Hekim Bireysel Performansının Değerlendirilmesi: Bir Uygulama
Yıl 2014,
Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 299 - 308, 01.06.2014
arş.gör.uzm.songül Çınaroğlu
Uzm.keziban Avcı
The aim of this study is structural analysis of PAR (Physician Achievement Review) survey instrument for Turkish physicians which was delevoped in Canadian health system for assessing physician self performance. Original survey consists of totally 31 questions. Questionnaires were distributed 102 physicians at A Research and Training Hospital in Ankara. Correlation analysis and principal component analysis used for analysis. At the end of the explanatory factor analysis analysis it was found that Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) coefficient 0.87, Bartlett's Test <0.01 and there were five factors (1) diagnosis skills (2) giving psychosociological support to patients (3) relationships between patient and his/her relatives (4) professional development (5) and communications skills. The results of this study shows that this instrument can be useful for assesing physician self performance
- ABADEL, F.T. ve HATTAB, A.S. (2013). “How Does The Medical Graduates SelfAsessment of Their Clinical Competency Differ From Experts' Assessment?”, BMC Medical Education, 13(24): 2-9.
- ADLER, R., VASILIADIS A. ve BICKELL N. (2010). “The Relationship Between Continuity and Patient Satisfaction: A Systematic Review”, Family Practice, 27(2): 171-178.
- ADLER-MILSTEIN, J. ve JHA A.K. (2012). “Organizational Complements To Electronic Health Records In Ambulatory Physician Performance: The Role of Support Staff”, JAMIA, 19: 537-540.
- ALPAR, R. (2011). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Yöntemler, Detay Yayınları, Ankara.
- CASSEL, C.K. ve JAIN S.H. (2012). “Assessing Individual Physician Performance Does Measurement Suppress Motivation?”, JAMA, 307(24): 2595-2596.
- DAVIS, D.A., MAZMANIAN, P.E., FORDIS, M., HARRISON, V., THORPE, K.E. ve PERRIER, L. (2006). “Accuracy of Physician Self-Assessment Compared With Observed Measures of Competence”, JAMA, 296(9): 1094-1102.
- DETMAR, S.B., MULLER, M.J., SCHORNAGEL J.H., WEVER L.D. ve AARONSON N.K. (2002). “Health Related Quality of Life Assessments and Patient-Physician Communication”, JAMA, 288(23): 3027-3035.
- GULBRANDSEN, P., JENSEN, B.F., FINSET A. ve HARTIGAN D.B. (2013). “Long Term Effect of Communication Training On The Relationship Between Physicians' Self-Efficacy and Performance”, Patient Education and Counselling, 91(2): 180-185.
- KAISER, H. F. (1958). “The Varimax Criterion For Analytic Rotation In The Factor Analysis”, Psychometrika, 23(3): 187–200.
- KEVIN, E.W., CUNNINGTON J.P.W., REITER H.I., KEANE D.R. ve NORMAN G.R. (2004). “How Can I Know What I Don’t Know? Poor Self Assessment In A WellDefined Domain”, Adv Health Sci Educ, 9(3): 211–224.
- MCGOWAN, Y., HUMPHRIES N., BURKE H., CONRY M. ve MORGAN K. (2013). "Through Doctors’ Eyes: A Qualitative Study Of Hospital Doctor Perspectives On Their Working Conditions", British Journal of Health Psychology, (article in press):1-18.
- MEGUERDITCHIAN, A.N., DAUPHINEE, D., GIRARD, N., EGUALE, T., RIEDEL, K., JACQUES, A., METERISSIAN, S., BUCKERIDGE, D.L., ABRAHAMOWICZ, M. ve TAMBLYN R. (2012). “Do Physician Communication Skills Influence Screening Mammography Utilization?”, BMC Health Services Research, 12(219): 2-9.
- MILES, P.V., CONWAY, P.H. ve PAWLSON, G. (2013). “Physician Professionalism and Accountability: The Role of Collaborative Improvement Networks”, Pediatrics, 131(4): 204-209.
- MITTAL, M.K., ZORC, J.J., GARCIA-ESPANA, J.F. ve SHAW, K.N. (2013). “An Assessment of Clinical Performance Measures for Pediatric Emergency Physicians”, American Journal of Medical Quality, 28(1): 33-39.
- MOERCKE, A.M. ve EIKA, B. (2002). “What Are The Clinical Skills Levels Of Newly Graduated Physicians? Self-Assessment Study Of An Intended Curriculum Identified By A Delphi Process", Med Educ, 36(5): 472–478.
- MOUBARAK, G., GUIOT, A., BENHAMOU, Y., BENHAMOU, A. ve HARIRI, S. (2011). “Facebook Activity Of Residents And Fellows And Its Impact On The Doctor–Patient Relationship”, J. Med. Ethics, 37: 101-104.
- OVEREEM, K., WOLLERSHEIM, H.C., ARAH, O.A., CRUIJSBERG, J.K., GROL, R. ve LOMBARTS, K. (2012). “Evaluation Of Physicians’ Professional Performance: An Iterative Development And Validation Study Of Multisource Feedback Instruments", BMC Health Services Research, 12(80): 2-11.
- ÖZDAMAR, K. (2010). Paket Programlar İle İstatistiksel Veri Analizi (Çok Değişkenli Analizler), Kaan Kitabevi, Eskişehir.
- ÖZTÜRK, Ü. (2009). Performans Yönetimi, Alfa Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş. PAR (Physician Achievement Review Survey Instruments) (http://www.parprogram.org/information/survey-instruments.html), 05.05.2013.
- QU, B., ZHAO, Y.H. ve SUN, B. (2012). “Assessment of Resident Physicians In Professionalism, Interpersonal and Communication Skills: A Multisource Feedback”, International Journal of Medical Sciences, 9(3): 228-236.
- STANIUTE, M., BROZAITIENE, J. ve BUNEVICIUS, R. (2013). “Effects Of Social Support And Stressful Life Events On Health-Related Quality Of Life In Coronary Artery Disease Patients”, Medical Care, 28(1): 83-89.
- VINES A.I. ve DEMISSIE Z. (2013). “Racial Differences In Social Support and Coping Among Family Caregivers of Patients With Prostate Cancer”, Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 31(3): 305-318.
Yıl 2014,
Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 299 - 308, 01.06.2014
arş.gör.uzm.songül Çınaroğlu
Uzm.keziban Avcı
Çalışmanın amacı Kanada sağlık sistemde hekim performansı ölçümü amacıyla geliştirilen PAR (Physician Achievement Review) hekim bireysel performans ölçüm ölçeğinin Türk hekimlerine uygulanarak yapısal açıdan incelenmesidir. Orjinal soru formu toplam 31 maddeden oluşmaktadır. Çalışma Ankara'da bulunan bir Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesinde görev yapmakta olan toplam 102 hekim üzerinde uygulanmıştır. Verilerin istatistiksel analizinde korelasyon analizi, temel bileşenler faktör analizinden yararlanılmıştır. Açıklayıcı faktör analizi sonucunda ölçeğin Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) katsayısı 0.87, Bartlett's Testi anlamlılık değeri ise
- ABADEL, F.T. ve HATTAB, A.S. (2013). “How Does The Medical Graduates SelfAsessment of Their Clinical Competency Differ From Experts' Assessment?”, BMC Medical Education, 13(24): 2-9.
- ADLER, R., VASILIADIS A. ve BICKELL N. (2010). “The Relationship Between Continuity and Patient Satisfaction: A Systematic Review”, Family Practice, 27(2): 171-178.
- ADLER-MILSTEIN, J. ve JHA A.K. (2012). “Organizational Complements To Electronic Health Records In Ambulatory Physician Performance: The Role of Support Staff”, JAMIA, 19: 537-540.
- ALPAR, R. (2011). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Yöntemler, Detay Yayınları, Ankara.
- CASSEL, C.K. ve JAIN S.H. (2012). “Assessing Individual Physician Performance Does Measurement Suppress Motivation?”, JAMA, 307(24): 2595-2596.
- DAVIS, D.A., MAZMANIAN, P.E., FORDIS, M., HARRISON, V., THORPE, K.E. ve PERRIER, L. (2006). “Accuracy of Physician Self-Assessment Compared With Observed Measures of Competence”, JAMA, 296(9): 1094-1102.
- DETMAR, S.B., MULLER, M.J., SCHORNAGEL J.H., WEVER L.D. ve AARONSON N.K. (2002). “Health Related Quality of Life Assessments and Patient-Physician Communication”, JAMA, 288(23): 3027-3035.
- GULBRANDSEN, P., JENSEN, B.F., FINSET A. ve HARTIGAN D.B. (2013). “Long Term Effect of Communication Training On The Relationship Between Physicians' Self-Efficacy and Performance”, Patient Education and Counselling, 91(2): 180-185.
- KAISER, H. F. (1958). “The Varimax Criterion For Analytic Rotation In The Factor Analysis”, Psychometrika, 23(3): 187–200.
- KEVIN, E.W., CUNNINGTON J.P.W., REITER H.I., KEANE D.R. ve NORMAN G.R. (2004). “How Can I Know What I Don’t Know? Poor Self Assessment In A WellDefined Domain”, Adv Health Sci Educ, 9(3): 211–224.
- MCGOWAN, Y., HUMPHRIES N., BURKE H., CONRY M. ve MORGAN K. (2013). "Through Doctors’ Eyes: A Qualitative Study Of Hospital Doctor Perspectives On Their Working Conditions", British Journal of Health Psychology, (article in press):1-18.
- MEGUERDITCHIAN, A.N., DAUPHINEE, D., GIRARD, N., EGUALE, T., RIEDEL, K., JACQUES, A., METERISSIAN, S., BUCKERIDGE, D.L., ABRAHAMOWICZ, M. ve TAMBLYN R. (2012). “Do Physician Communication Skills Influence Screening Mammography Utilization?”, BMC Health Services Research, 12(219): 2-9.
- MILES, P.V., CONWAY, P.H. ve PAWLSON, G. (2013). “Physician Professionalism and Accountability: The Role of Collaborative Improvement Networks”, Pediatrics, 131(4): 204-209.
- MITTAL, M.K., ZORC, J.J., GARCIA-ESPANA, J.F. ve SHAW, K.N. (2013). “An Assessment of Clinical Performance Measures for Pediatric Emergency Physicians”, American Journal of Medical Quality, 28(1): 33-39.
- MOERCKE, A.M. ve EIKA, B. (2002). “What Are The Clinical Skills Levels Of Newly Graduated Physicians? Self-Assessment Study Of An Intended Curriculum Identified By A Delphi Process", Med Educ, 36(5): 472–478.
- MOUBARAK, G., GUIOT, A., BENHAMOU, Y., BENHAMOU, A. ve HARIRI, S. (2011). “Facebook Activity Of Residents And Fellows And Its Impact On The Doctor–Patient Relationship”, J. Med. Ethics, 37: 101-104.
- OVEREEM, K., WOLLERSHEIM, H.C., ARAH, O.A., CRUIJSBERG, J.K., GROL, R. ve LOMBARTS, K. (2012). “Evaluation Of Physicians’ Professional Performance: An Iterative Development And Validation Study Of Multisource Feedback Instruments", BMC Health Services Research, 12(80): 2-11.
- ÖZDAMAR, K. (2010). Paket Programlar İle İstatistiksel Veri Analizi (Çok Değişkenli Analizler), Kaan Kitabevi, Eskişehir.
- ÖZTÜRK, Ü. (2009). Performans Yönetimi, Alfa Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş. PAR (Physician Achievement Review Survey Instruments) (http://www.parprogram.org/information/survey-instruments.html), 05.05.2013.
- QU, B., ZHAO, Y.H. ve SUN, B. (2012). “Assessment of Resident Physicians In Professionalism, Interpersonal and Communication Skills: A Multisource Feedback”, International Journal of Medical Sciences, 9(3): 228-236.
- STANIUTE, M., BROZAITIENE, J. ve BUNEVICIUS, R. (2013). “Effects Of Social Support And Stressful Life Events On Health-Related Quality Of Life In Coronary Artery Disease Patients”, Medical Care, 28(1): 83-89.
- VINES A.I. ve DEMISSIE Z. (2013). “Racial Differences In Social Support and Coping Among Family Caregivers of Patients With Prostate Cancer”, Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 31(3): 305-318.