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Reel Dünyada Sanal Açmaz: Siber Alanda Uluslararası İlişkiler

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2, 263 - 279, 01.06.2011



  • Alexander, K. B. (2007), “Warfighting in Cyberspace” Joint Force Quarterly, National Defense University Press, 46 (3), s. 58-61.
  • Amato, Ivan (2000), “Lying with Pixels, Seeing is No Longer Believing”, =12115, 20.05.2011.
  • Ashmore, W. C. (2009), “Impact of Alleged Russian Cyber Attacks”, Baltic Security & Defence Review , 11, s. 4-40.
  • Billo, C., ve Chang, W. (2004). “Cyber Warfare Analysis of the Means and Motivations of Selected Nation States”, Hanover: Institute for Security Technology Studies at Dartmouth College, Kasım 2004.
  • Brenner, S. W., ve Goodman, M. D. (2002), “In Defense of Cyberterrorism: An Argument for Anticipating Cyber-Attacks”, University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy .
  • Coleman; Kevin (2008), “China’s Cyber Forces”, /2008/05/08/chinas-cyber-forces/#more-2831, 15.05.2011.
  • Council of Europe. (2001), “Summary of the Convention on Cybercrime” 185.htm, 17.05.2011.
  • Dashora, K. (2011), “Cyber Crime in the Society: Problems and Preventions”, Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences , 3 (1), s. 240-259.
  • Davis, J. ( 2007), “Hackers Take Down the Most Wired Country in Europe” estonia?currentPage=all, 27.05.2011
  • Denning, D. (2001), “Is Cyber Terror Next?” sept11/essays/denning.htm, 15.04.2011.
  • Douligeris, C., ve Mitrokotsa, A. (2003), “DDoS Attacks and Defense Mechanisms: Classification and State-of-the-Art”, Computer Networks, Department of Informatics University of Piraeus, s. 643-666.
  • Gorman, S. ve Barnes Julian E. (2011), “Cyber Combat: Act of War”, 35782718.html#articleTabs%3Darticle, 18.07.2011
  • Gupta, B. B., Joshi, R. C., ve Misra, M. (2009), “Defending against Distributed Denial of Service Attacks: Issues and Challenges”, Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective , 18 (5), s. 224-247.
  • Hearn, K., Williams, P., ve Mahncke, R. J. (2010), “International Relations and Cyber Attacks: Official and Unofficial Discourse”, Australian Information Warfare and Security Conference Edith Cowan University, s. 7-11
  • Hildreth, S. A. (2001), “Cyberwarfare Congressional Research Service Report for Congress”, Congressional Research Service & The Library of Congress, No: RL30375.
  •, 05.08.2011
  •, 05.08.2011
  • =3&hpw=&p, 05.08.2011
  • a, 15.05. 2011
  • Krasavin, S. (2004), “What is Cyber-terrorism?”, 04.05.2011
  • Lacho, I., ve Richardson, C. (2007), “Terrosit Use of the Internet The Real Story”, Joint Force Quarterly National Defense University, 45 (2), s. 100-103.
  • Lappin, Y. (2006), “ Reuters Admits to More Image Manupulation”,,7340,L-3287774,00.html, 13.05.2011.
  • Lev, Izhar (2000), “ E-Intifada: Political Disputes Cast Shadows in Cyberspace”, news/jir/jir001103_1_n.shtml, 14.04.2011.
  • Lewis, J. A. (2002), “Assessing the Risks of Cybertwrrorism, Cyber War, and Other Cyber Threats”, Report Center for Strategic and Intemational Studies (CSIS), Washington DC.
  • Lynn, Wiiliam J. (2011), “Remarks on the Department of Defense Cyber Strategy”, =1593, 18.07.2011.
  • Markoff, John (2008), “ Before the Gunfire, Cyberattacks”,, 12.07.2011.
  • Messmer, E. (1999), “Serb Supporters Sock it to NATO and U.S. Computers”, serbnato.idg_1_nato-personnel-nato-headquarters-nato-sources?_s = PM:TECH, 16.05.2011.
  • Olovsson, T. (1992), “A Structured Approach to Computer Security”, Department of Computer Engineering Chalmers University of Technology S-412 96, Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Prasad, R. V. (2000), “Hack the Hackers”, http://www.hindustantimes .com/nonfram/191200/detOPI01.asp, 02.05.2011.
  • Rhoads, C. (2009), “Kyrgyzstan Knocked Offline”, http://online., 14.05.2011.
  • Schaap, M. A. (2009), “Cyber Warfare Operations: Development and Use under International Law”, Air Force Law Review , 64, s. 121-173.
  • Swaine, Jon (2008), “ Georgia: ‘Russia Conducting Cyber War’”,, 11.07.2011.
  • The Chemical Engineer (2010), “Stuxnet Targets Uranium Enrichment Plants” The Chemical Engineer, 05.08.2011
  • Thomas, T. (2010), “Google Confronts China's "Three Warfares". U.S. Army War College, 40 (2), s. 101-113.
  • Thomas, T. L. (2009), “The Bear Went Through the Mountain: Russia Appraises its Five-Day War in South Ossetia”, Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 22(1) s. 31-67.
  • Todd, M. G. (2009), “Armed Attack In Cyberspace:Deterring Asymmetric Warfare With Anasymmetrıc Definition”, Air Force Law Review, 64, s. 65-102.
  • Trachtman, J. (2006), “Global Cyberterrorism, Jurisdiction, And International Organization in The Law andEconomy of Cyber Security”, Edt: M. Grady ve F. Parisi, The Law and Economics of Cybersecurity, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • United States of America Department of Defence (2010), “Department of Defence Dictionary of Associated Terms”, Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission (2008), “China’s Proliferation Practices, And The Development Of Its Cyber and space Warfare Capabilities” United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission, Washington.
  • Vatis, M. A. (2001), “Cyber Attacks During the War on Terrorism: A Predictive Analysis”, Institute for Security Technology Studies at Dartmouth College, Hanover.
  • Weaver, N., Paxson, V., Staniford, S., ve Cunningham, R. (2003), “A Taxonomy of Computer Worms”, Proceedings of the 2003 ACM workshop on Rapid malcode s. 11-18.
  • Weimann, G. (2005), “Cyberterrorism: The Sum of All Fears?”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 28, s. 129-149.
  • Whitaker, B. (2000), “War Games on the Net: But This Time It’s For Real”, internetnews .onlinesupplement, 19.06.2011.
  • Wingfield, T. C. (2000), The Law Of Information Conflict: National Security Law In Cyberspace, Aeges Research Cooperation.
  • Xiang, Y., Zhou, W. ve Chowdhury, M. (2010), “A Survey of Active and Passive Defence Mechanisms against DDoS Attacks” Deakin University, School of Information Technology , 51 (2), s. 1-42.


Yıl 2011, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2, 263 - 279, 01.06.2011


Teknoloji kullanımı yaygınlaştıkça teknolojinin önemli faydalarıyla beraber çok önemli zararları da toplumsal yaşamı ve uluslararası ilişkileri etkilemektedir. Gerçek dünyanın varlığına ek olarak yaygın elektronik alt yapı kullanımıyla meydan gelen siber dünya; hem fiziki dünyada olan somut olaylardan etkilenmekte hem de siber alanda düzenlenen saldırılar yüzünden gerçek dünyayı etkilemektedir. Günümüzde tehdit asimetrik ve çok boyutlu bir hal almış, tek boyutlu ve devletten devlete olma özelliğini kaybetmiştir. Çalışmada; kullanımı yaygınlaşan ve etkisi gittikçe artan internet ve siber alanın uluslararası barış ve güvenliğe yönelik risk ve tehditlerine dikkat çekmek amaçlanmaktadır. Çünkü siber alandaki faaliyetlerin kolay ve arkada iz bırakmadan yapılabilir oluşu terör örgütlerinin yanı sıra devletlerin de ilgisini çekmektedir. Günümüzde kimi ülkeler siber saldırı ve siber savaşı önemli stratejik savunma ve rakibe zarar verme yöntemi olarak görmektedirler. Önümüzdeki dönemde bazı savaşlar her ne kadar siber alanda yapılacak olsa da etkileri reel dünyada da hissedilecektir


  • Alexander, K. B. (2007), “Warfighting in Cyberspace” Joint Force Quarterly, National Defense University Press, 46 (3), s. 58-61.
  • Amato, Ivan (2000), “Lying with Pixels, Seeing is No Longer Believing”, =12115, 20.05.2011.
  • Ashmore, W. C. (2009), “Impact of Alleged Russian Cyber Attacks”, Baltic Security & Defence Review , 11, s. 4-40.
  • Billo, C., ve Chang, W. (2004). “Cyber Warfare Analysis of the Means and Motivations of Selected Nation States”, Hanover: Institute for Security Technology Studies at Dartmouth College, Kasım 2004.
  • Brenner, S. W., ve Goodman, M. D. (2002), “In Defense of Cyberterrorism: An Argument for Anticipating Cyber-Attacks”, University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy .
  • Coleman; Kevin (2008), “China’s Cyber Forces”, /2008/05/08/chinas-cyber-forces/#more-2831, 15.05.2011.
  • Council of Europe. (2001), “Summary of the Convention on Cybercrime” 185.htm, 17.05.2011.
  • Dashora, K. (2011), “Cyber Crime in the Society: Problems and Preventions”, Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences , 3 (1), s. 240-259.
  • Davis, J. ( 2007), “Hackers Take Down the Most Wired Country in Europe” estonia?currentPage=all, 27.05.2011
  • Denning, D. (2001), “Is Cyber Terror Next?” sept11/essays/denning.htm, 15.04.2011.
  • Douligeris, C., ve Mitrokotsa, A. (2003), “DDoS Attacks and Defense Mechanisms: Classification and State-of-the-Art”, Computer Networks, Department of Informatics University of Piraeus, s. 643-666.
  • Gorman, S. ve Barnes Julian E. (2011), “Cyber Combat: Act of War”, 35782718.html#articleTabs%3Darticle, 18.07.2011
  • Gupta, B. B., Joshi, R. C., ve Misra, M. (2009), “Defending against Distributed Denial of Service Attacks: Issues and Challenges”, Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective , 18 (5), s. 224-247.
  • Hearn, K., Williams, P., ve Mahncke, R. J. (2010), “International Relations and Cyber Attacks: Official and Unofficial Discourse”, Australian Information Warfare and Security Conference Edith Cowan University, s. 7-11
  • Hildreth, S. A. (2001), “Cyberwarfare Congressional Research Service Report for Congress”, Congressional Research Service & The Library of Congress, No: RL30375.
  •, 05.08.2011
  •, 05.08.2011
  • =3&hpw=&p, 05.08.2011
  • a, 15.05. 2011
  • Krasavin, S. (2004), “What is Cyber-terrorism?”, 04.05.2011
  • Lacho, I., ve Richardson, C. (2007), “Terrosit Use of the Internet The Real Story”, Joint Force Quarterly National Defense University, 45 (2), s. 100-103.
  • Lappin, Y. (2006), “ Reuters Admits to More Image Manupulation”,,7340,L-3287774,00.html, 13.05.2011.
  • Lev, Izhar (2000), “ E-Intifada: Political Disputes Cast Shadows in Cyberspace”, news/jir/jir001103_1_n.shtml, 14.04.2011.
  • Lewis, J. A. (2002), “Assessing the Risks of Cybertwrrorism, Cyber War, and Other Cyber Threats”, Report Center for Strategic and Intemational Studies (CSIS), Washington DC.
  • Lynn, Wiiliam J. (2011), “Remarks on the Department of Defense Cyber Strategy”, =1593, 18.07.2011.
  • Markoff, John (2008), “ Before the Gunfire, Cyberattacks”,, 12.07.2011.
  • Messmer, E. (1999), “Serb Supporters Sock it to NATO and U.S. Computers”, serbnato.idg_1_nato-personnel-nato-headquarters-nato-sources?_s = PM:TECH, 16.05.2011.
  • Olovsson, T. (1992), “A Structured Approach to Computer Security”, Department of Computer Engineering Chalmers University of Technology S-412 96, Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Prasad, R. V. (2000), “Hack the Hackers”, http://www.hindustantimes .com/nonfram/191200/detOPI01.asp, 02.05.2011.
  • Rhoads, C. (2009), “Kyrgyzstan Knocked Offline”, http://online., 14.05.2011.
  • Schaap, M. A. (2009), “Cyber Warfare Operations: Development and Use under International Law”, Air Force Law Review , 64, s. 121-173.
  • Swaine, Jon (2008), “ Georgia: ‘Russia Conducting Cyber War’”,, 11.07.2011.
  • The Chemical Engineer (2010), “Stuxnet Targets Uranium Enrichment Plants” The Chemical Engineer, 05.08.2011
  • Thomas, T. (2010), “Google Confronts China's "Three Warfares". U.S. Army War College, 40 (2), s. 101-113.
  • Thomas, T. L. (2009), “The Bear Went Through the Mountain: Russia Appraises its Five-Day War in South Ossetia”, Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 22(1) s. 31-67.
  • Todd, M. G. (2009), “Armed Attack In Cyberspace:Deterring Asymmetric Warfare With Anasymmetrıc Definition”, Air Force Law Review, 64, s. 65-102.
  • Trachtman, J. (2006), “Global Cyberterrorism, Jurisdiction, And International Organization in The Law andEconomy of Cyber Security”, Edt: M. Grady ve F. Parisi, The Law and Economics of Cybersecurity, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • United States of America Department of Defence (2010), “Department of Defence Dictionary of Associated Terms”, Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission (2008), “China’s Proliferation Practices, And The Development Of Its Cyber and space Warfare Capabilities” United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission, Washington.
  • Vatis, M. A. (2001), “Cyber Attacks During the War on Terrorism: A Predictive Analysis”, Institute for Security Technology Studies at Dartmouth College, Hanover.
  • Weaver, N., Paxson, V., Staniford, S., ve Cunningham, R. (2003), “A Taxonomy of Computer Worms”, Proceedings of the 2003 ACM workshop on Rapid malcode s. 11-18.
  • Weimann, G. (2005), “Cyberterrorism: The Sum of All Fears?”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 28, s. 129-149.
  • Whitaker, B. (2000), “War Games on the Net: But This Time It’s For Real”, internetnews .onlinesupplement, 19.06.2011.
  • Wingfield, T. C. (2000), The Law Of Information Conflict: National Security Law In Cyberspace, Aeges Research Cooperation.
  • Xiang, Y., Zhou, W. ve Chowdhury, M. (2010), “A Survey of Active and Passive Defence Mechanisms against DDoS Attacks” Deakin University, School of Information Technology , 51 (2), s. 1-42.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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  Yrd.Doç.Dr.Muharrem Gürkaynak Bu kişi benim

Adem Ali İren Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Gürkaynak, .Y., & İren, A. A. (2011). REEL DÜNYADA SANAL AÇMAZ: SİBER ALANDA ULUSLARARASI İLİŞKİLER. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 263-279.