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Türkiye Florası için yeni bir yabancı cins ve tür kaydı: Soleirolia soleirolii (Requien) Dandy (Urticaceae)

Year 2023, Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 441 - 446, 25.12.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Urticaceae familyasından bir tür olan Soleirolia
soleirolii’nin Türkiye'de yayılış gösterdiğini ortaya koymaktır. Türkiye Florası için
yabancı bir tür olarak değerlendirilen S. soleirolii ilk kez Batı Karadeniz bölgesinde
yürüttüğümüz floristik arazi araştırmaları sırasında, Bartın ilinden toplanmıştır.
Ayrıca, Soleirolia’nın Türkiye için cins (genus) düzeyinde yeni bir kayıt olduğu da
belirlenmiştir. Ek olarak, sonradan yapılacak araştırmalar için faydalı olacağı
düşünülen, türe ait detaylı morfolojik betim, tanı anahtarı, dağılım haritası ve
yayılış gösterdiği alanlardan çekilmiş fotoğraflar verilmiştir. Ortaya konan
sonuçlar ile S. soleirolii adlı türün, dünyadaki dağılımı ve morfolojisinin daha iyi
bilinmesine katkı sağlanmış olacaktır. Elde edilen bulgular bölgenin biyolojik
çeşitliliği üzerine daha fazla araştırmaya ihtiyaç olduğunu vurgular niteliktedir.


  • [1] Di Castri, F. 1989. History of biological invasions with special emphasis on the Old World. Biological invasions: a global perspective, pp. 1- 30).
  • [2] Cushman, J. H., Meentemeyer, R.K. 2008. Multiscale patterns of human activity and the incidence of an exotic forest pathogen. Journal of Ecology, 96, 766–776. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365- 2745.2008.01376.x.
  • [3] Simberloff, D., Martin, J. L., Genovesi, P., Maris, V., Wardle, D. A., Aronson, J., Courchamp, F., Galil, B., García-Berthou, B., Pascal, M., Pyšek, P., Sousa, R., Tabacchi, E., Vilà, M. 2013. Impacts of biological invasions: what's what and the way forward. Trends in ecology & evolution, 28, 58– 66.
  • [4] Andersen, M. C., Adams, H., Hope, B., Powell, M. 2004. Risk assessment for invasive species. Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 24, 787–793.
  • [5] Bellard, C., Cassey, P., Blackburn, T.M. 2016. Alien species as a driver of recent extinctions. Biology Letters, 2. doi: https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2015.0623.
  • [6] Uludağ, A., Aksoy, N., Yazlık, A., Arslan, Z.F., Yazmış, E., Uremis, I., Cossu, T.A., Groom, Q., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Brundu, G. 2017. Alien flora of Turkey: checklist, taxonomic composition and ecological attributes. NeoBiota, 35, 61-85.
  • [7] Dönmez, A.A. & Uğurlu, Z. 2014. Iris foetidissima (Iridaceae): discovering the species in Turkey on the basis of a native population. Phytologia Balcanica, 20, 175–178.
  • [8] Sevgi, E., Hançer, Ç.K., Yılmaz, H., Akkaya, M. 2017. A new alien species record for the flora of Turkey: Proboscidea louisianica (Miller) Thell. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science, 5, 19–25.
  • [9] Terzioğlu, S., Coşkunçelebi, K. 2017. Rhus chinensis var. chinensis (Anacardiaceae): a new alien record for the flora of Turkey. Phytologia Balcanica, 23, 167–170.
  • [10] Tunçkol B., Aksoy, N., Yaşayacak, H. 2017. A new record for alien flora of Turkey: Symphyotrichum pilosum (Willd.) G.L. Nesom var. pilosum. Modern Phytomorphology, 11, 105–109.
  • [11] Yıldırım, N., Terzioğlu, S., Turna, İ. 2018. Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Apiaceae): a new alien record for the flora of Turkey. Phytologia Balcanica, 24, 205–207.
  • [12] Yıldırımlı, Ş. 2018. A new alien species, Cardiospermum halicacabum L. (Sapindaceae) from Turkey. Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi, 25: 71–78.
  • [13] Sezer, A., Kolören, O. 2019. Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi kivi bahçelerindeki yabancı ot türleri, rastlama sıklıkları ve genel kaplama alanlarının belirlenmesi. Akademik Ziraat Dergisi, 8, 227- 236.
  • [14] Yıldırım, H., Özdöl, T., Yaşayacak, H. 2019a. An alien species of Bidens (Asteraceae): Bidens pilosa L., new to the Turkish flora. Acta Biologica Turcica, 32, 61–64.
  • [15] Yıldırım, H., Özdöl, T., Yaşayacak, H. 2019b. Türkiye için yeni bir istilaci tür kaydi: Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Gracke (Ebegümecigiller/Malvaceae Juss.). Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi, 6, 40–44.
  • [16] Terzioğlu, S. 2020. Arrhenatherum elatius subsp. bulbosum (Poaceae): A new alien record for the flora of Turkey. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 23, 924–927.
  • [17] Yazlık, A. 2021. Impatiens balfourii (Balsaminaceae): First recording from the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Weed Science, 24, 13–18.
  • [18] Yılmaz, H. 2021. Gamochaeta coarctata: A new allien species for Turkey. Turkish Journal of Biodiversity, 4, 77–81.
  • [19] Terzioğlu, S., Coşkunçelebi, K. 2022. Contribution to the Alien Flora of Turkey: Impatiens glandulifera Royle (Balsaminaceae). Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 25, 78–82.
  • [20] Tunçkol, B. 2022. Verbena brasiliensis Vell.: a new record of an invasive alien species in the flora of Turkey. BioInvasions Records, 11, 57– 61. https://doi.org/10.3391/bir.2022.11.1.06
  • [21] Tunçkol, B., Yaşayacak, H., Majure L.C. 2022. Opuntia macrorhiza Engelm.: a new record of an invasive alien species in the flora of Turkey. BioInvasions Records, 11, 245–350.
  • [22] Michalkova, D. 2004. The problem: North American Native Plants that Invade Slovakia and Central Europe. The Native Plant Society of Northeastern Ohio, 22, 5.
  • [23] Kozak, O.M. & Didukh Y.P. 2013. A comparative assessment of econiches of invasive species and apophytes distributed in the Latoritsa River basin (Transcarpathian Region). Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 70, 145–151.
  • [24] Uotila, P. 2011. Urticaceae. In Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for EuroMediterranean plant diversity.
  • [25] Requien, P.M. 1825. Obsenvarions sur quelques plantes rares où nouvelles de la Flore Française. Annales des sciences naturelles, 5, 385.
  • [26] Dandy, J.E. 1965. Urticaceae. pp. 4-6. Heywood, V.H., ed. 1965. Flora Europaea, Notulae Systematicae ad Floram Europaeam spectantes. Feddes Repertorum, 70.
  • [27] Ball, P.W. 1964. Genus Soleirolia Gaudich. pp. 69. Tutin, T.G., Heywood, V.H., Burges, N.A., Moore, D.M., Valentine, D.H., Walters, S.M., Webb, D.A., eds 1964. Flora Europaea Lycopodiaceae to Platanaceae, vol 1. Cambridge University Press.
  • [28] Towsend, C.C. 1982. Urticaceae. Davis, P.H., ed. 1982. Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands vol. 2. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • [29] Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M., Babaç, M.T. 2012. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi Damarlı Bitkiler. İstanbul: Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını, Flora Dizisi 1.
  • [30] POWO 2023. Plants of the World Online. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet. http://www.plantsoftheworldonline.org/ [Date Accessed: 25 January 2023].
  • [31] Robbins, W.W. 1940. Alien plants growing without cultivation in California. Univ. University of California Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin. Berkeley, 637, 35.
  • [32] Hamel, T., Boulemtafes, A. 2017. Floristic diversity of the Cap de Garde (North-East Algeria). International Journal of Biosciences, 10(6), 131-149.
  • [33] Messina, A., Kodela, P.G. 2023. Soleirolia soleirolii. Kodela, P.G., ed., Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of Climate Change, the Environment and Water: Canberra. https://profiles.ala.org.au/opus/foa/profile/Sol eirolia%20soleirolii [Date Accessed: 25 January 2023].
  • [34] Yılmaz, H., Kuşak, B., Akkemik, Ü. 2018. The role of Aşiyan Cemetery (İstanbul) as a green urban space from an ecological perspective and its importance in urban plant diversity. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 33, 92-98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2017.10.011

A new alien generic and a species records for the flora of Türkiye: Soleirolia soleirolii (Requien) Dandy (Urticaceae)

Year 2023, Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 441 - 446, 25.12.2023


The aim of this study is to reveal the presence of Soleirolia soleirolii,
evaluated as an alien species for the flora of Turkiye, and to document its first
record in Bartın province. Furthermore, Soleirolia is proved as a new genus record
for the country, which has significant implications for the region's biodiversity. The
detailed morphological descriptions, identification keys, distribution map, and
photos are provided for this species, which will be beneficial for future research in
this area. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the distribution and
morphology of this species and emphasize the need for further research on the
biodiversity of this region.


The authors wish to express their sincere gratitude to the staff members of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Turkey, 10th Regional Directorate, for their invaluable assistance during the field studies.


  • [1] Di Castri, F. 1989. History of biological invasions with special emphasis on the Old World. Biological invasions: a global perspective, pp. 1- 30).
  • [2] Cushman, J. H., Meentemeyer, R.K. 2008. Multiscale patterns of human activity and the incidence of an exotic forest pathogen. Journal of Ecology, 96, 766–776. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365- 2745.2008.01376.x.
  • [3] Simberloff, D., Martin, J. L., Genovesi, P., Maris, V., Wardle, D. A., Aronson, J., Courchamp, F., Galil, B., García-Berthou, B., Pascal, M., Pyšek, P., Sousa, R., Tabacchi, E., Vilà, M. 2013. Impacts of biological invasions: what's what and the way forward. Trends in ecology & evolution, 28, 58– 66.
  • [4] Andersen, M. C., Adams, H., Hope, B., Powell, M. 2004. Risk assessment for invasive species. Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 24, 787–793.
  • [5] Bellard, C., Cassey, P., Blackburn, T.M. 2016. Alien species as a driver of recent extinctions. Biology Letters, 2. doi: https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2015.0623.
  • [6] Uludağ, A., Aksoy, N., Yazlık, A., Arslan, Z.F., Yazmış, E., Uremis, I., Cossu, T.A., Groom, Q., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Brundu, G. 2017. Alien flora of Turkey: checklist, taxonomic composition and ecological attributes. NeoBiota, 35, 61-85.
  • [7] Dönmez, A.A. & Uğurlu, Z. 2014. Iris foetidissima (Iridaceae): discovering the species in Turkey on the basis of a native population. Phytologia Balcanica, 20, 175–178.
  • [8] Sevgi, E., Hançer, Ç.K., Yılmaz, H., Akkaya, M. 2017. A new alien species record for the flora of Turkey: Proboscidea louisianica (Miller) Thell. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science, 5, 19–25.
  • [9] Terzioğlu, S., Coşkunçelebi, K. 2017. Rhus chinensis var. chinensis (Anacardiaceae): a new alien record for the flora of Turkey. Phytologia Balcanica, 23, 167–170.
  • [10] Tunçkol B., Aksoy, N., Yaşayacak, H. 2017. A new record for alien flora of Turkey: Symphyotrichum pilosum (Willd.) G.L. Nesom var. pilosum. Modern Phytomorphology, 11, 105–109.
  • [11] Yıldırım, N., Terzioğlu, S., Turna, İ. 2018. Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Apiaceae): a new alien record for the flora of Turkey. Phytologia Balcanica, 24, 205–207.
  • [12] Yıldırımlı, Ş. 2018. A new alien species, Cardiospermum halicacabum L. (Sapindaceae) from Turkey. Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi, 25: 71–78.
  • [13] Sezer, A., Kolören, O. 2019. Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi kivi bahçelerindeki yabancı ot türleri, rastlama sıklıkları ve genel kaplama alanlarının belirlenmesi. Akademik Ziraat Dergisi, 8, 227- 236.
  • [14] Yıldırım, H., Özdöl, T., Yaşayacak, H. 2019a. An alien species of Bidens (Asteraceae): Bidens pilosa L., new to the Turkish flora. Acta Biologica Turcica, 32, 61–64.
  • [15] Yıldırım, H., Özdöl, T., Yaşayacak, H. 2019b. Türkiye için yeni bir istilaci tür kaydi: Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Gracke (Ebegümecigiller/Malvaceae Juss.). Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi, 6, 40–44.
  • [16] Terzioğlu, S. 2020. Arrhenatherum elatius subsp. bulbosum (Poaceae): A new alien record for the flora of Turkey. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 23, 924–927.
  • [17] Yazlık, A. 2021. Impatiens balfourii (Balsaminaceae): First recording from the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Weed Science, 24, 13–18.
  • [18] Yılmaz, H. 2021. Gamochaeta coarctata: A new allien species for Turkey. Turkish Journal of Biodiversity, 4, 77–81.
  • [19] Terzioğlu, S., Coşkunçelebi, K. 2022. Contribution to the Alien Flora of Turkey: Impatiens glandulifera Royle (Balsaminaceae). Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 25, 78–82.
  • [20] Tunçkol, B. 2022. Verbena brasiliensis Vell.: a new record of an invasive alien species in the flora of Turkey. BioInvasions Records, 11, 57– 61. https://doi.org/10.3391/bir.2022.11.1.06
  • [21] Tunçkol, B., Yaşayacak, H., Majure L.C. 2022. Opuntia macrorhiza Engelm.: a new record of an invasive alien species in the flora of Turkey. BioInvasions Records, 11, 245–350.
  • [22] Michalkova, D. 2004. The problem: North American Native Plants that Invade Slovakia and Central Europe. The Native Plant Society of Northeastern Ohio, 22, 5.
  • [23] Kozak, O.M. & Didukh Y.P. 2013. A comparative assessment of econiches of invasive species and apophytes distributed in the Latoritsa River basin (Transcarpathian Region). Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 70, 145–151.
  • [24] Uotila, P. 2011. Urticaceae. In Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for EuroMediterranean plant diversity.
  • [25] Requien, P.M. 1825. Obsenvarions sur quelques plantes rares où nouvelles de la Flore Française. Annales des sciences naturelles, 5, 385.
  • [26] Dandy, J.E. 1965. Urticaceae. pp. 4-6. Heywood, V.H., ed. 1965. Flora Europaea, Notulae Systematicae ad Floram Europaeam spectantes. Feddes Repertorum, 70.
  • [27] Ball, P.W. 1964. Genus Soleirolia Gaudich. pp. 69. Tutin, T.G., Heywood, V.H., Burges, N.A., Moore, D.M., Valentine, D.H., Walters, S.M., Webb, D.A., eds 1964. Flora Europaea Lycopodiaceae to Platanaceae, vol 1. Cambridge University Press.
  • [28] Towsend, C.C. 1982. Urticaceae. Davis, P.H., ed. 1982. Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands vol. 2. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • [29] Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M., Babaç, M.T. 2012. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi Damarlı Bitkiler. İstanbul: Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını, Flora Dizisi 1.
  • [30] POWO 2023. Plants of the World Online. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet. http://www.plantsoftheworldonline.org/ [Date Accessed: 25 January 2023].
  • [31] Robbins, W.W. 1940. Alien plants growing without cultivation in California. Univ. University of California Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin. Berkeley, 637, 35.
  • [32] Hamel, T., Boulemtafes, A. 2017. Floristic diversity of the Cap de Garde (North-East Algeria). International Journal of Biosciences, 10(6), 131-149.
  • [33] Messina, A., Kodela, P.G. 2023. Soleirolia soleirolii. Kodela, P.G., ed., Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of Climate Change, the Environment and Water: Canberra. https://profiles.ala.org.au/opus/foa/profile/Sol eirolia%20soleirolii [Date Accessed: 25 January 2023].
  • [34] Yılmaz, H., Kuşak, B., Akkemik, Ü. 2018. The role of Aşiyan Cemetery (İstanbul) as a green urban space from an ecological perspective and its importance in urban plant diversity. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 33, 92-98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2017.10.011
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Barış Bani 0000-0001-5694-3700

Hasan Haşayacak 0000-0003-0987-0259

Publication Date December 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 27 Issue: 3


APA Bani, B., & Haşayacak, H. (2023). A new alien generic and a species records for the flora of Türkiye: Soleirolia soleirolii (Requien) Dandy (Urticaceae). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 27(3), 441-446. https://doi.org/10.19113/sdufenbed.1282209
AMA Bani B, Haşayacak H. A new alien generic and a species records for the flora of Türkiye: Soleirolia soleirolii (Requien) Dandy (Urticaceae). J. Nat. Appl. Sci. December 2023;27(3):441-446. doi:10.19113/sdufenbed.1282209
Chicago Bani, Barış, and Hasan Haşayacak. “A New Alien Generic and a Species Records for the Flora of Türkiye: Soleirolia Soleirolii (Requien) Dandy (Urticaceae)”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 27, no. 3 (December 2023): 441-46. https://doi.org/10.19113/sdufenbed.1282209.
EndNote Bani B, Haşayacak H (December 1, 2023) A new alien generic and a species records for the flora of Türkiye: Soleirolia soleirolii (Requien) Dandy (Urticaceae). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 27 3 441–446.
IEEE B. Bani and H. Haşayacak, “A new alien generic and a species records for the flora of Türkiye: Soleirolia soleirolii (Requien) Dandy (Urticaceae)”, J. Nat. Appl. Sci., vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 441–446, 2023, doi: 10.19113/sdufenbed.1282209.
ISNAD Bani, Barış - Haşayacak, Hasan. “A New Alien Generic and a Species Records for the Flora of Türkiye: Soleirolia Soleirolii (Requien) Dandy (Urticaceae)”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 27/3 (December 2023), 441-446. https://doi.org/10.19113/sdufenbed.1282209.
JAMA Bani B, Haşayacak H. A new alien generic and a species records for the flora of Türkiye: Soleirolia soleirolii (Requien) Dandy (Urticaceae). J. Nat. Appl. Sci. 2023;27:441–446.
MLA Bani, Barış and Hasan Haşayacak. “A New Alien Generic and a Species Records for the Flora of Türkiye: Soleirolia Soleirolii (Requien) Dandy (Urticaceae)”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 27, no. 3, 2023, pp. 441-6, doi:10.19113/sdufenbed.1282209.
Vancouver Bani B, Haşayacak H. A new alien generic and a species records for the flora of Türkiye: Soleirolia soleirolii (Requien) Dandy (Urticaceae). J. Nat. Appl. Sci. 2023;27(3):441-6.

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