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The Transportation Planning At The Southern California Mega-Region According To The Southern California Association Of Governments Records

Year 2015, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 23 - 39, 01.03.2015


SoCal, the second largest urbanized region in the U.S., is a major economic system for California. Having some of the nation's largest ports such as Los Angeles and Long Beach ports, SoCal economy stands out with logistics and goods movement industry. As a region which creates its own prosperity, SoCal is providing opportunities for its fast growing native-born and immigrant populations while taking aggressive action to build infrastructure that enhances its role as a global gateway. SoCal as multi-centered urban corridor has a well-developed infrastructure, but when compared to the other mega-regions of the U.S., this region has underdeveloped public transportation systems. This study is concerned with the transportation policy and administration of the SoCal megalopolis


  • America 2050 (2008). An Infrastructure Vision for 21st Century America, New York.
  • America 2050 (2011). “Southern California”, california.html, 06.25.2011.
  • BOLLENS, S. A. (1997). “Fragments of Regionalism: The Limits of Southern California Governance”, Journal of Urban Affairs, 19(1): 105-122.
  • Cambridge Systematics (2011). Crashes vs. Congestion – What’s the Cost to Society?, The American Automobile Association, Maryland. Cargo Business News - Tools for the Transport Trade (2011). Southern California 2011 Ports Handbook, Northwest Publishing Center, Seattle.
  • Ehline Law Legal News (2012). “Study Shows Most Congested Stretch of Highway in The U.S. Los Angeles Harbor Freeway”,, 07.01.2012.
  • EISELE, B., SCHRANK, D. and LOMAX, T. (2011). 2011 Congested Corridors Report: Powered by INRIX Traffic Data, Texas Transportation Institute and the Texas A&M University System.
  • Federal Aviation Administration (2011). “Passenger Boarding (Enplanement) and AllCargo Data for U.S. Airports, /passenger_allcargo_stats/passenger/index.cfm?year=2010, 07.08.2012.
  • FLORIDA, R., GULDEN, T. and MELLANDER, C. (2008). “The Rise of the MegaRegion”, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society (1) 459-476.
  • GAINSBOROUGH, J. F. (2001). “Bridging the City-Suburb Divide: States and Politics of Regional Cooperation”, Journal of Urban Affairs. 23(5): 497-512.
  • GILMORE, J. (2012). “Community Leaders Support Maritime Focus At Port of San Diego Marine Terminals”,, 07.07.2012.
  • HAVEMAN, J. D. and HUMMELS, D. (2004). California’s Global Gateways: Trends and Issues, Public Policy Institute of California, San Francisco.
  • IKHRATA, H. and MICHELL, P. (1997). “Technical Report of Southern California Association of Governments’ Transportation Performance Indicators”, Transportation Research Record, 606(1): 103-114.
  • ISTRATE, E. and PUENTES, R. (2011). Moving Forward on Public Private Partnerships: U.S. and International Experience with PPP Units, Brookings-Rockefeller (Project on State and Metropolitan Innovation), Washington, D.C.
  • Kern County Council of Governments, San Diego Association of Governments and Southern California Association of Governments (2005). The Southern California Mega-Region, A Case Study of Global Gateway Regions: America’s Third Century Strategy.
  • LAnext (2006). “Feb 2006 > The LAX Settlement Agreement”,, 28.06.2014.
  • L.A. Now (2012). “LAX's commitment to expansion-control agreement questioned”,, 28.06.2012.
  • LEVY, J. M. (2009). Contemporary Urban Planning, Pearson Education, Inc., New Jersey.
  • LEWIS, P. G. and SPRAGUE, M. (1997). Federal Transportation Policy and the Role of Metropolitan Planning Organizations in California, Public Policy Institute of California, San Francisco, CA.
  • MARKS, M. and TABER, S. L. (1973). “Prospects for Regional Planning in California”, Pacific Law Journal, (4): 117-143.
  • MILLER, J. D., MYERSON, D. and MACCLEERY, R. (2012). Infrastructure 2012: Spotlight on Leadership, The Urban Land Institute and Ernest & Young, Washington, D.C.
  • MONGELLUZZO, B. (2012). “Southern California Ports, Logistics Firms Focus on Efficiency (Mar 12, 2012), The Journal of Commerce”, portsterminals/southern-california-ports-logistics-firms-focus-efficiency, 07.06.2012.
  • MOORE, W. (2011). Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2011, Year Ended June 30, 2011, Southern California Association of Governments, Los Angeles.
  • NAGOURNEY, A. (2011). “L.A. Prepares for Worst and Hopes for Best in Freeway Shutdown”,, 07.02.2012.
  • NICHOLLS, R. J., HANSON, S., HERWEIJER, C., PATMORE, N., HALLEGATTE, S., CORFEE-MORLOT, J., CHATEAU, J. and MUIR-WOOD, R. (2008). OECD Environment Working Papers: Ranking Port Cities with High Exposure Estimates, no. 1, OECD Publishing.
  • PIERSON, D. (2012). “After slamming brakes on growth, China reaches for stimulus”,, 07.06.2012.
  • ROSTON, E. (2012). “Top 20 Cities with Billions at Risk from Climate Change”,, 22.07.2012.
  • SALTZSTEIN, A. L. (1996). “Los Angeles: Politics without Governance”, (Ed.)
  • SAVITCH H.V. and VOGEL R. K., Regional Politics: America in a Post-City Age (Urban Affairs Annual Reviews 45), Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks; 51- 71.
  • WOLFRAM, S. and WALKER, W. R. (2010). “Air Pollution and Contemporaneous Health: Evidence from Random Variation in Pollution Shocks from Airports”, f, 07.12.2012.
  • SONUPARLAK, I. (2011). “Carmageddon! Los Angeles Braces for Traffic Chaos”,, 07.02.2012.
  • South Coast Air Quality Management District (2011). “Powering the Future: A Vision for Clean Energy, Clear Skies, and a Growing Economy in Southern California”,, 07.12.2012.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2012a). “About the RTP”,, 07.18.2012. Southern California Association of Governments (2011a), “About Us”,, 06.07.2011.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2009). A Guide to the Future Strategic Plan, Los Angeles.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2012b). “Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP)”,, 07.30.2012.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2012c). Fiscal Year 2012-2013: Overall Work Program.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2010). “Framework and Guidelines for Subregional Sustainable Communities Strategy (Approved by Regional Council – April 1, 2010)”, pdfs/SB375_FrameworkGuidelines040110.pdf, 07.23.2012.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2012d), “Regional Transportation Plan (2012-2035): Sustainable Communities Strategy towards a Sustainable Future (Adopted April 2012)”, f2012RTPSCS.pdf, 06.28.2012
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2011b). “SCAG General Fact Sheet”,, 07.22.2012.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2008). The Benefits of Membership (Brochure), Los Angeles.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2003). Year 2000 Post Census Regional Travel Survey: Final Report of Survey Results, Austin.
  • The American Public Health Association (2010). The Hidden Health Costs of Transportation, Washington, D.C.
  • The California Department of Finance (2014). “E-5 Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, Counties, and the State, 2011-2014 with 2010 Census Benchmark”, 20/view.php, 29.06.2014.
  • The California Department of Finance (2012). “Interim Population Projections for California and Its Counties 2010-2050”, research/demographic/reports/projections/interim/view.php, 07.01.2012.
  • United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2012). World Urbanization Prospects The 2011 Revision (Highlights) (ESA/P/WP/224), New York.
  • U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (2012). “Southern California Regional Freight Study (Executive Summary)”, y.htm, 07.10.2012.
  • WARD, A. (2012). “Southern California Ports Post Positive Numbers”, 1006902-1.html, 07.06.2012.
  • WHITE, R. D. (2009). “Southern California ports may see calmer waters by year's end”,, 07.06.2012.
  • Wikipedia (2011). “California Megapolitan Areas”, California_megapolitan_areas#Southern_California, 06.25.2011.
  • Wikipedia (2012a). “Inland Empire (California)”, Inland_Empire_(California), 04.07.2012.
  • Wikipedia (2012b). “Los Angeles County, California”, Los_Angeles_County,_California, 07.04.2012.
  • Wikipedia (2012c). “Port of Los Angeles”, Port_of_Los_Angeles, 07.05.2012.
  • Wikipedia (2012d), “Port of Long Beach”, Port_of_Long_Beach, 07.05.2012.
  • Wikipedia (2012e) “San Diego County, California”, San_Diego_County,_California, 07.04.2012.
  • VUTUKURU, S. and DABDUB, D. (2008). “Modeling the effects of ship emissions on Coastal Air Quality: A Case Study of Southern California”, Atmospheric Environment, (42): 3751-3764.


Year 2015, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 23 - 39, 01.03.2015


ABD’deki ikinci en büyük kentleşen bölgelerden biri olarak SoCal, Kaliforniya için büyük bir ekonomik merkez konumundadır. Los Angeles ve Long Beach gibi ülkenin en büyük limanlarından bazılarına sahip olan SoCal ekonomisi, lojistik ve mal dolaşım endüstrisiyle öne çıkmaktadır. Kendi refahını üreten bu bölge, bir taraftan hızla artan yerli ve göçmen nüfusu için fırsatlar sunarken, diğer taraftan bir küresel geçit olarak rolünü güçlendiren altyapısını inşa eden girişimci eylemler sunmaktadır. Çok merkezli bir kent koridoru olan SoCal, iyi gelişmiş bir altyapıya sahiptir, ancak ülkedeki diğer mega-bölgeler karşılaştırıldığında bu bölgenin az gelişmiş bir toplu ulaşım sistemine sahip olduğu görülecektir. Bu çalışmada, SoCal mega-bölgesinin ulaşım politikası ve yönetimi incelenmektedir


  • America 2050 (2008). An Infrastructure Vision for 21st Century America, New York.
  • America 2050 (2011). “Southern California”, california.html, 06.25.2011.
  • BOLLENS, S. A. (1997). “Fragments of Regionalism: The Limits of Southern California Governance”, Journal of Urban Affairs, 19(1): 105-122.
  • Cambridge Systematics (2011). Crashes vs. Congestion – What’s the Cost to Society?, The American Automobile Association, Maryland. Cargo Business News - Tools for the Transport Trade (2011). Southern California 2011 Ports Handbook, Northwest Publishing Center, Seattle.
  • Ehline Law Legal News (2012). “Study Shows Most Congested Stretch of Highway in The U.S. Los Angeles Harbor Freeway”,, 07.01.2012.
  • EISELE, B., SCHRANK, D. and LOMAX, T. (2011). 2011 Congested Corridors Report: Powered by INRIX Traffic Data, Texas Transportation Institute and the Texas A&M University System.
  • Federal Aviation Administration (2011). “Passenger Boarding (Enplanement) and AllCargo Data for U.S. Airports, /passenger_allcargo_stats/passenger/index.cfm?year=2010, 07.08.2012.
  • FLORIDA, R., GULDEN, T. and MELLANDER, C. (2008). “The Rise of the MegaRegion”, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society (1) 459-476.
  • GAINSBOROUGH, J. F. (2001). “Bridging the City-Suburb Divide: States and Politics of Regional Cooperation”, Journal of Urban Affairs. 23(5): 497-512.
  • GILMORE, J. (2012). “Community Leaders Support Maritime Focus At Port of San Diego Marine Terminals”,, 07.07.2012.
  • HAVEMAN, J. D. and HUMMELS, D. (2004). California’s Global Gateways: Trends and Issues, Public Policy Institute of California, San Francisco.
  • IKHRATA, H. and MICHELL, P. (1997). “Technical Report of Southern California Association of Governments’ Transportation Performance Indicators”, Transportation Research Record, 606(1): 103-114.
  • ISTRATE, E. and PUENTES, R. (2011). Moving Forward on Public Private Partnerships: U.S. and International Experience with PPP Units, Brookings-Rockefeller (Project on State and Metropolitan Innovation), Washington, D.C.
  • Kern County Council of Governments, San Diego Association of Governments and Southern California Association of Governments (2005). The Southern California Mega-Region, A Case Study of Global Gateway Regions: America’s Third Century Strategy.
  • LAnext (2006). “Feb 2006 > The LAX Settlement Agreement”,, 28.06.2014.
  • L.A. Now (2012). “LAX's commitment to expansion-control agreement questioned”,, 28.06.2012.
  • LEVY, J. M. (2009). Contemporary Urban Planning, Pearson Education, Inc., New Jersey.
  • LEWIS, P. G. and SPRAGUE, M. (1997). Federal Transportation Policy and the Role of Metropolitan Planning Organizations in California, Public Policy Institute of California, San Francisco, CA.
  • MARKS, M. and TABER, S. L. (1973). “Prospects for Regional Planning in California”, Pacific Law Journal, (4): 117-143.
  • MILLER, J. D., MYERSON, D. and MACCLEERY, R. (2012). Infrastructure 2012: Spotlight on Leadership, The Urban Land Institute and Ernest & Young, Washington, D.C.
  • MONGELLUZZO, B. (2012). “Southern California Ports, Logistics Firms Focus on Efficiency (Mar 12, 2012), The Journal of Commerce”, portsterminals/southern-california-ports-logistics-firms-focus-efficiency, 07.06.2012.
  • MOORE, W. (2011). Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2011, Year Ended June 30, 2011, Southern California Association of Governments, Los Angeles.
  • NAGOURNEY, A. (2011). “L.A. Prepares for Worst and Hopes for Best in Freeway Shutdown”,, 07.02.2012.
  • NICHOLLS, R. J., HANSON, S., HERWEIJER, C., PATMORE, N., HALLEGATTE, S., CORFEE-MORLOT, J., CHATEAU, J. and MUIR-WOOD, R. (2008). OECD Environment Working Papers: Ranking Port Cities with High Exposure Estimates, no. 1, OECD Publishing.
  • PIERSON, D. (2012). “After slamming brakes on growth, China reaches for stimulus”,, 07.06.2012.
  • ROSTON, E. (2012). “Top 20 Cities with Billions at Risk from Climate Change”,, 22.07.2012.
  • SALTZSTEIN, A. L. (1996). “Los Angeles: Politics without Governance”, (Ed.)
  • SAVITCH H.V. and VOGEL R. K., Regional Politics: America in a Post-City Age (Urban Affairs Annual Reviews 45), Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks; 51- 71.
  • WOLFRAM, S. and WALKER, W. R. (2010). “Air Pollution and Contemporaneous Health: Evidence from Random Variation in Pollution Shocks from Airports”, f, 07.12.2012.
  • SONUPARLAK, I. (2011). “Carmageddon! Los Angeles Braces for Traffic Chaos”,, 07.02.2012.
  • South Coast Air Quality Management District (2011). “Powering the Future: A Vision for Clean Energy, Clear Skies, and a Growing Economy in Southern California”,, 07.12.2012.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2012a). “About the RTP”,, 07.18.2012. Southern California Association of Governments (2011a), “About Us”,, 06.07.2011.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2009). A Guide to the Future Strategic Plan, Los Angeles.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2012b). “Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP)”,, 07.30.2012.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2012c). Fiscal Year 2012-2013: Overall Work Program.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2010). “Framework and Guidelines for Subregional Sustainable Communities Strategy (Approved by Regional Council – April 1, 2010)”, pdfs/SB375_FrameworkGuidelines040110.pdf, 07.23.2012.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2012d), “Regional Transportation Plan (2012-2035): Sustainable Communities Strategy towards a Sustainable Future (Adopted April 2012)”, f2012RTPSCS.pdf, 06.28.2012
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2011b). “SCAG General Fact Sheet”,, 07.22.2012.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2008). The Benefits of Membership (Brochure), Los Angeles.
  • Southern California Association of Governments (2003). Year 2000 Post Census Regional Travel Survey: Final Report of Survey Results, Austin.
  • The American Public Health Association (2010). The Hidden Health Costs of Transportation, Washington, D.C.
  • The California Department of Finance (2014). “E-5 Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, Counties, and the State, 2011-2014 with 2010 Census Benchmark”, 20/view.php, 29.06.2014.
  • The California Department of Finance (2012). “Interim Population Projections for California and Its Counties 2010-2050”, research/demographic/reports/projections/interim/view.php, 07.01.2012.
  • United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2012). World Urbanization Prospects The 2011 Revision (Highlights) (ESA/P/WP/224), New York.
  • U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (2012). “Southern California Regional Freight Study (Executive Summary)”, y.htm, 07.10.2012.
  • WARD, A. (2012). “Southern California Ports Post Positive Numbers”, 1006902-1.html, 07.06.2012.
  • WHITE, R. D. (2009). “Southern California ports may see calmer waters by year's end”,, 07.06.2012.
  • Wikipedia (2011). “California Megapolitan Areas”, California_megapolitan_areas#Southern_California, 06.25.2011.
  • Wikipedia (2012a). “Inland Empire (California)”, Inland_Empire_(California), 04.07.2012.
  • Wikipedia (2012b). “Los Angeles County, California”, Los_Angeles_County,_California, 07.04.2012.
  • Wikipedia (2012c). “Port of Los Angeles”, Port_of_Los_Angeles, 07.05.2012.
  • Wikipedia (2012d), “Port of Long Beach”, Port_of_Long_Beach, 07.05.2012.
  • Wikipedia (2012e) “San Diego County, California”, San_Diego_County,_California, 07.04.2012.
  • VUTUKURU, S. and DABDUB, D. (2008). “Modeling the effects of ship emissions on Coastal Air Quality: A Case Study of Southern California”, Atmospheric Environment, (42): 3751-3764.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

  Assoc.Prof.Dr.Elif Çolakoğlu This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 20 Issue: 1


APA Çolakoğlu, . (2015). GÜNEY KALİFORNİYA HÜKÜMETLER BİRLİĞİ KAYITLARINA GÖRE GÜNEY KALİFORNİYA MEGA-BÖLGESİ’NDE ULAŞIM PLANLAMASI. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(1), 23-39.