Research Article
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Indentation and Observation of Anisotropic Soft Tissues Using an Indenter Device

Year 2014, Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 10 - 20, 04.01.2015


Soft tissues of human body have complex structures and different mechanical behaviors than those of traditional engineering materials. There is a great urge to understand tissue behavior of human body. Experimental data is needed for improvement of soft tissue modeling and advancement in implants and prosthesis, as well as diagnosis of diseases. Mechanical behavior and responses change when tissue loses its liveliness and viability. One of the techniques for soft tissue testing is indentation, which is applied on live tissue in its physiological environment. Indentation affords several advantages over other types of tests such as uniaxial tension, biaxial tension, and simple shear and suction, thus it is of interest to develop new indentation techniques from which more valid data can be extracted. In this study a new indenter device was designed and constructed. Displacement and force rate cyclic loading, and relaxation experiments were conducted on human arm. The in-vivo force rate controlled cyclic loading test method which is novel is compared with the traditional displacement controlled cyclic loading tests. Anisotropic behavior of tissue cannot be determined by axisymmetric tips, therefore ellipsoid tips were used for examining anisotropy and inplane material direction of bulk soft tissues


  • Ahn, B., & Kim, J., 2010. Measurement and characterization of soft tissue behavior with surface deformation and force response under large deformations. Medical Image Analysis, 14(2), 138– 148.
  • Argatov, I. I., Mishuris, G. S., & Paukshto, M. V., 2015. Cylindrical lateral depth-sensing indentation testing of thin anisotropic elastic films. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 49, 299–307.
  • Barrett, S. R. H., Sutcliffe, M. P. F., Howarth, S., Li, Z.- Y., Gillard, J. H., 2009. Experimental measurement of the
  • atherothrombotic plaque fibrous cap. Journal of Biomechanics, 42(11), 1650–1655. of
  • carotid Bischoff, J. E., 2004. Static Indentation of Anisotropic Biomaterials Using Axially Asymmetric Indenters— a Computational Study. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 126(4), 498.
  • Borodich, F. M., Keer, L. M., Korach, C. S., 2003. Analytical study of fundamental nanoindentation test relations for indenters of non-ideal shapes. Nanotechnology, 14(7), 803–808.
  • Carson, W. C., Gerling, G. J., Krupski, T. L., Kowalik, C. G., Harper, J. C., Moskaluk, C. A., 2011. Material characterization of ex vivo prostate tissue via spherical indentation in the clinic. Medical Engineering & Physics, 33(3), 302–309.
  • Carter, F. ., Frank, T. ., Davies, P. ., McLean, D., Cuschieri, A., 2001. Measurements and modelling of the compliance of human and porcine organs. Medical Image Analysis, 5(4), 231–236.
  • Chao, C. Y. L., Zheng, Y.-P., Huang, Y.-P., Cheing, G. L. Y., 2010. Biomechanical properties of the forefoot plantar soft tissue as measured by an optical coherence tomography-based air-jet indentation system and tissue ultrasound palpation system. Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), 25(6), 594– 600.
  • Chen, W.-M., Phyau-Wui Shim, V., Park, S.-B., Lee, T., 2011. An instrumented tissue tester for measuring soft tissue property under the metatarsal heads in relation to metatarsophalangeal joint angle. Journal of Biomechanics, 44(9), 1801–1804.
  • Choi, A. P. C., Zheng, Y. P., 2005. Estimation of Young’s modulus and Poisson's ratio of soft tissue from
  • indentors: Finite element analysis of the finite deformation
  • Engineering & Computing, 43(2), 258–264. Medical &
  • Fath El Bab, A. M. R., Sugano, K., Tsuchiya, T., Tabata, O., Eltaib, M. E. H., Sallam, M. M., 2010. New compensation technique for the soft tissue stiffness measurements
  • configuration. Procedia Engineering, 5, 1304–1307. two sensor
  • probes Feng, Y., Okamoto, R. J., Namani, R., Genin, G. M., Bayly, P. V., 2013. Measurements of mechanical anisotropy in brain tissue and implications for transversely isotropic material models of white matter. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 23, 117–132.
  • Fu, Y. B., Chui, C. K., 2014. Modelling and simulation of porcine liver tissue indentation using finite element method and uniaxial stress-strain data. Journal of Biomechanics, 47(10), 2430–5. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2014.04.009
  • Gefen, A., Margulies, S. S., 2004. Are in vivo and in situ brain tissues mechanically similar? Journal of Biomechanics, 37(9), 1339–1352.
  • Hu, J., Klinich, K. D., Miller, C. S., Rupp, J. D., Nazmi, G., Pearlman, M. D., Schneider, L. W., 2011. A stochastic visco-hyperelastic model of human placenta tissue for finite element crash simulations. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 39(3), 1074– 1083.
  • Iivarinen, J. T., Korhonen, R. K., Julkunen, P., Jurvelin, J. S., 2011. Experimental and computational analysis of soft tissue stiffness in forearm using a manual indentation device. Medical Engineering & Physics, 33(10), 1245–1253.
  • Kauer, M., No, D. E. T. H. (n.d.). Inverse Finite Element Characterization of Soft Tissues with Aspiration Experiments Inverse Finite Element Characteriza- tion of Soft Tissues with Aspiration, (14233).
  • Kauer, M., Vuskovic, V., Dual, J., Szekely, G., Bajka, M., 2002. I nverse finite element characterization of soft tissues, 6, 275–287.
  • Kim, J.,2004. Virtual Environments for Medical Training : Graphic and Haptic Simulation of Tool- Tissue Interactions By Virtual Environments for Medical Training :
  • Korhonen, R. K., Saarakkala, S., Juha, T. (n.d.). Experimental and numerical validation for the novel configuration of an arthroscopic, 1565.
  • Kroon, M., & Holzapfel, G. A., 2008. A new constitutive model for multi-layered collagenous tissues. Journal of Biomechanics, 41(12), 2766–71.
  • Lokshin, O., Lanir, Y., 2009. Viscoelasticity and preconditioning of rat skin under uniaxial stretch: microstructural
  • Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 131(3), 031009. doi:10.1115/1.3049479
  • characterization. Luo, G., Houston, V. L., Garbarini, M. A., Beattie, A. C., Thongpop, C., 2011. Finite element analysis of heel pad with insoles. Journal of Biomechanics, 44(8), 1559–1565.
  • Nava, A., Mazza, E., Furrer, M., Villiger, P., Reinhart, W. H., 2008. In vivo mechanical characterization of human liver. Medical Image Analysis, 12(2), 203– 216.
  • Ottensmeyer, M. P., 2001. Minimally Invasive Instrument for In Vivo Measurement of Solid Organ Mechanical Impedance by.
  • Ottensmeyer, M. P., Kerdok, A. E., Howe, R. D., Dawson, S. L., 2004. The Effects of Testing Environment on the Viscoelastic Properties of Soft Tissues, 3078, 9–18.
  • Pailler-Mattei, C., Bec, S., Zahouani, H., 2008. In vivo measurements of the elastic mechanical properties of human skin by indentation tests. Medical Engineering & Physics, 30(5), 599–606.
  • Pandolfi, A., Vasta, M., 2012. Fiber distributed hyperelastic
  • Mechanics of Materials, 44, 151–162. of biological
  • tissues. Pelletier,
  • Characterization of mechanical properties of thin films using nanoindentation test. Mechanics of Materials, 38(12), 1182–1198. Mille, P.,
  • 200 Peña, E., Peña, J. A., Doblaré, M., 2008. On modelling nonlinear viscoelastic effects in ligaments. Journal of Biomechanics, 41(12), 2659–2666.
  • Prevost, T. P., Jin, G., de Moya, M. A., Alam, H. B., Suresh, S., Socrate, S., 2011. Dynamic mechanical response of brain tissue in indentation in vivo, in situ and in vitro. Acta Biomaterialia, 7(12), 4090– 4101.
  • Samani, A., Plewes, D., 2004. A method to measure the hyperelastic parameters of ex vivo breast tissue samples. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 49(18), 4395–4405.
  • Structure and Stress-Strain Relationship of Soft Tissues Author(s): Y. C. Fung Stable URL : . Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use , available at . content in a t. (2014), 24(1), 13–22.
  • Tönük, E., Silver-Thorn, M. B., 2004. Nonlinear Viscoelastic Material Property Estimation of Lower Extremity Residual Limb Tissues. Journal of Biomechanical
  • doi:1115/1.1695575 126(2),
  • 2 Van Dommelen, J. A. W., van der Sande, T. P. J., Hrapko, M., Peters, G. W. M., 2010. Mechanical properties
  • interregional variation. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 3(2), 158–166.
  • Yao, W., Yoshida, K., Fernandez, M., Vink, J., Wapner, R. J., Ananth, C. V, … Myers, K. M., 2014. Measuring the compressive viscoelastic mechanical properties of human cervical tissue using indentation. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 34, 18–26.
  • Yin, Y., Ling, S.-F., Liu, Y., 2004. A dynamic indentation
  • incompressible viscoelastic materials. Materials for
  • Science and Engineering: A, 379(1-2), 334–340.
  • Zhang, G. Y., Wittek, A., Joldes, G. R., Jin, X., Miller, K., 2014. A three-dimensional nonlinear meshfree algorithm for simulating mechanical responses of soft tissue. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 42, 60–66.
  • Zheng, Y., Mak, A. F. T., Lue, B., 1999. Objective assessment of limb tissue elasticity : Development of a manual indentation procedure, 36(2).

Eşyönsüz Yumuşak Dokuların İndentör Cihazı Kullanılarak İndentasyonu ve Gözlemi

Year 2014, Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 10 - 20, 04.01.2015


İnsan bedeninde iskelet dışındaki neredeyse tüm dokular yumuşak dokulardır. Yumuşak dokuların mekanik davranışı çoğu mühendislik malzemesinden farklı ve daha karmaşıktır. Yumuşak doku mekanik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve malzeme modeli oluşturulması implantlar, protez ve ortezler ve hatta tanı koyma açısından önemlidir. Öte yandan yumuşak dokuların canlılığını kaybetmesi ile mekanik özelliklerinde farkedilir değişiklikler meydana gelir. Yumuşak doku mekanik özelliklerini belirlemek için kullanılan deneysel yöntemlerden birisi de indentasyondur. İndentasyonun tek veya iki eksenli çekme, kayma, emme gibi yöntemlere göre belirli avantajları olduğu bilindiğinden daha iyi veri almak üzere yeni indentasyon deneyleri geliştirlmesine gerek duyulmuştur. Bu çalışma kapsamında yeni bir indentör cihazı tasarlanıp üretilmiş, devirli yükleme, gevşeme ve sünme deneyleri yapılarak deneysel veriler incelenmiştir. İndentör cihazının göncellenen yapısı nedeniyle toplanan veri daha temizdir. Mullin (alışma) etkisi, viskoelastisite, eşyönsüzlük gibi özellikler gözlenebilmektedir. Sünme ve kuvvet denetimli yükleme deneyleri bu sistem aracılığıyla yapılabilmektedir. Dokuların eşyönsüz özelikleri olduğu bilindiğinden eksenel simetrik olmayan uçlarla düzlemsel eşyönsüzlük hakkında bilgi edinilmektedir. Ayrıca kuvvet denetimli deneyler ile yer değiştirme denetimli deney sonuçları incelenmiştir. 


  • Ahn, B., & Kim, J., 2010. Measurement and characterization of soft tissue behavior with surface deformation and force response under large deformations. Medical Image Analysis, 14(2), 138– 148.
  • Argatov, I. I., Mishuris, G. S., & Paukshto, M. V., 2015. Cylindrical lateral depth-sensing indentation testing of thin anisotropic elastic films. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 49, 299–307.
  • Barrett, S. R. H., Sutcliffe, M. P. F., Howarth, S., Li, Z.- Y., Gillard, J. H., 2009. Experimental measurement of the
  • atherothrombotic plaque fibrous cap. Journal of Biomechanics, 42(11), 1650–1655. of
  • carotid Bischoff, J. E., 2004. Static Indentation of Anisotropic Biomaterials Using Axially Asymmetric Indenters— a Computational Study. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 126(4), 498.
  • Borodich, F. M., Keer, L. M., Korach, C. S., 2003. Analytical study of fundamental nanoindentation test relations for indenters of non-ideal shapes. Nanotechnology, 14(7), 803–808.
  • Carson, W. C., Gerling, G. J., Krupski, T. L., Kowalik, C. G., Harper, J. C., Moskaluk, C. A., 2011. Material characterization of ex vivo prostate tissue via spherical indentation in the clinic. Medical Engineering & Physics, 33(3), 302–309.
  • Carter, F. ., Frank, T. ., Davies, P. ., McLean, D., Cuschieri, A., 2001. Measurements and modelling of the compliance of human and porcine organs. Medical Image Analysis, 5(4), 231–236.
  • Chao, C. Y. L., Zheng, Y.-P., Huang, Y.-P., Cheing, G. L. Y., 2010. Biomechanical properties of the forefoot plantar soft tissue as measured by an optical coherence tomography-based air-jet indentation system and tissue ultrasound palpation system. Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), 25(6), 594– 600.
  • Chen, W.-M., Phyau-Wui Shim, V., Park, S.-B., Lee, T., 2011. An instrumented tissue tester for measuring soft tissue property under the metatarsal heads in relation to metatarsophalangeal joint angle. Journal of Biomechanics, 44(9), 1801–1804.
  • Choi, A. P. C., Zheng, Y. P., 2005. Estimation of Young’s modulus and Poisson's ratio of soft tissue from
  • indentors: Finite element analysis of the finite deformation
  • Engineering & Computing, 43(2), 258–264. Medical &
  • Fath El Bab, A. M. R., Sugano, K., Tsuchiya, T., Tabata, O., Eltaib, M. E. H., Sallam, M. M., 2010. New compensation technique for the soft tissue stiffness measurements
  • configuration. Procedia Engineering, 5, 1304–1307. two sensor
  • probes Feng, Y., Okamoto, R. J., Namani, R., Genin, G. M., Bayly, P. V., 2013. Measurements of mechanical anisotropy in brain tissue and implications for transversely isotropic material models of white matter. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 23, 117–132.
  • Fu, Y. B., Chui, C. K., 2014. Modelling and simulation of porcine liver tissue indentation using finite element method and uniaxial stress-strain data. Journal of Biomechanics, 47(10), 2430–5. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2014.04.009
  • Gefen, A., Margulies, S. S., 2004. Are in vivo and in situ brain tissues mechanically similar? Journal of Biomechanics, 37(9), 1339–1352.
  • Hu, J., Klinich, K. D., Miller, C. S., Rupp, J. D., Nazmi, G., Pearlman, M. D., Schneider, L. W., 2011. A stochastic visco-hyperelastic model of human placenta tissue for finite element crash simulations. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 39(3), 1074– 1083.
  • Iivarinen, J. T., Korhonen, R. K., Julkunen, P., Jurvelin, J. S., 2011. Experimental and computational analysis of soft tissue stiffness in forearm using a manual indentation device. Medical Engineering & Physics, 33(10), 1245–1253.
  • Kauer, M., No, D. E. T. H. (n.d.). Inverse Finite Element Characterization of Soft Tissues with Aspiration Experiments Inverse Finite Element Characteriza- tion of Soft Tissues with Aspiration, (14233).
  • Kauer, M., Vuskovic, V., Dual, J., Szekely, G., Bajka, M., 2002. I nverse finite element characterization of soft tissues, 6, 275–287.
  • Kim, J.,2004. Virtual Environments for Medical Training : Graphic and Haptic Simulation of Tool- Tissue Interactions By Virtual Environments for Medical Training :
  • Korhonen, R. K., Saarakkala, S., Juha, T. (n.d.). Experimental and numerical validation for the novel configuration of an arthroscopic, 1565.
  • Kroon, M., & Holzapfel, G. A., 2008. A new constitutive model for multi-layered collagenous tissues. Journal of Biomechanics, 41(12), 2766–71.
  • Lokshin, O., Lanir, Y., 2009. Viscoelasticity and preconditioning of rat skin under uniaxial stretch: microstructural
  • Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 131(3), 031009. doi:10.1115/1.3049479
  • characterization. Luo, G., Houston, V. L., Garbarini, M. A., Beattie, A. C., Thongpop, C., 2011. Finite element analysis of heel pad with insoles. Journal of Biomechanics, 44(8), 1559–1565.
  • Nava, A., Mazza, E., Furrer, M., Villiger, P., Reinhart, W. H., 2008. In vivo mechanical characterization of human liver. Medical Image Analysis, 12(2), 203– 216.
  • Ottensmeyer, M. P., 2001. Minimally Invasive Instrument for In Vivo Measurement of Solid Organ Mechanical Impedance by.
  • Ottensmeyer, M. P., Kerdok, A. E., Howe, R. D., Dawson, S. L., 2004. The Effects of Testing Environment on the Viscoelastic Properties of Soft Tissues, 3078, 9–18.
  • Pailler-Mattei, C., Bec, S., Zahouani, H., 2008. In vivo measurements of the elastic mechanical properties of human skin by indentation tests. Medical Engineering & Physics, 30(5), 599–606.
  • Pandolfi, A., Vasta, M., 2012. Fiber distributed hyperelastic
  • Mechanics of Materials, 44, 151–162. of biological
  • tissues. Pelletier,
  • Characterization of mechanical properties of thin films using nanoindentation test. Mechanics of Materials, 38(12), 1182–1198. Mille, P.,
  • 200 Peña, E., Peña, J. A., Doblaré, M., 2008. On modelling nonlinear viscoelastic effects in ligaments. Journal of Biomechanics, 41(12), 2659–2666.
  • Prevost, T. P., Jin, G., de Moya, M. A., Alam, H. B., Suresh, S., Socrate, S., 2011. Dynamic mechanical response of brain tissue in indentation in vivo, in situ and in vitro. Acta Biomaterialia, 7(12), 4090– 4101.
  • Samani, A., Plewes, D., 2004. A method to measure the hyperelastic parameters of ex vivo breast tissue samples. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 49(18), 4395–4405.
  • Structure and Stress-Strain Relationship of Soft Tissues Author(s): Y. C. Fung Stable URL : . Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use , available at . content in a t. (2014), 24(1), 13–22.
  • Tönük, E., Silver-Thorn, M. B., 2004. Nonlinear Viscoelastic Material Property Estimation of Lower Extremity Residual Limb Tissues. Journal of Biomechanical
  • doi:1115/1.1695575 126(2),
  • 2 Van Dommelen, J. A. W., van der Sande, T. P. J., Hrapko, M., Peters, G. W. M., 2010. Mechanical properties
  • interregional variation. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 3(2), 158–166.
  • Yao, W., Yoshida, K., Fernandez, M., Vink, J., Wapner, R. J., Ananth, C. V, … Myers, K. M., 2014. Measuring the compressive viscoelastic mechanical properties of human cervical tissue using indentation. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 34, 18–26.
  • Yin, Y., Ling, S.-F., Liu, Y., 2004. A dynamic indentation
  • incompressible viscoelastic materials. Materials for
  • Science and Engineering: A, 379(1-2), 334–340.
  • Zhang, G. Y., Wittek, A., Joldes, G. R., Jin, X., Miller, K., 2014. A three-dimensional nonlinear meshfree algorithm for simulating mechanical responses of soft tissue. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 42, 60–66.
  • Zheng, Y., Mak, A. F. T., Lue, B., 1999. Objective assessment of limb tissue elasticity : Development of a manual indentation procedure, 36(2).
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Özel Sayı

Parinaz Ashrafı This is me

Ergin Tönük This is me

Publication Date January 4, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 18 Issue: 3


APA Ashrafı, P., & Tönük, E. (2015). Indentation and Observation of Anisotropic Soft Tissues Using an Indenter Device. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 18(3), 10-20.
AMA Ashrafı P, Tönük E. Indentation and Observation of Anisotropic Soft Tissues Using an Indenter Device. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. January 2015;18(3):10-20.
Chicago Ashrafı, Parinaz, and Ergin Tönük. “Indentation and Observation of Anisotropic Soft Tissues Using an Indenter Device”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 18, no. 3 (January 2015): 10-20.
EndNote Ashrafı P, Tönük E (January 1, 2015) Indentation and Observation of Anisotropic Soft Tissues Using an Indenter Device. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 18 3 10–20.
IEEE P. Ashrafı and E. Tönük, “Indentation and Observation of Anisotropic Soft Tissues Using an Indenter Device”, J. Nat. Appl. Sci., vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 10–20, 2015.
ISNAD Ashrafı, Parinaz - Tönük, Ergin. “Indentation and Observation of Anisotropic Soft Tissues Using an Indenter Device”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 18/3 (January 2015), 10-20.
JAMA Ashrafı P, Tönük E. Indentation and Observation of Anisotropic Soft Tissues Using an Indenter Device. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. 2015;18:10–20.
MLA Ashrafı, Parinaz and Ergin Tönük. “Indentation and Observation of Anisotropic Soft Tissues Using an Indenter Device”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 18, no. 3, 2015, pp. 10-20.
Vancouver Ashrafı P, Tönük E. Indentation and Observation of Anisotropic Soft Tissues Using an Indenter Device. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. 2015;18(3):10-2.

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