Research Article
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Year 2019, Issue: 42, 243 - 255, 30.06.2019


This research
shows the importance of the religious texts and the benefit from studying it in
Arabic language in Turkey. Because of the importance of religious texts for
Muslims, there are many words in the religious texts that a new Turk can know
because of the interaction between the two languages. Students who learn Arabic
are often reading texts such as the Qur'an and hadith, which we call religious
text, Therefore words can easily be transferred in the mind of the students,
because they were already in their repertoire. Thus we believe that the use of
religious lessons such as Qur'an, hadith, fiqh and morality in the teaching and
transfer of Arabic will facilitate Turkish language teaching in Arabic.


  • Ebu Ubied, Kasim ibn Salam, Fada’el el Kuran. thk. Marwan atyaa (şam: Dar-ibn kaser, 1995).
  • es-suyuti,celelddin , el-itkan. Thk:mohamed ebu elfadel (Dımaşk: Daru’l-Kalam Tayyib, 1426/2005)
  • Buhârî, Sahîhu’l-Buhârî. thk. Mustafa el-Buga. (Şam: Daru’l-Ulûm el-Beşâir, 1413/1993)
  • Derviş, Muḥyiddin b. Aḥmed Muṣṭafa, İ‘rabu'l Kur'an ve Beyânuh, Dımaşk-Beyrut, 1415 h.
  • El-arabyatu byın yadik ,(Arabıc for all ,Kingdam of Saudi arabia, Riyadh,2015m).
  • el-Ezherî, Ebu Manṣur Muḥammed b. Aḥmed, Tehẕîbu’l-Luğa, (Thk. Muḥammed ‘Avaḍ Mu‘rıb), Beyrut 2001, 1. baskı, 1-8.
  • es-suyuti,celelddin . el-iktirah, . (Beyrut: Daru’l-kalem, ts. 1989m.
  • Ḫalîl b. Aḥmed, Ebu ‘Abdurraḥmân el-Ferâhîdî, Kitabu’l-‘Ayn, (Thk. Mehdi el-Maḫzûmî-İbrahim es-Sâmerrâî), Daru ve Mektebetu’l-Hilal trs., 1-8.
  • İbn Abdilber, Câmiu beyâni’l-ilm. thk. Ebû Abdirrahman Fevvâz. (Daru İbn Hazm, 1424)
  • İbn Ḥucce el-Ḥamevî, Taḳiyyüddin Ebu Bekr b. ‘Ali b. ‘Abdullah el-Ḥamevî el-Ezrârî, Ḫızânetü'l-Edeb ve Ğâyetü'l-Erib, (Thk. ‘Isam Şeḳıyu), Daru ve Mektebetü'l-Hilal, Beyrut, 2004
  • İbn Manẓûr, Muḥammed b. Mukrim b. ‘Ali, Lisânu’l-‘Arab, Beyrut 1414, 3. baskı, 1-15.
  • İṣfahânî, Râğıb Ebu’l-Ḳasım Ḥuseyn b. Muḥammed, el-Müfredât fî Ğaribi’l-Ḳur’an, (Thk. Ṣafvân ‘Adnân ed-Dâvûdî), Daru’l-Ḳalem – ed-Dâru’ş-Şâmiyye, 1. Baskı, 1412 h.
  • Ḳurtubî, Ebu ‘Abdullah Muḥammed b. Aḥmed, el-Câmi‘ li Aḥkâmi’l-Ḳur’an, (Thk. Aḥmed el-Berdûnî-İbrahim Eṭfeyyiş), Ḳâhire 1384-1964, 1-20 (10 ciltte).
  • Mohammed Mamo,laélıul-ımla,(şam,Darl-Yamama,baskı-5,2008).
  • Müslim. Sahih-i Müslim.(Riyad:Daru Binti’l-Ahmer ed-Devliyye, 1419)
  • Ali El-Cârim, Muṣṭafa Emîn, el-Belâğatu'l-Vaḍıḥa, İstanbul, ty.
  • Beyhakî, es-Sünenü’l-Kübra. Riyad: Mektebetü’r-Reşîd, 1425.
  • Bolelli, Nusrettin. Belağat (Beyan, Meani, Bedi' İlimleri) Arap Edebiyatı. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Yayınları, 2001.
  • Bolelli, Nusrettin ,Naḥiv Ṣarf ve Terimleri, Yasin yay. İstanbul, 2006.
  • Cevherî, İsma‘il b. Ḥammâd, es-Ṣıhah Tacü'l-Lüğa ve Ṣıḥaḥu'l-‘Arabiyye, thk., Ahmed ‘Abdulğafur ‘Attar, Beyrut, Daru'l-‘Ilm li'l-Melâyîn,1987,1-6.
  • Ebu Ali İsmail b. Kasım, el-Kâlî, el-Emâlî fi Lügati’l-Arab, Beyrut, 1978, 1-2.
  • El-Afgani,saiet, Nahve usolu,;Şam Üniversıtsı,1994.
  • El-Câhız, Amr b. Bahr, el-Beyan ve’t-tebyîn, Beyrut, 1423, 1-3.
  • İbn Ebi Şeybe. el-Musannef. thk. Mohammed Awama. 2. Baskı. (Beyrut: Dar Cordoba, 1427/2006)
  • Şafii,er-Risâle.thk.Ahmed Şakir.(Beyrut:Daru’l-Kuttabel-İlmiye, ts.)
  • Zemaḫşerî, Ebu’l-Ḳâsım Maḥmûd b. ‘Omer, el-Keşşâf ‘an Ḥakâiḳ Ğavâmizi’t-Tenzîl, Dâru’l-Kitabi’l-‘Arabî, Beyrut, 3. Baskı, 1407 h. 1-4.


Year 2019, Issue: 42, 243 - 255, 30.06.2019


This research
shows the importance of the religious texts and the benefit from studying it in
Arabic language in Turkey. Because of the importance of religious texts for
Muslims, there are many words in the religious texts that a new Turk can know
because of the interaction between the two languages. Students who learn Arabic
are often reading texts such as the Qur'an and hadith, which we call religious
text, Therefore words can easily be transferred in the mind of the students,
because they were already in their repertoire. Thus we believe that the use of
religious lessons such as Qur'an, hadith, fiqh and morality in the teaching and
transfer of Arabic will facilitate Turkish language teaching in Arabic.


  • Ebu Ubied, Kasim ibn Salam, Fada’el el Kuran. thk. Marwan atyaa (şam: Dar-ibn kaser, 1995).
  • es-suyuti,celelddin , el-itkan. Thk:mohamed ebu elfadel (Dımaşk: Daru’l-Kalam Tayyib, 1426/2005)
  • Buhârî, Sahîhu’l-Buhârî. thk. Mustafa el-Buga. (Şam: Daru’l-Ulûm el-Beşâir, 1413/1993)
  • Derviş, Muḥyiddin b. Aḥmed Muṣṭafa, İ‘rabu'l Kur'an ve Beyânuh, Dımaşk-Beyrut, 1415 h.
  • El-arabyatu byın yadik ,(Arabıc for all ,Kingdam of Saudi arabia, Riyadh,2015m).
  • el-Ezherî, Ebu Manṣur Muḥammed b. Aḥmed, Tehẕîbu’l-Luğa, (Thk. Muḥammed ‘Avaḍ Mu‘rıb), Beyrut 2001, 1. baskı, 1-8.
  • es-suyuti,celelddin . el-iktirah, . (Beyrut: Daru’l-kalem, ts. 1989m.
  • Ḫalîl b. Aḥmed, Ebu ‘Abdurraḥmân el-Ferâhîdî, Kitabu’l-‘Ayn, (Thk. Mehdi el-Maḫzûmî-İbrahim es-Sâmerrâî), Daru ve Mektebetu’l-Hilal trs., 1-8.
  • İbn Abdilber, Câmiu beyâni’l-ilm. thk. Ebû Abdirrahman Fevvâz. (Daru İbn Hazm, 1424)
  • İbn Ḥucce el-Ḥamevî, Taḳiyyüddin Ebu Bekr b. ‘Ali b. ‘Abdullah el-Ḥamevî el-Ezrârî, Ḫızânetü'l-Edeb ve Ğâyetü'l-Erib, (Thk. ‘Isam Şeḳıyu), Daru ve Mektebetü'l-Hilal, Beyrut, 2004
  • İbn Manẓûr, Muḥammed b. Mukrim b. ‘Ali, Lisânu’l-‘Arab, Beyrut 1414, 3. baskı, 1-15.
  • İṣfahânî, Râğıb Ebu’l-Ḳasım Ḥuseyn b. Muḥammed, el-Müfredât fî Ğaribi’l-Ḳur’an, (Thk. Ṣafvân ‘Adnân ed-Dâvûdî), Daru’l-Ḳalem – ed-Dâru’ş-Şâmiyye, 1. Baskı, 1412 h.
  • Ḳurtubî, Ebu ‘Abdullah Muḥammed b. Aḥmed, el-Câmi‘ li Aḥkâmi’l-Ḳur’an, (Thk. Aḥmed el-Berdûnî-İbrahim Eṭfeyyiş), Ḳâhire 1384-1964, 1-20 (10 ciltte).
  • Mohammed Mamo,laélıul-ımla,(şam,Darl-Yamama,baskı-5,2008).
  • Müslim. Sahih-i Müslim.(Riyad:Daru Binti’l-Ahmer ed-Devliyye, 1419)
  • Ali El-Cârim, Muṣṭafa Emîn, el-Belâğatu'l-Vaḍıḥa, İstanbul, ty.
  • Beyhakî, es-Sünenü’l-Kübra. Riyad: Mektebetü’r-Reşîd, 1425.
  • Bolelli, Nusrettin. Belağat (Beyan, Meani, Bedi' İlimleri) Arap Edebiyatı. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Yayınları, 2001.
  • Bolelli, Nusrettin ,Naḥiv Ṣarf ve Terimleri, Yasin yay. İstanbul, 2006.
  • Cevherî, İsma‘il b. Ḥammâd, es-Ṣıhah Tacü'l-Lüğa ve Ṣıḥaḥu'l-‘Arabiyye, thk., Ahmed ‘Abdulğafur ‘Attar, Beyrut, Daru'l-‘Ilm li'l-Melâyîn,1987,1-6.
  • Ebu Ali İsmail b. Kasım, el-Kâlî, el-Emâlî fi Lügati’l-Arab, Beyrut, 1978, 1-2.
  • El-Afgani,saiet, Nahve usolu,;Şam Üniversıtsı,1994.
  • El-Câhız, Amr b. Bahr, el-Beyan ve’t-tebyîn, Beyrut, 1423, 1-3.
  • İbn Ebi Şeybe. el-Musannef. thk. Mohammed Awama. 2. Baskı. (Beyrut: Dar Cordoba, 1427/2006)
  • Şafii,er-Risâle.thk.Ahmed Şakir.(Beyrut:Daru’l-Kuttabel-İlmiye, ts.)
  • Zemaḫşerî, Ebu’l-Ḳâsım Maḥmûd b. ‘Omer, el-Keşşâf ‘an Ḥakâiḳ Ğavâmizi’t-Tenzîl, Dâru’l-Kitabi’l-‘Arabî, Beyrut, 3. Baskı, 1407 h. 1-4.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Religious Studies
Journal Section Articles

Anas Al Kahwaji 0000-0002-0012-7461

Publication Date June 30, 2019
Submission Date May 28, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 42


APA Al Kahwaji, A. (2019). THE IMPORTANCE of RELIGIOUS TEXTS as an EFFECTIVE MEANS FOR TEACHING ARABIC in TURKEY. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi(42), 243-255.
AMA Al Kahwaji A. THE IMPORTANCE of RELIGIOUS TEXTS as an EFFECTIVE MEANS FOR TEACHING ARABIC in TURKEY. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. June 2019;(42):243-255.
Chicago Al Kahwaji, Anas. “THE IMPORTANCE of RELIGIOUS TEXTS As an EFFECTIVE MEANS FOR TEACHING ARABIC in TURKEY”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, no. 42 (June 2019): 243-55.
EndNote Al Kahwaji A (June 1, 2019) THE IMPORTANCE of RELIGIOUS TEXTS as an EFFECTIVE MEANS FOR TEACHING ARABIC in TURKEY. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 42 243–255.
IEEE A. Al Kahwaji, “THE IMPORTANCE of RELIGIOUS TEXTS as an EFFECTIVE MEANS FOR TEACHING ARABIC in TURKEY”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, no. 42, pp. 243–255, June 2019.
ISNAD Al Kahwaji, Anas. “THE IMPORTANCE of RELIGIOUS TEXTS As an EFFECTIVE MEANS FOR TEACHING ARABIC in TURKEY”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 42 (June 2019), 243-255.
JAMA Al Kahwaji A. THE IMPORTANCE of RELIGIOUS TEXTS as an EFFECTIVE MEANS FOR TEACHING ARABIC in TURKEY. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. 2019;:243–255.
MLA Al Kahwaji, Anas. “THE IMPORTANCE of RELIGIOUS TEXTS As an EFFECTIVE MEANS FOR TEACHING ARABIC in TURKEY”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, no. 42, 2019, pp. 243-55.
Vancouver Al Kahwaji A. THE IMPORTANCE of RELIGIOUS TEXTS as an EFFECTIVE MEANS FOR TEACHING ARABIC in TURKEY. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. 2019(42):243-55.