Emisyonlarının Tahmini. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. 2014;17:56–64.
MLA Özen, Murat and Hediye Tüydeş Yaman. “Türkiye’de Şehirlerarası Yük Trafiği CO2 Emisyonlarının Tahmini”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 3, 2014, pp. 56-64.
Vancouver Özen M, Tüydeş Yaman H. Türkiye’de Şehirlerarası Yük Trafiği CO2 Emisyonlarının Tahmini. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. 2014;17(3):56-64.

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