Investigation of the Usability of Foamed Bituminous Mixtures as Bituminous Base Course
Year 2022,
Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 407 - 412, 20.12.2022
Kemal Muhammet Erten
Serdal Terzi
Hüseyin Akbulut
Materials recycled with foam bitumen are promising materials for pavements economically and environmentally. However, there are different opinions in the literature about how these materials are positioned in the pavement. It is clear that their performances will not be suitable for the wearing course, but that they are used for the plant mixture base course because they contain bitumen, and that these materials will be neglected in the evaluation of these materials. In the study, 4 different foam bituminous mixes prepared with a recycled pavement material and a standard bituminous base course mix were compared in terms of the resilient modulus obtained from the uniaxial indirect tensile resilient modulus test. Gradation is the same for three of the mixtures, two of them use cement as a mineral binder, but 70/100 grade bitumen in one of these two productions and 50/70 grade bitumen in the other. In the third mixture, 70/100 grade bitumen and hydrated lime (HL)+fly ash (FA) were used. In the final mixture, 70/100 grade bitumen and cement were used as mineral binders, but gradation was changed. In addition, permanent deformation control for the final production was carried out with a triaxial cyclic compression test. It was concluded that all these variables affect the results, but the resilience modulus values obtained for all were quite close to those obtained from the bituminous base sample. Considering that the foamed bituminous mixtures will be thicker than the bituminous base course in practice, it is considered structurally appropriate to use this layer instead of the bituminous base course.
Supporting Institution
Süleyman Demirel University, General Directorate of highways
Project Number
4939-D1-17, KGM-ARGE/2017-1
This study was supported by SDU (Süleyman Demirel University) scientific research project 4939-D1-17 and KGM-ARGE/2017-1 KGM (General Directorate of highways) project.
- [1] Isola, M., Betti, G., Marradi, A., Tebaldi, G., 2013. Evaluation of Cement Treated Mixtures with High Percentage of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement. Construction and Building Materials, 48, 238–247.
- [2] Yan, J., Zhu, H., Zhang, Z., Gao, L., Charmot, S., 2014. The Theoretical Analysis of the RAP Aged Asphalt Influence on the Performance of Asphalt Emulsion Cold Recycled Mixes. Construction and Building Materials, 71, 444–450.
- [3] ARRA, 2001. Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association Basic Manual. 269s, USA.
- [4] Kar, S.S., Swamy, A.K., Tiwari,D., Jain, P.K., 2018. Impact of Recycled Asphalt Pavement on Properties of Foamed Bituminous Mixtures. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 13(1), 14–22.
- [5] Turk, J., Pranjic, A.M., Mladenovic, A., Cotic, Z., Jurjavcic, P., 2016. Environmental Comparison of Two Alternative Road Pavement Rehabilitation Techniques: Cold-In-Place-Recycling Versus Traditional Reconstruction. Journal of Cleaner Production, 121, 45-55.
- [6] Woszuk, A., Zofka, A., Bandura, L., Franus, W., 2017. Effect of Zeolite Properties on Asphalt Foaming. Construction and Building Materials, 139, 247–255.
- [7] Muthen, K.M., 1998. Foamed Asphalt Mixes Mix Design Procedure. Rapor No: CR-98/077, 31s.
- [8] Thompson, M.R., Garcia, L., Carpenter, S.H., 2009. Cold in Place Recycling and Full Depth Recycling with Asphalt Products (CIR&FDRWAP). Rapor no: FHWA-ICT-09-036, 28s.
- [9] Buczyński, P., Iwański, M., 2017. Inactive Mineral Filler as a Stiffness Modulus Regulator in Foamed Bitumen-Modified Recycled Base Layers. Materials Science and Engineering, 245, 032042
- [10] Asphalt Academy, 2009. Technical Guideline: Bitumen Stabilised Materials, TG2 Second edition, ISBN 978-0-7988-5582-2
- [11] Fadmoro, O.F., Kar, S.S., Tiwari, D., 2022. Characterisation of Foam Bitumen Mixes with Diffrent RAP Content at Elevated Mixing Temperature Using Design of Experiment (DOE) Approach, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2021.2020785
- [12] Wirtgen, 2012. Cold Recycling – Wirtgen Cold Recycling Technology, Wirtgen Cold Recycling Manual, 368s, Germany.
- [13] Jain, S., Singh, B., 2021. Cold Mix Asphalt: An Overview. Journal of Cleaner Production, 280, 20p.
- [14] Zou, J., Isola, M., Roque, R., Chun, S., Koh, C., Lopp, G., 2013. Effect of Hydrated Lime on Fracture Performance of Asphalt Mixture. Construction and Building Materials, 44, 302–308.
- [15] Mohammadinia, A., Arulrajah, A., Horpibulsuk, S., Chinkulkijniwat, A., 2017. Effect of Fly Ash on Properties of Crushed Brick and Reclaimed Asphaltin Pavement Base/Subbase Applications. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 321, 547–556.
- [16] Brown, S.F., Needham, D., 2000. A Study of Cement Modified Bitumen Emulsion Mixtures, Asphalt Paving Technologists Proc, 69, 92–121.
- [17] Dolzycki, B., Jaczewski, M., Szydlowski, C., 2017. The Long-Term Properties of Mineral Cement-Emulsion Mixtures, Construction and Building Materials 156, 799–808.
- [18] Graziani, A., Iafelice, C., Raschia, S., Perraton, D., Carter, A., 2018. A Procedure for Characterizing the Curing Process of Cold Recycled Bitumen Emulsion Mixtures. Construction and Building Materials, 173, 754–762.
- [19] Graziani, A., Godenzoni, C., Cardone, F., Bocci, M., 2016. Effect of Curing on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Cold-Recycled Bituminous Mixtures. Materials & Design, 95, 358–369.
- [20] Grilli, A., Graziani, A., Bocci, M., 2012. Compactability and Thermal Sensitivity of Cement Bitumen Treated Materials, Road Materials and Pavement Design, 13(4), 599–617.
- [21] Fu, P., Jones, D., Harvey, J.T., Halles, F., 2010. An Investigation of the Curing Mechanism of Foamed Asphalt Mixes Based on Micromechanics Principles. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 22(1):29-38
- [22] Arguelles, G.M., Giustozzi, F., Crispino, M., Flintsch, G.W., 2015. Laboratory Investigation on Mechanical Performance of Cold Foamed Bitumen Mixes: Bitumen Source, Foaming Additive, Fiber-Reinforcement and Cement Effect. Construction and Building Materials, 93, 241-248.
- [23] Fu, P., Jones, D., Harvey, J.T., Bukhari, S.A., 2009. Laboratory Test Methods for Foamed Asphalt Mix Resilient Modulus. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 10:1, 188-212.
- [24] Patel, A., Kulkarni, M.P., Rao, K.V.K., Singh, D.N., Gumaste, S.D., 2008. A Methodology for Determination of Resilient Modulus of Asphaltic Concrete. The 12th International Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), 1-6 October, Goa, India.
- [25] Huang, Y.H., 2003. Pavement Analysis and Design 2nd Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 775, United States of America
- [26] AASHTO T 307-99, 2012. Determining the Resilient Modulus of Soils and Aggregate Materials. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington DC.
- [27] Sunarjono, S., 2008. The Influence of Foamed Bitumen Characteristics of Cold-Mix Asphalt Properties. The University of Nottingham, Nottingham Transportation Engineering Centre, School of Civil Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy, 311s, Nottingham.
- [28] Khosravifar, S., Schwartz, C.W., Goulias, D.G., 2015. Mechanistic Structural Properties of Foamed Asphalt Stabilised Base Materials. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 16:1, 27-38.
- [29] Erten, K.M., Terzi, S., Akbulut, H., 2020. Effect of Bitumen Grade, Bitumen Percentage and Mineral Binders on Mixture Properties in Foam Bitumen - Stabilized RAP Materials. Journal of Innovations in Civil Engineering and Technology, 2(1), 1-11.
- [30] Erten, K.M., Terzi, S., Akbulut, H., 2020. Effect of Active Filler Ratio on Indirect Tensile Strength of Foam Bituminous Mixtures. International Scientific and Vocational Journal, 4(1), 60-67.
- [31] Erten, K. M., 2020. Köpük Bitüm ile Yerinde ve Soğuk Geri Kazanılmış Bitümlü Sıcak Karışımların Karayolunda Kullanılabilirliği ve Performansının Araştırılması, Süleyman Demirel University, Ph.D. Thesis, Isparta, Turkey, 169p.
- [32] Taha, R., Harthy, A.A., Shamsi K.A. and Zubeidi, M.A., 2002. Cement stabilization of reclaimed asphalt pavement aggregate for road bases and subbases. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 239-245.
- [33] Iwanski, M., Kowalska, A.C., 2013. Laboratory Study on Mechanical Parameters of Foamed Bitumen Mixtures in the Cold Recycling Technology. Procedia Engineering, 57, 433 – 442.
Köpüklü Bitümlü Karışımların Bitümlü Temel Tabakası Olarak Kullanılabilirliğinin Araştırılması
Year 2022,
Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 407 - 412, 20.12.2022
Kemal Muhammet Erten
Serdal Terzi
Hüseyin Akbulut
Köpük bitümle geri kazanılmış malzemeler ekonomik ve çevresel anlamda üstyapılar için umut verici malzemelerdir. Ancak bu malzemelerin üstyapıda nasıl konumlanacağı ile ilgili literatürde farklı görüşler mevcuttur. Performanslarının aşınma tabakası için uygun olmayacağı ancak bitüm ihtiva etmeleri nedeniyle PMT (plent mix temel) tabakası için kullanılmasının da bu malzemelerin değerlendirilmesinde özensiz davranılmış olacağı açıktır. Çalışmada geri kazanılmış bir üstyapı malzemesi ile hazırlanan 4 farklı köpük bitümlü karışım ile standart bir bitümlü temel karışımı tek eksenli dolaylı çekme modülü testinden elde edilen esneklik modülü değerleri açısından kıyaslanmıştır. Karışımlardan üç tanesi için gradasyon aynı olup iki tanesinde mineral esaslı bağlayıcı olarak çimento kullanılmış ancak bu iki üretimin birisinde 70/100 diğerinde 50/70 bitüm kullanılmıştır. 3. karışımda ise 70/100 bitüm ve sönmüş kireç+uçucu kül kullanılmıştır. Son karışımda 70/100 bitüm ve mineral esaslı bağlayıcı olarak çimento kullanılmış ancak gradasyon değiştirilmiştir. İlave olarak son üretim için kalıcı deformasyon kontrolü, üç eksenli tekrarlı basınç testi ile yapılmıştır. Tüm bu değişkenlerin sonuçları etkilediği ancak hepsi için elde edilen esneklik modülü değerlerinin bitümlü temel numunesinden elde edilene oldukça yakın olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Uygulamada, köpük bitümlü karışımların bitümlü temel tabakasına göre daha kalın olacağı da düşünüldüğünde bu tabakanın bitümlü temel yerine kullanılması yapısal olarak uygun görünmektedir.
Project Number
4939-D1-17, KGM-ARGE/2017-1
- [1] Isola, M., Betti, G., Marradi, A., Tebaldi, G., 2013. Evaluation of Cement Treated Mixtures with High Percentage of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement. Construction and Building Materials, 48, 238–247.
- [2] Yan, J., Zhu, H., Zhang, Z., Gao, L., Charmot, S., 2014. The Theoretical Analysis of the RAP Aged Asphalt Influence on the Performance of Asphalt Emulsion Cold Recycled Mixes. Construction and Building Materials, 71, 444–450.
- [3] ARRA, 2001. Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association Basic Manual. 269s, USA.
- [4] Kar, S.S., Swamy, A.K., Tiwari,D., Jain, P.K., 2018. Impact of Recycled Asphalt Pavement on Properties of Foamed Bituminous Mixtures. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 13(1), 14–22.
- [5] Turk, J., Pranjic, A.M., Mladenovic, A., Cotic, Z., Jurjavcic, P., 2016. Environmental Comparison of Two Alternative Road Pavement Rehabilitation Techniques: Cold-In-Place-Recycling Versus Traditional Reconstruction. Journal of Cleaner Production, 121, 45-55.
- [6] Woszuk, A., Zofka, A., Bandura, L., Franus, W., 2017. Effect of Zeolite Properties on Asphalt Foaming. Construction and Building Materials, 139, 247–255.
- [7] Muthen, K.M., 1998. Foamed Asphalt Mixes Mix Design Procedure. Rapor No: CR-98/077, 31s.
- [8] Thompson, M.R., Garcia, L., Carpenter, S.H., 2009. Cold in Place Recycling and Full Depth Recycling with Asphalt Products (CIR&FDRWAP). Rapor no: FHWA-ICT-09-036, 28s.
- [9] Buczyński, P., Iwański, M., 2017. Inactive Mineral Filler as a Stiffness Modulus Regulator in Foamed Bitumen-Modified Recycled Base Layers. Materials Science and Engineering, 245, 032042
- [10] Asphalt Academy, 2009. Technical Guideline: Bitumen Stabilised Materials, TG2 Second edition, ISBN 978-0-7988-5582-2
- [11] Fadmoro, O.F., Kar, S.S., Tiwari, D., 2022. Characterisation of Foam Bitumen Mixes with Diffrent RAP Content at Elevated Mixing Temperature Using Design of Experiment (DOE) Approach, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2021.2020785
- [12] Wirtgen, 2012. Cold Recycling – Wirtgen Cold Recycling Technology, Wirtgen Cold Recycling Manual, 368s, Germany.
- [13] Jain, S., Singh, B., 2021. Cold Mix Asphalt: An Overview. Journal of Cleaner Production, 280, 20p.
- [14] Zou, J., Isola, M., Roque, R., Chun, S., Koh, C., Lopp, G., 2013. Effect of Hydrated Lime on Fracture Performance of Asphalt Mixture. Construction and Building Materials, 44, 302–308.
- [15] Mohammadinia, A., Arulrajah, A., Horpibulsuk, S., Chinkulkijniwat, A., 2017. Effect of Fly Ash on Properties of Crushed Brick and Reclaimed Asphaltin Pavement Base/Subbase Applications. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 321, 547–556.
- [16] Brown, S.F., Needham, D., 2000. A Study of Cement Modified Bitumen Emulsion Mixtures, Asphalt Paving Technologists Proc, 69, 92–121.
- [17] Dolzycki, B., Jaczewski, M., Szydlowski, C., 2017. The Long-Term Properties of Mineral Cement-Emulsion Mixtures, Construction and Building Materials 156, 799–808.
- [18] Graziani, A., Iafelice, C., Raschia, S., Perraton, D., Carter, A., 2018. A Procedure for Characterizing the Curing Process of Cold Recycled Bitumen Emulsion Mixtures. Construction and Building Materials, 173, 754–762.
- [19] Graziani, A., Godenzoni, C., Cardone, F., Bocci, M., 2016. Effect of Curing on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Cold-Recycled Bituminous Mixtures. Materials & Design, 95, 358–369.
- [20] Grilli, A., Graziani, A., Bocci, M., 2012. Compactability and Thermal Sensitivity of Cement Bitumen Treated Materials, Road Materials and Pavement Design, 13(4), 599–617.
- [21] Fu, P., Jones, D., Harvey, J.T., Halles, F., 2010. An Investigation of the Curing Mechanism of Foamed Asphalt Mixes Based on Micromechanics Principles. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 22(1):29-38
- [22] Arguelles, G.M., Giustozzi, F., Crispino, M., Flintsch, G.W., 2015. Laboratory Investigation on Mechanical Performance of Cold Foamed Bitumen Mixes: Bitumen Source, Foaming Additive, Fiber-Reinforcement and Cement Effect. Construction and Building Materials, 93, 241-248.
- [23] Fu, P., Jones, D., Harvey, J.T., Bukhari, S.A., 2009. Laboratory Test Methods for Foamed Asphalt Mix Resilient Modulus. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 10:1, 188-212.
- [24] Patel, A., Kulkarni, M.P., Rao, K.V.K., Singh, D.N., Gumaste, S.D., 2008. A Methodology for Determination of Resilient Modulus of Asphaltic Concrete. The 12th International Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), 1-6 October, Goa, India.
- [25] Huang, Y.H., 2003. Pavement Analysis and Design 2nd Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 775, United States of America
- [26] AASHTO T 307-99, 2012. Determining the Resilient Modulus of Soils and Aggregate Materials. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington DC.
- [27] Sunarjono, S., 2008. The Influence of Foamed Bitumen Characteristics of Cold-Mix Asphalt Properties. The University of Nottingham, Nottingham Transportation Engineering Centre, School of Civil Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy, 311s, Nottingham.
- [28] Khosravifar, S., Schwartz, C.W., Goulias, D.G., 2015. Mechanistic Structural Properties of Foamed Asphalt Stabilised Base Materials. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 16:1, 27-38.
- [29] Erten, K.M., Terzi, S., Akbulut, H., 2020. Effect of Bitumen Grade, Bitumen Percentage and Mineral Binders on Mixture Properties in Foam Bitumen - Stabilized RAP Materials. Journal of Innovations in Civil Engineering and Technology, 2(1), 1-11.
- [30] Erten, K.M., Terzi, S., Akbulut, H., 2020. Effect of Active Filler Ratio on Indirect Tensile Strength of Foam Bituminous Mixtures. International Scientific and Vocational Journal, 4(1), 60-67.
- [31] Erten, K. M., 2020. Köpük Bitüm ile Yerinde ve Soğuk Geri Kazanılmış Bitümlü Sıcak Karışımların Karayolunda Kullanılabilirliği ve Performansının Araştırılması, Süleyman Demirel University, Ph.D. Thesis, Isparta, Turkey, 169p.
- [32] Taha, R., Harthy, A.A., Shamsi K.A. and Zubeidi, M.A., 2002. Cement stabilization of reclaimed asphalt pavement aggregate for road bases and subbases. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 239-245.
- [33] Iwanski, M., Kowalska, A.C., 2013. Laboratory Study on Mechanical Parameters of Foamed Bitumen Mixtures in the Cold Recycling Technology. Procedia Engineering, 57, 433 – 442.