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Sosyal Kaynaşma

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 103 - 128, 01.03.2010



  • 1. Alesina, A.; Ferrara, E.L. “Who Trusts Others?”, Journal of Public Economics, 85, 2002, s: 207-234.
  • 2. Beauvais, C; Jenson J. “Social Cohesion: Updating the State of the Research”, CPRN Discussion Paper, n: F/22. 2002. http// ?doc=167&1=en (10.12.2009)
  • 3. Beresneviciute, V. “Dimensions of Social Integration of Ethnic Groups in the Contemporary Society of Lithuania”. Ethnicity Studies. (2005).
  • 4. Berger-Schmitt, R. “Social Cohesion As an Aspect of the Quality of Societies: Concept and Measurement”. Mannheim: Centre for Survey Research and Methodology (ZUMA) EuReporting Working Paper No.14. 2000.
  • 5. Berger-Schmitt, R. “Considering Social Cohesion in Quality of Life Assessments: Concept and Measurement, Social Indicators Research, 58, 2002. 403-428
  • 6. Berghman, J. “Social Protection and Social Quality in Europe”. The Social Quality of Europe, W. Beck, L. van der Maesen and A. Walker (Der). Bristol: The Policy Press.1998.251-268.
  • 7. Bernard, P. “Social Cohesion: A Critique”, CPRN Discussion Paper No : F/09, Aralık 1999. http// ?doc=311&=en (12.12.2009)
  • 8. Bollen, K. A.; Hoyle, R. H. “Perceived Cohesion: A Conceptual and Empirical Examination”, Social Forces, The University of North Carolina Press, 69, Aralık 1990, s: 479-504.
  • 9. Bourdieu, P. “The Forms of Capital.” John G. Richardson (Der.): Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. New York: Greenwood Press. 1986. 241-258.
  • 10. Burke, M.; Shields, J. “Job-Poor Recovery: Social Cohesion and the Canadian Labour Market”. Ryerson Social Reporting Network, Ryerson Polytechnic Institute. 1999. /job.html (26.12.2009)
  • 11. Canadian Heritage, Perspectives on Culture and Development in Canada, Canadian Background Paper submitted to the World Commission on Culture and Development. 1995.
  • 12. Cantle, T. Community Cohesion: A Report of the Independent Review ,London: Home Office. 2001.
  • 13. Chan, J.; To, H.; Chan, E. “Reconsidering Social Cohesion: Developing a Definition and Analytical Framework for Empirical Research”, Social Indicators Research, 75, 2006. 273-302.
  • 14. Chiesi, A. “Social Cohesion and Related Concepts, in Advances in Sociological Knowledge” N. Genov (Der.), Paris: International Social Science Council, 2002, 235-253.
  • 15. Coleman J. S. The Foundations of Social Theory. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 1990.
  • 16. Conteh-Morgan, E. "Globalization Processes: Impact on Inequality and Social Cohesion" ISA's 49. Annual Convention, Bridging Multiple Divides toplantısında sunulan bildiri, Hilton San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA, 26 Mart 2008, /9/pages254296/p254296-1.php (4.12.2009)
  • 17. Costa, D. L. and M. E. Kahn, “Civic Engagement and Community Heterogeneity: An Economist's Perspective”; Perspectives on Politics, 1, 2003, 103-111.
  • 18. Council of Europe. Diversity and Cohesion: New Challenges for the Integration of Immigrants and Minorities. 2000. (14.12.2009)
  • 19. Dahrendorf, R, Report on Wealth Creation and Social Cohesion in a Free Society, London: 1995
  • 20. Denham, J. Building Cohesive Communities. A Report of the Ministerial Group on Public Order and Community Cohesion, London: Home Office 2001.
  • 21. European Commission, Third Report on Economic and Social Cohesion, Brussels, Commission of the European Communities. 2004.
  • 22. Evans, G., (Der.),The End of Class Politics? Class Voting in Comparative Context, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1999.
  • 23. Fahey, T.; Whelan, C. T. and Maître, B. First European Quality of Life Survey: Income inequalities and deprivation, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 2005.
  • 24. Ferlander, S.; Duncan,T. Social Cohesion and On-Line Communities. The SCHEMA Project (Social Cohesion through Higher Education in Marginal Areas), 1999. (22.12.2009)
  • 25. Flore, G. “Social Capital in Diverse Communities” 2005. (20.12.2009)
  • 26. Gittell, R.;Vidal, A. Community Organizing. Building Social Capital as a Development Strategy. London: Sage. 1998.
  • 27. Gough and Olofsson (Der). Capitalism and Social Cohesion: Essays on Exclusion and Integration, Palgrave: UK/USA, 1999.
  • 28. Green, A; Preston, J; Sabates, R. Education, Equity and Social Cohesion: A Distributional Model, Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report, No. 7, Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning. Mart 2003.
  • 29. Haan, A. Social Eclusion: Towards a Holistic Understanding of Deprivation. 1999. (12.12.2009)
  • 30. Habib, S. K. Social Integration and Related Concepts: A Bottom up Perspective of Theories in Real Life: Illustration from Egypt, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Division for Social Policy and Development In collaboration with the Government of Finland. 2008.
  • 31. Hall, S. ;Jacques, M. (Der.). Yeni Zamanlar:1990’larda Politikanın Değişen Çehresi. (Çev: A. Yılmaz). İstanbul: Ayrıntı.1995.
  • 32. Harper, R ; Kelly, M. Measuring Social Capital in the United Kingdom, Office for National Statistics. 2003 e_5.pdf (16.12.2009)
  • 33. Huntington, S. “Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity”. New York: Simon and Schuster. Information Management, The University of Brighton. 2004. (21.12.2009)
  • 34. Jeanotte, S. Social Cohesion Around the World: An International Comparison of Definitions and Issues. The Department of Canadian Heritage, Strategic Research and Analysis Directorate. 2000.
  • 35. Jenson J. Mapping Social Cohesion: The State of Canadian Research, Canadian Policy Research Networks, CPRN Study, n° F/03. 1998.
  • 36. Jenson, J. “Identifying Links: Social Cohesion and Culture”, Canadian Journal of Communication, Vol. 27. 2002, 141-151
  • 37. Kawachi I, Kim D; Coutts A; Subramanian, S. V. “Reconciling The Three Accounts of Social Capital”. International Journal of Epidemiology, 32 (4). 2004. 682–690.
  • 38. Kawachi, I; Coutts, A; Pinto, P; Cave, B, Social Capital Indicators in UK, A Research project for the Commission for Racial Equality, Ben Cave Associates Ltd, Haziran 2007
  • 39. Kawachi, I. Social Cohesion and Health. 1998.,%201998. pdf (18.12.2009)
  • 40. Kurz K; Nikolei, S. Global Competition and Labor Market Restructuring: the Transition into the Labor Market in Germany, GLOBALIFE Working Paper Series, v: 15, Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, 2001.
  • 41. Li, Y.; Pickles, A.; Savage, M. 'Social Capital and Social Trust in Britain the late 1990s'; European Sociological Review, 21, 2005. 109-123.
  • 42. Letki, N. “Does Diversity Erode Social Cohesion? Social Capital and Race in British Neighbourhoods”, Political Studies, 56/1. 2007. 99-126.
  • 43. Lockwood, D. Civic Integration and Social Cohesion in Capitalism and Social Cohesion: Essay on Exclusion and Integration, I. Gough ve G. Olofsson (Der.). New York, Palgrave Macmillan. 1999.
  • 44. Maxwell, J. Social Dimensions of Economic Growth, Eric John Hanson Memorial Lecture Series, University of Alberta. 1996.
  • 45. McCracken, M, Social Cohesion and Macroeconomic Performance, Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS) Conference: The State of Living Standards and the Quality of Life, Ottowa, Ekim 30–31, 1998.
  • 46. McGhee, D. “Moving to our common ground. A Critical Examination of Community Cohesion Discourse in Twenty-first Century Britain”, The Sociological Review, 51, 2003, 376-404.
  • 47. Mitchell, D. Globalization and Social Cohesion: Risks and Responsibilities.2000. ell.PDF. (22.12.2009).
  • 48. Nevitte, N. “Value Change and Re-orientations in Citizen-State Relations”. Canadian Public Policy Vol. XXVI, Supplement 2: 2000. S74-S94.
  • 49. Noll, H. Social Indicators and Quality of Life Research:Background, Achievements and Current Trends, 2004. (22.12.2009).
  • 50. O’Connor, P: Mapping Social Cohesion- Canadian Policy Research Networks, CPRN Discussion Papaer, N: F/01, 1998, Ottowa
  • 51. OECD. The Well-Being of Nations: The Role of Human and Social Capital. OECD: Paris. 2001.
  • 52. Osberg, L (Der). The Economic Implications of Social Cohesion, University of Toronto Press. 2003.
  • 53. Oxoby, R. “Understanding Social Inclusion, Social Cohesion and Social Capital”. International Journal of Social Economics, 2009, vol:36/12, s: 1133-1152.
  • 54. Parekh, B. (Der) The Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain. London: Profile Books. 2000.
  • 55. Phillips, D. “Social Inclusion, Social Exclusion and Social Cohesion: Tensions in a Post-industrial World. Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 42(1&2), Summer and Winter 2008, 3-31.
  • 56. Portes, A. “Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology”. Annual Review of Sociology, 24. 1998. 1–24.
  • 57. Putnam, Robert D.: Making democracy work. Civic Traditions in Modern Italy.Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1993
  • 58. Putnam, R.D. “Bowling Alone. The Collapse and Revival of American Community”. New York: Simon and Schuster. 2000.
  • 59. Putnam, R.D. “.Social Capital: Measurement and Consequences”. Isuma – Canadian Journal of Policy Research Vol. 2, No. 1. 2001. 41-51.
  • 60. Putnam, R.D. “Ethnic Diversity and Social Capital”, paper presented at the Ethnic Diversity and Social Capital, ESRC Families and Social Capital Research Group Seminar, British Academy, London, 24 Haziran 2003.
  • 61. Sapancalı, F, “Avrupa Birliği’nde Sosyal Dışlanma Sorunu ve Mücadele Yöntemleri” Çalışma ve Toplum, 2005/3, 51–70
  • 62. SEAKE (Social and Educational Applications of Knowledge Engineering Centre). Knowledge Networking and Social Cohesion in the Information Society. School of Research. Ottawa: Strategic Research and Analysis Directorate, Department of Canadian Heritage and Canadian Policy Research Networks, CPRN Study No. F/03. 1998.
  • 63. Silver, “Social Exclusion and Social Solidarity.” International Labour Review 133, nos. 5-6 (1994): 531-78.
  • 64. Sırovatka, T; Mares, P. “Social Exclusion and Forms of Social Capital: Czech Evidence on Mutual Links”. Czech Sociological Review, Vol. 44, No. 3. 2008. 531–555
  • 65. Stanley, D. “What Do We Know about Social Cohesion: The Research Perspective of the Federal Government’s Social Cohesion Research Network”. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 28(1).1993.
  • 66. Whelan, C. T.; Maître, B. “Vulnerability and Multiple Deprivation: Perspectives on Economic Exclusion in Europe: A Latent Class Analysis”. European Societies, 7, 2005a, 423-450.
  • 67. Whelan, C. T.; Maître, B, “Economic Vulnerability, Multidimensional Deprivation and Social Cohesion in an Enlarged European Community”, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 46, 2005b.215-239.
  • 68. Wilkinson, R. G. Unhealthy Societies:The Afflictions of Inequality. London: Routledge. 1996.
  • 69. Woolley, F. “Social Cohesion and Voluntary Activity: Making Connections”, Center for the Study of Living Stadards (CSLS) Conference: The State of Living Standards and the Quality of Life, Ekim 30–31, Ottowa 1998.


Yıl 2010, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 103 - 128, 01.03.2010


Bu çalışma son zamanlarda akademik ve siyasi ilgi görmeye başlayan sosyal kaynaşma kavramı ve bu kavramın boyutları ile sosyal sermaye, sosyal içerme ve dışlanma gibi kavramlarla ilişkilerini anlamaya çalışmaktadır. kavramsallaştırmalarını değerlendirmektedir. Ayrıca sosyal değişme ve sosyal kaynaşma arasındaki ilişkileri analiz eden yaklaşımlar tanıtılmaktadır. Bu yönüyle literatürdeki farklı sosyal kaynaşma.


  • 1. Alesina, A.; Ferrara, E.L. “Who Trusts Others?”, Journal of Public Economics, 85, 2002, s: 207-234.
  • 2. Beauvais, C; Jenson J. “Social Cohesion: Updating the State of the Research”, CPRN Discussion Paper, n: F/22. 2002. http// ?doc=167&1=en (10.12.2009)
  • 3. Beresneviciute, V. “Dimensions of Social Integration of Ethnic Groups in the Contemporary Society of Lithuania”. Ethnicity Studies. (2005).
  • 4. Berger-Schmitt, R. “Social Cohesion As an Aspect of the Quality of Societies: Concept and Measurement”. Mannheim: Centre for Survey Research and Methodology (ZUMA) EuReporting Working Paper No.14. 2000.
  • 5. Berger-Schmitt, R. “Considering Social Cohesion in Quality of Life Assessments: Concept and Measurement, Social Indicators Research, 58, 2002. 403-428
  • 6. Berghman, J. “Social Protection and Social Quality in Europe”. The Social Quality of Europe, W. Beck, L. van der Maesen and A. Walker (Der). Bristol: The Policy Press.1998.251-268.
  • 7. Bernard, P. “Social Cohesion: A Critique”, CPRN Discussion Paper No : F/09, Aralık 1999. http// ?doc=311&=en (12.12.2009)
  • 8. Bollen, K. A.; Hoyle, R. H. “Perceived Cohesion: A Conceptual and Empirical Examination”, Social Forces, The University of North Carolina Press, 69, Aralık 1990, s: 479-504.
  • 9. Bourdieu, P. “The Forms of Capital.” John G. Richardson (Der.): Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. New York: Greenwood Press. 1986. 241-258.
  • 10. Burke, M.; Shields, J. “Job-Poor Recovery: Social Cohesion and the Canadian Labour Market”. Ryerson Social Reporting Network, Ryerson Polytechnic Institute. 1999. /job.html (26.12.2009)
  • 11. Canadian Heritage, Perspectives on Culture and Development in Canada, Canadian Background Paper submitted to the World Commission on Culture and Development. 1995.
  • 12. Cantle, T. Community Cohesion: A Report of the Independent Review ,London: Home Office. 2001.
  • 13. Chan, J.; To, H.; Chan, E. “Reconsidering Social Cohesion: Developing a Definition and Analytical Framework for Empirical Research”, Social Indicators Research, 75, 2006. 273-302.
  • 14. Chiesi, A. “Social Cohesion and Related Concepts, in Advances in Sociological Knowledge” N. Genov (Der.), Paris: International Social Science Council, 2002, 235-253.
  • 15. Coleman J. S. The Foundations of Social Theory. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 1990.
  • 16. Conteh-Morgan, E. "Globalization Processes: Impact on Inequality and Social Cohesion" ISA's 49. Annual Convention, Bridging Multiple Divides toplantısında sunulan bildiri, Hilton San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA, 26 Mart 2008, /9/pages254296/p254296-1.php (4.12.2009)
  • 17. Costa, D. L. and M. E. Kahn, “Civic Engagement and Community Heterogeneity: An Economist's Perspective”; Perspectives on Politics, 1, 2003, 103-111.
  • 18. Council of Europe. Diversity and Cohesion: New Challenges for the Integration of Immigrants and Minorities. 2000. (14.12.2009)
  • 19. Dahrendorf, R, Report on Wealth Creation and Social Cohesion in a Free Society, London: 1995
  • 20. Denham, J. Building Cohesive Communities. A Report of the Ministerial Group on Public Order and Community Cohesion, London: Home Office 2001.
  • 21. European Commission, Third Report on Economic and Social Cohesion, Brussels, Commission of the European Communities. 2004.
  • 22. Evans, G., (Der.),The End of Class Politics? Class Voting in Comparative Context, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1999.
  • 23. Fahey, T.; Whelan, C. T. and Maître, B. First European Quality of Life Survey: Income inequalities and deprivation, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 2005.
  • 24. Ferlander, S.; Duncan,T. Social Cohesion and On-Line Communities. The SCHEMA Project (Social Cohesion through Higher Education in Marginal Areas), 1999. (22.12.2009)
  • 25. Flore, G. “Social Capital in Diverse Communities” 2005. (20.12.2009)
  • 26. Gittell, R.;Vidal, A. Community Organizing. Building Social Capital as a Development Strategy. London: Sage. 1998.
  • 27. Gough and Olofsson (Der). Capitalism and Social Cohesion: Essays on Exclusion and Integration, Palgrave: UK/USA, 1999.
  • 28. Green, A; Preston, J; Sabates, R. Education, Equity and Social Cohesion: A Distributional Model, Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report, No. 7, Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning. Mart 2003.
  • 29. Haan, A. Social Eclusion: Towards a Holistic Understanding of Deprivation. 1999. (12.12.2009)
  • 30. Habib, S. K. Social Integration and Related Concepts: A Bottom up Perspective of Theories in Real Life: Illustration from Egypt, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Division for Social Policy and Development In collaboration with the Government of Finland. 2008.
  • 31. Hall, S. ;Jacques, M. (Der.). Yeni Zamanlar:1990’larda Politikanın Değişen Çehresi. (Çev: A. Yılmaz). İstanbul: Ayrıntı.1995.
  • 32. Harper, R ; Kelly, M. Measuring Social Capital in the United Kingdom, Office for National Statistics. 2003 e_5.pdf (16.12.2009)
  • 33. Huntington, S. “Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity”. New York: Simon and Schuster. Information Management, The University of Brighton. 2004. (21.12.2009)
  • 34. Jeanotte, S. Social Cohesion Around the World: An International Comparison of Definitions and Issues. The Department of Canadian Heritage, Strategic Research and Analysis Directorate. 2000.
  • 35. Jenson J. Mapping Social Cohesion: The State of Canadian Research, Canadian Policy Research Networks, CPRN Study, n° F/03. 1998.
  • 36. Jenson, J. “Identifying Links: Social Cohesion and Culture”, Canadian Journal of Communication, Vol. 27. 2002, 141-151
  • 37. Kawachi I, Kim D; Coutts A; Subramanian, S. V. “Reconciling The Three Accounts of Social Capital”. International Journal of Epidemiology, 32 (4). 2004. 682–690.
  • 38. Kawachi, I; Coutts, A; Pinto, P; Cave, B, Social Capital Indicators in UK, A Research project for the Commission for Racial Equality, Ben Cave Associates Ltd, Haziran 2007
  • 39. Kawachi, I. Social Cohesion and Health. 1998.,%201998. pdf (18.12.2009)
  • 40. Kurz K; Nikolei, S. Global Competition and Labor Market Restructuring: the Transition into the Labor Market in Germany, GLOBALIFE Working Paper Series, v: 15, Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, 2001.
  • 41. Li, Y.; Pickles, A.; Savage, M. 'Social Capital and Social Trust in Britain the late 1990s'; European Sociological Review, 21, 2005. 109-123.
  • 42. Letki, N. “Does Diversity Erode Social Cohesion? Social Capital and Race in British Neighbourhoods”, Political Studies, 56/1. 2007. 99-126.
  • 43. Lockwood, D. Civic Integration and Social Cohesion in Capitalism and Social Cohesion: Essay on Exclusion and Integration, I. Gough ve G. Olofsson (Der.). New York, Palgrave Macmillan. 1999.
  • 44. Maxwell, J. Social Dimensions of Economic Growth, Eric John Hanson Memorial Lecture Series, University of Alberta. 1996.
  • 45. McCracken, M, Social Cohesion and Macroeconomic Performance, Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS) Conference: The State of Living Standards and the Quality of Life, Ottowa, Ekim 30–31, 1998.
  • 46. McGhee, D. “Moving to our common ground. A Critical Examination of Community Cohesion Discourse in Twenty-first Century Britain”, The Sociological Review, 51, 2003, 376-404.
  • 47. Mitchell, D. Globalization and Social Cohesion: Risks and Responsibilities.2000. ell.PDF. (22.12.2009).
  • 48. Nevitte, N. “Value Change and Re-orientations in Citizen-State Relations”. Canadian Public Policy Vol. XXVI, Supplement 2: 2000. S74-S94.
  • 49. Noll, H. Social Indicators and Quality of Life Research:Background, Achievements and Current Trends, 2004. (22.12.2009).
  • 50. O’Connor, P: Mapping Social Cohesion- Canadian Policy Research Networks, CPRN Discussion Papaer, N: F/01, 1998, Ottowa
  • 51. OECD. The Well-Being of Nations: The Role of Human and Social Capital. OECD: Paris. 2001.
  • 52. Osberg, L (Der). The Economic Implications of Social Cohesion, University of Toronto Press. 2003.
  • 53. Oxoby, R. “Understanding Social Inclusion, Social Cohesion and Social Capital”. International Journal of Social Economics, 2009, vol:36/12, s: 1133-1152.
  • 54. Parekh, B. (Der) The Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain. London: Profile Books. 2000.
  • 55. Phillips, D. “Social Inclusion, Social Exclusion and Social Cohesion: Tensions in a Post-industrial World. Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 42(1&2), Summer and Winter 2008, 3-31.
  • 56. Portes, A. “Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology”. Annual Review of Sociology, 24. 1998. 1–24.
  • 57. Putnam, Robert D.: Making democracy work. Civic Traditions in Modern Italy.Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1993
  • 58. Putnam, R.D. “Bowling Alone. The Collapse and Revival of American Community”. New York: Simon and Schuster. 2000.
  • 59. Putnam, R.D. “.Social Capital: Measurement and Consequences”. Isuma – Canadian Journal of Policy Research Vol. 2, No. 1. 2001. 41-51.
  • 60. Putnam, R.D. “Ethnic Diversity and Social Capital”, paper presented at the Ethnic Diversity and Social Capital, ESRC Families and Social Capital Research Group Seminar, British Academy, London, 24 Haziran 2003.
  • 61. Sapancalı, F, “Avrupa Birliği’nde Sosyal Dışlanma Sorunu ve Mücadele Yöntemleri” Çalışma ve Toplum, 2005/3, 51–70
  • 62. SEAKE (Social and Educational Applications of Knowledge Engineering Centre). Knowledge Networking and Social Cohesion in the Information Society. School of Research. Ottawa: Strategic Research and Analysis Directorate, Department of Canadian Heritage and Canadian Policy Research Networks, CPRN Study No. F/03. 1998.
  • 63. Silver, “Social Exclusion and Social Solidarity.” International Labour Review 133, nos. 5-6 (1994): 531-78.
  • 64. Sırovatka, T; Mares, P. “Social Exclusion and Forms of Social Capital: Czech Evidence on Mutual Links”. Czech Sociological Review, Vol. 44, No. 3. 2008. 531–555
  • 65. Stanley, D. “What Do We Know about Social Cohesion: The Research Perspective of the Federal Government’s Social Cohesion Research Network”. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 28(1).1993.
  • 66. Whelan, C. T.; Maître, B. “Vulnerability and Multiple Deprivation: Perspectives on Economic Exclusion in Europe: A Latent Class Analysis”. European Societies, 7, 2005a, 423-450.
  • 67. Whelan, C. T.; Maître, B, “Economic Vulnerability, Multidimensional Deprivation and Social Cohesion in an Enlarged European Community”, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 46, 2005b.215-239.
  • 68. Wilkinson, R. G. Unhealthy Societies:The Afflictions of Inequality. London: Routledge. 1996.
  • 69. Woolley, F. “Social Cohesion and Voluntary Activity: Making Connections”, Center for the Study of Living Stadards (CSLS) Conference: The State of Living Standards and the Quality of Life, Ekim 30–31, Ottowa 1998.
Toplam 69 adet kaynakça vardır.


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  Yrd.doç.dr.betül Duman

Yrd.doç.dr.osman Alacahan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Duman, .Y., & Alacahan, Y. (2010). SOSYAL KAYNAŞMA. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(1), 103-128.