İşe Bağlılığın Tükenmişlik ve İşten Ayrılma Niyeti İlişkisindeki Aracılık Etkisi: Yatırım Uzmanları Üzerinde Bir Araştırma
Yıl 2010,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3, 143 - 166, 01.09.2010
Yrd.Doç.Dr.Güler SAĞLAM Arı
Arş.Gör.Dr.Hasan Bal
Arş.Gör.Dr.Emine ÇINA Bal
- 1. Baron,R.,M. ve Kenny,D.A. (1986) The moderaor-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations, Vlrok^i lc Mboplk^ifqv ^kaPl`f^i Mpv`elildv, Vol.51, No.6, 1173-1182.
- 2. Blau, G.J. ve Boal, K.B. (1987) Conceptualizing how job involvement and organizational commitment affect turnover and absenteesim >`^abjvlcY^k^dbjbkqObsfbt, Vol.12, No.2, 288 300.
- 3. Blau ,G.J. ve Boal, K.B. (1989) Using job involvement and organizational commitment interactively to predict turnover, Vlrok^ilc Y^k^dbjbkq, Vol.15,No.1, 115-127.
- 4. Buick, I. ve Thomas, M. (2001) Why do middle managers in hotels burn out? , Ukqbok^qflk^iVlrok^ilc@lkqbjmlo^ovTlpmfq^ifqv Y^k^dbjbkq, 13 (6), 304 309.
- 5. Chusmir,L.H. (1982) Job commitment and the organizational women, >`^abjvlcY^k^dbjbkqObsfbt, Vol.7, No.4, 595-602.
- 6. Cohen,A.(2000) The relationship between commitment forms and work outcomes:A comparison of three models, Trj^kObi^qflkp, Vol.53 (3), 387-417.
- 7. Cordes, C.L. ve Dougherty, T.W. (1993), A review and in integration of research on job burnout, >`^abjvlcY^k^dbjbkqObsfbt, Vol.18, No.4, 621 656.
- 8. Cordes, C. L., Dougherty, T.W. ve Blum, M. (1997) Patterns of burnout among managers and professionals: A comparison of models, Vlrok^i lcLod^kfw^qflk^i?be^sflo, Vol.18, 685-701.
- 9. Ñakır, Ö.(2001) İşb?^ğlılıhLidrprsbBqhfibvbkC^hqøoibo, Seékin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- 10. Ñam, O. (1993) Tþkenmişlik envanterinin geéerlik ve gþvenirliğinin araştırılması, SUU+Rirp^iMpfhlilgfWlkdobpf?fifjpbiÄ^iışj^i^oı, R. Bayraktar ve D. Dağ (Der.), 22-25 Eylþl 1992, Tþrk Psikologlar Derneği Yayını, 155-160, Ankara.
- 11. Ñimen, M. (2000). Tþrk Silahlı Kuvvetleri Sağlık Personelinin Tþkenmişlik, İş Doyumu, Kuruma Bağlılık ve İşten Ayrılma Niyetlerine İlişkin Bir Alan Araştırması, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, T. C. Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Gþlhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitþsþ Sağlık Hizmetleri Yønetimi Bilim Dalı.
- 12. Ñimen,M. ve C. Ergin. (2001). Tþrk Silahlı Kuvvetleri sağlık personelinin tþkenmişlik dþzeylerinin incelenmesi, Sþie^kb Qım Abodfpf, 43 (2), 169 176.
- 13. Daley, M.R. (1979), Burnout: Smoldering problem in protective services, Pl`f^iTloh, September, 375 379.
- 14. Dervişoğlu, G. (2000), The role of certain demographic variables, burnout and stress on job satisfaction, Yayınlanmamış Yþksek Lisans Tezi, The Graduate School of Social Sciences of Middle East Technical University, The Department of Educational Sciences.
- 15. Ergin, C. (1993), Doktor ve hemsirelerde tukenmislik ve Maslach Tukenmislik Ölceğinin uyarlanması, R. Bayraktar ve D. Dağ (Der.), SUU+Rirp^iMpfhlilgfWlkdobpf?fifjpbiÄ^iışj^i^oı,22 25 Eylþl 1992, Ankara: Turk Psikologlar Derneği Yayını, 143 154
- 16. Fogarty,T.J, Singh, J., Rhoads, G.K. ve Moore, R. K. (2000), Antecedents and consquences of burnout in accounting: Beyond the role stress model, ?be^sflo^iObpb^o`efk>``lrkqfkd, Vol.12, 32-67.
- 17. Friesen, D. ve . Sarros, J.C. (1989) Sources of burnout among educators, Vlrok^ilcLod^kfw^qflk^i?be^sflo, Vol.10, No.2, April, 179-188.
- 18. Freudenberger, H.J. (1974) Staff burn-Out, Vlrok^ilcPl`f^iUpprbp, Vol.30, Number 1, 159 165.
- 19. Frone,M.R., Russell, M. Ve Cooper, M. L. (1995) Job stressors, job involvement and employee health: A test of identity theory, Vlrok^ilc L``rm^qflk^i^kaLod^kfw^qflk^iMpv`elildv) 68, 1-11.
- 20. Gmelch, W.H. ve Gates, G. (1998) The impact of personal, professional and organizational characteristics on administartor burnout, Vlrok^ilc Bar`^qflk^i>ajfkfpqo^qflk, Vol.36, No.2, 146 159.
- 21. Golembiewski, R.T., Boudreau, R., Goto,K. ve Murai, T. (1993) Transnational perspectives on job burnout: replication of phase model results among Japanese respondents, QebUkqbok^qflk^iVlrok^ilc Lod^kwf^qflk^i>k^ivpfp, Vol.1. No.1, 7-27.
- 22. Hakanen, J.J., Bakker,A.B.ve Schaufeli,W.B. (2006) Burnout and work engagement among teachers, Vlrok^ilcP`elliMpv`elildv, 43, 495- 513.
- 23. Jackson, S.E. ve Maslach, C. (1982), "After-effects of job-related stress: families as victims", Vlrok^ilcL``rm^qflk^i?be^sflro, Vol. 3, 63- 77.
- 24. Jackson, S.E., Schwab, R.L. ve Schuler, R.S. (1986), "Toward an understanding of the burnout phenomenon", Vlrok^i lc >mmifba Mpv`elildv, Vol. 71, 630-40.
- 25. Kaémaz, N. (2005) Tþkenmişlik (Burnout) sendromu , İpq^k_ri Ýkfsbopfqbpfİpq^k_riQımC^hþiqbpfAbodfpf, Cilt.68, Sayı:1, 29-32.
- 26. Kanungo, R. (1982) Measurement of job and work involvement, Vlrok^ilc>mmifbaMpv`elildv, Vol.3,p.
- 27. Lazaro, C., Shinn, M. ve Robinson, P.E. (1984), "Burnout, job performance and job withdrawal behavior", Vlrok^ilcTb^iqe^ka Trj^kObplro`bp>ajfkfpqo^qflk, Vol. 7, 213-34.
- 28. Lambie,G.W. (2007), The contribution of ego development level to burnout in school counselors: Implications for professional school counseling, Vlrok^ilc@lrkpbifkd2Absbimljbkq, Vol.85, Winter, 82-88.
- 29. Low,G.S., Cravens,D.W., Grant, K. ve Moncrief, W.C., (2001) Antecedents and consequences of salesperson burnout, Brolmb^k Vlrok^ilcY^ohbqfkd, Vol.35, No.5/6, 587-611.
- 30. Lee, R.T. ve Ashforth, B.E. (1993), A further examination of managerial burnout: Toward an integrated model, Vlrok^i lc Lod^kfw^qflk^i?be^sflo, Vol.14, No.1, 3-20.
- 31. Lee, T.W. ve Mowday, R.T. (1987) Voluntarily leaving an organization:An empirical investigation of Steers and Mowdays model of turnover, >`^abjvlcY^k^dbjbkqVlrok^i, Vol.30, No.4, 721- 743.
- 32. Leiter, M.P. ve MASLACH,C. (1988), The impact of interpersonal environment on burnout and organizational commitment, Vlrok^ilc Lod^kfw^qflk^i?be^sflo, Vol.9, 297 308.
- 33. Maslach, C. ve Jackson, S.E. (1981), The measurement of experienced burnout, Journal of Occupational Behavior, Vol.2, 99-113.
- 34. Maslach, C. ve Schaufeli, W.B. (1993) Historical and conceptual development of burnout, Molcbppflk^i?roklrqFOb`bkqAbsbilmjbkqp fkQbelov^kaObpb^o`e iéinde, Ed: Schaufeli,C., Maslach,C., Tadeusz,M., Taylor& Francis, Washington DC., s.1-16.
- 35. Maslach, C., Schaufeli, W.B. ve Leiter, M. P. (2001) Job burnout, >kkr^iObsfbtplcMpv`elildv, 52, 397-422.
- 36. Maslach, C. (2003). Job burnout: New directions in research and intervention, @roobkqAfob`qflkpfkMpv`elildf`^iP`fbk`b, Vol.12, Number.5, October, 189-192.
- 37. Montgomery, D. C.., Blodgett, J. G. ve Barnes, J. H. (1996) A model of financial securities salespersons job stress, QebVlrok^ilcPbosf`bp Y^ohbqfkd, Vol.10, No.3, 21-38.
- 38. Morrow, P.C.(1983) Concepr redundancy in organizational research: The case of work commitment, >`^abjvlcY^k^dbjbkqObsfbt, 8, 486- 500.
- 39. Mowday, R. T, Koberg, C. S. ve McArthur, A.W. (1984) The psychology of the withdrawal proces: A cross-validational test of Mobleys intermediate linkages model of turnover in two samples, >`^abjvlcj^k^dbjbkqVlrok^i, Vol.27,No.1, 79-94.
- 40. Rabinowitz, S., Hall, D.T. ve Goodale, J.G. (1977) Job scope and individual differences as predictors of job involvement: Independent and interactive, >`^abjvlcY^k^dbjbkqVlrok^i, Vol.20, No.2, 273- 281.
- 41. Saleh, S.D. ve Hosek, J. (1976) Job involvement: Concepts and measurements , Qeb>`^abjvlcY^k^dbjbkqVlrok^i, Vol.19,No.2, 213-224.
- 42. Schaufeli, W.B. ve Bakker,A.B. (2004) Job demands, job resources, amd their relationship with burnout and engagement: a multi sample study, Vlrok^ilcLod^kfw^qflk^iPqrav, 25,293-315.
- 43. Singh, J., Goolsby, J.R. ve Rhoads, G.K. (1994) Behavioral and psychological consequences of boundary spanning burnout for customer service representatives, Vlrok^ilcY^ohbqfkdObpb^o`e, Vol.XXXI, November, 558-569.
- 44. Sjøberg, A. ve Sverke, M. (2000) The interactive effect of job involvement and organizational commitment on job turnover revisited: A note on the mediating role of turnover intention, P`^kafk^sf^kVlrok^i lcMpv`elildv, 41, 247-252.
- 45. Somers, M.J. ve Birnbaum, D. (1998) Work-related commitment and job performance:its also the nature of the performance that counts, Vlrok^ilcLod^kfw^qflk^i?be^sflo,19, 621-634.
- 46. Stone-Romero, E.F. (2005) ?i^`htbiiBk`v`ilmbaf`Af`qflk^ovlc Trj^kObplro`bY^k^dbjbkq, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford,UK.
- 47. Sweeney, J. T. ve Summers, S. L. (2002). The effect of the busy season workload on public accountants job burnout, ?be^sflo^i Obpb^o`eUk>``lrkqfkd, 14, 223-245.
- 48. Şimşek,Ö.M. (2007) e^mıp^iBşfqifhYlabiibjbpfkbSfofşQbjbi İihbibosbXİPOBXRvdri^j^i^oı, Ekinoks, Ankara.
- 49. Tepeci, M. ve Birdir, K. (2005), Otel éalışanlarında tþkenmişlik sendromu, ..+Rirp^ieøkbqfjsbLod^kfw^pvlkWlkdobpf?fiafofibo Wfq^_ı, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 22 Mayıs, Afyon, 958 972.
- 50. Weisberg, J. (1994) Measuring workersburnout and intention to leave, Ukqbok^qflk^iVlrok^ilcY^kmltbo, Vol.15,No1, 4-14.
Yıl 2010,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3, 143 - 166, 01.09.2010
Yrd.Doç.Dr.Güler SAĞLAM Arı
Arş.Gör.Dr.Hasan Bal
Arş.Gör.Dr.Emine ÇINA Bal
Bu çalışmanın amacı tükenmişlik ve işten ayrılma niyeti ilişkisinde işe bağlılığın aracılık etkisini belirlemektir. Araştırma verileri Ankara’daki aracı kurum ve kamu bankalarında görev alan 80 yatırım uzmanından elde edilmiştir. Çalışma sonunda tükenmişliğin alt boyutları olan duygusal tükenme, duyarsızlaşma ve kişisel başarıda düşme hissi ile işten ayrılma niyeti ilişkisinde işe bağlılığın tam aracılık etkisinin olduğu belirlenmiştir
- 1. Baron,R.,M. ve Kenny,D.A. (1986) The moderaor-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations, Vlrok^i lc Mboplk^ifqv ^kaPl`f^i Mpv`elildv, Vol.51, No.6, 1173-1182.
- 2. Blau, G.J. ve Boal, K.B. (1987) Conceptualizing how job involvement and organizational commitment affect turnover and absenteesim >`^abjvlcY^k^dbjbkqObsfbt, Vol.12, No.2, 288 300.
- 3. Blau ,G.J. ve Boal, K.B. (1989) Using job involvement and organizational commitment interactively to predict turnover, Vlrok^ilc Y^k^dbjbkq, Vol.15,No.1, 115-127.
- 4. Buick, I. ve Thomas, M. (2001) Why do middle managers in hotels burn out? , Ukqbok^qflk^iVlrok^ilc@lkqbjmlo^ovTlpmfq^ifqv Y^k^dbjbkq, 13 (6), 304 309.
- 5. Chusmir,L.H. (1982) Job commitment and the organizational women, >`^abjvlcY^k^dbjbkqObsfbt, Vol.7, No.4, 595-602.
- 6. Cohen,A.(2000) The relationship between commitment forms and work outcomes:A comparison of three models, Trj^kObi^qflkp, Vol.53 (3), 387-417.
- 7. Cordes, C.L. ve Dougherty, T.W. (1993), A review and in integration of research on job burnout, >`^abjvlcY^k^dbjbkqObsfbt, Vol.18, No.4, 621 656.
- 8. Cordes, C. L., Dougherty, T.W. ve Blum, M. (1997) Patterns of burnout among managers and professionals: A comparison of models, Vlrok^i lcLod^kfw^qflk^i?be^sflo, Vol.18, 685-701.
- 9. Ñakır, Ö.(2001) İşb?^ğlılıhLidrprsbBqhfibvbkC^hqøoibo, Seékin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- 10. Ñam, O. (1993) Tþkenmişlik envanterinin geéerlik ve gþvenirliğinin araştırılması, SUU+Rirp^iMpfhlilgfWlkdobpf?fifjpbiÄ^iışj^i^oı, R. Bayraktar ve D. Dağ (Der.), 22-25 Eylþl 1992, Tþrk Psikologlar Derneği Yayını, 155-160, Ankara.
- 11. Ñimen, M. (2000). Tþrk Silahlı Kuvvetleri Sağlık Personelinin Tþkenmişlik, İş Doyumu, Kuruma Bağlılık ve İşten Ayrılma Niyetlerine İlişkin Bir Alan Araştırması, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, T. C. Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Gþlhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitþsþ Sağlık Hizmetleri Yønetimi Bilim Dalı.
- 12. Ñimen,M. ve C. Ergin. (2001). Tþrk Silahlı Kuvvetleri sağlık personelinin tþkenmişlik dþzeylerinin incelenmesi, Sþie^kb Qım Abodfpf, 43 (2), 169 176.
- 13. Daley, M.R. (1979), Burnout: Smoldering problem in protective services, Pl`f^iTloh, September, 375 379.
- 14. Dervişoğlu, G. (2000), The role of certain demographic variables, burnout and stress on job satisfaction, Yayınlanmamış Yþksek Lisans Tezi, The Graduate School of Social Sciences of Middle East Technical University, The Department of Educational Sciences.
- 15. Ergin, C. (1993), Doktor ve hemsirelerde tukenmislik ve Maslach Tukenmislik Ölceğinin uyarlanması, R. Bayraktar ve D. Dağ (Der.), SUU+Rirp^iMpfhlilgfWlkdobpf?fifjpbiÄ^iışj^i^oı,22 25 Eylþl 1992, Ankara: Turk Psikologlar Derneği Yayını, 143 154
- 16. Fogarty,T.J, Singh, J., Rhoads, G.K. ve Moore, R. K. (2000), Antecedents and consquences of burnout in accounting: Beyond the role stress model, ?be^sflo^iObpb^o`efk>``lrkqfkd, Vol.12, 32-67.
- 17. Friesen, D. ve . Sarros, J.C. (1989) Sources of burnout among educators, Vlrok^ilcLod^kfw^qflk^i?be^sflo, Vol.10, No.2, April, 179-188.
- 18. Freudenberger, H.J. (1974) Staff burn-Out, Vlrok^ilcPl`f^iUpprbp, Vol.30, Number 1, 159 165.
- 19. Frone,M.R., Russell, M. Ve Cooper, M. L. (1995) Job stressors, job involvement and employee health: A test of identity theory, Vlrok^ilc L``rm^qflk^i^kaLod^kfw^qflk^iMpv`elildv) 68, 1-11.
- 20. Gmelch, W.H. ve Gates, G. (1998) The impact of personal, professional and organizational characteristics on administartor burnout, Vlrok^ilc Bar`^qflk^i>ajfkfpqo^qflk, Vol.36, No.2, 146 159.
- 21. Golembiewski, R.T., Boudreau, R., Goto,K. ve Murai, T. (1993) Transnational perspectives on job burnout: replication of phase model results among Japanese respondents, QebUkqbok^qflk^iVlrok^ilc Lod^kwf^qflk^i>k^ivpfp, Vol.1. No.1, 7-27.
- 22. Hakanen, J.J., Bakker,A.B.ve Schaufeli,W.B. (2006) Burnout and work engagement among teachers, Vlrok^ilcP`elliMpv`elildv, 43, 495- 513.
- 23. Jackson, S.E. ve Maslach, C. (1982), "After-effects of job-related stress: families as victims", Vlrok^ilcL``rm^qflk^i?be^sflro, Vol. 3, 63- 77.
- 24. Jackson, S.E., Schwab, R.L. ve Schuler, R.S. (1986), "Toward an understanding of the burnout phenomenon", Vlrok^i lc >mmifba Mpv`elildv, Vol. 71, 630-40.
- 25. Kaémaz, N. (2005) Tþkenmişlik (Burnout) sendromu , İpq^k_ri Ýkfsbopfqbpfİpq^k_riQımC^hþiqbpfAbodfpf, Cilt.68, Sayı:1, 29-32.
- 26. Kanungo, R. (1982) Measurement of job and work involvement, Vlrok^ilc>mmifbaMpv`elildv, Vol.3,p.
- 27. Lazaro, C., Shinn, M. ve Robinson, P.E. (1984), "Burnout, job performance and job withdrawal behavior", Vlrok^ilcTb^iqe^ka Trj^kObplro`bp>ajfkfpqo^qflk, Vol. 7, 213-34.
- 28. Lambie,G.W. (2007), The contribution of ego development level to burnout in school counselors: Implications for professional school counseling, Vlrok^ilc@lrkpbifkd2Absbimljbkq, Vol.85, Winter, 82-88.
- 29. Low,G.S., Cravens,D.W., Grant, K. ve Moncrief, W.C., (2001) Antecedents and consequences of salesperson burnout, Brolmb^k Vlrok^ilcY^ohbqfkd, Vol.35, No.5/6, 587-611.
- 30. Lee, R.T. ve Ashforth, B.E. (1993), A further examination of managerial burnout: Toward an integrated model, Vlrok^i lc Lod^kfw^qflk^i?be^sflo, Vol.14, No.1, 3-20.
- 31. Lee, T.W. ve Mowday, R.T. (1987) Voluntarily leaving an organization:An empirical investigation of Steers and Mowdays model of turnover, >`^abjvlcY^k^dbjbkqVlrok^i, Vol.30, No.4, 721- 743.
- 32. Leiter, M.P. ve MASLACH,C. (1988), The impact of interpersonal environment on burnout and organizational commitment, Vlrok^ilc Lod^kfw^qflk^i?be^sflo, Vol.9, 297 308.
- 33. Maslach, C. ve Jackson, S.E. (1981), The measurement of experienced burnout, Journal of Occupational Behavior, Vol.2, 99-113.
- 34. Maslach, C. ve Schaufeli, W.B. (1993) Historical and conceptual development of burnout, Molcbppflk^i?roklrqFOb`bkqAbsbilmjbkqp fkQbelov^kaObpb^o`e iéinde, Ed: Schaufeli,C., Maslach,C., Tadeusz,M., Taylor& Francis, Washington DC., s.1-16.
- 35. Maslach, C., Schaufeli, W.B. ve Leiter, M. P. (2001) Job burnout, >kkr^iObsfbtplcMpv`elildv, 52, 397-422.
- 36. Maslach, C. (2003). Job burnout: New directions in research and intervention, @roobkqAfob`qflkpfkMpv`elildf`^iP`fbk`b, Vol.12, Number.5, October, 189-192.
- 37. Montgomery, D. C.., Blodgett, J. G. ve Barnes, J. H. (1996) A model of financial securities salespersons job stress, QebVlrok^ilcPbosf`bp Y^ohbqfkd, Vol.10, No.3, 21-38.
- 38. Morrow, P.C.(1983) Concepr redundancy in organizational research: The case of work commitment, >`^abjvlcY^k^dbjbkqObsfbt, 8, 486- 500.
- 39. Mowday, R. T, Koberg, C. S. ve McArthur, A.W. (1984) The psychology of the withdrawal proces: A cross-validational test of Mobleys intermediate linkages model of turnover in two samples, >`^abjvlcj^k^dbjbkqVlrok^i, Vol.27,No.1, 79-94.
- 40. Rabinowitz, S., Hall, D.T. ve Goodale, J.G. (1977) Job scope and individual differences as predictors of job involvement: Independent and interactive, >`^abjvlcY^k^dbjbkqVlrok^i, Vol.20, No.2, 273- 281.
- 41. Saleh, S.D. ve Hosek, J. (1976) Job involvement: Concepts and measurements , Qeb>`^abjvlcY^k^dbjbkqVlrok^i, Vol.19,No.2, 213-224.
- 42. Schaufeli, W.B. ve Bakker,A.B. (2004) Job demands, job resources, amd their relationship with burnout and engagement: a multi sample study, Vlrok^ilcLod^kfw^qflk^iPqrav, 25,293-315.
- 43. Singh, J., Goolsby, J.R. ve Rhoads, G.K. (1994) Behavioral and psychological consequences of boundary spanning burnout for customer service representatives, Vlrok^ilcY^ohbqfkdObpb^o`e, Vol.XXXI, November, 558-569.
- 44. Sjøberg, A. ve Sverke, M. (2000) The interactive effect of job involvement and organizational commitment on job turnover revisited: A note on the mediating role of turnover intention, P`^kafk^sf^kVlrok^i lcMpv`elildv, 41, 247-252.
- 45. Somers, M.J. ve Birnbaum, D. (1998) Work-related commitment and job performance:its also the nature of the performance that counts, Vlrok^ilcLod^kfw^qflk^i?be^sflo,19, 621-634.
- 46. Stone-Romero, E.F. (2005) ?i^`htbiiBk`v`ilmbaf`Af`qflk^ovlc Trj^kObplro`bY^k^dbjbkq, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford,UK.
- 47. Sweeney, J. T. ve Summers, S. L. (2002). The effect of the busy season workload on public accountants job burnout, ?be^sflo^i Obpb^o`eUk>``lrkqfkd, 14, 223-245.
- 48. Şimşek,Ö.M. (2007) e^mıp^iBşfqifhYlabiibjbpfkbSfofşQbjbi İihbibosbXİPOBXRvdri^j^i^oı, Ekinoks, Ankara.
- 49. Tepeci, M. ve Birdir, K. (2005), Otel éalışanlarında tþkenmişlik sendromu, ..+Rirp^ieøkbqfjsbLod^kfw^pvlkWlkdobpf?fiafofibo Wfq^_ı, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 22 Mayıs, Afyon, 958 972.
- 50. Weisberg, J. (1994) Measuring workersburnout and intention to leave, Ukqbok^qflk^iVlrok^ilcY^kmltbo, Vol.15,No1, 4-14.