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Karasu Nehri Su Kalitesinin Farklı Su Kalitesi İndeksleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2019, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 488 - 497, 25.08.2019


azaldığı, tarımsal ve endüstriyel faaliyetlerin giderek arttığı İç Anadolu
bölgesinde, su kaynaklarının üzerindeki baskıda her geçen gün artmaktadır. Biyolojik
ihtiyaçlar, entegre çevre yönetimi ve sürdürülebilir kalkınma hedefleri için su
kaynaklarının kalitesi ve miktarı önemlidir. Su kalitesini etkileyen birçok
parametrenin aynı anda yorumlanarak su kalitesinin belirlenmesi hem karmaşık
hem maliyetli hem de uzun zaman almaktadır. Bu sebeple su kalitesinin daha
anlaşılabilir bir şekilde yorumlanmasını sağlayan su kalite indeksi modelleri
kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Aksaray İlinin önemli içme su kaynaklarından
biri olan Karasu Nehri’nin su kalitesi Aralık 2015 ve Kasım 2016 tarihleri
arasında bir yıl süreyle izlenilmiş olup nehrin genel su kalitesi 3 farklı su
kalite indeksi modeli ile değerlendirilmiştir. İçme suyu elde
edilen veya elde edilmesi planlanan yüzeysel suların kalitesine dair yönetmeliğe
göre NH4-N, BOİ5, Co, fekal koliform, Ba, Cu, Zn ve
çözünmüş oksijen parametrelerinin sınır değerlerini aştığı ve suyun kalitesini
etkileyen ana parametreler olduğu saptanmıştır.
Ayrıca su kaynağının yüzey su kalite
sınıfının NO2, B, Cd ve Zn parametrelerine bağlı olarak “IV” olduğu
tespit edilmiştir. Uygulanan model sonuçlarına göre ise Karasu Nehri’nin
su kalitesi, Ulusal Sanitasyon Vakfı Su Kalite İndeksine (USV SKİ) göre “orta”,
Kanada Çevre Bakanlığı Konseyi Su Kalite İndeksine (KÇBK SKİ) göre “kötü” ve
Oregon Su Kalite İndeksine (O SKİ) göre de “kötü” seviyede olarak tespit


  • [1] Katyal, D., 2011. Water quality indices used for surface water vulnerability assessment, International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2, 1.
  • [2] Almeida, C., Quintar, S., González, P., Mallea, M., 2008. Assessment of irrigation water quality. A proposal of a quality profile, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 142, 1-3, 149-152.
  • [3] Debels, P., Figueroa, R., Urrutia, R., Barra, R., Niell, X., 2005. Evaluation of water quality in the Chillán River (Central Chile) using physicochemical parameters and a modified water quality index, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 110, 1-3, 301-322.
  • [4] Abbasi, S. A., 2002. Water quality indices, state of the art report. Scientific Contribution No. INCOH/SAR, 25.
  • [5] Kannel, P. R., Lee, S., Lee, Y.-S., Kanel, S. R., Khan, S. P., 2007. Application of water quality indices and dissolved oxygen as indicators for river water classification and urban impact assessment, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 132, 1-3, 93-110.
  • [6] Lumb, A., Halliwell, D., Sharma, T., 2006. Application of CCME Water Quality Index to monitor water quality: A case study of the Mackenzie River basin, Canada, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 113, 1-3, 411-429.
  • [7] Sharifi, M., 1990. Assessment of surface water quality by an index system in Anzali basin, Proceedings of the Hydrological Basis for Water Resources Management, Beijing, 163-171.
  • [8] Jena, V., Dixit, S., Gupta, S., 2013. Assessment of water quality index of industrial area surface water samples, International Journal of ChemTech Research, 5, 1, 278-283.
  • [9] Poonam, T., Tanushree, B., Sukalyan, C., 2013. Water quality indices—important tools for water quality assessment: a review, International Journal of Advances in Chemistry, 1, 1, 15-28.
  • [10] Horton, R. K., 1965. An index number system for rating water quality, Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation, 37, 3, 300-306.
  • [11] Terrado, M., Barceló, D., Tauler, R., Borrell, E., de Campos, S., 2010. Surface-water-quality indices for the analysis of data generated by automated sampling networks, TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 29, 1, 40-52.
  • [12] Pitkänen, T., Paakkari, P., Miettinen, I.T., Heinonen-Tanski, H., Paulin, L., Hänninen, M.L., 2007. Comparison of media for enumeration of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli in non-disinfected water. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 68(3), pp.522-529.
  • [13] Fricker, C.R., Bullock, S., Murrin, K., Niemela, S.I., 2008. Use of the ISO 9308-1 procedure for the detection of E. coli in water utilizing two incubation temperatures and two confirmation procedures and comparison with defined substrate technology. Journal of water and health, 6(3), pp.389-397.
  • [14] American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Pollution Control Federation and Water Environment Federation, 1915. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater (Vol. 2). American Public Health Association.
  • [15] Brown, R. M., McClelland, N. I., Deininger, R. A., Tozer, R. G., 1970. A Water Qualıty Index- Do We Dare.
  • [16] Bhargava, D.S., Saxena, B.S., Dewakar, A., 1998. A study of geopollutants in the Godavary river basin in India, Asian Environment.
  • [17] Tyagi, S., Sharma, B., Singh, P., Dobhal, R., 2013. Water quality assessment in terms of water quality index, American Journal of Water Resources, 1, 3, 34-38.
  • [18] Fernández, N., Ramírez, A., Solano, F., 2004. Physico-Chemical Water Quality Indices-A Comparative Review–, Bistua Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Basicas, 2, 1.
  • [19] Dunnette, D. A., 1979. A geographically variable water quality index used in Oregon. Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation), pp.53-61.
  • [20] Kumar, D., Alappat, B. J., 2009. NSF-water quality index: does it represent the experts’ opinion? Practice Periodical of Hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste Management, 13, 1, 75-79.
  • [21] Mitchell, M. K., Stapp, W. B., Beebe, A., 1986. Field manual for water quality monitoring: an environmental education program for schools, Thomson-Shore.
  • [22] Ichwana, I., Syahrul, S., Nelly, W., 2016. Water quality index by using national sanitation foundation-Water quality index (NSF-WQI) method at krueng tamiang aceh, International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia.
  • [23] Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, 2002. Canadian environmental quality guidelines (Vol. 2). Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment.
  • [24] Khan, A. A., Paterson, R., Khan, H., 2003. Modification and application of the CCME WQI for the communication of drinking water quality data in newfoundland and labrador, 38th, Central Symposium on Water Quality Research, Canadian Association on Water Quality, 10-11.
  • [25] Khan, A. A., Tobin, A., Paterson, R., Khan, H., Warren, R., 2005. Application of CCME procedures for deriving site-specific water quality guidelines for the CCME Water Quality Index, Water Quality Research Journal, 40, 4, 448-456.
  • [26] Kankal, N., Indurkar, M., Gudadhe, S., Wate, S., 2012. Water quality index of surface water bodies of Gujarat, India, Asian J. Exp. Sci, 26, 1, 39-48.
  • [27] Dede, Ö. T., Sezer, M., 2017. Aksu çayı su kalitesinin belirlenmesinde Kanada su kalitesi indeks (CWQI) modelinin uygulanması, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering & Architecture of Gazi University, 32, 3.
  • [28] Dinius, S., 1987. Design of an Index of Water Quality1, JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 23, 5, 833-843.
  • [29] Cude, C. G., 2001. Oregon Water Quality Index a Tool for Evaluating Water Quality Management Effectiveness1, JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 37, 1, 125-137.
  • [30] Karami, B., Dhumal, K., Golabi, M., Jaafarzadeh, N., 2009. Optimization the relationship between Water quality index and physical and chemical parameters of water in Bamdezh Wetland, Iran, Journal of Applied Sciences, 9, 21, 3900-3905.
  • [31] Elhatip, H., Koçyiğit, H., 2016. Environmental Effects of Water Quality of Melendiz Stream and Mamasin Dam Site in Aksaray City in the Central Anatolia of Turkey, Journal of Agricultural Science Technology A, 6, 372-385.
  • [32] Abdel-Satar, A.M., Ali, M.H. and Goher, M.E., 2017. Indices of water quality and metal pollution of Nile River, Egypt. The Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, 43(1), pp.21-29.
  • [33] Effendi, H., Wardiatno, Y., 2015. Water quality status of Ciambulawung River, Banten Province, based on pollution index and NSF-WQI. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 24, pp.228-237.
  • [34] Al-Janabi, Z.Z., Al-Kubaisi, A.R., Al-Obaidy, A.H.M.J., 2012. Assessment of water quality of Tigris River by using water quality index (CCME WQI). Al-Nahrain Journal of Science, 15(1), pp.119-126.

Evaluation of Karasu River Water Quality in Terms of Different Water Quality Indexes

Year 2019, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 488 - 497, 25.08.2019


In the
Central Anatolia region where precipitation decreases and agricultural and
industrial activities are increasing, the pressure on water resources is
increasing day by day. The quality and quantity of water resources are
important for biological needs, integrated environmental management and
sustainable development goals. It is both complicated and costly to determine
the water quality by interpreting many parameters affecting water quality at
the same time. For this reason, water quality index models are used to provide
a better understanding of the water quality. In this study, the water quality
of Karasu River, which is one of the important drinking water resources of
Aksaray Province, was monitored between December 2015 and November 2016 for one
year and the overall water quality of the river was evaluated with 3 different
water quality index models. It was determined that NH4-N, BOD5,
Co, fecal coliform, Ba, Cu, Zn and dissolved oxygen parameters exceed the limit
values of the regulation of drinking water obtained or planned surface water
quality and the main parameters affecting the quality of water.
addition, the surface water quality class of water source was determined to be
“IV” depending on NO2, B, Cd and Zn parameters.
to the model results, the water quality of the Karasu River was “moderate”
according to the National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index, “bad” according
to the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, and “bad” according to
the Oregon Water Quality Index.


  • [1] Katyal, D., 2011. Water quality indices used for surface water vulnerability assessment, International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2, 1.
  • [2] Almeida, C., Quintar, S., González, P., Mallea, M., 2008. Assessment of irrigation water quality. A proposal of a quality profile, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 142, 1-3, 149-152.
  • [3] Debels, P., Figueroa, R., Urrutia, R., Barra, R., Niell, X., 2005. Evaluation of water quality in the Chillán River (Central Chile) using physicochemical parameters and a modified water quality index, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 110, 1-3, 301-322.
  • [4] Abbasi, S. A., 2002. Water quality indices, state of the art report. Scientific Contribution No. INCOH/SAR, 25.
  • [5] Kannel, P. R., Lee, S., Lee, Y.-S., Kanel, S. R., Khan, S. P., 2007. Application of water quality indices and dissolved oxygen as indicators for river water classification and urban impact assessment, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 132, 1-3, 93-110.
  • [6] Lumb, A., Halliwell, D., Sharma, T., 2006. Application of CCME Water Quality Index to monitor water quality: A case study of the Mackenzie River basin, Canada, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 113, 1-3, 411-429.
  • [7] Sharifi, M., 1990. Assessment of surface water quality by an index system in Anzali basin, Proceedings of the Hydrological Basis for Water Resources Management, Beijing, 163-171.
  • [8] Jena, V., Dixit, S., Gupta, S., 2013. Assessment of water quality index of industrial area surface water samples, International Journal of ChemTech Research, 5, 1, 278-283.
  • [9] Poonam, T., Tanushree, B., Sukalyan, C., 2013. Water quality indices—important tools for water quality assessment: a review, International Journal of Advances in Chemistry, 1, 1, 15-28.
  • [10] Horton, R. K., 1965. An index number system for rating water quality, Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation, 37, 3, 300-306.
  • [11] Terrado, M., Barceló, D., Tauler, R., Borrell, E., de Campos, S., 2010. Surface-water-quality indices for the analysis of data generated by automated sampling networks, TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 29, 1, 40-52.
  • [12] Pitkänen, T., Paakkari, P., Miettinen, I.T., Heinonen-Tanski, H., Paulin, L., Hänninen, M.L., 2007. Comparison of media for enumeration of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli in non-disinfected water. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 68(3), pp.522-529.
  • [13] Fricker, C.R., Bullock, S., Murrin, K., Niemela, S.I., 2008. Use of the ISO 9308-1 procedure for the detection of E. coli in water utilizing two incubation temperatures and two confirmation procedures and comparison with defined substrate technology. Journal of water and health, 6(3), pp.389-397.
  • [14] American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Pollution Control Federation and Water Environment Federation, 1915. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater (Vol. 2). American Public Health Association.
  • [15] Brown, R. M., McClelland, N. I., Deininger, R. A., Tozer, R. G., 1970. A Water Qualıty Index- Do We Dare.
  • [16] Bhargava, D.S., Saxena, B.S., Dewakar, A., 1998. A study of geopollutants in the Godavary river basin in India, Asian Environment.
  • [17] Tyagi, S., Sharma, B., Singh, P., Dobhal, R., 2013. Water quality assessment in terms of water quality index, American Journal of Water Resources, 1, 3, 34-38.
  • [18] Fernández, N., Ramírez, A., Solano, F., 2004. Physico-Chemical Water Quality Indices-A Comparative Review–, Bistua Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Basicas, 2, 1.
  • [19] Dunnette, D. A., 1979. A geographically variable water quality index used in Oregon. Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation), pp.53-61.
  • [20] Kumar, D., Alappat, B. J., 2009. NSF-water quality index: does it represent the experts’ opinion? Practice Periodical of Hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste Management, 13, 1, 75-79.
  • [21] Mitchell, M. K., Stapp, W. B., Beebe, A., 1986. Field manual for water quality monitoring: an environmental education program for schools, Thomson-Shore.
  • [22] Ichwana, I., Syahrul, S., Nelly, W., 2016. Water quality index by using national sanitation foundation-Water quality index (NSF-WQI) method at krueng tamiang aceh, International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia.
  • [23] Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, 2002. Canadian environmental quality guidelines (Vol. 2). Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment.
  • [24] Khan, A. A., Paterson, R., Khan, H., 2003. Modification and application of the CCME WQI for the communication of drinking water quality data in newfoundland and labrador, 38th, Central Symposium on Water Quality Research, Canadian Association on Water Quality, 10-11.
  • [25] Khan, A. A., Tobin, A., Paterson, R., Khan, H., Warren, R., 2005. Application of CCME procedures for deriving site-specific water quality guidelines for the CCME Water Quality Index, Water Quality Research Journal, 40, 4, 448-456.
  • [26] Kankal, N., Indurkar, M., Gudadhe, S., Wate, S., 2012. Water quality index of surface water bodies of Gujarat, India, Asian J. Exp. Sci, 26, 1, 39-48.
  • [27] Dede, Ö. T., Sezer, M., 2017. Aksu çayı su kalitesinin belirlenmesinde Kanada su kalitesi indeks (CWQI) modelinin uygulanması, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering & Architecture of Gazi University, 32, 3.
  • [28] Dinius, S., 1987. Design of an Index of Water Quality1, JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 23, 5, 833-843.
  • [29] Cude, C. G., 2001. Oregon Water Quality Index a Tool for Evaluating Water Quality Management Effectiveness1, JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 37, 1, 125-137.
  • [30] Karami, B., Dhumal, K., Golabi, M., Jaafarzadeh, N., 2009. Optimization the relationship between Water quality index and physical and chemical parameters of water in Bamdezh Wetland, Iran, Journal of Applied Sciences, 9, 21, 3900-3905.
  • [31] Elhatip, H., Koçyiğit, H., 2016. Environmental Effects of Water Quality of Melendiz Stream and Mamasin Dam Site in Aksaray City in the Central Anatolia of Turkey, Journal of Agricultural Science Technology A, 6, 372-385.
  • [32] Abdel-Satar, A.M., Ali, M.H. and Goher, M.E., 2017. Indices of water quality and metal pollution of Nile River, Egypt. The Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, 43(1), pp.21-29.
  • [33] Effendi, H., Wardiatno, Y., 2015. Water quality status of Ciambulawung River, Banten Province, based on pollution index and NSF-WQI. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 24, pp.228-237.
  • [34] Al-Janabi, Z.Z., Al-Kubaisi, A.R., Al-Obaidy, A.H.M.J., 2012. Assessment of water quality of Tigris River by using water quality index (CCME WQI). Al-Nahrain Journal of Science, 15(1), pp.119-126.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Alper Alver 0000-0003-2734-8544

Emine Baştürk 0000-0002-1628-5026

Publication Date August 25, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Alver, A., & Baştürk, E. (2019). Karasu Nehri Su Kalitesinin Farklı Su Kalitesi İndeksleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 23(2), 488-497.
AMA Alver A, Baştürk E. Karasu Nehri Su Kalitesinin Farklı Su Kalitesi İndeksleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. August 2019;23(2):488-497. doi:10.19113/sdufenbed.528611
Chicago Alver, Alper, and Emine Baştürk. “Karasu Nehri Su Kalitesinin Farklı Su Kalitesi İndeksleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 23, no. 2 (August 2019): 488-97.
EndNote Alver A, Baştürk E (August 1, 2019) Karasu Nehri Su Kalitesinin Farklı Su Kalitesi İndeksleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 23 2 488–497.
IEEE A. Alver and E. Baştürk, “Karasu Nehri Su Kalitesinin Farklı Su Kalitesi İndeksleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi”, J. Nat. Appl. Sci., vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 488–497, 2019, doi: 10.19113/sdufenbed.528611.
ISNAD Alver, Alper - Baştürk, Emine. “Karasu Nehri Su Kalitesinin Farklı Su Kalitesi İndeksleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 23/2 (August 2019), 488-497.
JAMA Alver A, Baştürk E. Karasu Nehri Su Kalitesinin Farklı Su Kalitesi İndeksleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. 2019;23:488–497.
MLA Alver, Alper and Emine Baştürk. “Karasu Nehri Su Kalitesinin Farklı Su Kalitesi İndeksleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 2, 2019, pp. 488-97, doi:10.19113/sdufenbed.528611.
Vancouver Alver A, Baştürk E. Karasu Nehri Su Kalitesinin Farklı Su Kalitesi İndeksleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. 2019;23(2):488-97.

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