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Çok Kültürlü Takımlar: Yaşanan Sorunlar ve Çözüm Yaklaşımları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2, 343 - 377, 01.06.2011



  • Adler, N.J. (1986), International dimensions of organisational behaviour. 2nd Eds. Belmont, California: PWS-Kent Publishing Company
  • Anzai, Kiyoshi (2000), “Managing cultural diversity through multicultural teams:a case study of foreign affiliated company in Japan. (01.09.2010)
  • Behfar, Kristin, Kern, Marry, and Brett, Jeanne (2006), “Managing Challanges in multicultural teams”. Research on managing grous and teams, 9, 233-262.
  • Bouncken, Ricarda, B. Ratzmann, Martin, Winkler, Viviane, A. (2008), “Cross cultural innoviton teams: effect of four types of attitudes toward diversity”. International journal of business strategy, 8,2,26-36.
  • Brett, Jeanne, Behfar, Kristin, Kern, Marry.C. (2006), “Managing Multicultural Teams”, Harward Busines Review. November, 1-8.
  • Chevrier, Sylvie. ( 2003), “Cross-cultural management in multinational project group”. Journal of World Business, 38, 141-149
  • Cohen, Susan, G., ve Bailey, Diane, B., (1997), “What makes team work: group effectiveness research from shop floor to the executive suite”. Journal of Management, 23,3, 239-290.
  • Dalyan, Figen (2004). Uluslar arası işletmelerde örgüt kültürü. İçinde Uluslararası İşletmecilik. Anadolu Üniversitesi yayınları.Eskişehir. (pp.93-109).
  • Day, Robert. (2008), “Developing a multi-cultural team”. Performance Management. May-Jun.
  • DiStefano, J. J. ve Maznevski , M. L., (2000), “Global Leaders : Developing Global Leaders Through Membershıp On Global Teams” Human Resource Management, 39, 2 & 3, (195–208). a. Earley, P.C., and Erez, M. (1997), The Transplanted Executive. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Earley, P.C., & Gibson C.B. (1998), Taking stock in our progress on individualism-collectivism: 100 years of solidarity and community. Journal of Management, 24, 3, 265-304.
  • Earley, P. C., ve Mosakowski, E.(2004), “Cultural intelligence”, Harvard Business Review
  • Eaton, Sarah Elaine (2002), “Buiding multicultural teams means building success”. (07.05.2010)
  • Elron, E. (1997), “Top Management Teams within Multinational Corporations; Effects of cultural heterogeneity”. Leadership Quarterly, 8, 4, 393-412.
  • Gibson, Cristina, B. ( 2004), “Building multicultural teams: learnign to manage homogeneity and heterogeneity”. ~cgibson/Publication%20files/Articles/Crossing%20cultures%20chapter. pdf (21.04.2010)
  • Glick, W.H., Miller, C.C. and Huber, G.P. (1993). The impact of upper echelon diversity on organisaitonal performance. İçinde Huber, G.P. ve glick, W.H (edition). Organisaitonal chngage and redesign, Oxford: Oxford university pres, 176-215.
  • Goto, S.G. (1997), Majority and minority perspectives on cross-cultural interactions, içinde Granrose, C.S., ve Oskamp, K. (Eds.). Cross-cultural work groups, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage publications.
  • Granrose, Cherlyn S. , Oskamp, Stuart, (1997), Cross-cultural work groups, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage publications.
  • Gratton, Lynda ve Erickson, Tamara, J. (2007), “Ways to buid colloborative teams”, Harvard Business Review, November, 101-109.
  • Hall, W. (1995). Managing Cultures. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, New York
  • Halverson, Claire B. ve Tirmizi, S. Aqeel. (2008), Effective Multicultural Teams: Theory and Practice. Springer Science and Business Media. B.A.
  • Hambrick, Donlad, C. Ve Davison, Sue Canney, Snell, Scoott, A., Snow, Charles, C. (1998), “When the group consist of multiple nationalities: toward a new understanding of the Implications”. Organisation Studies, 19,2, 181-205.
  • Harrison, D.A..vd. (1998), “Beyond relational demography: time and the effects of surface-and deep-level diversity on work group cohesion”. Academy of Management Journal,41, 1, 96-107.
  • Higgs, Malcolm (1996), “ Overcoming the problems of cultural differences to establish success for international management teams”. Team Performance Management:an international journal 2,1,36-43.
  • Hofstede, G. (1980), Culture's consequences: International differences in work related values. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage.
  • Hofstede, G. (1985), “The interaction between national and organisational value Systems”,Journal of Management Studies, 22, 4, (347-357).
  • Janssen, Maddy, ve Brett, Jeanne M. Cultural Intelligence in Global Teams: A fusion model of collaboration. http://insight.kellogg. bal_teams (13.02.2010)
  • Katzenbach, J.R. ve Smith D.K. (1993), The wisdom of teams:creating high performance organisations. Boston, MA. Harvard Business School Pres.
  • Keogh, Jack. International teams:beyond cultural differences. International quality and productivity centre. http://www.drivingstraight .com/Articles/International%20Teams.pdf (05.05.2010)
  • Kimball, Lisa ( 1997), “Managing virtual teams”. http://www.groupjazz. com/pdf/vteams-toronto.pdf (03.07.2010)
  • Kluckhohn, F. R., & F. L. Strodtbeck. (1961), Variations in value orientations. Evanston, IL:Row, Peterson.
  • Lane, H. W., DiStefano, J.J., ve Maznevski, J.J. (1997), International Management Behaviour, Blackwell Publisher, Ltd, Oxford, UK.
  • Leigh, Andrew ve Maynard, Michael. (2002), Leading your team. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
  • Li, J. vd. (1999), “Leading effective international joint venture leadership teams in China”, Journal of World Business, 34, 1, 52-68.
  • Martin, Andre, and Bal, Vidula. (2007), “The state of Teams”. Centre for creative leadership. StateOfTeams.pdf (12.02.1010)
  • Maznevski M.L., ve Peterson, M.F. (1997), Societal values and social interpetations and multinational teams. içinde Granrose, C.S., ve Oskamp, K. (Eds.). Cross-cultural work groups, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage publications. (61-68).
  • Mutabazi, Evalde, Derr, Brooklyn. C. (2003), “Management of multicultural teams:The experience of Afro-occidental teams”. European Entrepreneurial Learning. 5Cge%5Cdocuments%5 Cpublications %5Cwp%5C2003-13.pdf (04.02.2010)
  • Mutlu, E. C. (1999), Uluslararası İşletmecilik. Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş. Cağaloğlu-İstanbul.
  • Parker, B. (1998), Globalization and Business Practice. Sage Pub. London
  • Scheneider, S.C., & DeMeyer, A. (1991), „Interpreting and responding to strategic issues: The impact of national culture”. Strategic Management Journal, 12, 307-20.
  • Snell, Scott, A. Snow, Charles, C. Davison, Sue, Canney, Hambrick, Donald,C. (1998),
  • “Designign and supporting transnational teams: the human resource agenda”. Human Resource Management, 37,2, 147-158.
  • Snow, Charles C., Snell, Scott, A.,Davison, Sue, Canney, ve Hambrick, Donald C. ( 1996), “Use transnational teams to globalize your company”. Organisational Dynamics, 50-67
  • Stephens, G. K.., ve Greer, C. R. (1995), “Doing Business in Mexico: Understanding Cultural differences”, Organisational Dynamics, 39-55
  • Takeuchi, Riki ve Duriau, Vincent R. (2000), “Internal and external fit of multicultural teams within multinational corporations”. (18.07.2010)
  • Terry, Jinsoo, ( 2007), New techniques for trainging and motivating yoru compnay’s multicultural management team, Employment relations Today, 37-45.
  • Thomas, D.C. (1999), “Cultural diversity and work group effectiveness: an experimental study”. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 30,2, 242-263.
  • Thomas, D. C., ve Inkson, K. (2005), “Cultural Intelligence: people skills for a global Workplace”. Consulting to Management, 16, 1.
  • Tjosvold, D., Hui, C., and Law, K.S. (2001), “Constructive conflict in China: co-operative conflict as a bridge between east and west”, Journal of World Business,36, 2,166-184.
  • Triandis, H. C. (1992), “Creating culture-sensitive organisaitons”. Paper presneted at the meeting of the international Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Triandis, H. C. (2006), “Cultural intelligence in organisations”, Group& Organisations Management, 31, 1, (20-26).
  • Trompenaars, F., ve Hampden-Turner, C. (1997), Riding the waves of culture. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, London
  • Watson, W.E., vd. (1993), “Cultural diversity's impact oninteractions process and performance: comparing …. ”Academy of Management Journal, 36, 3, (590-602
  • White, R. D. (1999), “Managing the Diverse Organization: The Imperative for a New Multicultural Paradigm”, Public Administration & Management: An Interactive Journal, 4, 4, (469- 493).
  • Zeng, S.X., Xie, X.M. Tam, C.M. Sun, P.M. (2009), “Identfying cultural differneces for R&D project for performance improvement: a field Study”. Journal of business economics and management.10,1,61-70.


Yıl 2011, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2, 343 - 377, 01.06.2011


Takımlar, iş dünyasının değişen dinamikleri ve ihtiyaçları çerçevesinde farklı formlarda ortaya çıkmaktadır. Günümüzde önem kazanan yeni bir takım çeşidi de, “Çok Kültürlü Takımlardır”. Bu takımlar değişen iş çevresinin bir sonucu olduğu gibi, aynı zamanda birçok stratejik avantajların elde edilmesi amacıyla ortaya çıkmaktadır. Her ne kadar bu takımlar büyük potansiyellere sahip olsalar da yaşadıkları sorunlar, bu takımların etkin ve başarılı olmasında büyük engel teşkil etmektedir. Özellikleri ve dinamikleri gereği birçok sorunla mücadele etmek durumunda olan bu takımlar iyi yönetildikleri takdirde iyi performans sonuçları doğurabilmektedir. Bundan dolayı bu takımların yaşadıkları sorunların bilinmesi ve çözülmesi, başarıları açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı, özelikle bu takımların doğası ve özellikleri gereği ortaya çıkan sorunları ve bunlara karşı dikkate alınabilecek çözüm yaklaşımlarını incelemek ve değerlendirmektir


  • Adler, N.J. (1986), International dimensions of organisational behaviour. 2nd Eds. Belmont, California: PWS-Kent Publishing Company
  • Anzai, Kiyoshi (2000), “Managing cultural diversity through multicultural teams:a case study of foreign affiliated company in Japan. (01.09.2010)
  • Behfar, Kristin, Kern, Marry, and Brett, Jeanne (2006), “Managing Challanges in multicultural teams”. Research on managing grous and teams, 9, 233-262.
  • Bouncken, Ricarda, B. Ratzmann, Martin, Winkler, Viviane, A. (2008), “Cross cultural innoviton teams: effect of four types of attitudes toward diversity”. International journal of business strategy, 8,2,26-36.
  • Brett, Jeanne, Behfar, Kristin, Kern, Marry.C. (2006), “Managing Multicultural Teams”, Harward Busines Review. November, 1-8.
  • Chevrier, Sylvie. ( 2003), “Cross-cultural management in multinational project group”. Journal of World Business, 38, 141-149
  • Cohen, Susan, G., ve Bailey, Diane, B., (1997), “What makes team work: group effectiveness research from shop floor to the executive suite”. Journal of Management, 23,3, 239-290.
  • Dalyan, Figen (2004). Uluslar arası işletmelerde örgüt kültürü. İçinde Uluslararası İşletmecilik. Anadolu Üniversitesi yayınları.Eskişehir. (pp.93-109).
  • Day, Robert. (2008), “Developing a multi-cultural team”. Performance Management. May-Jun.
  • DiStefano, J. J. ve Maznevski , M. L., (2000), “Global Leaders : Developing Global Leaders Through Membershıp On Global Teams” Human Resource Management, 39, 2 & 3, (195–208). a. Earley, P.C., and Erez, M. (1997), The Transplanted Executive. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Earley, P.C., & Gibson C.B. (1998), Taking stock in our progress on individualism-collectivism: 100 years of solidarity and community. Journal of Management, 24, 3, 265-304.
  • Earley, P. C., ve Mosakowski, E.(2004), “Cultural intelligence”, Harvard Business Review
  • Eaton, Sarah Elaine (2002), “Buiding multicultural teams means building success”. (07.05.2010)
  • Elron, E. (1997), “Top Management Teams within Multinational Corporations; Effects of cultural heterogeneity”. Leadership Quarterly, 8, 4, 393-412.
  • Gibson, Cristina, B. ( 2004), “Building multicultural teams: learnign to manage homogeneity and heterogeneity”. ~cgibson/Publication%20files/Articles/Crossing%20cultures%20chapter. pdf (21.04.2010)
  • Glick, W.H., Miller, C.C. and Huber, G.P. (1993). The impact of upper echelon diversity on organisaitonal performance. İçinde Huber, G.P. ve glick, W.H (edition). Organisaitonal chngage and redesign, Oxford: Oxford university pres, 176-215.
  • Goto, S.G. (1997), Majority and minority perspectives on cross-cultural interactions, içinde Granrose, C.S., ve Oskamp, K. (Eds.). Cross-cultural work groups, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage publications.
  • Granrose, Cherlyn S. , Oskamp, Stuart, (1997), Cross-cultural work groups, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage publications.
  • Gratton, Lynda ve Erickson, Tamara, J. (2007), “Ways to buid colloborative teams”, Harvard Business Review, November, 101-109.
  • Hall, W. (1995). Managing Cultures. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, New York
  • Halverson, Claire B. ve Tirmizi, S. Aqeel. (2008), Effective Multicultural Teams: Theory and Practice. Springer Science and Business Media. B.A.
  • Hambrick, Donlad, C. Ve Davison, Sue Canney, Snell, Scoott, A., Snow, Charles, C. (1998), “When the group consist of multiple nationalities: toward a new understanding of the Implications”. Organisation Studies, 19,2, 181-205.
  • Harrison, D.A..vd. (1998), “Beyond relational demography: time and the effects of surface-and deep-level diversity on work group cohesion”. Academy of Management Journal,41, 1, 96-107.
  • Higgs, Malcolm (1996), “ Overcoming the problems of cultural differences to establish success for international management teams”. Team Performance Management:an international journal 2,1,36-43.
  • Hofstede, G. (1980), Culture's consequences: International differences in work related values. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage.
  • Hofstede, G. (1985), “The interaction between national and organisational value Systems”,Journal of Management Studies, 22, 4, (347-357).
  • Janssen, Maddy, ve Brett, Jeanne M. Cultural Intelligence in Global Teams: A fusion model of collaboration. http://insight.kellogg. bal_teams (13.02.2010)
  • Katzenbach, J.R. ve Smith D.K. (1993), The wisdom of teams:creating high performance organisations. Boston, MA. Harvard Business School Pres.
  • Keogh, Jack. International teams:beyond cultural differences. International quality and productivity centre. http://www.drivingstraight .com/Articles/International%20Teams.pdf (05.05.2010)
  • Kimball, Lisa ( 1997), “Managing virtual teams”. http://www.groupjazz. com/pdf/vteams-toronto.pdf (03.07.2010)
  • Kluckhohn, F. R., & F. L. Strodtbeck. (1961), Variations in value orientations. Evanston, IL:Row, Peterson.
  • Lane, H. W., DiStefano, J.J., ve Maznevski, J.J. (1997), International Management Behaviour, Blackwell Publisher, Ltd, Oxford, UK.
  • Leigh, Andrew ve Maynard, Michael. (2002), Leading your team. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
  • Li, J. vd. (1999), “Leading effective international joint venture leadership teams in China”, Journal of World Business, 34, 1, 52-68.
  • Martin, Andre, and Bal, Vidula. (2007), “The state of Teams”. Centre for creative leadership. StateOfTeams.pdf (12.02.1010)
  • Maznevski M.L., ve Peterson, M.F. (1997), Societal values and social interpetations and multinational teams. içinde Granrose, C.S., ve Oskamp, K. (Eds.). Cross-cultural work groups, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage publications. (61-68).
  • Mutabazi, Evalde, Derr, Brooklyn. C. (2003), “Management of multicultural teams:The experience of Afro-occidental teams”. European Entrepreneurial Learning. 5Cge%5Cdocuments%5 Cpublications %5Cwp%5C2003-13.pdf (04.02.2010)
  • Mutlu, E. C. (1999), Uluslararası İşletmecilik. Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş. Cağaloğlu-İstanbul.
  • Parker, B. (1998), Globalization and Business Practice. Sage Pub. London
  • Scheneider, S.C., & DeMeyer, A. (1991), „Interpreting and responding to strategic issues: The impact of national culture”. Strategic Management Journal, 12, 307-20.
  • Snell, Scott, A. Snow, Charles, C. Davison, Sue, Canney, Hambrick, Donald,C. (1998),
  • “Designign and supporting transnational teams: the human resource agenda”. Human Resource Management, 37,2, 147-158.
  • Snow, Charles C., Snell, Scott, A.,Davison, Sue, Canney, ve Hambrick, Donald C. ( 1996), “Use transnational teams to globalize your company”. Organisational Dynamics, 50-67
  • Stephens, G. K.., ve Greer, C. R. (1995), “Doing Business in Mexico: Understanding Cultural differences”, Organisational Dynamics, 39-55
  • Takeuchi, Riki ve Duriau, Vincent R. (2000), “Internal and external fit of multicultural teams within multinational corporations”. (18.07.2010)
  • Terry, Jinsoo, ( 2007), New techniques for trainging and motivating yoru compnay’s multicultural management team, Employment relations Today, 37-45.
  • Thomas, D.C. (1999), “Cultural diversity and work group effectiveness: an experimental study”. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 30,2, 242-263.
  • Thomas, D. C., ve Inkson, K. (2005), “Cultural Intelligence: people skills for a global Workplace”. Consulting to Management, 16, 1.
  • Tjosvold, D., Hui, C., and Law, K.S. (2001), “Constructive conflict in China: co-operative conflict as a bridge between east and west”, Journal of World Business,36, 2,166-184.
  • Triandis, H. C. (1992), “Creating culture-sensitive organisaitons”. Paper presneted at the meeting of the international Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Triandis, H. C. (2006), “Cultural intelligence in organisations”, Group& Organisations Management, 31, 1, (20-26).
  • Trompenaars, F., ve Hampden-Turner, C. (1997), Riding the waves of culture. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, London
  • Watson, W.E., vd. (1993), “Cultural diversity's impact oninteractions process and performance: comparing …. ”Academy of Management Journal, 36, 3, (590-602
  • White, R. D. (1999), “Managing the Diverse Organization: The Imperative for a New Multicultural Paradigm”, Public Administration & Management: An Interactive Journal, 4, 4, (469- 493).
  • Zeng, S.X., Xie, X.M. Tam, C.M. Sun, P.M. (2009), “Identfying cultural differneces for R&D project for performance improvement: a field Study”. Journal of business economics and management.10,1,61-70.
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

  Yrd.Doç.Dr.Salih Yeşil Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Yeşil, .Y. (2011). ÇOK KÜLTÜRLÜ TAKIMLAR: YAŞANAN SORUNLAR VE ÇÖZÜM YAKLAŞIMLARI ÜZERİNE BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 343-377.