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A Sociological Approach to the Phenomenonof Halal Food: A Case of Malaysia

Year 2013, Issue: 31, 155 - 171, 01.12.2013


The social interactions of Malay Muslims with non-Muslim Malaysians emerged depending on the circumstances have become the subject of various researchers in the modern era. The concept of Halal Food, which has been popularized through the establishment of various religio-bureaucratic institutions, can be considered as a unique area for the ethno-relations around the food consumption in Malaysia. In this sense, the relationship of ethno-social and religious segments structured around the phenomenon of Halal Food conditioned around deserves to be considered as a research field of Sociology of ReligionThis treaty deals with concisely the phenomenon of Halal Food which draws attention as one of the salient stages of the socio-political changing process in the country. This process, as a conscious preference of Malay political elites, has been the subject of construction which was supposed to guarantee social existence of Malay Muslims who had been recognized socio-economically as the underprivileged segment. The phenomenon of Halal Food, brought up through the various institutions in Malaysia, has not been in the personal initiative of the Malay Muslims, instead it has already been moved to public arena by the force of implementation of law. The usage of this phenomenon in technical sense attracts attention as one of the strong symbolic expressions of institutionalized Islam. This process work as two dimensions. The first one is related to demands of Malay Muslims who became the subject of expansion of higher education and urbanization especially since the late of 1970s and specially 1980s. On the other hand, it has also functioned as a vehicle to make the non-Muslim minorities to recognize that Islam is the dominant religio-cultural aspect of the Malaysian society. As revealed by some researchers, there is no doubt that the practices during this era not only correspond to social demands in one side, but also are considered as reflections of Islamization in political field owing to the internal and external factors


  • Abdul Manaf Bohari1, Cheng Wei Hin1, Nurwahida Fuad, The competitiveness of halal food industry in Malaysia: A SWOT - ICT analysis, Geografia: Malaysia Journal of Society and Space, 9 Issue 1 (1-9), 2013.
  • Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid. (2006). “Food Security from the Islamic Perspective”, In Food and Technological Progress: An Islamic Perspective, (eds.) Shaikh Mohd. Saifuddeen; Shaikh Mohd. Salleh; Azrina Sobian, Selangor: MPH Group Publishing.
  • Ali Chawk (Abdullahi Ayan), “Population Dynamics, Security and Supply of Halal Food”, In Seminar on Food Security From the Islamic Perspective, 29-30
  • May 2001, Organized by Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM), (pgs. 7).
  • Gaik Cheng Khoo. (2009). “Reading the films of independent filmmaker Yasmin Ahmad: Cosmopolitanism, Sufi Islam and Malay Subjectivity”, In Race and Multiculturalism in Malaysia and Singapore, (ed.) Danial P.S.Goh, Matilda Gabrielpillai, Philip Holden and Gaik Cheng Khoo, London: Routledge. Halal Food: A Guide to Good Eating, KasehDİa Publication House, Kuala Lumpur, 2003.
  • Halal Guide Book-Guide For Food Producers, Kuala Lumpur: Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC), 2010.
  • Faical Krichane, “Role of the Private Sector in Establishing Food Security in A Muslim Society”, In Seminar on Food Security From the Islamic Perspective, 29-30 May 2001, Organized by Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM).
  • Foong Ling Choy. (1968). Suggested Criteria as Framework for the Selection of Guiding Educational Factors Toward National Integration and Development in the Newly Emerging Countries With Special Application to Malaysia, PhD Dissertation, The University of Iowa.
  • J. M. Gullick, Malay Society in the Late Nineteenth Century: The Beginnings of Change, Oxford University Press, Second Impression, Singapore, 1991.
  • Johan Fischer. (2011). The Halal Frontier: Muslim Consumers in a Globalized Market, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Maila Stevens, (2006). Family Values and Islamic Revival: Gender, Rights and State Moral Projects in Malaysia, In Women’s Studies International Forum, Vol. 29, Issue 4, July-August, (syf. 354-367).
  • Mehmet Özay. “Malezya’da Din-Devlet İlişkisine Kısa Bir Bakış: Dr. Mahathir Mohamad Dönemi İslamlaştırma Politikaları ve Yansımaları”, Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Araştırmaları Dergisi, Vol. 2, No. 1, Mart 2013, Karabük Üniversitesi, (syf. 106-128).
  • Mian N. Riaz&Muhammad M. Chaudry. (2004). Halal Food Production, Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Mohd Amri bin Abdullah, “Penguatkuasaan Undang-Undang: Pengalaman Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM)”, Seminar Kemelut Pemakanan Halal: Ke Arah Penyelesaian, IKIM, 24-5 April 2012, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Mohd. Saifuddeen bin Shaikh Mohd. Salleh. “Aspects of Food Safety: From Perspective of Islam”, In Seminar on Food Security From the Islamic Perspective, 29-30 May 2001, Organized by Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM), Kuala Lumpur.
  • Nik Mustapha Nik Hassan. “The Concept of Food Security in Islam”, In Seminar on Food Security From the Islamic Perspective, 29-30 May 2001, Organized by Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM), (syf. 1-10).
  • Mohamed Sadek, “Marketing Niche For Halal Food Supply: Framework for the Establishment of an International Halal Food Market”, In Seminar on Food Security From the Islamic Perspective, 29-30 May 2001, Organized by Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM), Kuala Lumpur, (pgs. 1-21).
  • Noriah Ramli, “Legal&Administrative Regulations in Halal Production”, In The Essence of Halal: The Modern Compendium of Halal Volume I, Petaling Jaya: Halal Industry Development Corporation Publication, 2011.
  • Norkumala Binti Awang. “Makanan Dan Pemakanan Halal: Kerangka Fahaman dan Cabaran Utama di Malaysia”, Seminar: Kemelut Pemakanan Halal: Ke Arah Penyelesaian, Institute Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM), 24-25 April 2012, Dewan Besar IKIM, Kuala Lumpur, (pgs. 1-19)
  • Ramon Harvey. (tarihsiz). Certification of Halal Meat in the UK, A Project of the Azhar-Cambridge Programme 2010.
  • The Essence of Halal: The Modern Compendium of Halal Volume I, Petaling Jaya: Halal Industry Development Corporation Publication, 2011.


Year 2013, Issue: 31, 155 - 171, 01.12.2013


Modern dönemde, değişen toplumsal koşullara bağlı olarak Malay Müslümanların, Müslüman olmayan çevrelerle kamusal alanlardaki sosyal etkileşimleri çeşitli incelemeler konu olmuştur. Çeşitli dini bürokratik kurumların uygulamaya geçirilmesiyle gündeme gelen Helâl Gıda Olgusu, Malezya’daki etnik grupların gıda tüketimi olgusu etrafında etkileşimlerinde ayrıcalıklı bir alan olarak değerlendirilebilir. Bu anlamda “etnik, sosyal ve dini grupların” gıda olgusu etrafında yapılaşan ilişkileri din sosyolojisi bağlamında araştırılmayı hak etmektedir. Bu çalışma, Malezya sosyo-siyasi değişim süreçlerinin önemli aşamalarından biri olarak dikkat çeken Helâl Gıda olgusunu toplumsal ilişkiler bağlamında kısaca ele almaktadır. Bu süreç, Malay siyasi elitinin bilinçli bir tercihi olarak, ülkenin çoğulcu etnik yapısı içerisinde eğitim ve sosyo-ekonomik geri kalmışlığı ile dikkat çeken Malay Müslümanların toplumsal varlığını garanti altına alacak bir yapılaşmaya konu oldu. Malezya devletinin çeşitli kurumları vasıtasıyla uygulamaya koyduğu Helâl Gıda olgusu Malay Müslüman bireylerin inisyatifinden çıkmış ve yasaların yaptırımcı gücü ile birlikte kamusal alana taşınmıştır. Helâl Gıda olgusunun gündelik yaşamda teknik anlamda kullanılmaya başlanması, ülkede yaşanan kurumsallaşan İslâm’ın en önemli göstergelerinden biri olarak dikkat çekmektedir. Bu süreç, iki yönlü olarak işlemektedir. İlki 1970’ler ve özellikle de 1980’lerden itibaren yüksek öğrenimin yaygınlaşması ve şehirleşme süreçlerine konu olan Malay Müslümanların bir anlamda ‘içten’ geldiği varsayılabilecek taleplerine cevap niteliği taşırken, Müslüman olmayan azınlıklar nezdinde de İslâmiyet’in ülkenin başat dini/kültürel vechesi olduğunu fark etme veya ettirmenin adıdır aynı zamanda. Kimi araştırmacıların ortaya koyduğu üzere bu dönemindeki icraatlar, kuşkusuz ki biryanıyla toplumsal bir talebe tekabül ettiği gibi, dönemin iç ve dış faktörlerinin yol açtığı genel İslâmlaştırma sürecinin politikadaki yansıması olarak da dikkat çeker


  • Abdul Manaf Bohari1, Cheng Wei Hin1, Nurwahida Fuad, The competitiveness of halal food industry in Malaysia: A SWOT - ICT analysis, Geografia: Malaysia Journal of Society and Space, 9 Issue 1 (1-9), 2013.
  • Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid. (2006). “Food Security from the Islamic Perspective”, In Food and Technological Progress: An Islamic Perspective, (eds.) Shaikh Mohd. Saifuddeen; Shaikh Mohd. Salleh; Azrina Sobian, Selangor: MPH Group Publishing.
  • Ali Chawk (Abdullahi Ayan), “Population Dynamics, Security and Supply of Halal Food”, In Seminar on Food Security From the Islamic Perspective, 29-30
  • May 2001, Organized by Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM), (pgs. 7).
  • Gaik Cheng Khoo. (2009). “Reading the films of independent filmmaker Yasmin Ahmad: Cosmopolitanism, Sufi Islam and Malay Subjectivity”, In Race and Multiculturalism in Malaysia and Singapore, (ed.) Danial P.S.Goh, Matilda Gabrielpillai, Philip Holden and Gaik Cheng Khoo, London: Routledge. Halal Food: A Guide to Good Eating, KasehDİa Publication House, Kuala Lumpur, 2003.
  • Halal Guide Book-Guide For Food Producers, Kuala Lumpur: Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC), 2010.
  • Faical Krichane, “Role of the Private Sector in Establishing Food Security in A Muslim Society”, In Seminar on Food Security From the Islamic Perspective, 29-30 May 2001, Organized by Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM).
  • Foong Ling Choy. (1968). Suggested Criteria as Framework for the Selection of Guiding Educational Factors Toward National Integration and Development in the Newly Emerging Countries With Special Application to Malaysia, PhD Dissertation, The University of Iowa.
  • J. M. Gullick, Malay Society in the Late Nineteenth Century: The Beginnings of Change, Oxford University Press, Second Impression, Singapore, 1991.
  • Johan Fischer. (2011). The Halal Frontier: Muslim Consumers in a Globalized Market, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Maila Stevens, (2006). Family Values and Islamic Revival: Gender, Rights and State Moral Projects in Malaysia, In Women’s Studies International Forum, Vol. 29, Issue 4, July-August, (syf. 354-367).
  • Mehmet Özay. “Malezya’da Din-Devlet İlişkisine Kısa Bir Bakış: Dr. Mahathir Mohamad Dönemi İslamlaştırma Politikaları ve Yansımaları”, Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Araştırmaları Dergisi, Vol. 2, No. 1, Mart 2013, Karabük Üniversitesi, (syf. 106-128).
  • Mian N. Riaz&Muhammad M. Chaudry. (2004). Halal Food Production, Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Mohd Amri bin Abdullah, “Penguatkuasaan Undang-Undang: Pengalaman Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM)”, Seminar Kemelut Pemakanan Halal: Ke Arah Penyelesaian, IKIM, 24-5 April 2012, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Mohd. Saifuddeen bin Shaikh Mohd. Salleh. “Aspects of Food Safety: From Perspective of Islam”, In Seminar on Food Security From the Islamic Perspective, 29-30 May 2001, Organized by Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM), Kuala Lumpur.
  • Nik Mustapha Nik Hassan. “The Concept of Food Security in Islam”, In Seminar on Food Security From the Islamic Perspective, 29-30 May 2001, Organized by Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM), (syf. 1-10).
  • Mohamed Sadek, “Marketing Niche For Halal Food Supply: Framework for the Establishment of an International Halal Food Market”, In Seminar on Food Security From the Islamic Perspective, 29-30 May 2001, Organized by Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM), Kuala Lumpur, (pgs. 1-21).
  • Noriah Ramli, “Legal&Administrative Regulations in Halal Production”, In The Essence of Halal: The Modern Compendium of Halal Volume I, Petaling Jaya: Halal Industry Development Corporation Publication, 2011.
  • Norkumala Binti Awang. “Makanan Dan Pemakanan Halal: Kerangka Fahaman dan Cabaran Utama di Malaysia”, Seminar: Kemelut Pemakanan Halal: Ke Arah Penyelesaian, Institute Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM), 24-25 April 2012, Dewan Besar IKIM, Kuala Lumpur, (pgs. 1-19)
  • Ramon Harvey. (tarihsiz). Certification of Halal Meat in the UK, A Project of the Azhar-Cambridge Programme 2010.
  • The Essence of Halal: The Modern Compendium of Halal Volume I, Petaling Jaya: Halal Industry Development Corporation Publication, 2011.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Adem Efe This is me

Mehmet Özay This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Issue: 31


APA Efe, A., & Özay, M. (2013). HELÂL GIDA OLGUSU VE UYGULAMASINA SOSYOLOJİK BİR YAKLAŞIM: MALEZYA ÖRNEĞİ. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi(31), 155-171.
AMA Efe A, Özay M. HELÂL GIDA OLGUSU VE UYGULAMASINA SOSYOLOJİK BİR YAKLAŞIM: MALEZYA ÖRNEĞİ. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. December 2013;(31):155-171.
Chicago Efe, Adem, and Mehmet Özay. “HELÂL GIDA OLGUSU VE UYGULAMASINA SOSYOLOJİK BİR YAKLAŞIM: MALEZYA ÖRNEĞİ”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, no. 31 (December 2013): 155-71.
EndNote Efe A, Özay M (December 1, 2013) HELÂL GIDA OLGUSU VE UYGULAMASINA SOSYOLOJİK BİR YAKLAŞIM: MALEZYA ÖRNEĞİ. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 31 155–171.
IEEE A. Efe and M. Özay, “HELÂL GIDA OLGUSU VE UYGULAMASINA SOSYOLOJİK BİR YAKLAŞIM: MALEZYA ÖRNEĞİ”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, no. 31, pp. 155–171, December 2013.
ISNAD Efe, Adem - Özay, Mehmet. “HELÂL GIDA OLGUSU VE UYGULAMASINA SOSYOLOJİK BİR YAKLAŞIM: MALEZYA ÖRNEĞİ”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 31 (December 2013), 155-171.
JAMA Efe A, Özay M. HELÂL GIDA OLGUSU VE UYGULAMASINA SOSYOLOJİK BİR YAKLAŞIM: MALEZYA ÖRNEĞİ. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. 2013;:155–171.
MLA Efe, Adem and Mehmet Özay. “HELÂL GIDA OLGUSU VE UYGULAMASINA SOSYOLOJİK BİR YAKLAŞIM: MALEZYA ÖRNEĞİ”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, no. 31, 2013, pp. 155-71.
Vancouver Efe A, Özay M. HELÂL GIDA OLGUSU VE UYGULAMASINA SOSYOLOJİK BİR YAKLAŞIM: MALEZYA ÖRNEĞİ. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. 2013(31):155-71.