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Yiyecek İçecek Endüstrisinde Uluslararası Performans Kıyaslaması

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 29 - 44, 01.03.2010



  • 1. Agarwal, A. , Shankar, R. ve Tiwari, M., “Modeling the Metrics of Lean, Agile ve Leagile Supply Chain: An ANP Based Approach”, European Journal of Operational Research, cilt 273, s. 211-225, 2006.
  • 2. Angerhofer, B., J. ve Angelides, M.C., “ A Model and a Performance Measurement System for Collaborative Supply Chains”, Decision Support Systems, cilt 42, s. 283-301, 2006.
  • 3. Beamon, B.M. “Measuring Supply Chain Performance”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, cilt 19, s. 275- 92, 1999.
  • 4. Berger, A.N. Leusner ve Mingo, J.H. “ The Efficiency of Bank Branches”, Journal of Monetary Economics, cilt. 40, s. 141-162, 1997.
  • 5. Binder, M., Clegg, M, ve Egel-Hess, W., “Achieving Internal Process Benchmarking: Guidance from BASF”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, cilt 13, s.662-687, 2006.
  • 6. Chan, F.T.S., “Performance Measurement in a Supply Chain”, International Journal of Advanved Manufacturing Technology, cilt 21, s. 534-548, 2003.
  • 7. Charnes A., W Cooper ve E. Rhodes, “Measuring the Efficiency of Decision Making Units”, European Journal of Operational Research, cilt 2, s. 429-44, 1978.
  • 8. Chen, I.J. ve Paulraj, A. “Strategic Buyer-Supplier Relationships Information Technologyand External Logistics Integration”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, cilt 43, s. 2-14, 2007.
  • 9. Chopra, S. ve Meindl, P., Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, Operations, 3. Baskı, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 2007.
  • 10. Croom, S., Romano, P. ve Giannakis, M., “ Supply Chain Management: An Analytical Framework for Crİtical Literature Review”, European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, cilt 6, s. 67- 83, 2000.
  • 11. Dattakumar, R. ve Jagadeesh, R., “ A Review of Literature on Benchmarking”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, cilt 10, s. 176-209, 2003.
  • 12. Drew, S.A.O., “From Knowledge to Action: The Impact of Benchmarking on Organizational Performance, Long Range Planning, cilt 30, s.427-441, 1997.
  • 13. Düzakın, E. ve Düzakın, H., “ Measuring the Performance of Manufacturing Firms with Super Slacks Based Model of Data Envelopment Analysis: An Application of 500 Major Industrial Enterprises in Turkey”, European Journal of Operational Research, cilt 182, s. 1412-1432, 2007.
  • 14. Goncharuk, A.G., “ Performance Benchmarking in Gas Distribution”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, cilt 15, s. 548-559, 2008.
  • 15. Gunasekaran A., Patel, C. Ve Tirtiroğlu, E., “Performance Measures and Metrics in a Supply Chain Environment”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, cilt 21, s. 71-87, 2001.
  • 16. Gunasekaran A., Patel, C. ve McGaughey, R., E., “ A Framework for Supply Chain Performance Management”, Int. J. Production Economics, cilt 87, s. 333-347, 2004.
  • 17. Hatch, N.W. ve Mowery, D.C., “ Process Innovation and Learning by Doing in semiconductor Manufacturing”, Management Science, cilt 44, s. 1461-1477, 1988.
  • 18. Herrero, I. ve S. Pascoe, “Estimation of technical efficiency: a review of some of the stochastic frontier and DEA software”, Computers in Higher Education Economics Review, cilt 15, sayı 1, 2002.
  • 19. Kincade, D.H., Vass, D. ve Cassill, N.L. Implementation of Technology and Relationships to Supply Chain Performance: Apparel Manufacturers’ Perspectives”, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, cilt 11, s. 301-327, 2001.
  • 20. Li, S., Ragu-Nathan, Bç ve Ragu-Nathan, T.S., “ The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices on Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance”, Omega, cilt 34, s. 107-124, 2006.
  • 21. Liang, L., Yang, F., Cook, W.D. ve Zhu, J., “ DEA Models for Supply Chain Efficiency Evaluation”, Annals of Operational Research, cilt 145, s. 35-49.
  • 22. McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), 'Türkiye - Verimlilik ve Büyüme Atılımının Gerçekleştirilmesi', 2003.
  • 23. Özdemir, E., Benchmarking the Supply Chain Performance: The Food and Beverage Industry, yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, 2009.
  • 24. PRTM ISC benchmark study 1997 Nuremberg_Apr05_Vanroye_BuckConsultansInternational.pdf -
  • 25. Reiner, G, ve Hohhman, P., “ Efficiency Analysis of Supply Chain Processes”, International Journal of Production Research, cilt 44, s. 5065-5087, 2006.
  • 26. Rigby, D., “ Management Tools and Techniques: A Survey”, California Management Review, cilt 43, s.139-60, 2001.
  • 27. Ross, A.D. ve Droge, C., “ An Analysis of Operations Efficiency in Large-scale Distribution Systems”, Journal of Operations Management, cilt 21, s. 673-688, 2004.
  • 28. Seiford, L. M. ve R. M. Thrall, “Recent Developments in DEA: The Mathematical Programming Approach to Frontier Analysis”, Journal of Econometrics, cilt 46, s. 7-38, 1990.
  • 29. Shah, J. ve Singh, N., “ Benchmarking Internal Supply Chain Performance: Development of a Framework”, The Journal of Supply Chain Management, winter, s. 37-46, 2001.
  • 30. Shetty, Y.K., “Aiming High; Competitive Benchmarking for Superior Performance”, Long Range Planning, cilt 26, s. 39-44, 1993.
  • 31. Sudit, E.F., “Productivity Measurement in Industrial Operations”, European Journal of Operational Research, cilt 85, s. 435-453, 1995.
  • 32. Sullivian, P. ve Kang, J., “ Quick Response Adoption in the Apparel Manufacturing Industry: Competitive Advantage of Innovation”, Journal of Small Business Management, cilt 37, 1999.
  • 33. Thanassoulis, E., Introduction to the Theory and Application of Data Envelopment Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Massachusetts, 2001.
  • 34. TÜSİAD, Uluslararası Rekabet Stratejileri Türkiye Gıda Sanayii: TÜSİAD Rekabet Stratejileri Dizisi 10 , En/dokumanlar/GidaRaporu_5_10_07.pdf
  • 35. Wong, W.P. ve Wong, K.Y., “ Supply Chain Performance Measurement System Using DEA Modeling”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, cilt 107, s. 361-381, 2007.
  • 36. Wong, W.P. ve Wong, K.Y., “ A Review on Benchmarking of Supply Chain Performance Measures”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, cilt 15, s. 25-51, 2008.


Yıl 2010, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 29 - 44, 01.03.2010


Bu çalışmada Türkiye’deki yiyecek-içecek şirketlerinin tedarik zinciri performansları, veri zarflama analizi (VZA) yöntemiyle ve sadece halka açık veriler kullanılarak ölçülmüş ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ndeki rakip şirketlerle kıyaslanmıştır. Rakip sektörün performansının Türkiye’deki şirketlerin performansından daha iyi olduğu saptansa da küresel olarak rekabet edebilecek Türk şirketlerin olduğu bunun yanısıra performansı rekabet edemeyecek kadar düşük önemli sayıda şirketin de bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yüksek tedarik zinciri maliyetleri, performans düzeyini düşüren önemli bir kriter olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu nedenle de Türk yiyecek endüstrisinin rekabet edebilirliği için tedarik zincirlerinin etkinliğinin sağlanması önem kazanmaktadır


  • 1. Agarwal, A. , Shankar, R. ve Tiwari, M., “Modeling the Metrics of Lean, Agile ve Leagile Supply Chain: An ANP Based Approach”, European Journal of Operational Research, cilt 273, s. 211-225, 2006.
  • 2. Angerhofer, B., J. ve Angelides, M.C., “ A Model and a Performance Measurement System for Collaborative Supply Chains”, Decision Support Systems, cilt 42, s. 283-301, 2006.
  • 3. Beamon, B.M. “Measuring Supply Chain Performance”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, cilt 19, s. 275- 92, 1999.
  • 4. Berger, A.N. Leusner ve Mingo, J.H. “ The Efficiency of Bank Branches”, Journal of Monetary Economics, cilt. 40, s. 141-162, 1997.
  • 5. Binder, M., Clegg, M, ve Egel-Hess, W., “Achieving Internal Process Benchmarking: Guidance from BASF”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, cilt 13, s.662-687, 2006.
  • 6. Chan, F.T.S., “Performance Measurement in a Supply Chain”, International Journal of Advanved Manufacturing Technology, cilt 21, s. 534-548, 2003.
  • 7. Charnes A., W Cooper ve E. Rhodes, “Measuring the Efficiency of Decision Making Units”, European Journal of Operational Research, cilt 2, s. 429-44, 1978.
  • 8. Chen, I.J. ve Paulraj, A. “Strategic Buyer-Supplier Relationships Information Technologyand External Logistics Integration”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, cilt 43, s. 2-14, 2007.
  • 9. Chopra, S. ve Meindl, P., Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, Operations, 3. Baskı, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 2007.
  • 10. Croom, S., Romano, P. ve Giannakis, M., “ Supply Chain Management: An Analytical Framework for Crİtical Literature Review”, European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, cilt 6, s. 67- 83, 2000.
  • 11. Dattakumar, R. ve Jagadeesh, R., “ A Review of Literature on Benchmarking”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, cilt 10, s. 176-209, 2003.
  • 12. Drew, S.A.O., “From Knowledge to Action: The Impact of Benchmarking on Organizational Performance, Long Range Planning, cilt 30, s.427-441, 1997.
  • 13. Düzakın, E. ve Düzakın, H., “ Measuring the Performance of Manufacturing Firms with Super Slacks Based Model of Data Envelopment Analysis: An Application of 500 Major Industrial Enterprises in Turkey”, European Journal of Operational Research, cilt 182, s. 1412-1432, 2007.
  • 14. Goncharuk, A.G., “ Performance Benchmarking in Gas Distribution”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, cilt 15, s. 548-559, 2008.
  • 15. Gunasekaran A., Patel, C. Ve Tirtiroğlu, E., “Performance Measures and Metrics in a Supply Chain Environment”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, cilt 21, s. 71-87, 2001.
  • 16. Gunasekaran A., Patel, C. ve McGaughey, R., E., “ A Framework for Supply Chain Performance Management”, Int. J. Production Economics, cilt 87, s. 333-347, 2004.
  • 17. Hatch, N.W. ve Mowery, D.C., “ Process Innovation and Learning by Doing in semiconductor Manufacturing”, Management Science, cilt 44, s. 1461-1477, 1988.
  • 18. Herrero, I. ve S. Pascoe, “Estimation of technical efficiency: a review of some of the stochastic frontier and DEA software”, Computers in Higher Education Economics Review, cilt 15, sayı 1, 2002.
  • 19. Kincade, D.H., Vass, D. ve Cassill, N.L. Implementation of Technology and Relationships to Supply Chain Performance: Apparel Manufacturers’ Perspectives”, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, cilt 11, s. 301-327, 2001.
  • 20. Li, S., Ragu-Nathan, Bç ve Ragu-Nathan, T.S., “ The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices on Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance”, Omega, cilt 34, s. 107-124, 2006.
  • 21. Liang, L., Yang, F., Cook, W.D. ve Zhu, J., “ DEA Models for Supply Chain Efficiency Evaluation”, Annals of Operational Research, cilt 145, s. 35-49.
  • 22. McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), 'Türkiye - Verimlilik ve Büyüme Atılımının Gerçekleştirilmesi', 2003.
  • 23. Özdemir, E., Benchmarking the Supply Chain Performance: The Food and Beverage Industry, yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, 2009.
  • 24. PRTM ISC benchmark study 1997 Nuremberg_Apr05_Vanroye_BuckConsultansInternational.pdf -
  • 25. Reiner, G, ve Hohhman, P., “ Efficiency Analysis of Supply Chain Processes”, International Journal of Production Research, cilt 44, s. 5065-5087, 2006.
  • 26. Rigby, D., “ Management Tools and Techniques: A Survey”, California Management Review, cilt 43, s.139-60, 2001.
  • 27. Ross, A.D. ve Droge, C., “ An Analysis of Operations Efficiency in Large-scale Distribution Systems”, Journal of Operations Management, cilt 21, s. 673-688, 2004.
  • 28. Seiford, L. M. ve R. M. Thrall, “Recent Developments in DEA: The Mathematical Programming Approach to Frontier Analysis”, Journal of Econometrics, cilt 46, s. 7-38, 1990.
  • 29. Shah, J. ve Singh, N., “ Benchmarking Internal Supply Chain Performance: Development of a Framework”, The Journal of Supply Chain Management, winter, s. 37-46, 2001.
  • 30. Shetty, Y.K., “Aiming High; Competitive Benchmarking for Superior Performance”, Long Range Planning, cilt 26, s. 39-44, 1993.
  • 31. Sudit, E.F., “Productivity Measurement in Industrial Operations”, European Journal of Operational Research, cilt 85, s. 435-453, 1995.
  • 32. Sullivian, P. ve Kang, J., “ Quick Response Adoption in the Apparel Manufacturing Industry: Competitive Advantage of Innovation”, Journal of Small Business Management, cilt 37, 1999.
  • 33. Thanassoulis, E., Introduction to the Theory and Application of Data Envelopment Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Massachusetts, 2001.
  • 34. TÜSİAD, Uluslararası Rekabet Stratejileri Türkiye Gıda Sanayii: TÜSİAD Rekabet Stratejileri Dizisi 10 , En/dokumanlar/GidaRaporu_5_10_07.pdf
  • 35. Wong, W.P. ve Wong, K.Y., “ Supply Chain Performance Measurement System Using DEA Modeling”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, cilt 107, s. 361-381, 2007.
  • 36. Wong, W.P. ve Wong, K.Y., “ A Review on Benchmarking of Supply Chain Performance Measures”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, cilt 15, s. 25-51, 2008.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


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  doç.dr.arzu Tektaş Bu kişi benim

Esin Özdemir Tosun Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Tektaş, ., & Tosun, E. Ö. (2010). YİYECEK İÇECEK ENDÜSTRİSİNDE ULUSLARARASI PERFORMANS KIYASLAMASI. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(1), 29-44.