1. AK<;AY, C. 0., EMRE A., KARASULU M. "Currency Substitution and Exchange Rate Instability: The Turkish Case". European Economic Review, 41, ss. 827-835. 1997.
2. AKINCI, O. ve GORMEZ, Y., Ters Para ikamesi, mimeo (in Turkish), Central Bank of Turkey, Research Department. 2005.
3. CAGAN, P., "The Monetary Dynamics ofHpyerinflation", In Studies in The Quantity Theory of Money, University of Chicago Pres, 25-117. 1956.
4. CALGO, G. RODRIGUEZ, c.A., "A Model of Exchange Rate Determination Under Currency Substitution and Rational Expectations", Journal of Political Economy, no:85, pp. 675-704. 1977.
5. civciR, I., "Money Demand, Financial Liberalization and Currency Substitution in Turkey." Journal of Economic Studies. Vo1.30, No.5, pp.514-534.2003.
6. CUDDINGTON, J. T., Currency Substitution: Theory and Evidence for Latin Amerika. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 21(2), pp.267- 271. 1989.
7. DOMA<; I., OSKOOEE, M.B., "On the Link between Dollarization and Inflation: Evidence from Turkey." Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey Discussion Papers. No: 1217.2002.
8. EEGLE, Robert F. ve C.V.J. GRANGER, "Cointegration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation, and Testing", Econometrica, 55, 251-276.1987.
9. ERBAYKAL, Erman, Burak Danc! ve Ozgiir KadlOglu, "Reverse Money Substitution Process: Turkey Case", International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 15,Mayts, 240-248.2008.
10. FILHO, Ugo., "Currency Substitution and Demand for Money - The Argentina Case 1960 - 1976", Weltwirtschafliches Archiv, 2, pp. 327- 339. 1986.
11. FISHER, S., "Seigniorage and The Case for A National Money", Journal of Political Economy 90, No:2, ss. 295-313.1982.
12. GALINDO, A., LEIDERMAN, L., Living with Dollarization and the route to dedolarization. Inter American Development Bank (BID). Working Papers 526. 2005.
13. GIOVANNINI, Alberto., "Currency Substitution", NBER Working Paper, 4232, pp. 1-63. 1992.
14. GIRTON, Lance and Don ROPER., "Theory and Implications of Currency Substitution", Journal of Money Credit and Banking, 12, pp. 12-30.1981.
15. GOLDFELD, S., "The Demand for Money:Revisted", Brookins Papers on Economic Activity, 3, 577-638. 1973.
16. JOHANSEN S., "Statistical Analysis of Cointegration Vectors", Journal of Economics Dynamics and Control, 12,231 - 254.1988.
17. JOHANSEN S. and K. JUSELIUS, "Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Infererance on Cointegration With Applications to the Demand for Money", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 52,169 - 210. 1990.
18. MCKINNON, Ronald I., "Currency Substitution and Instability in the World Dollar Standard", The American Economic Review, 72 (3), pp. 320-333. 1982.
19. METiN-OZCAN, K. ve US, Vuslat., "Dolarizasyon Sfiresinde Son Geli~meler:Tfirkiye Ekonomisi Ornegi", TisK Akademi, Cilt:l, Sa)'l: 2. 2006.
20. MILES, Marc., "Currency Substitution, Flexible Exchange Rates, and Monetary Independece", American Economic Review, 68, pp. 428-436. 1978.
21. MIZEN, Paul and Eric J. PENTECOST., "The Macroeconomics of International Currencies: Theory, Policy and Evidence", Second Edition, Edward Elgar Publishing. 1996.
22. ORTIZ, Guillermo., "Currency Substitution in Mexico", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 15, pp. 174-185. 1983.
23. OSTERWALD-LENUM, M., "A Note with Quantiles of the Asymptotic Distribution of the Maximum Likelihood Cointegration Rank Test Statistics", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 54, 461- 472. 1990.
24. RAMIREZ-ROJAS, C.L., "Currency Substitution in Argentina, Mexico and Uruguay", IMF StaffPapers,32, 629-666. 1985.
25. SACHS, J. D., "Macroeconomics in The Global Ecnonomy, London: MacMillan. 1993.
26. SARGENT, T.J., and N. WALLACE, "Inflation and Government Budget Constraint", In Economic Policy in Theory and Practice, ss. 170- 200. London: Macmillan. 1987.
28. SEL<;UK,Faruk, "GMM Estimation of Currency Substitution in a HighInflation Economy". Applied Economics Letters, v4, 225-228. 1997.
29. SEL<;UK, Faruk, "Seignorage, Currency Substitution, and Inflation in Turkey", Russian and East European Finance and Trade, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 47-57. 2001.
30. ~IKLAR, iIyas, "Currency Substitution and Seignorage Revenue in A Developing Country: The Turkish Case", Yapl Kredi Economic Revivew, Vol:9, Number 1,Jun. 1998.
31. Ta~'YlH. Mehmet, Burak DanCl ve Ennan Erbaykal, "Ters Para ikamesi Sfireci Ve Doviz Kuru Oynakhgl: Tfirkiye Ornegi", Dogu~ Universitesi Dergisi, 2009. (Yaym A~amasmda).
32. YILMAZ, G., Financial Dollarization, (De)Dollarization and the Turkish Experience. TfirkiyeEkonomi Kurumu Tartl~maMetinleri, 2005/6.
1. AK<;AY, C. 0., EMRE A., KARASULU M. "Currency Substitution and Exchange Rate Instability: The Turkish Case". European Economic Review, 41, ss. 827-835. 1997.
2. AKINCI, O. ve GORMEZ, Y., Ters Para ikamesi, mimeo (in Turkish), Central Bank of Turkey, Research Department. 2005.
3. CAGAN, P., "The Monetary Dynamics ofHpyerinflation", In Studies in The Quantity Theory of Money, University of Chicago Pres, 25-117. 1956.
4. CALGO, G. RODRIGUEZ, c.A., "A Model of Exchange Rate Determination Under Currency Substitution and Rational Expectations", Journal of Political Economy, no:85, pp. 675-704. 1977.
5. civciR, I., "Money Demand, Financial Liberalization and Currency Substitution in Turkey." Journal of Economic Studies. Vo1.30, No.5, pp.514-534.2003.
6. CUDDINGTON, J. T., Currency Substitution: Theory and Evidence for Latin Amerika. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 21(2), pp.267- 271. 1989.
7. DOMA<; I., OSKOOEE, M.B., "On the Link between Dollarization and Inflation: Evidence from Turkey." Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey Discussion Papers. No: 1217.2002.
8. EEGLE, Robert F. ve C.V.J. GRANGER, "Cointegration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation, and Testing", Econometrica, 55, 251-276.1987.
9. ERBAYKAL, Erman, Burak Danc! ve Ozgiir KadlOglu, "Reverse Money Substitution Process: Turkey Case", International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 15,Mayts, 240-248.2008.
10. FILHO, Ugo., "Currency Substitution and Demand for Money - The Argentina Case 1960 - 1976", Weltwirtschafliches Archiv, 2, pp. 327- 339. 1986.
11. FISHER, S., "Seigniorage and The Case for A National Money", Journal of Political Economy 90, No:2, ss. 295-313.1982.
12. GALINDO, A., LEIDERMAN, L., Living with Dollarization and the route to dedolarization. Inter American Development Bank (BID). Working Papers 526. 2005.
13. GIOVANNINI, Alberto., "Currency Substitution", NBER Working Paper, 4232, pp. 1-63. 1992.
14. GIRTON, Lance and Don ROPER., "Theory and Implications of Currency Substitution", Journal of Money Credit and Banking, 12, pp. 12-30.1981.
15. GOLDFELD, S., "The Demand for Money:Revisted", Brookins Papers on Economic Activity, 3, 577-638. 1973.
16. JOHANSEN S., "Statistical Analysis of Cointegration Vectors", Journal of Economics Dynamics and Control, 12,231 - 254.1988.
17. JOHANSEN S. and K. JUSELIUS, "Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Infererance on Cointegration With Applications to the Demand for Money", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 52,169 - 210. 1990.
18. MCKINNON, Ronald I., "Currency Substitution and Instability in the World Dollar Standard", The American Economic Review, 72 (3), pp. 320-333. 1982.
19. METiN-OZCAN, K. ve US, Vuslat., "Dolarizasyon Sfiresinde Son Geli~meler:Tfirkiye Ekonomisi Ornegi", TisK Akademi, Cilt:l, Sa)'l: 2. 2006.
20. MILES, Marc., "Currency Substitution, Flexible Exchange Rates, and Monetary Independece", American Economic Review, 68, pp. 428-436. 1978.
21. MIZEN, Paul and Eric J. PENTECOST., "The Macroeconomics of International Currencies: Theory, Policy and Evidence", Second Edition, Edward Elgar Publishing. 1996.
22. ORTIZ, Guillermo., "Currency Substitution in Mexico", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 15, pp. 174-185. 1983.
23. OSTERWALD-LENUM, M., "A Note with Quantiles of the Asymptotic Distribution of the Maximum Likelihood Cointegration Rank Test Statistics", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 54, 461- 472. 1990.
24. RAMIREZ-ROJAS, C.L., "Currency Substitution in Argentina, Mexico and Uruguay", IMF StaffPapers,32, 629-666. 1985.
25. SACHS, J. D., "Macroeconomics in The Global Ecnonomy, London: MacMillan. 1993.
26. SARGENT, T.J., and N. WALLACE, "Inflation and Government Budget Constraint", In Economic Policy in Theory and Practice, ss. 170- 200. London: Macmillan. 1987.
28. SEL<;UK,Faruk, "GMM Estimation of Currency Substitution in a HighInflation Economy". Applied Economics Letters, v4, 225-228. 1997.
29. SEL<;UK, Faruk, "Seignorage, Currency Substitution, and Inflation in Turkey", Russian and East European Finance and Trade, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 47-57. 2001.
30. ~IKLAR, iIyas, "Currency Substitution and Seignorage Revenue in A Developing Country: The Turkish Case", Yapl Kredi Economic Revivew, Vol:9, Number 1,Jun. 1998.
31. Ta~'YlH. Mehmet, Burak DanCl ve Ennan Erbaykal, "Ters Para ikamesi Sfireci Ve Doviz Kuru Oynakhgl: Tfirkiye Ornegi", Dogu~ Universitesi Dergisi, 2009. (Yaym A~amasmda).
32. YILMAZ, G., Financial Dollarization, (De)Dollarization and the Turkish Experience. TfirkiyeEkonomi Kurumu Tartl~maMetinleri, 2005/6.
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