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Yapay Adaların Uluslararası Deniz Hukukundaki Statüsü

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 465 - 511, 29.06.2024


Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi (BMDHS) çerçevesinde yapay adaların oluşturulması, özellikle deniz sınırları ve toprak talepleri konusundaki anlaşmazlıklar bağlamında tartışmalı bir konu olmuştur. BMDHS, okyanusların ve kaynaklarının kullanımı ile korunması için kapsamlı bir hukuk sistemi sağlarken, yapay adaların oluşturulmasını özel olarak ele almamaktadır. BMDHS’nin bu konuyu yeterince ele almaması, özellikle bazı ülkelerin ada inşa faaliyetlerine giriştiği Güney Çin Denizi’nde yapay adaların oluşturulmasının nasıl düzenlenmesi gerektiği konusunda zorluklara yol açmıştır. Bu faaliyetler, deniz güvenliği, çevre ve diğer devletlerin BMDHS kapsamındaki hakları üzerindeki etkileri konusunda endişelere yol açmıştır. BMDHS’nde yapay adaların oluşturulmasına ilişkin özel hükümlerin bulunmaması da hükümlerin devletler tarafından farklı yorumlanmasına yol açarak, durumu daha da karmaşık hale getirmiştir. Bu konuyu ele almak üzere yeni yasal çerçevelerin geliştirilmesi çağrılarına rağmen ilerleme yavaş olmuş ve denizcilik alanında ortaya çıkan faaliyetlerin mevcut hukuk sistemi içerisinde düzenlenmesinin zorlukları vurgulanmıştır.


  • Bantz V, ‘Sea-Level Rise and Coastal States’ Maritime Entitlements: A Cautious Approach’ (2020) 7(1) The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies 86-110
  • Bayıllıoğlu U, ‘Güney Çin Denizi Tahkiminde Hakemlik Mahkemesi'nin İnsanlığın Ortak Mirası ve Diğer Devletlerin Deniz Alanlarına Sağladığı Koruma: Ada Statüsünün Sınırlanması’ (2017) 130 Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi 419-456
  • Benita Viola, ‘The Legality of Denmark’s Artificial Island (Lynetteholm) in International Law of the Sea’ (2022) 5(2) Padjadjaran Journal of International Law 188-205
  • Bowett D, The Legal Regime of Islands in International Law (Oceana Publications 1979)
  • Bozkurt E, ‘Uluslararası Hukuk Bakımından Münhasır Ekonomik Bölge Kavramının Ortaya Çıkışı’ (2006) 2(5) Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika 50-74
  • Briscoe J, ‘The Use of Islands in International Maritime Boundary Delimitation’ in Dorinda Dallmeyer and Louis DeVorsey (eds), Rights to Oceanic Resources: Deciding and Drawing Maritime Boundaries (Martinus Nijhoff 1987)
  • Caligiuri A, ‘Sinking States: The Statehood Dilemma in the Face of Sea-level Rise’ (2022) 91(1) Questions of International Law 23-37
  • Charney J, ‘Rocks That Cannot Sustain Human Habitation’ (1999) 93(4) American Journal of International Law 863-878
  • Charter of the United Nations, adopted 26 June 1945, entered into force 24 October 1945
  • Chee S, Othman A, Sim Y, Adam A, Firth L, ‘Land Reclamation and Artificial Islands: Walking the Tightrope Between Development and Conservation’ (2017) 12(1) Global Ecology and Conservation 80-95
  • Chen Y, ‘South China Sea Tension on Fire: China’s Recent Moves on Building Artificial Islands in Troubled Waters and their Implications on Maritime Law’ (2015) 13(1) Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal 1-2
  • Corfu Channel (Albania v. U.K.), Judgment, 1949 I.C.J. Rep. 4, 43 (Apr. 9)
  • Crawford J, ‘Islands as Sovereign Nations’ (1989) 38(2) International & Comparative Law Quarterly 277-298
  • Çamyamaç A, ‘Yapay Adalar ve Uluslararası Deniz Hukuku’ (2017) 82(1) İzmir Barosu Dergisi 79-175
  • ¬— —, ‘Yapay Adalar Üzerine Hayaller: Açık Denizlerde Yeni Devlet Projeleri’ (2018) 17(1) Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 171-220
  • Davenport T, ‘Island-Building in the South China Sea: Legality and Limits’ (2018) 8(1) Asian Journal of International Law 76-90
  • Derrig R, ‘Was Rockall Conquered? An Application of the Law of Territory to a Rock in the North Atlantic Ocean’ (2019) 14(1) Irish Yearbook of International Law 55-70
  • Duchy of Sealand, Case No. 9 K 2565/77, 80 I.L.R. 683, 684 (May 3, 1978)
  • Evans M, Islands, Law and Context The Treatment of Islands in International Law (Elgar International Law Series 2023)
  • Fakhro E, ‘Land Reclamation in the Arabian Gulf: Security, Environment, and Legal Issues’ (2013) 3(1) Journal of Arabian Studies 36-52
  • Gagain M, ‘Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, and Artificial Islands: Saving the Maldives’ Statehood and Maritime Claims Through the Constitution of the Oceans’ (2012) 23(1) Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy 77-120
  • Gau M, ‘The Interpretation of Article 121(3) of UNCLOS by the Tribunal for the South China Sea Arbitration: A Critique’ (2019) 50(1) Ocean Development & International Law 49-56
  • Gerrard M, ‘Statehood and Sea-Level Rise: Scenarios and Options’ (2023) 17(1) Charleston Law Review 579-584
  • Gidel G, Le Droit International Public de la Mer (Mellottée 1934)
  • Heijmans A, ‘Artificial Islands and the Law of Nations’ (1974) 21(2) Netherlands International Law Review 139-161
  • Horn L, ‘To Be or Not to Be: The Republic of Minerva-Nation Founding by Individuals’ (1973) 12 (1) Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 520-556
  • Hossein E, The Legal Regime of Offshore Oil Rigs in International Law (Dartmouth Publications 2001)
  • ITLOS, The M/V ‘Saiga’ (St. Vincent and the Grenadines v. Guinea), Merits, Judgment of 1 July 1999, ITLOS Reports (1999), 10
  • Jessup P, The Law of Territorial Waters and Maritime Jurisdiction (G.A. Jennings 1927)
  • — —, The Law of Territorial Waters and Maritime Jurisdiction (G. A. Jennings Co. Inc. 1970)
  • Johnson D, ‘Artificial Islands’ (1951) 4(2) International Law Quarterly 203-215
  • Keating S, ‘Rock or Island? It Was an UNCLOS Call: The Legal Consequence of Geospatial Intelligence to the 2016 South China Sea Arbitration and the Law of the Sea’ (2018) 9(3) Journal of National Security Law & Policy 509-548
  • Kindt J, ‘Floating Nuclear Power Plants: US and International Regulations’ (1983) 7(2) Marine Policy 90-100
  • Kohl A, ‘China’s Artificial Island Building Campaign in the South China Sea: Implications for the Reform of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea’ (2018) 122 (3) Dickinson Law Review 917-937
  • Koskenniemi M, The Gentle Civilizer of Nations: The Rise and Fall of International Law 1870-1960 (CUP 2004) Marcelo K, Territoriality and International Law (Edward Elgar 2016)
  • Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain, Qatar v Bahrain, Judgment, Merits, [2001] ICJ Rep 40, ICGJ 83 (ICJ 2001), 16th March 2001, United Nations [UN]; International Court of Justice [ICJ]
  • Milano E, Unlawful Territorial Situations in International Law (Brill 2006)
  • Ministry Of Defence, Fundamentals Of Maritime Operations: Netherlands Maritime Military Doctrine (Royal Netherlands Navy Directorate of Operations Maritime Warfare Centre 2015)
  • Miron A, ‘The Acquis Judiciaire, a Tool for Harmonization in a Decentralized System of Litigation? A Case Study in the Law of the Sea’ in Chiara Giorgetti and Mark Pollack (eds), Beyond Fragmentation Cross-Fertilization, Cooperation and Competition among International Courts and Tribunals (Cambridge University Press 2022) 128-161
  • Nieuwenhout C, ‘The Legal Framework for Artificial Energy Islands in the Northern Seas’ (2023) 39(1) The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 39-72
  • Oppenheim L, Oppenheim’s International Law (Longmans 1992)
  • Papadakis N, The International Legal Regime of Artificial Islands (Springer 1977)
  • Pecoraro A, ‘The Regulatory Powers of the International Seabed Authority: Security of Tenure and Its Limits’ (2022) 53 (4) Ocean Development & International Law 377-402
  • Proelss A, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: A Commentary (CH Beck 2017)
  • Pullar A, ‘Fisheries, Forests and the Common Heritage of Mankind’ (2014) 11(1) Public Interest Law Journal of New Zealand 5-17
  • Rothwell D, Islands and International Law (Hart Publishing 2022)
  • Saunders I, ‘Artificial Islands and Territory in International Law’ (2019) 52(3) Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 643-684
  • Shaw M, ‘Territory in International Law’ (1982) 13(1) Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 61-91
  • Solski J, ‘The Due Regard of Article 234 of UNCLOS: Lessons From Regulating Innocent Passage in the Territorial Sea’ (2021) 52 (4) Ocean Development & International Law 398-418
  • Song Y, ‘The July 2016 Arbitral Award, Interpretation of Article 121(3) of the UNCLOS, and Selecting Examples of Inconsistent State Practices’ (2018) 49(3) Ocean Development & International Law 247-261
  • South China Sea Arbitration, Philippines v China, Award, PCA Case No 2013-19, ICGJ 495 (PCA 2016), 12th July 2016, Permanent Court of Arbitration [PCA]
  • Sovereignty Over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge, Malaysia v Singapore, Judgment, Merits, ICJ GL No 130, ICGJ 9 (ICJ 2008), 23rd May 2008, International Court of Justice [ICJ]
  • Stewart M, Freedom of Overflight: A Study of Coastal State Jurisdiction in International Airspace (Kluwer Law International 2021)
  • Stoutenberg J, Disappearing Island States in International Law (Brill 2015)
  • Symmons C, The Maritime Zones of Islands in International Law (Martinus Nijhoff 1979)
  • — —, ‘Some Problems Relating to the Definition of ‘Insular Formations’ in International Law: Islands and Low-Tide Elevations’ (1995) 1(5) IBRU Maritime Briefing 1-30
  • Tanaka Y, The International Law of the Sea (Cambridge University Press 2015)
  • Tanaka Y, The International Law of the Sea (Cambridge University Press 2015)
  • — —, ‘Reflections on the Interpretation and Application of Article 121(3) in the South China Sea Arbitration (Merits)’ (2017) 48(2) Ocean Development & International Law 365-385
  • Territorial and Maritime Dispute, Nicaragua v Colombia, Judgment, ICJ GL No 124, ICGJ 436 (ICJ 2012), 19th November 2012, International Court of Justice [ICJ]
  • United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, adopted 10 December 1982, entered into force 16 November 1994, 1833 UNTS 396
  • Van Dyke J, and Brooks R, ‘Uninhabited Islands: Their Impact on the Ownership of the Oceans’ Resources’ (1983) 12(3) Ocean Development & International Law 265-300
  • Wang Y, ‘Reasonable Restrictions on Freedom of High Seas by Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas: An Empirical Research’ (2019) 12 (2) Journal of East Asia and International Law 245-268
  • Wassenbergh H, ‘The Status and Use of an Airport on an Artificial Island’ (1999) 24 (4) Air and Space Law 177-180
  • Wegelein F, Marine Scientific Research: The Operation and Status of Research Vessels and other Platforms in International Law (Publications on Ocean Development 2005)
  • Wong D, ‘Sovereignty Sunk? The Position of Sinking States at International Law’ (2013) 14 (2) Melbourne Journal of International Law 346-391
  • Yamamoto L, ‘Vanishing Island States and Sovereignty’ (2010) 53 (1) Ocean & Coastal Management 1-9

The Status of Artificial Islands in the International Law of the Sea

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 465 - 511, 29.06.2024


Creating artificial islands within the framework of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) has been a contentious issue, particularly in the context of disputes over maritime boundaries and territorial claims. While UNCLOS provides a comprehensive legal regime for the use and conservation of the oceans and their resources, it does not specifically address the creation of artificial islands. The failure of UNCLOS to adequately address this issue has led to challenges in regulating the creation of artificial islands, particularly in the South China Sea, where several countries have engaged in island-building activities. These activities have raised concerns about their impact on maritime security, the environment, and the rights of other states under UNCLOS. The lack of specific provisions in UNCLOS regarding the creation of artificial islands has also led to differing interpretations of its provisions by states, further complicating efforts to address this issue. Despite calls for the development of new legal frameworks to address this issue, progress has been slow, highlighting the challenges of regulating emerging activities in the maritime domain within the existing legal framework.


  • Bantz V, ‘Sea-Level Rise and Coastal States’ Maritime Entitlements: A Cautious Approach’ (2020) 7(1) The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies 86-110
  • Bayıllıoğlu U, ‘Güney Çin Denizi Tahkiminde Hakemlik Mahkemesi'nin İnsanlığın Ortak Mirası ve Diğer Devletlerin Deniz Alanlarına Sağladığı Koruma: Ada Statüsünün Sınırlanması’ (2017) 130 Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi 419-456
  • Benita Viola, ‘The Legality of Denmark’s Artificial Island (Lynetteholm) in International Law of the Sea’ (2022) 5(2) Padjadjaran Journal of International Law 188-205
  • Bowett D, The Legal Regime of Islands in International Law (Oceana Publications 1979)
  • Bozkurt E, ‘Uluslararası Hukuk Bakımından Münhasır Ekonomik Bölge Kavramının Ortaya Çıkışı’ (2006) 2(5) Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika 50-74
  • Briscoe J, ‘The Use of Islands in International Maritime Boundary Delimitation’ in Dorinda Dallmeyer and Louis DeVorsey (eds), Rights to Oceanic Resources: Deciding and Drawing Maritime Boundaries (Martinus Nijhoff 1987)
  • Caligiuri A, ‘Sinking States: The Statehood Dilemma in the Face of Sea-level Rise’ (2022) 91(1) Questions of International Law 23-37
  • Charney J, ‘Rocks That Cannot Sustain Human Habitation’ (1999) 93(4) American Journal of International Law 863-878
  • Charter of the United Nations, adopted 26 June 1945, entered into force 24 October 1945
  • Chee S, Othman A, Sim Y, Adam A, Firth L, ‘Land Reclamation and Artificial Islands: Walking the Tightrope Between Development and Conservation’ (2017) 12(1) Global Ecology and Conservation 80-95
  • Chen Y, ‘South China Sea Tension on Fire: China’s Recent Moves on Building Artificial Islands in Troubled Waters and their Implications on Maritime Law’ (2015) 13(1) Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal 1-2
  • Corfu Channel (Albania v. U.K.), Judgment, 1949 I.C.J. Rep. 4, 43 (Apr. 9)
  • Crawford J, ‘Islands as Sovereign Nations’ (1989) 38(2) International & Comparative Law Quarterly 277-298
  • Çamyamaç A, ‘Yapay Adalar ve Uluslararası Deniz Hukuku’ (2017) 82(1) İzmir Barosu Dergisi 79-175
  • ¬— —, ‘Yapay Adalar Üzerine Hayaller: Açık Denizlerde Yeni Devlet Projeleri’ (2018) 17(1) Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 171-220
  • Davenport T, ‘Island-Building in the South China Sea: Legality and Limits’ (2018) 8(1) Asian Journal of International Law 76-90
  • Derrig R, ‘Was Rockall Conquered? An Application of the Law of Territory to a Rock in the North Atlantic Ocean’ (2019) 14(1) Irish Yearbook of International Law 55-70
  • Duchy of Sealand, Case No. 9 K 2565/77, 80 I.L.R. 683, 684 (May 3, 1978)
  • Evans M, Islands, Law and Context The Treatment of Islands in International Law (Elgar International Law Series 2023)
  • Fakhro E, ‘Land Reclamation in the Arabian Gulf: Security, Environment, and Legal Issues’ (2013) 3(1) Journal of Arabian Studies 36-52
  • Gagain M, ‘Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, and Artificial Islands: Saving the Maldives’ Statehood and Maritime Claims Through the Constitution of the Oceans’ (2012) 23(1) Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy 77-120
  • Gau M, ‘The Interpretation of Article 121(3) of UNCLOS by the Tribunal for the South China Sea Arbitration: A Critique’ (2019) 50(1) Ocean Development & International Law 49-56
  • Gerrard M, ‘Statehood and Sea-Level Rise: Scenarios and Options’ (2023) 17(1) Charleston Law Review 579-584
  • Gidel G, Le Droit International Public de la Mer (Mellottée 1934)
  • Heijmans A, ‘Artificial Islands and the Law of Nations’ (1974) 21(2) Netherlands International Law Review 139-161
  • Horn L, ‘To Be or Not to Be: The Republic of Minerva-Nation Founding by Individuals’ (1973) 12 (1) Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 520-556
  • Hossein E, The Legal Regime of Offshore Oil Rigs in International Law (Dartmouth Publications 2001)
  • ITLOS, The M/V ‘Saiga’ (St. Vincent and the Grenadines v. Guinea), Merits, Judgment of 1 July 1999, ITLOS Reports (1999), 10
  • Jessup P, The Law of Territorial Waters and Maritime Jurisdiction (G.A. Jennings 1927)
  • — —, The Law of Territorial Waters and Maritime Jurisdiction (G. A. Jennings Co. Inc. 1970)
  • Johnson D, ‘Artificial Islands’ (1951) 4(2) International Law Quarterly 203-215
  • Keating S, ‘Rock or Island? It Was an UNCLOS Call: The Legal Consequence of Geospatial Intelligence to the 2016 South China Sea Arbitration and the Law of the Sea’ (2018) 9(3) Journal of National Security Law & Policy 509-548
  • Kindt J, ‘Floating Nuclear Power Plants: US and International Regulations’ (1983) 7(2) Marine Policy 90-100
  • Kohl A, ‘China’s Artificial Island Building Campaign in the South China Sea: Implications for the Reform of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea’ (2018) 122 (3) Dickinson Law Review 917-937
  • Koskenniemi M, The Gentle Civilizer of Nations: The Rise and Fall of International Law 1870-1960 (CUP 2004) Marcelo K, Territoriality and International Law (Edward Elgar 2016)
  • Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain, Qatar v Bahrain, Judgment, Merits, [2001] ICJ Rep 40, ICGJ 83 (ICJ 2001), 16th March 2001, United Nations [UN]; International Court of Justice [ICJ]
  • Milano E, Unlawful Territorial Situations in International Law (Brill 2006)
  • Ministry Of Defence, Fundamentals Of Maritime Operations: Netherlands Maritime Military Doctrine (Royal Netherlands Navy Directorate of Operations Maritime Warfare Centre 2015)
  • Miron A, ‘The Acquis Judiciaire, a Tool for Harmonization in a Decentralized System of Litigation? A Case Study in the Law of the Sea’ in Chiara Giorgetti and Mark Pollack (eds), Beyond Fragmentation Cross-Fertilization, Cooperation and Competition among International Courts and Tribunals (Cambridge University Press 2022) 128-161
  • Nieuwenhout C, ‘The Legal Framework for Artificial Energy Islands in the Northern Seas’ (2023) 39(1) The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 39-72
  • Oppenheim L, Oppenheim’s International Law (Longmans 1992)
  • Papadakis N, The International Legal Regime of Artificial Islands (Springer 1977)
  • Pecoraro A, ‘The Regulatory Powers of the International Seabed Authority: Security of Tenure and Its Limits’ (2022) 53 (4) Ocean Development & International Law 377-402
  • Proelss A, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: A Commentary (CH Beck 2017)
  • Pullar A, ‘Fisheries, Forests and the Common Heritage of Mankind’ (2014) 11(1) Public Interest Law Journal of New Zealand 5-17
  • Rothwell D, Islands and International Law (Hart Publishing 2022)
  • Saunders I, ‘Artificial Islands and Territory in International Law’ (2019) 52(3) Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 643-684
  • Shaw M, ‘Territory in International Law’ (1982) 13(1) Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 61-91
  • Solski J, ‘The Due Regard of Article 234 of UNCLOS: Lessons From Regulating Innocent Passage in the Territorial Sea’ (2021) 52 (4) Ocean Development & International Law 398-418
  • Song Y, ‘The July 2016 Arbitral Award, Interpretation of Article 121(3) of the UNCLOS, and Selecting Examples of Inconsistent State Practices’ (2018) 49(3) Ocean Development & International Law 247-261
  • South China Sea Arbitration, Philippines v China, Award, PCA Case No 2013-19, ICGJ 495 (PCA 2016), 12th July 2016, Permanent Court of Arbitration [PCA]
  • Sovereignty Over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge, Malaysia v Singapore, Judgment, Merits, ICJ GL No 130, ICGJ 9 (ICJ 2008), 23rd May 2008, International Court of Justice [ICJ]
  • Stewart M, Freedom of Overflight: A Study of Coastal State Jurisdiction in International Airspace (Kluwer Law International 2021)
  • Stoutenberg J, Disappearing Island States in International Law (Brill 2015)
  • Symmons C, The Maritime Zones of Islands in International Law (Martinus Nijhoff 1979)
  • — —, ‘Some Problems Relating to the Definition of ‘Insular Formations’ in International Law: Islands and Low-Tide Elevations’ (1995) 1(5) IBRU Maritime Briefing 1-30
  • Tanaka Y, The International Law of the Sea (Cambridge University Press 2015)
  • Tanaka Y, The International Law of the Sea (Cambridge University Press 2015)
  • — —, ‘Reflections on the Interpretation and Application of Article 121(3) in the South China Sea Arbitration (Merits)’ (2017) 48(2) Ocean Development & International Law 365-385
  • Territorial and Maritime Dispute, Nicaragua v Colombia, Judgment, ICJ GL No 124, ICGJ 436 (ICJ 2012), 19th November 2012, International Court of Justice [ICJ]
  • United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, adopted 10 December 1982, entered into force 16 November 1994, 1833 UNTS 396
  • Van Dyke J, and Brooks R, ‘Uninhabited Islands: Their Impact on the Ownership of the Oceans’ Resources’ (1983) 12(3) Ocean Development & International Law 265-300
  • Wang Y, ‘Reasonable Restrictions on Freedom of High Seas by Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas: An Empirical Research’ (2019) 12 (2) Journal of East Asia and International Law 245-268
  • Wassenbergh H, ‘The Status and Use of an Airport on an Artificial Island’ (1999) 24 (4) Air and Space Law 177-180
  • Wegelein F, Marine Scientific Research: The Operation and Status of Research Vessels and other Platforms in International Law (Publications on Ocean Development 2005)
  • Wong D, ‘Sovereignty Sunk? The Position of Sinking States at International Law’ (2013) 14 (2) Melbourne Journal of International Law 346-391
  • Yamamoto L, ‘Vanishing Island States and Sovereignty’ (2010) 53 (1) Ocean & Coastal Management 1-9
There are 67 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International and Comparative Law (Other)
Journal Section PUBLIC LAW

Berkant Akkuş 0000-0001-6652-2512

Publication Date June 29, 2024
Submission Date March 25, 2024
Acceptance Date June 4, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 14 Issue: 1


APA Akkuş, B. (2024). Yapay Adaların Uluslararası Deniz Hukukundaki Statüsü. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(1), 465-511.
AMA Akkuş B. Yapay Adaların Uluslararası Deniz Hukukundaki Statüsü. SDLR. June 2024;14(1):465-511. doi:10.52273/sduhfd.1458426
Chicago Akkuş, Berkant. “Yapay Adaların Uluslararası Deniz Hukukundaki Statüsü”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 14, no. 1 (June 2024): 465-511. 1458426.
EndNote Akkuş B (June 1, 2024) Yapay Adaların Uluslararası Deniz Hukukundaki Statüsü. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 14 1 465–511.
IEEE B. Akkuş, “Yapay Adaların Uluslararası Deniz Hukukundaki Statüsü”, SDLR, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 465–511, 2024, doi: 10.52273/sduhfd..1458426.
ISNAD Akkuş, Berkant. “Yapay Adaların Uluslararası Deniz Hukukundaki Statüsü”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 14/1 (June 2024), 465-511. 1458426.
JAMA Akkuş B. Yapay Adaların Uluslararası Deniz Hukukundaki Statüsü. SDLR. 2024;14:465–511.
MLA Akkuş, Berkant. “Yapay Adaların Uluslararası Deniz Hukukundaki Statüsü”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 1, 2024, pp. 465-11, doi:10.52273/sduhfd. 1458426.
Vancouver Akkuş B. Yapay Adaların Uluslararası Deniz Hukukundaki Statüsü. SDLR. 2024;14(1):465-511.

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