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Koloniden Devlete: Yerleşim Koloniciliği Ekseninde Kuzey Amerika’daki İngiliz Kolonilerinin Devlet Haline Gelme Süreci

Year 2023, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 995 - 1047, 18.12.2023


Bu makale çalışması, Amerika’nın keşfinden sonra kıtanın kuzeyine İngiltere’den gelerek gerçekleştirilen yerleşimler sonucunda kurulan kolonilerin devlet olma vasfını kazanma sürecine odaklanmaktadır. XVII. yüzyılın başlarından itibaren ilk yerleşimlerin yapılmasıyla Amerikan Bağımsızlık Savaşı’nın ertesinde kolonilerin bağımsızlığını kazanması arasındaki dönem içerisinde kolonilerin neden ve nasıl kurulduğu; sosyal, ekonomik, hukuki ve siyasi anlamda hangi yapıya kavuştuğu; İngiltere ile olan ilişkileri ve bağımsızlık fikrine yönelme sebepleri yerleşim koloniciliği kavramı etrafında ele alınmaktadır. Bu kapsamda keşfe bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan uluslararası hukukun dikkat çeken yönleri, metropol ile uzak koloniler arasındaki bağın hukuki ve siyasi mahiyeti, yerleşim koloniciliğinin özellikleri ve egemenlik kavramıyla ilişkisi Kuzey Amerika’daki İngiliz kolonileri örneği üzerinden açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır.


  • Akbay M, ‘Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinin Anayasa Tarihi’ (1950) 7 (1) Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 18-39
  • Anghie A, Imperialism, Sovereignty and the Making of International Law (Cambridge University Press 2004)
  • Arneil B, John Locke and America: The Defence of English Colonialism (Oxford University Press 1996)
  • Arsel İ, Anayasa Hukukunun Umumi Esasları (Birinci Kitap: Demokrasi) (Güven Matbaası 1955)
  • Aybay R, Genel Kamu Hukuku Devlet (18.-20. Yüzyıl), (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi 2017)
  • Bacon F, The New Atlantis (The Floating Press 2009)
  • — — Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral (The Floating Press)
  • Berneri M L, ‘Utopias of the English Revolution’ in Journey Through Utopia: A Critical Assessment of Imagined Worlds In Western Literature (PM Press 2019)
  • Bertrand L, İspanya Tarihi (Kanaat 1940)
  • Black J, İngiltere Tarihi (Doğu Batı 2020)
  • Burbank J ve Cooper F, İmparatorluklar Tarihi (İnkılâp 2018)
  • Clark D S, ‘Comparative Law in Colonial British America’ (2011) 59 (3) The American Journal of Comparative Law 637-674
  • Convay S, ‘British Governments, Colonial Consumers, and Continental European Goods in The British Atlantic Empire, 1763 – 1775’ (2015) 58 (3) The Historical Journal 711-732
  • Craven M, ‘Colonialism and Domination’ in Bardo Fassbender and Anne Peters (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the History of International Law (Oxford University Press 2012)
  • Crow M, ‘Atlantic North America from Contact to the Late Nineteenth Century’ in Edward Cavanagh and Lorenzo Veracini (eds), The Routledge Handbook of the History of Settler Colonialism (Routledge 2016)
  • Crozat C, Amme Hukuku Dersleri: XVIII. Asrın Sonunda Avrupa ve Amerika Siyasi Müesseselerinin Karakteristik Vasıfları – Büyük Fransız İhtilali ve Devlet Mefhumu Üzerindeki Tesirleri (Talat Altın Matbaası 1949)
  • Dickinson H T, ‘Magna Carta in the American Revolution’ in Lawrence Goldman (ed), Magna Carta: History, Context and Influence (University of London Press 2018)
  • Erece B, Denizaşırı Sömürge İmparatorluklarında Egemenlik Sorunu (Yetkin 2023)
  • Esen B N, Anayasa Hukuku (Arbas Matbaası 1948)
  • Ferro M, Sömürgecilik Tarihi: Fetihlerden Bağımsızlık Hareketlerine 13. Yüzyıl – 20. Yüzyıl (İmge 2017)
  • Fieldhouse D K, The Colonial Empires: A Comparative Survey from the Eighteenth Century (The Macmillan Press 1982)
  • Finley M I, ‘Colonies: An Attempt at a Typology’ (1976) 26 Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 167-188 Göze A, Siyasal Düşünceler ve Yönetimler (15. Baskı, Beta 2015)
  • Greer A, ‘Settler Colonialism and Empire in Early America’ (2019) 76 (3) The William and Mary Quarterly 383-390 Güngör G, Sömürgenler 1 (Cinius 2019)
  • Harrington J and Pocock J.G.A. (ed), The Commonwealth of Oceana and A System of Politics (Cambridge University Press 2008)
  • Hixson W L, American Settler Colonialism (Palgrave Macmillan 2013)
  • Holstun J, A Rational Millennium: Puritan Utopias of Seventeenth-Century England and America (Oxford University Press 1987)
  • Howe S, İmparatorluk (Dost 2015)
  • Johnson H A, ‘English Statutes in Colonial New York’ (1977) 58 (3) New York History 277-296
  • Johnston A and Lawson A, ‘Settler Colonies’ in Henry Schwarz and Sangeeta Ray (eds), A Companion to Postcolonial Studies (Blackwell Publishing 2005)
  • Jowitt C, ‘‘Books will speak plain’? Colonialism, Jewishness and Politics in Bacon’s New Atlantis’ in Bronwen Price (ed), Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis: New Interdisciplinary Essays (Manchester University Press 2002)
  • Kumar K, Ütopyacılık (İmge 2005)
  • Lawson R M, ‘Anglicans on the Frontier: The Great Commission and the Exploration and Colonization of North America’ (2018) 87 (2) Anglican and Episcopal History 180-204
  • Luraghi R, Sömürgecilik Tarihi (E 2019)
  • Lütem İ, Amerikayı Tanıyalım (Milli Eğitim Basımevi 1966)
  • Mattelard A, Gezegensel Ütopya Tarihi: Kehanetsel Kentten Küresel Topluma (Ayrıntı 2005)
  • McCarthy F, ‘Participatory Government and Communal Property: Two Radical Concepts in The Virginia Charter of 1606’ (1993/1995) 28/30 Irish Jurist 270-306
  • Miller R J, “The Doctrine of Discovery”, Discovering Indigenous Lands: The Doctrine of Discovery in the English Colonies (Oxford University Press 2010)
  • Miller R J and Stitz O, The International Law of Colonialism in East Africa: Germany, England, and the Doctrine of Discovery, (SSRN Electronic Journal 2021)
  • Mumford K, ‘After Hugh: Statutory Race Segregation in Colonial America, 1630-1725’ (1999) 43 (3) The American Journal of Legal History 280-305
  • Moore M, ‘The Taking of Territory and the Wrongs of Colonialism’ (2019) 27 (1) The Journal of Political Philosophy 87-106
  • More T, Ütopya (Alfa 2014)
  • Nevins A ve Commager H S, ABD Tarihi, (Doğu Batı 2017)
  • Newby-Alexander C, ‘The Arrival of the First Africans to English North America’ (2019) 127 (3) The Virginia Magazine of History And Biography 186-199
  • Nine C, Sharing Territories: Overlapping Self-Determination and Resource Rights (Oxford University Press 2022)
  • Okandan R G, Umumi Amme Hukuku Dersleri (İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Yayınları 1969)
  • Oliver P C, ‘"Dominion Status": History, Framework and Context’ (2019) 17 International Journal of Constitutional Law 1173-1191
  • Osterhammel J, Colonialism: A Theoretical Overwiew (Third Printing, Markus Wiener 1999)
  • Reid J G. and Peace T, ‘Colonies of Settlement and Settler Colonialism in Northeastern North America, 1450–1850’ in Edward Cavanagh and Lorenzo Veracini (eds), The Routledge Handbook of the History of Settler Colonialism (Routledge 2016)
  • Richter D K, ‘Mid-Atlantic Colonies, R.I.P.’ (2015) 82 (3) Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 260-281
  • Roberts J M, Dünya Tarihi II. Cilt, (İnkılâp 2011)
  • Romney S S, ‘Settler Colonial Prehistories in Seventeenth-Century North America’ (2019) 76 (3) The William and Mary Quarterly 375-382
  • Saito N T, Settler Colonialism, Race, and the Law: Why Structural Racism Persists (NYU Press 2020)
  • Sánchez R and Pita B, ‘Rethinking Settler Colonialism’ (2014) 66 (4) American Quarterly 1039-1055
  • Sargent L T, ‘Utopianism in Colonial America’ (1983) 4 (3) History of Political Thought 483-522
  • Schmitt C, The Nomos of the Earth in the International Law of the Jus Publicum Europaeum (Telos Press Publishing 2006)
  • Smallwood S E, ‘Reflections on Settler Colonialism, the Hemispheric Americas, and Chattel Slavery’ (2019) 76 (3) The William and Mary Quarterly 407-416
  • Smith H F R, Harrington and his Oceana: A Study of a Seventeenth Century Utopia and Its Influence in America (Cambridge University Press 1914)
  • Smith S, ‘The New Atlantis: Francis Bacon’s Theological-Political Utopia?’ (2008) 101 (1) Harvard Theological Review 97-125
  • Steinmetz G, ‘The Sociology of Empires, Colonies, and Postcolonialism’ (2014) 40 Annual Review of Sociology 77-103
  • The First Charter of Virginia; April 10, 1606, Bkz: Thomas D A, ‘Anglo-American Land Law: Diverging Developments From A Shared History: Part II: How Anglo-American Land Law Diverged After American Colonization And Independence’ (1999) 34 (2) Real Property, Probate and Trust Journal 295-361
  • Tomlins C, ‘The Legalities of English Colonizing Discourses of European Intrusion upon the Americas, c. 1490–1830’ in Shaunnagh Dorsett and Ian Hunter (eds), Law and Politics in British Colonial Thought (Palgrave Macmillan 2010)
  • — — ‘The Legal Cartography of Colonization, the Legal Polyphony of Settlement: English Intrusions on the American Mainland in the Seventeenth Century’ (2011) 26 (2) Law & Social Inquiry 315-372
  • Tunaya T Z, Siyasi Müesseseler ve Anayasa Hukuku: 1965 – 1966 Ders Yılı Notları (Sulhi Garan Matbaası 1966) Veracini L, Settler Colonialism: A Theoretical Overview (Palgrave Macmillan 2010)
  • — — ‘Introduction: Settler Colonialism as a Distinct Mode of Domination’ in Edward Cavanagh and Lorenzo Veracini (eds), The Routledge Handbook of the History of Settler Colonialism (Routledge 2016)
  • Wallerstein I, Modern Dünya Sistemi (Yarın 2011)
  • Young R J, Postkolonyalizm: Tarihsel Bir Giriş, (Matbu 2016)
Year 2023, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 995 - 1047, 18.12.2023



  • Akbay M, ‘Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinin Anayasa Tarihi’ (1950) 7 (1) Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 18-39
  • Anghie A, Imperialism, Sovereignty and the Making of International Law (Cambridge University Press 2004)
  • Arneil B, John Locke and America: The Defence of English Colonialism (Oxford University Press 1996)
  • Arsel İ, Anayasa Hukukunun Umumi Esasları (Birinci Kitap: Demokrasi) (Güven Matbaası 1955)
  • Aybay R, Genel Kamu Hukuku Devlet (18.-20. Yüzyıl), (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi 2017)
  • Bacon F, The New Atlantis (The Floating Press 2009)
  • — — Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral (The Floating Press)
  • Berneri M L, ‘Utopias of the English Revolution’ in Journey Through Utopia: A Critical Assessment of Imagined Worlds In Western Literature (PM Press 2019)
  • Bertrand L, İspanya Tarihi (Kanaat 1940)
  • Black J, İngiltere Tarihi (Doğu Batı 2020)
  • Burbank J ve Cooper F, İmparatorluklar Tarihi (İnkılâp 2018)
  • Clark D S, ‘Comparative Law in Colonial British America’ (2011) 59 (3) The American Journal of Comparative Law 637-674
  • Convay S, ‘British Governments, Colonial Consumers, and Continental European Goods in The British Atlantic Empire, 1763 – 1775’ (2015) 58 (3) The Historical Journal 711-732
  • Craven M, ‘Colonialism and Domination’ in Bardo Fassbender and Anne Peters (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the History of International Law (Oxford University Press 2012)
  • Crow M, ‘Atlantic North America from Contact to the Late Nineteenth Century’ in Edward Cavanagh and Lorenzo Veracini (eds), The Routledge Handbook of the History of Settler Colonialism (Routledge 2016)
  • Crozat C, Amme Hukuku Dersleri: XVIII. Asrın Sonunda Avrupa ve Amerika Siyasi Müesseselerinin Karakteristik Vasıfları – Büyük Fransız İhtilali ve Devlet Mefhumu Üzerindeki Tesirleri (Talat Altın Matbaası 1949)
  • Dickinson H T, ‘Magna Carta in the American Revolution’ in Lawrence Goldman (ed), Magna Carta: History, Context and Influence (University of London Press 2018)
  • Erece B, Denizaşırı Sömürge İmparatorluklarında Egemenlik Sorunu (Yetkin 2023)
  • Esen B N, Anayasa Hukuku (Arbas Matbaası 1948)
  • Ferro M, Sömürgecilik Tarihi: Fetihlerden Bağımsızlık Hareketlerine 13. Yüzyıl – 20. Yüzyıl (İmge 2017)
  • Fieldhouse D K, The Colonial Empires: A Comparative Survey from the Eighteenth Century (The Macmillan Press 1982)
  • Finley M I, ‘Colonies: An Attempt at a Typology’ (1976) 26 Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 167-188 Göze A, Siyasal Düşünceler ve Yönetimler (15. Baskı, Beta 2015)
  • Greer A, ‘Settler Colonialism and Empire in Early America’ (2019) 76 (3) The William and Mary Quarterly 383-390 Güngör G, Sömürgenler 1 (Cinius 2019)
  • Harrington J and Pocock J.G.A. (ed), The Commonwealth of Oceana and A System of Politics (Cambridge University Press 2008)
  • Hixson W L, American Settler Colonialism (Palgrave Macmillan 2013)
  • Holstun J, A Rational Millennium: Puritan Utopias of Seventeenth-Century England and America (Oxford University Press 1987)
  • Howe S, İmparatorluk (Dost 2015)
  • Johnson H A, ‘English Statutes in Colonial New York’ (1977) 58 (3) New York History 277-296
  • Johnston A and Lawson A, ‘Settler Colonies’ in Henry Schwarz and Sangeeta Ray (eds), A Companion to Postcolonial Studies (Blackwell Publishing 2005)
  • Jowitt C, ‘‘Books will speak plain’? Colonialism, Jewishness and Politics in Bacon’s New Atlantis’ in Bronwen Price (ed), Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis: New Interdisciplinary Essays (Manchester University Press 2002)
  • Kumar K, Ütopyacılık (İmge 2005)
  • Lawson R M, ‘Anglicans on the Frontier: The Great Commission and the Exploration and Colonization of North America’ (2018) 87 (2) Anglican and Episcopal History 180-204
  • Luraghi R, Sömürgecilik Tarihi (E 2019)
  • Lütem İ, Amerikayı Tanıyalım (Milli Eğitim Basımevi 1966)
  • Mattelard A, Gezegensel Ütopya Tarihi: Kehanetsel Kentten Küresel Topluma (Ayrıntı 2005)
  • McCarthy F, ‘Participatory Government and Communal Property: Two Radical Concepts in The Virginia Charter of 1606’ (1993/1995) 28/30 Irish Jurist 270-306
  • Miller R J, “The Doctrine of Discovery”, Discovering Indigenous Lands: The Doctrine of Discovery in the English Colonies (Oxford University Press 2010)
  • Miller R J and Stitz O, The International Law of Colonialism in East Africa: Germany, England, and the Doctrine of Discovery, (SSRN Electronic Journal 2021)
  • Mumford K, ‘After Hugh: Statutory Race Segregation in Colonial America, 1630-1725’ (1999) 43 (3) The American Journal of Legal History 280-305
  • Moore M, ‘The Taking of Territory and the Wrongs of Colonialism’ (2019) 27 (1) The Journal of Political Philosophy 87-106
  • More T, Ütopya (Alfa 2014)
  • Nevins A ve Commager H S, ABD Tarihi, (Doğu Batı 2017)
  • Newby-Alexander C, ‘The Arrival of the First Africans to English North America’ (2019) 127 (3) The Virginia Magazine of History And Biography 186-199
  • Nine C, Sharing Territories: Overlapping Self-Determination and Resource Rights (Oxford University Press 2022)
  • Okandan R G, Umumi Amme Hukuku Dersleri (İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Yayınları 1969)
  • Oliver P C, ‘"Dominion Status": History, Framework and Context’ (2019) 17 International Journal of Constitutional Law 1173-1191
  • Osterhammel J, Colonialism: A Theoretical Overwiew (Third Printing, Markus Wiener 1999)
  • Reid J G. and Peace T, ‘Colonies of Settlement and Settler Colonialism in Northeastern North America, 1450–1850’ in Edward Cavanagh and Lorenzo Veracini (eds), The Routledge Handbook of the History of Settler Colonialism (Routledge 2016)
  • Richter D K, ‘Mid-Atlantic Colonies, R.I.P.’ (2015) 82 (3) Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 260-281
  • Roberts J M, Dünya Tarihi II. Cilt, (İnkılâp 2011)
  • Romney S S, ‘Settler Colonial Prehistories in Seventeenth-Century North America’ (2019) 76 (3) The William and Mary Quarterly 375-382
  • Saito N T, Settler Colonialism, Race, and the Law: Why Structural Racism Persists (NYU Press 2020)
  • Sánchez R and Pita B, ‘Rethinking Settler Colonialism’ (2014) 66 (4) American Quarterly 1039-1055
  • Sargent L T, ‘Utopianism in Colonial America’ (1983) 4 (3) History of Political Thought 483-522
  • Schmitt C, The Nomos of the Earth in the International Law of the Jus Publicum Europaeum (Telos Press Publishing 2006)
  • Smallwood S E, ‘Reflections on Settler Colonialism, the Hemispheric Americas, and Chattel Slavery’ (2019) 76 (3) The William and Mary Quarterly 407-416
  • Smith H F R, Harrington and his Oceana: A Study of a Seventeenth Century Utopia and Its Influence in America (Cambridge University Press 1914)
  • Smith S, ‘The New Atlantis: Francis Bacon’s Theological-Political Utopia?’ (2008) 101 (1) Harvard Theological Review 97-125
  • Steinmetz G, ‘The Sociology of Empires, Colonies, and Postcolonialism’ (2014) 40 Annual Review of Sociology 77-103
  • The First Charter of Virginia; April 10, 1606, Bkz: Thomas D A, ‘Anglo-American Land Law: Diverging Developments From A Shared History: Part II: How Anglo-American Land Law Diverged After American Colonization And Independence’ (1999) 34 (2) Real Property, Probate and Trust Journal 295-361
  • Tomlins C, ‘The Legalities of English Colonizing Discourses of European Intrusion upon the Americas, c. 1490–1830’ in Shaunnagh Dorsett and Ian Hunter (eds), Law and Politics in British Colonial Thought (Palgrave Macmillan 2010)
  • — — ‘The Legal Cartography of Colonization, the Legal Polyphony of Settlement: English Intrusions on the American Mainland in the Seventeenth Century’ (2011) 26 (2) Law & Social Inquiry 315-372
  • Tunaya T Z, Siyasi Müesseseler ve Anayasa Hukuku: 1965 – 1966 Ders Yılı Notları (Sulhi Garan Matbaası 1966) Veracini L, Settler Colonialism: A Theoretical Overview (Palgrave Macmillan 2010)
  • — — ‘Introduction: Settler Colonialism as a Distinct Mode of Domination’ in Edward Cavanagh and Lorenzo Veracini (eds), The Routledge Handbook of the History of Settler Colonialism (Routledge 2016)
  • Wallerstein I, Modern Dünya Sistemi (Yarın 2011)
  • Young R J, Postkolonyalizm: Tarihsel Bir Giriş, (Matbu 2016)
There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Public Law (Other)
Journal Section PUBLIC LAW

Burak Erece 0000-0002-2587-9838

Publication Date December 18, 2023
Submission Date December 4, 2023
Acceptance Date December 7, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 13 Issue: 2


APA Erece, B. (2023). Koloniden Devlete: Yerleşim Koloniciliği Ekseninde Kuzey Amerika’daki İngiliz Kolonilerinin Devlet Haline Gelme Süreci. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(2), 995-1047.
AMA Erece B. Koloniden Devlete: Yerleşim Koloniciliği Ekseninde Kuzey Amerika’daki İngiliz Kolonilerinin Devlet Haline Gelme Süreci. SDLR. December 2023;13(2):995-1047. doi:10.52273/sduhfd.1400199
Chicago Erece, Burak. “Koloniden Devlete: Yerleşim Koloniciliği Ekseninde Kuzey Amerika’daki İngiliz Kolonilerinin Devlet Haline Gelme Süreci”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 13, no. 2 (December 2023): 995-1047. 1400199.
EndNote Erece B (December 1, 2023) Koloniden Devlete: Yerleşim Koloniciliği Ekseninde Kuzey Amerika’daki İngiliz Kolonilerinin Devlet Haline Gelme Süreci. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 13 2 995–1047.
IEEE B. Erece, “Koloniden Devlete: Yerleşim Koloniciliği Ekseninde Kuzey Amerika’daki İngiliz Kolonilerinin Devlet Haline Gelme Süreci”, SDLR, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 995–1047, 2023, doi: 10.52273/sduhfd..1400199.
ISNAD Erece, Burak. “Koloniden Devlete: Yerleşim Koloniciliği Ekseninde Kuzey Amerika’daki İngiliz Kolonilerinin Devlet Haline Gelme Süreci”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 13/2 (December 2023), 995-1047. 1400199.
JAMA Erece B. Koloniden Devlete: Yerleşim Koloniciliği Ekseninde Kuzey Amerika’daki İngiliz Kolonilerinin Devlet Haline Gelme Süreci. SDLR. 2023;13:995–1047.
MLA Erece, Burak. “Koloniden Devlete: Yerleşim Koloniciliği Ekseninde Kuzey Amerika’daki İngiliz Kolonilerinin Devlet Haline Gelme Süreci”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 13, no. 2, 2023, pp. 995-1047, doi:10.52273/sduhfd. 1400199.
Vancouver Erece B. Koloniden Devlete: Yerleşim Koloniciliği Ekseninde Kuzey Amerika’daki İngiliz Kolonilerinin Devlet Haline Gelme Süreci. SDLR. 2023;13(2):995-1047.

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