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Year 2013, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 423 - 442, 01.06.2013


Modern toplumlarda bireysel beklentiler, sosyal ve diğer değişimlere paralel olarak zamanla çeşitlenerek artmış bulunmaktadır. Buna göre, gerçek ve tüzel kişilere hizmet aracı olarak kamu yönetimi, bu beklentiler, sosyal gerçekler ve değerler doğrultusunda zamanında ve yerinde güncellenmelidir. Bu makalede, etkin iyi yönetişim yolunda kamu yönetimi ağlarında yaygın bulunan engelleri aşmak için, genellikle kabul gören iyi yönetişimin önkoşullarını oluşturan ilkelerin -saydamlık, hesap verebilirlik, vatandaş katılımı- insan onuruna dayalı olarak etkin ve etkili şekilde uygulanması önerilmektedir. Bu kavramlar insan onuruna dayalı kamusal bir hayat biçimi için hayati önemde görüldüğünden, bu makalenin kapsamı bu kavramlarla sınırlı tutulmuştur


  • 1. BINGHAM, Lisa Blomgren, NABATCHI, Tina and Rosemary O'LEARY (2005), “The New Governance: Practices and Processes for Stakeholder and Citizen Participation in the Work of Government”, Public Administration Review, Volume 65, No 5, pp. 547-558.
  • 2. BOVAIRD, Tony and Elke LÖFFLER (2009), “Understanding Public Management”, in Tony Bovaird and Elke Löffler (ed), Public Management and Governance (2nd edition), Routledge, London and New York, pp. 3-13.
  • 3. BOVAIRD, Tony and John TIZARD (2009), “Partnership Working in the Public Domain”, in Tony Bovaird and Elke Löffler (ed), Public Management and Governance (2nd edition), Routledge, London and New York, pp. 233-247.
  • 4. BUNDSCHUH-RIESENEDER, Friederike (2008), “Good Governance: Characteristics, Methods and the Austrian Examples”, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, Volume 24, Issue 3, pp. 26-52.
  • 5. CAYER, N. Joseph and Louis F. WESCHLER (1998), Public Administration: Social Change and Adaptive Management, St. Martin’s Press, New York.
  • 6. ÇAYHAN, Behire Esra (2008), “Implementing e-government in Turkey: A Comparison of Online Public Service Delivery in Turkey and the European Union”, The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries, Volume 35, Issue 8, pp. 1-11,, 15.05.2012.
  • 7. COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES (2001), European Governance, A White Paper, (COM)2001 428 Final, Brussels, en01.pdf, 21.01.2012.
  • 8. ERYILMAZ, Bilal and Hale BIRICIKOĞLU (2011), “Kamu Yönetiminde Hesap Verebilirlik ve Etik” [Accountability and Ethics in Public Administration], Turkish Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 4, Issue 7, pp. 19-45.
  • 9. ETZIONI, Amitai (2010), “Is Transparency the Best Disinfectant?”, The Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 389-404.
  • 10. FISHER, Elizabeth (2004), “The European Union in the Age of Accountability”, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Volume 24, Issue 3, pp. 495-515.
  • 11. FREDMAN, Sandra (2006), “Human Rights Transformed: Positive Duties and Positive Rights.” University of Oxford Legal Research Paper Series No 38/2006, pp. 1-29, 923936, 12.03.2012.
  • 12. GIRAY, Filiz (2010), “Yolsuzlukla Mücadelede e-devlet ve Türkiye’deki Durum” [e-government to Combat Corruption and the Case in Turkey], Sosyoekonomi, Volume 2, pp. 154-178.
  • 13. HOLMEN, Ann Karin Tennaas (2011), “Governance Networks in Cityregions: In the Spirit of Democratic Accountability?”, Public Policy and Administration, Volume 26, No 4, pp. 399-418.
  • 14. HUPE, Peter and Arthur EDWARDS (2012), “The Accountability of Power: Democracy and Governance in Modern Times”, European Political Science Review, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 177-194.
  • 15. IRVIN, Renée A. and John STANSBURY (2004), “Citizen Participation in Decision Making: Is It Worth the Effort?”, Public Administration Review, Volume 64, No 1, pp. 55-65.
  • 16. KAPUCU, Naim (2010), Governance Reforms: Comparative Perspectives, Usak Publications, Ankara.
  • 17. KING, Cheryl Simrell, FELTEY, Kathryn M. and Bridget O'Neill SUSEL (1998), “The Question of Participation: Toward Authentic Public Participation in Public Administration”, Public Administration Review, Volume 58, No 4, pp. 317-326.
  • 18. LÖFFLER, Elke (2009), “Public Governance in a Network Society”, in Tony Bovaird and Elke Löffler (ed), Public management and governance (2nd edition), Routledge, London and New York, pp. 215- 232.
  • 19. MARTIN, Steve (2009), “Engaging With Citizens and Other Stakeholders”, in Tony Bovaird and Elke Löffler (ed), Public management and governance (2nd edition), Routledge, London and New York, pp. 279-296.
  • 20. MEESTERS, Marco and Urszula JAREMBA (2007), “E-government in Austria”, Stichting Itafit, pp. 1-19, uploads/29/54/2954d277fd8e53ab168d1ae55d8c85a2/egovernment_in_a ustria.pdf, 15.04.2012.
  • 21. MONFARDINI, Patrizio (2010), “Accountability in the New Public Sector: A Comparative Case Study”, International Journal of Public Sector Management, Volume 23, No 7, pp. 632-646.
  • 22. O’CONNELL, Rory (2010), “Realising Political Equality: The European Court of Human Rights and Positive Obligations in a Democracy”, Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, Volume 61, No 3, pp. 263-279.
  • 23. OECD (2007), OECD e-devlet Çalışmaları (Turkish version) [OECD egovernment Studies: Turkey (Turkish version)], Information Society Department in the State Planning Organisation, OECD Publishing, Turkey.
  • 24. OSBORNE, Denis (2004), “Transparency and Accountability Reconsidered”, Journal of Financial Crime, Volume 11, Issue 3, pp. 292-300.
  • 25. POPELIER, Patricia (2011), “Governance and Better Regulation: Dealing with the Legitimacy Paradox”, European Public Law, Volume 17, No 3, pp. 555-569.
  • 26. ROBERTS, Nancy C. (2002), “Keeping Public Officials Accountable through Dialogue: Resolving the Accountability Paradox”, Public Administration Review, Volume 62, No 6, pp. 658-669.
  • 27. SALMINEN, Ari and Rinna IKOLA-NORRBACKA (2010), “Trust, Good Governance and Unethical Actions in Finnish Public Administration”, International Journal of Public Sector Management, Volume 23, Issue 7, pp. 647-668.
  • 28. SMISMANS, Stijn (2004), Law, Legitimacy, and European Governance: Functional Participation in Social Regulation, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • 29. SØRENSEN, Eva and Jacob TORFING (2009), “Making Governance Networks Effective and Democratic through Metagovernance”, Public Administration, Volume 87, Issue 2, pp. 234–258.
  • 30. STIVERS, Camilla (1994), “The Listening Bureaucrat: Responsiveness in Public Administration”, Public Administration Review, Volume 54, No 4, pp. 364-369.
  • 31. THE UNITED NATIONS, General Assembly Resolution, Declaration on the Right to Development, A/RES/41/128, 4 December 1986,, 23.04.2012.
  • 32. THE UNITED NATIONS, World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, A/CONF.157/23, Vienna, Austria, 14-25 June 1993, /huridoca.nsf/(symbol)/a.conf.157.23.en, 15.02.2012.
  • 33. WAHEDUZZAMAN (2010), “Value of People's Participation for Good Governance in Developing Countries”, Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp. 386-402.
  • 34. WEBER, Rolf H. (2010), “New Sovereignty Concepts in the Age of Internet?”, Journal of Internet Law, Volume 14, Issue 2, pp. 12-20. 35. WERLIN, Herbert H. (2003), “Poor Nations, Rich Nations: A Theory of Governance”, Public Administration Review, Volume 63, No 3, pp. 329- 342.
  • 36. YANG, Kaifeng (2005), “Public Administrators’ Trust in Citizens: A Missing Link in Citizen Involvement Efforts”, Public Administration Review, Volume 65, No 3, pp. 273-285.
  • 37. YANG, Kaifeng (2007), “Responsiveness in Network Governance: Revisiting a Fundamental Concept: Symposium Introduction”, Public Performance & Management Review, Volume 31, No 2, pp. 131-143.
  • 38. YANG, Kaifeng and Sanjay K. Pandey (2011), “Further Dissecting the Black Box of Citizen Participation: When Does Citizen Involvement Lead to Good Outcomes?”, Public Administration Review, Volume 71, No 6, pp. 880-892.

Human Being Dignitiy-Based Public Administration: The Road To Effective Good Governance

Year 2013, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 423 - 442, 01.06.2013


In modern societies, individual expectations have variedly increased over time in parallel with rapid social and other changes. Accordingly, public administration, as the means of providing and facilitating for legal and natural persons, should be updated in compliance with these expectations, social realities and values to live up to the need of individuals in time and place. In this article, the effective application of generally recognized principles, the correlative prerequisites of good governance, transparency, accountability, citizen participation have been suggested for overcoming common obstacles in the public administration network on the road to effective good governance. Since these concepts are seen of paramount importance to a human being dignity-based way of public life, the scope of this article has been limited with these concepts


  • 1. BINGHAM, Lisa Blomgren, NABATCHI, Tina and Rosemary O'LEARY (2005), “The New Governance: Practices and Processes for Stakeholder and Citizen Participation in the Work of Government”, Public Administration Review, Volume 65, No 5, pp. 547-558.
  • 2. BOVAIRD, Tony and Elke LÖFFLER (2009), “Understanding Public Management”, in Tony Bovaird and Elke Löffler (ed), Public Management and Governance (2nd edition), Routledge, London and New York, pp. 3-13.
  • 3. BOVAIRD, Tony and John TIZARD (2009), “Partnership Working in the Public Domain”, in Tony Bovaird and Elke Löffler (ed), Public Management and Governance (2nd edition), Routledge, London and New York, pp. 233-247.
  • 4. BUNDSCHUH-RIESENEDER, Friederike (2008), “Good Governance: Characteristics, Methods and the Austrian Examples”, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, Volume 24, Issue 3, pp. 26-52.
  • 5. CAYER, N. Joseph and Louis F. WESCHLER (1998), Public Administration: Social Change and Adaptive Management, St. Martin’s Press, New York.
  • 6. ÇAYHAN, Behire Esra (2008), “Implementing e-government in Turkey: A Comparison of Online Public Service Delivery in Turkey and the European Union”, The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries, Volume 35, Issue 8, pp. 1-11,, 15.05.2012.
  • 7. COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES (2001), European Governance, A White Paper, (COM)2001 428 Final, Brussels, en01.pdf, 21.01.2012.
  • 8. ERYILMAZ, Bilal and Hale BIRICIKOĞLU (2011), “Kamu Yönetiminde Hesap Verebilirlik ve Etik” [Accountability and Ethics in Public Administration], Turkish Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 4, Issue 7, pp. 19-45.
  • 9. ETZIONI, Amitai (2010), “Is Transparency the Best Disinfectant?”, The Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 389-404.
  • 10. FISHER, Elizabeth (2004), “The European Union in the Age of Accountability”, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Volume 24, Issue 3, pp. 495-515.
  • 11. FREDMAN, Sandra (2006), “Human Rights Transformed: Positive Duties and Positive Rights.” University of Oxford Legal Research Paper Series No 38/2006, pp. 1-29, 923936, 12.03.2012.
  • 12. GIRAY, Filiz (2010), “Yolsuzlukla Mücadelede e-devlet ve Türkiye’deki Durum” [e-government to Combat Corruption and the Case in Turkey], Sosyoekonomi, Volume 2, pp. 154-178.
  • 13. HOLMEN, Ann Karin Tennaas (2011), “Governance Networks in Cityregions: In the Spirit of Democratic Accountability?”, Public Policy and Administration, Volume 26, No 4, pp. 399-418.
  • 14. HUPE, Peter and Arthur EDWARDS (2012), “The Accountability of Power: Democracy and Governance in Modern Times”, European Political Science Review, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 177-194.
  • 15. IRVIN, Renée A. and John STANSBURY (2004), “Citizen Participation in Decision Making: Is It Worth the Effort?”, Public Administration Review, Volume 64, No 1, pp. 55-65.
  • 16. KAPUCU, Naim (2010), Governance Reforms: Comparative Perspectives, Usak Publications, Ankara.
  • 17. KING, Cheryl Simrell, FELTEY, Kathryn M. and Bridget O'Neill SUSEL (1998), “The Question of Participation: Toward Authentic Public Participation in Public Administration”, Public Administration Review, Volume 58, No 4, pp. 317-326.
  • 18. LÖFFLER, Elke (2009), “Public Governance in a Network Society”, in Tony Bovaird and Elke Löffler (ed), Public management and governance (2nd edition), Routledge, London and New York, pp. 215- 232.
  • 19. MARTIN, Steve (2009), “Engaging With Citizens and Other Stakeholders”, in Tony Bovaird and Elke Löffler (ed), Public management and governance (2nd edition), Routledge, London and New York, pp. 279-296.
  • 20. MEESTERS, Marco and Urszula JAREMBA (2007), “E-government in Austria”, Stichting Itafit, pp. 1-19, uploads/29/54/2954d277fd8e53ab168d1ae55d8c85a2/egovernment_in_a ustria.pdf, 15.04.2012.
  • 21. MONFARDINI, Patrizio (2010), “Accountability in the New Public Sector: A Comparative Case Study”, International Journal of Public Sector Management, Volume 23, No 7, pp. 632-646.
  • 22. O’CONNELL, Rory (2010), “Realising Political Equality: The European Court of Human Rights and Positive Obligations in a Democracy”, Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, Volume 61, No 3, pp. 263-279.
  • 23. OECD (2007), OECD e-devlet Çalışmaları (Turkish version) [OECD egovernment Studies: Turkey (Turkish version)], Information Society Department in the State Planning Organisation, OECD Publishing, Turkey.
  • 24. OSBORNE, Denis (2004), “Transparency and Accountability Reconsidered”, Journal of Financial Crime, Volume 11, Issue 3, pp. 292-300.
  • 25. POPELIER, Patricia (2011), “Governance and Better Regulation: Dealing with the Legitimacy Paradox”, European Public Law, Volume 17, No 3, pp. 555-569.
  • 26. ROBERTS, Nancy C. (2002), “Keeping Public Officials Accountable through Dialogue: Resolving the Accountability Paradox”, Public Administration Review, Volume 62, No 6, pp. 658-669.
  • 27. SALMINEN, Ari and Rinna IKOLA-NORRBACKA (2010), “Trust, Good Governance and Unethical Actions in Finnish Public Administration”, International Journal of Public Sector Management, Volume 23, Issue 7, pp. 647-668.
  • 28. SMISMANS, Stijn (2004), Law, Legitimacy, and European Governance: Functional Participation in Social Regulation, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • 29. SØRENSEN, Eva and Jacob TORFING (2009), “Making Governance Networks Effective and Democratic through Metagovernance”, Public Administration, Volume 87, Issue 2, pp. 234–258.
  • 30. STIVERS, Camilla (1994), “The Listening Bureaucrat: Responsiveness in Public Administration”, Public Administration Review, Volume 54, No 4, pp. 364-369.
  • 31. THE UNITED NATIONS, General Assembly Resolution, Declaration on the Right to Development, A/RES/41/128, 4 December 1986,, 23.04.2012.
  • 32. THE UNITED NATIONS, World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, A/CONF.157/23, Vienna, Austria, 14-25 June 1993, /huridoca.nsf/(symbol)/a.conf.157.23.en, 15.02.2012.
  • 33. WAHEDUZZAMAN (2010), “Value of People's Participation for Good Governance in Developing Countries”, Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp. 386-402.
  • 34. WEBER, Rolf H. (2010), “New Sovereignty Concepts in the Age of Internet?”, Journal of Internet Law, Volume 14, Issue 2, pp. 12-20. 35. WERLIN, Herbert H. (2003), “Poor Nations, Rich Nations: A Theory of Governance”, Public Administration Review, Volume 63, No 3, pp. 329- 342.
  • 36. YANG, Kaifeng (2005), “Public Administrators’ Trust in Citizens: A Missing Link in Citizen Involvement Efforts”, Public Administration Review, Volume 65, No 3, pp. 273-285.
  • 37. YANG, Kaifeng (2007), “Responsiveness in Network Governance: Revisiting a Fundamental Concept: Symposium Introduction”, Public Performance & Management Review, Volume 31, No 2, pp. 131-143.
  • 38. YANG, Kaifeng and Sanjay K. Pandey (2011), “Further Dissecting the Black Box of Citizen Participation: When Does Citizen Involvement Lead to Good Outcomes?”, Public Administration Review, Volume 71, No 6, pp. 880-892.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

  Dr.said Vakkas Gözlügöl This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 18 Issue: 2


APA Gözlügöl, .D.V. (2013). İNSAN ONURUNA DAYALI KAMU YÖNETİMİ: ETKİN İYİ YÖNETİŞİM YOLU. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(2), 423-442.