Örgüt İçerisindeki Güven ve İşe Yabancılaşma İlişkisinde Örgüte Uyum Sağlamanın Aracı Rolü
Yıl 2011,
Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1, 231 - 248, 01.03.2011
Yrd.doç.dr. Mehmet Ferhat Özbek
- 1. ABRAHAMSON, Eric (1991), LManagerial Fads and Fashions: The Diffusion and Rejection of InnovationsM, Academ2 of Management Revie0, Cilt 16, Sa2ı 3, s.586-612.
- 2. ABDULRAHIM, Abdul Rahim ve Ai33at Mohd Nasurdin (2008), LTrust in Organi3ational and Workplace Deviant Behavior, the Moderating Effect of Locus of ControlM, Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, Cilt 10, Sa2ı 2, s.211-235.
- 3. AIKEN, Michael ve Jerald Hage (1966), LOrgani3ational Alienation: A Comparative Anal2sisM, American Sociological Revie0, Cilt 31, Sa2ı 4, s.497-507.
- 4. AGARWAL, Sanjeev (1993), LInfluence of Formali3ation on Role Stress, Organi3ational Commitment, and Work Alienation of Salespersons: A Cross-National Comparative Stud2M, Journal of International Business Studies, Cilt 24, Sa2ı 4, s.715-739.
- 5. АKMAT ULUU, А2danbek (2008), LМиграция Маселесине Арналган Эл Аралык Жыйын БашталдыM, A3att2k Ga3etesi, , http://000.a3att2k.org/content/article/1280964.html, 28.11.2009.
- 7. ANGEL, Harold L. ve James L. Perr2 (1981), LAn Empirical Assessment of Organi3ational Commitment and Organi3ational EffectivenessM, Administrative Science Quarterl2, Cilt 26, Sa2ı 1, s.1-14.
- 8. ANKONY, Robert C. ve Thomas M. Kelle2 (1999), LThe Impact of Perceived Alienation on Police Officers' Sense of Master2 and Subsequent Motivation for Proactive EnforcementM, An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, Cilt 22, Sa2ı 2, s.120-132.
- 9. ARYEE, Samuel, Pa0an S. Budh0ar ve Zhen Xiong Chen (2002), LTrust as a Mediator of the Relationship bet0een Organi3ational Justice and Work Outcomes: Test of a Social E1change ModelM, Journal of Organi3ational Behavior, Cilt 23, Sa2ı 3, s.267O285.
- 10. BANAI, Moshe, William D. Reisel ve Tahira M. Probst (2004), LA Managerial and Personal Control Model: Predictions of Work Alienation and Organi3ational Commitment in Hungar2M, Journal of International Management, Cilt 10, Sa2ı 3, s.375O392.
- 11. BANAI, Moshe, William D. Reisel (2007), LThe Influence of Supportive Leadership and Job Characteristics on Work Alienation: A Si1-Countr2 InvestigationM, Journal of World Business, Cilt 42, Sa2ı 4, s.463O476.
- 12. BHATTACHARYA, Mousumi, Donald E. Gibson ve D. Harold Dot2 (2005). LThe Effects of Fle1ibilit2 in Emplo2ee Skills, Emplo2ee Behaviors, and Human Resource Practices on Firm PerformanceM, Journal of Management, Cilt 31, Sa2ı 4, s.622-640.
- 13. BARON, Reuben M. ve David A. Kenn2 (1986), LThe ModeratorMediator Variable Distinction in Social Ps2chological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical ConsiderationsM, Journal of Personalit2 and Social Ps2cholog2, Cilt 51, Sa2ı 6, s.1173-1182.
- 14. BONJEAN, Charles M. ve Michael D. Grimes, (1970), LBureaucrac2 and Alienation: A Dimensional ApproachM, Social Forces, Cilt 48, Sa2ı 3, s.365-373.
- 15. BROWNE, Michael W. ve Robert Cudeck, (1993), LAlternative Wa2s of Assessing Model FitM, Edt: K. A. Bollen ve J. S. Long, Testing Structural Equation Models, Sage Publications, Ne0bur2 Park.
- 16. CARMINES, Ed0ard G. ve John P. McIver (1981), LAnal23ing Models 0ith Unobserved VariablesM, Edt: Bohrnstedt, G.W. ve Borgatta, E.F., Social Measurement: Current Issues, Sage Publications, Beverl2 Hills.
- 17. CHEN, Zhen Xiong, Samuel Ar2ee ve C2nthia Lee (2005), LTest of a Mediation Model of Perceived Organi3ational SupportM, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Cilt 66, Sa2ı 3, s.457O470.
- 18. CHIABURU, Dan S. ve Sophia V. Marinova (2006), LEmplo2ee Role Enlargement Interactions of Trust and Organi3ational FairnessM, Leadership & Organi3ation Development Journal, Cilt 27, Sa2ı 3, s.168- 182.
- 19. CREED, W. E. Douglas ve Ra2mond E. Miles (1996), LA Conceptual Frame0ork Linking Organi3ational Forms, Managerial Philosophies and the Opportunit2 Costs of ControlsM, Edt: R.M. Kramer, ve T.R. T2ler, Trust in Organi3ations: Frontiers of Theor2 and Research, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.
- 20. DEAN, D0ight G. (1961), LAlienation: Its Meaning and MeasurementM, American Sociological Revie0, Cilt 26, Sa2ı 5, s.753-758.
- 21. DIŞ EKONOMİK İLİŞKİLER KURULU (2006), Kırgı3istan lke Bþlteni, http://000.deik.org.tr/Pages/TR/BLG_BultenDeta2.asp1? bDetId=147&IKID=101, 10.7.2010
- 22. ERIKSON, Kai (1986), LOn Work and AlienationM, American Sociological Revie0, Cilt 51, Sa2ı 1, s.1-8.
- 23. FUSILLO, Edith D. (1994), An E1amination of Work Alienation and Job Satisfaction among Public Universit2 Staff in Georgia, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, Georgia State Universit2, USA.
- 24. GRIFFIN, Barbara (2003), A Construct-Oriented Model of Adaptabilit2 for Use in Selection Conte1ts, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, The Universit2 Of S2dne2, Australia.
- 25. HATİPAĞAOĞLU, A3i3 Murat (2009) LBir DĀnþşþm Ekonomisinin Dış Ticaret Yapısı: Kırgı3istanM, http://000.dtm.gov.tr/dtmadmin/ upload/EAD/DisTicaretGelistirmeDb/turk%20cumhuri2etleri/sa2fa198. doc. 14. 12. 2009
- 26. HEMDI, Mohamad Abdullah and Ai33at Mohd Nasurdin (2006), LPredicting Turnover Intentions of Hotel Emplo2ees: The Influence of Emplo2ee Development Human Resource Management Practices and Trust in Organi3ationM, Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, Cilt 8, Sa2ı 1, s.21O42.
- 27. HIRSCHFELD, Robert R. ve Hubert S. Field (2000), LWork Centralit2 and Work Alienation: Distinct Aspects of a General Commitment to WorkM, Journal of Organi3ational Behavior, Cilt 21, Sa2ı 7, s.789-800.
- 28. HIRSCHFELD, Robert R., Hubert S. Feild, ve Arthur G. Bedeian (2000), LWork Alienation as an Individual-Difference Construct for Predicting Workplace Adjustment: A Test in T0o SamplesM, Journal of Applied Social Ps2cholog2, Cilt 30, Sa2ı 9, s.1880O1902.
- 29. HIRSCHFELD, Robert R. (2002), LAchievement Orientation and Ps2chological Involvement in Job Tasks: The Interactive Effects of Work Alienation and Intrinsic Job SatisfactionM, Journal of Applied Social Ps2cholog2, Cilt 32, Sa2ı 8, s.1663-1681.
- 30. HU, Li-t3e ve Peter M. Bentler (1998), LFit Indices in Covariance Structure Modeling: Sensitivit2 to Under Parameteri3ed Model MisspecificationM, Ps2chological Methods, Cilt 3, Sa2ı 4, s.424-453.
- 31. HU, Li-t3e ve Peter M. Bentler (1999), LCutoff Criteria for Fit Inde1es in Covariance Structure Anal2sis: Conventional Criteria versus Ne0 AlternativesM. Structural Equation Modeling, Cilt 6, Sa2ı 1, s.1-55.
- 32. HUFF, Lenard ve Lane Kelle2 (2003), LLevels of Organi3ational Trust in Individualist Collectivist Societies: A Seven Nation Stud2M, Organi3ation Science, Cilt 14, Sa2ı 1, s.81-90.
- 33. JEFFERSON, Dana J. (1990), Commitment to Work and the Organi3ation: The Role of Social E1change Theor2, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, Universit2 of Dela0are, USA.
- 34. JAMES La0rence R. ve Jeanne M. Brett (1984), LMediators, Moderators, and Tests for MediationM, Journal of Applied Ps2cholog2, Cilt 69, Sa2ı 2, s.307-321
- 35. KIM, Sook2ung, John W. O'Neill, and Seung-Eon Jeong (2004), LThe Relationship among Leader-Member E1change, Perceived Organi3ational Support, and Trust in Hotel Organi3ationsM, Journal of Human Resources in Hospitalit2 & Tourism, Cilt 3, Sa2ı 1, s.59-70.
- 36. KOZLOWSKI, Steve W.J., Rebecca J.Tone2, Morell E. Mullins, Daniel A. Weissbein, Kenneth G. Bro0n, ve Bradford S. Bell (2001), LDeveloping Adaptabilit2: A Theor2 for The Design Of IntegratedEmbedded Training S2stemsM, Edt: E. Salas, Advances In Human Performance and Cognitive Engineering Research, JAI/Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.
- 37. MAHMUD, Zahratul Kamar (1993), Work Alienation and Training: A Stud2 of Florida Correctional Officers and Correctional Officer Sergeants, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, The Florida State Universit2, College Of Education, USA.
- 38. MICHAELS Ronald E., Alan J. Dubinsk2, Masaaki Kotabe, Chae Un Lim (1996), LThe Effects of Organi3ational Formali3ation on Organi3ational Commitment and Work Alienation in US, Japanese and Korean Industrial SalesforcesM, European Journal of Marketing, Cilt 30, Sa2ı 7, s.8-24.
- 39. NYHAN, Ronald C. (2000), LChanging the Paradigm, Trust and Its Role in Public Sector Organi3ationsM, American Revie0 of Public Administration. Cilt 30, Sa2ı 1, s.87-109.
- 40. ZBEK, Mehmet Ferhat (2006) alışma İlişkilerinde Gþven: YĀnetim Politikaları, Gþven ve Bağlılık İlişkisi Konusunda Bir Tþrki2e ve Kırgı3istan U2gulaması, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, Uludağ niversitesi, Bursa.
- 41. PARENT, Jane D. (2006), Individual Adaptation to the Changing Workplace: Causes, Consequences and Outcomes, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, Universit2 of Massachusetts Amherst, Isenberg School of Management, USA.
- 42. PATRICK, Adale (1984), An E1perimental Stud2 of the Effects of Implementation of a Management Control S2stem on Rehabilitation Counselor Job Satisfaction and Alienation from Work, The Florida State Universit2 College of Education, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, USA.
- 43. PEARLIN, Leonard I. (1962), LAlienation from Work: A Stud2 of Nursing PersonnelM, American Sociological Revie0, Cilt 27, Sa2ı 3, s.314-326.
- 44. PULAKOS, Elaine D., Neal Schmitt, David W. Dorse2, Sharon Arad; Walter C. Borman, Jerr2 W. Hedge (2002), LPredicting Adaptive Performance: Further Tests of a Model of Adaptabilit2M, Human Performance, Cilt 15, Sa2ı 4, s.299-323.
- 45. PULAKOS, Elaine D., Sharon Arad, Michelle A. Donovan ve Kevin E. Plamondon (2000), LAdaptabilit2 in the Workplace: Development of Ta1onom2 of Adaptive PerformanceM. Journal of Applied Ps2cholog2, Cilt 85, Sa2ı 4, s.612-624.
- 46. PUUSA, Anu ve Ulla Tolvanen (2006), LOrgani3ational Identit2 and TrustM, Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organi3ation Studies, Cilt 11, Sa2ı 2, s.29-33.
- 47. RAMASWAMI, Sridhar N., Sanjeev Agar0al, ve Mukesh Bhargava (1993), LWork Alienation of Marketing Emplo2ees: Influence of Task, Supervisor2, and Organi3ational Structure FactorsM, Journal of the Academ2 of Marketing Science, Cilt 21, Sa2ı 3, s.179-193.
- 48. RASCHKE, Rob2n L. (2007), An Empirical Anal2sis of Business Process Agilit2: E1amining the Relationship of it on Business Process Agilit2 and the Effects of Business Process Agilit2 on Process Outcomes, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, Ari3ona State Universit2, USA.
- 49. SAMURI, Fere2doon (1981), The Relationship of Centrali3ation and Formali3ation to Perceived Work Alienation among Higher Education Facult2, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, Facult2 of Graduate College of Oklahoma State Universit2, USA.
- 50. SARROS, J.C., G.A. Tane0ski, R.P. Winter, J.C. Santora, ve I.L. Densten, (2002), LWork Alienation and Organi3ational LeadershipM, British Journal of Management, Cilt 13, Sa2ı 4, s.285-304.
- 51. SCHUMACKER, Randall E., ve Richard G. Loma1 (2004), LA Beginner's Guide to Structural Equation ModelingM, La0rence Erlbaum Associates, Mah0ah, NJ.
- 52. SEEMAN, Melvin (1959), LOn The Meaning of AlienationM, American Sociological Revie0, Cilt 24, Sa2ı 6, s.783-91.
- 53. SEEMAN, Melvin (1967), LOn the Personal Consequences of Alienation in WorkM, American Sociological Revie0, Cilt 32, Sa2ı 2, s.273-285.
- 54. SHEINFELD, David Z. (1983), Civil Liberties Climate in Work Organi3ations and Its Relationship 0ith Job and Work Attitudes, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, Universit2 Microfilms International, Stevens Institute of Technolog2, Ne0 Jerse2, USA.
- 55. SHIN, Jean Harold (2000), Is There Alienation in Post-Industrial America? An Anal2sis of Technical and Social Relations in Toda2Ks Changing Labor Force, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, Department of Sociolog2, Indiana Universit2, USA.
- 56. TAN, H0ee Hoon ve Christ2 S. F. Tan (2000), LTo0ard the Differentiation of Trust in Supervisor and Trust in Organi3ationM, Genetic, Social, & General Ps2cholog2 Monographs, Cilt 126, Sa2ı 2, s.241-261.
- 57. THAU, Stefan, Karl Aquino ve P. Marjin Poortvliet, (2007a), LSelfDefeating Behaviors in Organi3ations: The Relationship bet0een Th0arted Belonging and Interpersonal Work BehaviorsM, Journal of Applied Ps2cholog2, Cilt 92, Sa2ı 3, s.840O847.
- 58. THAU, S Stefan, Craig Crossle2, Rebecca J.Bennett ve Sabine Sc3esn2 (2007b), LThe Relationship bet0een Trust, Attachment, and Antisocial Work BehaviorsM, Human Relations, Cilt 60, Sa2ı 8, s.1155-1179.
- 59. TOKER, Fethi (1978), LGruplarda Katılım Yolu2la Tutumların Değişmesi Amme İdaresi DergisiM, Cilt 11, Sa2ı 2, s.77-94 60. WALLIMAN, Nicholas (2006), Social Research Methods, Sage Publications, Great Britain.
- 61. WONG, Y.T. Ngo, H. Y. ve Wong, C.S. (2002), LAffective Organi3ational Commitment of Workers in Chinese Joint VenturesM, Journal of Managerial Ps2cholog2, Cilt 17, Sa2ı 7, s.580-598.
- 62. WONG, Yui Tim, Hang Yue Ngo ve Chi Sum Wong, (2006), LPerceived Organi3ational Justice, Trust, and OCB: A Stud2 of Chinese Workers in Joint Ventures and State-O0ned EnterprisesM, Journal of World Business, Cilt 41, Sa2ı 4, s.344O355.
- 63. WOOD, Wend2 (2000), LAttıtude Change: Persuasion and Social InfluenceM, Annual Revie0 of Ps2cholog2, Cilt 51. s.539O570.
- 64. YCE, Mehmet (2004), LKırgı3 Cumhuri2etinin Serbest Pi2asa Ekonomisine U2um SorunuM, İŞG, Endþstri İlişkileri ve İnsan Ka2nakları Dergisi, Cilt 6, Sa2ı 1.
Yıl 2011,
Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1, 231 - 248, 01.03.2011
Yrd.doç.dr. Mehmet Ferhat Özbek
İşe yabancılaşmanın çalışanın verimliliğini ve performansını olumsuz etkilediği genel kabul gören bir görüştür. Bu sebepten yöneticiler çalışanlarının işe yabancılaşması istenmezler. Bu çalışmanın hipotezine göre örgüt içerisinde güven ile işe yabancılaşma arasında negatif yönlü bir ilişki bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca bu çalışmada örgüt içerisindeki güvenin işe yabancılaşma ile olan ilişkisinde örgüte uyum sağlamanın aracılık etkisi de araştırılmıştır. Hipotezler yapısal eşitlik modellemesi kullanılarak test edilmiştir. Araştırmanın verileri eski bir Sovyetler Birliği ülkesi olan Kırgızistan’da 110 adet işçiden toplanmıştır. Sonuçlar önerilen hipotezleri doğrulamaktadır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, örgüte uyum sağlama, örgüt içerisindeki güven ve işe yabancılaşma ilişkisinde aracı bir değişkendir
- 1. ABRAHAMSON, Eric (1991), LManagerial Fads and Fashions: The Diffusion and Rejection of InnovationsM, Academ2 of Management Revie0, Cilt 16, Sa2ı 3, s.586-612.
- 2. ABDULRAHIM, Abdul Rahim ve Ai33at Mohd Nasurdin (2008), LTrust in Organi3ational and Workplace Deviant Behavior, the Moderating Effect of Locus of ControlM, Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, Cilt 10, Sa2ı 2, s.211-235.
- 3. AIKEN, Michael ve Jerald Hage (1966), LOrgani3ational Alienation: A Comparative Anal2sisM, American Sociological Revie0, Cilt 31, Sa2ı 4, s.497-507.
- 4. AGARWAL, Sanjeev (1993), LInfluence of Formali3ation on Role Stress, Organi3ational Commitment, and Work Alienation of Salespersons: A Cross-National Comparative Stud2M, Journal of International Business Studies, Cilt 24, Sa2ı 4, s.715-739.
- 5. АKMAT ULUU, А2danbek (2008), LМиграция Маселесине Арналган Эл Аралык Жыйын БашталдыM, A3att2k Ga3etesi, , http://000.a3att2k.org/content/article/1280964.html, 28.11.2009.
- 7. ANGEL, Harold L. ve James L. Perr2 (1981), LAn Empirical Assessment of Organi3ational Commitment and Organi3ational EffectivenessM, Administrative Science Quarterl2, Cilt 26, Sa2ı 1, s.1-14.
- 8. ANKONY, Robert C. ve Thomas M. Kelle2 (1999), LThe Impact of Perceived Alienation on Police Officers' Sense of Master2 and Subsequent Motivation for Proactive EnforcementM, An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, Cilt 22, Sa2ı 2, s.120-132.
- 9. ARYEE, Samuel, Pa0an S. Budh0ar ve Zhen Xiong Chen (2002), LTrust as a Mediator of the Relationship bet0een Organi3ational Justice and Work Outcomes: Test of a Social E1change ModelM, Journal of Organi3ational Behavior, Cilt 23, Sa2ı 3, s.267O285.
- 10. BANAI, Moshe, William D. Reisel ve Tahira M. Probst (2004), LA Managerial and Personal Control Model: Predictions of Work Alienation and Organi3ational Commitment in Hungar2M, Journal of International Management, Cilt 10, Sa2ı 3, s.375O392.
- 11. BANAI, Moshe, William D. Reisel (2007), LThe Influence of Supportive Leadership and Job Characteristics on Work Alienation: A Si1-Countr2 InvestigationM, Journal of World Business, Cilt 42, Sa2ı 4, s.463O476.
- 12. BHATTACHARYA, Mousumi, Donald E. Gibson ve D. Harold Dot2 (2005). LThe Effects of Fle1ibilit2 in Emplo2ee Skills, Emplo2ee Behaviors, and Human Resource Practices on Firm PerformanceM, Journal of Management, Cilt 31, Sa2ı 4, s.622-640.
- 13. BARON, Reuben M. ve David A. Kenn2 (1986), LThe ModeratorMediator Variable Distinction in Social Ps2chological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical ConsiderationsM, Journal of Personalit2 and Social Ps2cholog2, Cilt 51, Sa2ı 6, s.1173-1182.
- 14. BONJEAN, Charles M. ve Michael D. Grimes, (1970), LBureaucrac2 and Alienation: A Dimensional ApproachM, Social Forces, Cilt 48, Sa2ı 3, s.365-373.
- 15. BROWNE, Michael W. ve Robert Cudeck, (1993), LAlternative Wa2s of Assessing Model FitM, Edt: K. A. Bollen ve J. S. Long, Testing Structural Equation Models, Sage Publications, Ne0bur2 Park.
- 16. CARMINES, Ed0ard G. ve John P. McIver (1981), LAnal23ing Models 0ith Unobserved VariablesM, Edt: Bohrnstedt, G.W. ve Borgatta, E.F., Social Measurement: Current Issues, Sage Publications, Beverl2 Hills.
- 17. CHEN, Zhen Xiong, Samuel Ar2ee ve C2nthia Lee (2005), LTest of a Mediation Model of Perceived Organi3ational SupportM, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Cilt 66, Sa2ı 3, s.457O470.
- 18. CHIABURU, Dan S. ve Sophia V. Marinova (2006), LEmplo2ee Role Enlargement Interactions of Trust and Organi3ational FairnessM, Leadership & Organi3ation Development Journal, Cilt 27, Sa2ı 3, s.168- 182.
- 19. CREED, W. E. Douglas ve Ra2mond E. Miles (1996), LA Conceptual Frame0ork Linking Organi3ational Forms, Managerial Philosophies and the Opportunit2 Costs of ControlsM, Edt: R.M. Kramer, ve T.R. T2ler, Trust in Organi3ations: Frontiers of Theor2 and Research, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.
- 20. DEAN, D0ight G. (1961), LAlienation: Its Meaning and MeasurementM, American Sociological Revie0, Cilt 26, Sa2ı 5, s.753-758.
- 21. DIŞ EKONOMİK İLİŞKİLER KURULU (2006), Kırgı3istan lke Bþlteni, http://000.deik.org.tr/Pages/TR/BLG_BultenDeta2.asp1? bDetId=147&IKID=101, 10.7.2010
- 22. ERIKSON, Kai (1986), LOn Work and AlienationM, American Sociological Revie0, Cilt 51, Sa2ı 1, s.1-8.
- 23. FUSILLO, Edith D. (1994), An E1amination of Work Alienation and Job Satisfaction among Public Universit2 Staff in Georgia, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, Georgia State Universit2, USA.
- 24. GRIFFIN, Barbara (2003), A Construct-Oriented Model of Adaptabilit2 for Use in Selection Conte1ts, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, The Universit2 Of S2dne2, Australia.
- 25. HATİPAĞAOĞLU, A3i3 Murat (2009) LBir DĀnþşþm Ekonomisinin Dış Ticaret Yapısı: Kırgı3istanM, http://000.dtm.gov.tr/dtmadmin/ upload/EAD/DisTicaretGelistirmeDb/turk%20cumhuri2etleri/sa2fa198. doc. 14. 12. 2009
- 26. HEMDI, Mohamad Abdullah and Ai33at Mohd Nasurdin (2006), LPredicting Turnover Intentions of Hotel Emplo2ees: The Influence of Emplo2ee Development Human Resource Management Practices and Trust in Organi3ationM, Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, Cilt 8, Sa2ı 1, s.21O42.
- 27. HIRSCHFELD, Robert R. ve Hubert S. Field (2000), LWork Centralit2 and Work Alienation: Distinct Aspects of a General Commitment to WorkM, Journal of Organi3ational Behavior, Cilt 21, Sa2ı 7, s.789-800.
- 28. HIRSCHFELD, Robert R., Hubert S. Feild, ve Arthur G. Bedeian (2000), LWork Alienation as an Individual-Difference Construct for Predicting Workplace Adjustment: A Test in T0o SamplesM, Journal of Applied Social Ps2cholog2, Cilt 30, Sa2ı 9, s.1880O1902.
- 29. HIRSCHFELD, Robert R. (2002), LAchievement Orientation and Ps2chological Involvement in Job Tasks: The Interactive Effects of Work Alienation and Intrinsic Job SatisfactionM, Journal of Applied Social Ps2cholog2, Cilt 32, Sa2ı 8, s.1663-1681.
- 30. HU, Li-t3e ve Peter M. Bentler (1998), LFit Indices in Covariance Structure Modeling: Sensitivit2 to Under Parameteri3ed Model MisspecificationM, Ps2chological Methods, Cilt 3, Sa2ı 4, s.424-453.
- 31. HU, Li-t3e ve Peter M. Bentler (1999), LCutoff Criteria for Fit Inde1es in Covariance Structure Anal2sis: Conventional Criteria versus Ne0 AlternativesM. Structural Equation Modeling, Cilt 6, Sa2ı 1, s.1-55.
- 32. HUFF, Lenard ve Lane Kelle2 (2003), LLevels of Organi3ational Trust in Individualist Collectivist Societies: A Seven Nation Stud2M, Organi3ation Science, Cilt 14, Sa2ı 1, s.81-90.
- 33. JEFFERSON, Dana J. (1990), Commitment to Work and the Organi3ation: The Role of Social E1change Theor2, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, Universit2 of Dela0are, USA.
- 34. JAMES La0rence R. ve Jeanne M. Brett (1984), LMediators, Moderators, and Tests for MediationM, Journal of Applied Ps2cholog2, Cilt 69, Sa2ı 2, s.307-321
- 35. KIM, Sook2ung, John W. O'Neill, and Seung-Eon Jeong (2004), LThe Relationship among Leader-Member E1change, Perceived Organi3ational Support, and Trust in Hotel Organi3ationsM, Journal of Human Resources in Hospitalit2 & Tourism, Cilt 3, Sa2ı 1, s.59-70.
- 36. KOZLOWSKI, Steve W.J., Rebecca J.Tone2, Morell E. Mullins, Daniel A. Weissbein, Kenneth G. Bro0n, ve Bradford S. Bell (2001), LDeveloping Adaptabilit2: A Theor2 for The Design Of IntegratedEmbedded Training S2stemsM, Edt: E. Salas, Advances In Human Performance and Cognitive Engineering Research, JAI/Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.
- 37. MAHMUD, Zahratul Kamar (1993), Work Alienation and Training: A Stud2 of Florida Correctional Officers and Correctional Officer Sergeants, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, The Florida State Universit2, College Of Education, USA.
- 38. MICHAELS Ronald E., Alan J. Dubinsk2, Masaaki Kotabe, Chae Un Lim (1996), LThe Effects of Organi3ational Formali3ation on Organi3ational Commitment and Work Alienation in US, Japanese and Korean Industrial SalesforcesM, European Journal of Marketing, Cilt 30, Sa2ı 7, s.8-24.
- 39. NYHAN, Ronald C. (2000), LChanging the Paradigm, Trust and Its Role in Public Sector Organi3ationsM, American Revie0 of Public Administration. Cilt 30, Sa2ı 1, s.87-109.
- 40. ZBEK, Mehmet Ferhat (2006) alışma İlişkilerinde Gþven: YĀnetim Politikaları, Gþven ve Bağlılık İlişkisi Konusunda Bir Tþrki2e ve Kırgı3istan U2gulaması, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, Uludağ niversitesi, Bursa.
- 41. PARENT, Jane D. (2006), Individual Adaptation to the Changing Workplace: Causes, Consequences and Outcomes, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, Universit2 of Massachusetts Amherst, Isenberg School of Management, USA.
- 42. PATRICK, Adale (1984), An E1perimental Stud2 of the Effects of Implementation of a Management Control S2stem on Rehabilitation Counselor Job Satisfaction and Alienation from Work, The Florida State Universit2 College of Education, Basılmamış Doktora Te3i, USA.
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